Details of Reports tabled in the Senate and other related matters

Details of Reports tabled in the Senate and other related matters

43 Individual/Packages of Bills referred through Selection of Bills Committee:

8 February 2007

AusCheck Bill 2006 [Provisions] to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee for inquiry and report by 14 March 2007

Human Services (Enhanced Service Delivery) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Finance and Public Administration Committee for inquiry and report by 15 March 2007

Aged Care Amendment (Security and Protection) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Community Affairs Committee for inquiry and report by 14 March 2007

Tax Laws Amendment (2006 Measures No. 7) Bill 2006 [Provisions] to the Economics Committee for inquiry and report by 27 February 2007

1 March 2007

Migration Amendment (Maritime Crew) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee for inquiry and report by 20 April 2007

Qantas Sale (Keep Jetstar Australian) Amendment Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Economics Committee for inquiry and report by 20 March 2007

21 March 2007

Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2007 Measures No. 1) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Employment, Workplace Relations and Education Committee for inquiry and report by 1 May 2007

29 March 2007

Aged Care Amendment (Residential Care) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Community Affairs Committee for inquiry and report by 17 May 2007

Gene Technology Amendment Bill 2007 to the Community Affairs Committee for inquiry and report by 1 May 2007

Food Standards Australia New Zealand Amendment Bill 2007 to the Community Affairs Committee for inquiry and report by 1 May 2007

Liquid Fuel Emergency Amendment Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Economics Committee for inquiry and report by 8 May 2007

Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Digitial Radio) Bill 2007 [Provisions] and the Radio Licence Fees Amendment Bill 2007 to the Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Committee for inquiry and report by 30 April 2007

Corporations (NZ Closer Economic Relations) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Economics Committee for inquiry and report by 4 May 2007

Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Legislation Amendment (Child Support Reform Consolidation and Other Measures) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Community Affairs Committee for inquiry and report by 8 May 2007

Native Title Amendment (Technical Amendments) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee for inquiry and report by 8 May 2007

Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Measures No. 2) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Economics Committee for inquiry and report by 30 April 2007

10 May 2007

Communications Legislation Amendment (Content Services) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Committee for inquiry and report by 12 June 2007

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research Amendment Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee for inquiry and report by 12 June 2007

Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Measures No. 3) Bill 2007 and the Tax Laws Amendment (Small Business) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Economics Committee for inquiry and report by 6 June 2007

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Committee for inquiry and report by 12 June 2007

Forestry Marketing and Research and Development Services Bill 2007 [Provisions] and the Forestry Marketing and Research and Development Services (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee for inquiry and report by 12 June 2007

Workplace Relations (Restoring Family Work Balance) Amendment Bill 2007 to the Employment, Workplace Relations and Education Committee for inquiry and report by 14 June 2007

Workplace Relations Amendment (A Stronger Safety Net) Bill 2007 to the Employment, Workplace Relations and Education Committee for inquiry and report by 14 June 2007

13 June 2007

National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Community Affairs Committee for inquiry and report by 18 June 2007

Australian Citizenship Amendment (Citizenship Testing) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee for inquiry and report by 31 July 2007

Fisheries Legislation Amendment Bill 2007 [Provisions] and the Fisheries Levy Amendment Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee for inquiry and report by 18 June 2007

21 June 2007

Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee for inquiry and report by 1 August 2007

International Trade Integrity Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee for inquiry and report by 1 August 2007

Trade Practices Amendment (Predatory Pricing) Bill 2007 to the Economics Committee for inquiry and report by 1 August 2007

Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2007 [Provisions] to the Economics Committee for inquiry and report by 1 August 2007

Social Security Amendment (2007 Measures No. 1) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Employment, Workplace Relations and Education Committee for inquiry and report by 30 July 2007

Communications Legislation Amendment (Information Sharing and Datacasting) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Committee for inquiry and report by 30 July 2007

Aviation Legislation Amendment (2007 Measures No. 1) Bill 2007 to the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee for inquiry and report by 30 July 2007

Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Amendment (Terrorist Material) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee for inquiry and report by 30 July 2007

Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Discretionary Mutual Funds and Direct Offshore Foreign Insurers) Bill 2007 and the Corporations (National Guarantee Fund Levies) Amendment Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Economics Committee for inquiry and report by 31 July 2007

Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Simplifying Regulation and Review) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Economics Committee for inquiry and report by 31 July 2007

Higher Education Support Amendment (Extending FEE-HELP for VET Diploma and VET Advanced Diploma Courses) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Employment, Workplace Relations and Education Committee for inquiry and report by 30 July 2007

Migration Amendment (Sponsorship Obligations) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee for inquiry and report by 30 July 2007

Social Security Legislation Amendment (2007 Budget Measures for Students) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Employment, Workplace Relations and Education Committee for inquiry and report by 30 July 2007

Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Finance and Public Administration Committee for inquiry and report by 27 July 2007

Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Measures No. 4) Bill 2007, Taxation (Trustee Beneficiary Non-disclosure Tax) Bill (No. 1) 2007 and the Taxation (Trustee Beneficiary Non-disclosure Tax) Bill (No. 2) 2007 [Provisions] to the Economics Committee for inquiry and report by 31 July 2007

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Protecting Services For Rural And Regional Australia Into The Future) Bill 2007 [Provisions] to the Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Committee for inquiry and report by 30 July 2007

Australian Technical Colleges (Flexibility in Achieving Australia’s Skills Needs) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2007 [Provisions] to the Employment, Workplace Relations and Education Committee for inquiry and report by 7 August 2007

1 Package of Bills referred/adopted

9 May 2007

Corporations Legislation Amendment (Simpler Regulatory System) Bill 2007; Corporations (Fees) Amendment 2007 and Corporations (Review Fees) Amendment 2007 (adopted 9 May 2007; upon its introduction in the House of Representatives [24 May 2007]) to the Joint Statutory Committee on Corporations and Financial Services; report by 19 June 2007)


7 References referred/adopted

The current level of academic standards of school education to the Employment, Workplace Relations and Education Committee (referred 8 February 2007; report by 15 August 2007)

Options for additional water supplies for South East Queensland to the Rural & Regional Affairs & Transport Committee (referred 26 February 2007; no reporting date)

Operation and effectiveness of Patient Assisted Travel Schemes to the Community Affairs Committee (referred 28 March 2007; reporting date 20 September 2007)

Mental Health Services in Australia to the Community Affairs Committee (referred 28 March 2007; reporting date 30 June 2007)

Private equity investment to Economics Committee (referred 29 March 2007; reporting date 20 June 2007)

Administration of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Biosecurity Australia and the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service in relation to the final import risk analysis report for apples from New Zealand to the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee (adopted on 5 June 2007)

Cost of Living Pressures on Older Australians (referred 14 June 2007; reporting date 13 September 2007)

Reports tabled

During the reporting period, Senate Standing Committees tabled 42 Bills reports (plus 2 reports that did not discharge a reference) and 7 references reports ((plus 1 Second Report that did not discharge a reference). The details are as follows:




