Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (Joint)

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Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (Joint)

1 January 2006 to 30 June 2006


Pursuant to Resolution of the House of Representatives of 18 November 2004, and agreed to by the Senate on 18 November 2004.

Current Members

Senator A B Ferguson (Chairman), Hon G J Edwards, MP (Deputy Chair), Senator A Bartlett, Senator P M Crossin, Senator A Eggleston, Senator S Hutchins, Senator D Johnston, Senator L J Kirk, Senator C M Moore, Senator M A Payne, Senator N Scullion, Senator N J Stott Despoja, Senator R S Webber, Hon B G Baird, MP, Mr P A Barresi, MP, Mr M Danby, MP, Mrs P Draper, MP, Mrs J Gash, MP, Mr S W Gibbons, MP, Mr B W Haase, MP, Mr M J Hatton, MP, Hon D F Jull, MP, Hon J E Moylan, MP, Hon G D Prosser, MP, Hon B C Scott, MP, Mr R C G Sercombe, MP, Hon W E Snowdon, MP, Dr A J Southcott, MP, Mr C P Thompson, MP, Ms M Vamvakinou, MP, Mr B H Wakelin, MP, Mr K W Wilkie, MP


Dr Margot Kerley: 6277 4629

Current Inquiries

1 January 2006 – 30 June 2006

Reports presented

1 January 2006 – 30 June 2006

Government Responses

1 January 2006 - 30 June 2006


1 January 2006 – 30 June 2006

Private: 44
Public: 7
In camera: 0
Inspections/Brifiengs: 5
Total: 56

Secretaries of Sub-Committees

Dr John Carter (Foreign Affair Sub-Committee) (02) 6277 4306
Dr John Carter (Trade Sub-Committee) (02) 6277 4306

Dr Margot Kerley ( Defence Sub-Committee)
(02) 6277 4629
Ms Sara Edson ( Human Rights Sub-Committee) (02) 6277 4547


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