Public Accounts and Audit (Joint Statutory)

Public Accounts and Audit (Joint Statutory)

1 January 2012 to 30 June 2012


Pursuant to Public Accounts and Audit Committee Act 1951.

Current members

Mr Oakshott MP (Chair), Mrs D'Ath MP (Deputy Chair), and Senators Bishop, Kroger, Sherry (08.02.12-01.06.12), Smith (from 10.05.12), Sterle (until 08.02.12) and Thistlethwaite and Mr Adams MP, Mr Briggs MP, Ms Brodtmann MP, Mr Cheeseman MP, Mr Frydenberg MP, Ms O'Neill MP, Ms Smyth MP, Mr Somlyay MP


Mr David Brunoro Phone: (02) 6277 4615 Fax: (02) 6277 2220

Current inquiries
1 January 2012–30 June 2012

Review of Auditor-General’s Report Nos 24 to 32 (2011-12)

Reports presented
1 January 2012–30 June 2012

Report 429–Review of the 2010-11 Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report

Report 430–Review of Auditor-General’s Reports:
Nos. 47 (2010-11) to 9 (2011-12); and
Nos. 10 to 23 (2011-12).*

Government responses received
1 January 2012–30 June 2012

Response to Report 418–Recommendation 4: Review of Auditor-General's Reports Nos. 04 to 38 (2009-10) (Inquiry: Review of Auditor-General's Reports Nos. 4 to 21 (2009/10)

Response to Report 422–Recommendation 7: Review of the 2009-10 Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report

Response to Report 423–Recommendation 3&4: Review of Auditor-General’s Reports Nos 39 2009-10 to 15 2010-11

Response to Report 424–Recommendation 1-9: Eighth biannual hearing with the Commissioner of Taxation

Response to Report 426–Recommendation 1, 4, 5, 6: Ninth biannual hearing with the Commissioner of Taxation

Response to Report 428–Recommendation 1-4: Review of Auditor-General’s Reports Nos. 16 to 46 2010-11

Response to Report 429–Recommendation 2: Review of the 2010-11 Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report

1 January 2012–30 June 2012

Private: 8
Public: 6
Briefings: 5

* Report covers two separate inquiries

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