ECO Tax Laws Amendment
(Simplified Superannuation) Bill 2006
[Provisions], Superannuation (Excess
Untaxed Roll-over Amounts Tax) Bill
2006 [Provisions], Superannuation (Excess
Concessional Contributions Tax) Bill 2006
[Provisions], Superannuation (Excess
Non-concessional Contributions Tax)
Bill 2006 [Provisions], Superannuation
(Departing Australia Superannuation
Payments Tax) Bill 2006 [Provisions]
and Superannuation (Self Managed
Superannuation Funds) Supervisory Levy
Amendment Bill 2006 [Provisions]
LC Crimes Legislation
Amendment (National Investigative
Powers and Witness Protection) Bill 2006
RRAT Final report – Australia's future oil
supply and alternative transport fuels
CA Funding and operation of the
Commonwealth State/Territory Disability
FADT Non-Proliferation Legislation
Amendment Bill 2006
LC Bankruptcy Legislation
Amendment (Superannuation
Contributions) Bill 2006
LC Customs Legislation
Amendment (Augmenting Offshore
Powers and Other Measures)
Bill 2006 [Provisions]
EWRE Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation
and Other Legislation Amendment Bill
2006 [Provisions) (presented out of
session on 20.2.07)
EWRE Australian Technical Colleges
(Flexibility in Achieving Australia's
Skills Needs) Amendment Bill (No. 2)
2006 [Provisions] (presented out of
session on 20.2.07)
EWRE Employment and Workplace Relations
Legislation Amendment (Welfare to
Work and Vocational Rehabilitation
Services) Bill 2006 (presented out of
session on 20.2.07)
FPA Electoral and Referendum Legislation
Amendment Bill 2006 (presented out of
session on 20.2.07)
LC Migration Amendment (Review
Provisions) Bill 2006 (presented out of
session on 20.2.07)
LC Native Title Amendment Bill 2006
[Provisions] (presented out of
session on 23.2.07)
ECO Tax Laws Amendment (2006
Measures No. 7) Bill 2006
FPA Departmental and agency contracts:
Second report on the operation of
the Senate order for the production
of lists of departmental and agency
contracts (2003-06)
CA Private Health Insurance Bill 2006
[Provisions], Private Health Insurance
(Transitional Provisions and Consequential
Amendments) Bill 2006 [Provisions],
Private Health Insurance (Prostheses
Application and Listing Fees) Bill 2006
[Provisions], Private Health Insurance
(Collapsed Organization Levy) Amendment
Bill 2006 [Provisions], Private Health
Insurance Complaints Levy Amendment
Bill 2006 [Provisions], Private Health
Insurance (Council Administration Levy)
Amendment Bill 2006 [Provisions] and
Private Health Insurance (Reinsurance
Trust Fund Levy) Amendment Bill 2006
RRAT Murray-Darling Basin Amendment
Bill 2006 [Provisions]
RRAT Airspace Bill 2006; and Airspace
(Consequentials and Other
Measures) Bill 2006 [Provisions]
RRAT Airports Amendment Bill 2006
FPA Transparency and accountability of
Commonwealth public funding and
CA Aged Care Amendment (Security
and Protection) Bill 2007 [Provision]
(presented out of session on 9.3.07)
LC AusCheck Bill 2006 [Provision]
(presented out of session on 14.3.07)
FPA Human Services (Enhanced Service
Delivery) Bill 2007 [Provision]
(presented out of session on 15.3.07)
ECO Qantas Sale (Keep Jetsar Australian)
Amendment Bill 2007
FADT ^Reforms to Australia's military justice
system: Second progress report
ECITA Conserving Australia – Australia's
national parks, conservation reserves
and marine protected areas (presented
out of session on 12 April 2007)
LC Migration Amendment (Maritime
Crew) Bill 2007 [Provisions]
(presented out of session on 20 April 2007)
ECO *Interim Report – Tax Laws Amendment
(2007 Measures No.2) Bill 2007
[Provisions] (presented out of session
on 30 April 2007)
ECITA *Interim Report – Broadcasting Legislation
Amendment (Digital Radio) Bill 2007
And the Radio Licence Fees Amendment
Bill 2007 [Provisions] (presented out of
session on 30 April 2007)
CA Gene Technology Amendment Bill 2007
(presented out of session on 1 May 2007)
CA Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Amendment Bill 2007 (presented out
of session on 1 May 2007)
EWRE Higher Education Legislation Amendment
(2007 Measures No.1) Bill 2007 [Provisions]
(presented out of session on 1 May 2007)
ECO Tax Laws Amendment
(2007 Measures No.2) Bill 2007
[Provisions] (presented out of session
on 3 May 2007)
ECO Corporations (NZ Closer Economic
Relations) and Other Legislation
Amendment Bill 2007
[Provisions] (presented out of session
on 3 May 2007)
ECITA Broadcasting Legislation Amendment
(Digital Radio) Bill 2007 and the
Radio Licence Fees Amendment
Bill 2007 [Provisions] (presented out of
session on 7 May 2007)
ECO Liquid Fuel Emergency Amendment
Bill 2007 [Provisions]
CA Families, Community Services and
Indigenous Affairs Legislation
Amendment (Child Support Reform
Consolidation and Other Measures)
Bill 2007 [Provisions]
LC Native Title Amendment (Technical
Amendments) Bill 2007 [Provisions]
CA Aged Care Amendment (Residential
Care) Bill 2007 [Provisions] (presented
out of session on 17 May 2007)
FADT Cluster Munitions (Prohibition)
Bill 2006 [Provisions] (presented
out of session on 31 May 2007)
ECO Tax Laws Amendment (Small Business)
Bill 2007 [Provisions] (presented
out of session on 6 June 2007)
ECO Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Measures
No.3) Bill 2007 [Provisions] (presented
out of session on 6 June 2007)
ECITA Communications Legislation Amendment
(Content Services) Bill 2007 [Provisions]
FADT Australian Centre for International
Agricultural Research Amendment Bill
2007 [Provisions]
RRAT Forestry Marketing and Research and
Development Services Bill 2007
[Provisions] and Forestry Marketing and
Research and Development Services
(Transitional and Consequential
Provisions) Bill 2007 [Provisions]
EWRE Workplace Relations (Restoring Family
Work Balance) Amendment Bill 2007
EWRE Workplace Relations Amendment (A
Stronger Safety Net) Bill 2007 [Provisions]
ECITA Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
Amendment Bill 2007 [Provisions]
(presented out of session 15 June 2007)
RRAT Fisheries Legislation Amendment Bill
2007 [Provisions] and Fisheries Levy
Amendment Bill 2007 [Provisions]
CA National Health Amendment
(Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme)
Bill 2007 [Provisions]
ECITA Indigenous Art – Securing the future:
Australia's Indigenous visual arts
and craft sector
RRAT Administration of the Department
of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry,
Biosecurity Australia and AQIS in relation
to the final import risk analysis report
for apples from New Zealand

*Interim Report that did not discharge a reference;  ^Second report that did not discharge a reference

Estimates reports:

During the reporting period, Senate Standing Committees tabled 16 reports.

Annual Report reports:

During the reporting period, Senate Standing Committees tabled 8 reports.


Joint Statutory/Select Committees:

During the reporting period, 4 reports (plus 2 reports that did not discharge a reference) was tabled by a Joint Statutory Committee.

Committee Report
CFS Corporations Amendment (Takeovers)
Bill 2006 [Exposure Draft] (presented
out of session on 23 February 2007)
ACC Manufacture, importation and use of
amphetamines and other synthetic
drugs (AOSD) in Australia
CFS *Statutory oversight of the Australian
Securities and Investments Commission
CFS Corporations Amendment (Insolvency)
Bill 2007 [Exposure Draft] and
Corporations and Australian Securities
And Investments Commission Amendment
Regulations 2007 [Exposure Draft]
ACC *Examination of the Australian Crime
Commission Annual Report 2005-06
CFS Corporations Legislation Amendment
(Simpler Regulatory System) Bill
2007; Corporations (Fees) Amendment
2007 and Corporations (Review Fees)
Amendment 2007

*Report that did not discharge a reference


Government Responses to Committee Reports

The following table shows 9 Government responses to a Senate Committee Report:

Government response Date Committee
Rural water resource usage 6.2.07 RRAT
Breaking the silence: A national voice for gynaecological cancers 27.2.07 CA
Operation of Native Title Representative Bodies 1.3.07 NT
Australia's Urban Water Management 10.5.07 ECITA
Telecommunications (Interception) Amendment Bill 2006 10.5.07 LC
Mr Chen Yonglin's request for Political asylum 14.6.07 FADT
Administration and Operation of the Migration Act 1958 14.6.07 LC
Petrol pricing in Australia 21.6.07 ECO
Pacific Region Seasonal Contract Labour 21.6.07 EWRE

A complete list of Government responses is produced in the Business of the Senate published half yearly by the Senate Table Office.

Additional Comments; Dissenting Reports; Minority Reports; Report; Additional Remarks; Comment; Additional Comments & Recommendations

(Note: These statistics record the signatory to the reports)







Additional Comments 1 22 7 3 1
Dissenting Reports   7 7 7 2
Minority Reports   26 1 4  
Report   8      
Additional Remarks   2 3    
Comment 1        
Additional Comments & Recommendations       1  

Extension of Time to present Reports

During the reporting period, 16 extensions of time – 6 under a week; 2 over a week; and 8 over a month - were granted to Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office to present reports.

Leave to Meet while the Senate is in session

During the reporting period, Senate Committees were granted leave to meet while the Senate was in session on 12 occasions.

Membership of Committees

During the reporting period, there were 127 membership changes of Committees.

Establishment of new committee

During the reporting period, there was a new Joint Statutory Committee on Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity established on 26 February 2007 when the House of Representatives agreed to a resolution from the Senate, passed on 8 February 2007.

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