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Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office


Matters Current as at 1 January
Matters Referred during period (including estimates and annual reports)
Reports tabled that discharge a reference
Current Inquiries as at 30 June
Legislation 1 10 9+(3*) 2
References 0 0 0 0
Total 1 10 9 2

Number and Hours of Meeting
Public Estimates
Total Meetings
Total Hours
Legislation 9 28:20 6 58:27 14 8:00 0 0:00 29 94:47
References 0 0:00 0 0:00 0 0:00 0 0:00 0 0:00
Total 9 28:20 6 58:27 14 8:00 0 0:00 29 94:47

Meetings by State
Legislation 27 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
References 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 27 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

Hansard Pages
Televised hearings
Other (Bills)
Other (Bills)
No. of submissions
No. of Pages
Government Responses
Legislation 10 484 100 0 711 339 0 63 528 0
References 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 10 484 100 0 711 339 0 63 528 0
* Interim reports that did not discharge a reference

Economics Legislation

1 January 2006 to 30 June 2006

Method of appointment

Pursuant to Senate Standing Order 25.

Current members Date of appointment
Senator George Brandis (Qld, LP)
(elected Chair – 30.11.04) 
Senator Ursula Stephens (NSW, CL)
(elected Deputy Chair –30.11.04)
Senator Grant Chapman (SA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Andrew Murray (WA, AD) 18.11.04
Senator John Watson (Tas, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Ruth Webber (WA, ALP)  18.11.04


Substitute members Date of appointment
Senator Lyn Allison (Vic, AD)* 18.11.04
Senator Kerry O'Brien (Tas, ALP)** 22.6.06
* replace Senator Murray for matters relating to the Resources portfolio
**replaces Senator Webber for inquiry into price of petrol in Australia


Participating members Date of appointment
Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (Tas, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 16.8.05
Senator Andrew Bartlett (Qld, AD) 1.7.05
Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 9.5.06
Senator the Hon Ron Boswell (Qld, NATS) 18.11.04
Senator Bob Brown (Tas, AG) 2.12.04
Senator George Campbell (NSW, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Kim Carr ( Vic, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (Tas, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Stephen Conroy ( Vic, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Christopher Evans (WA, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Jeannie Ferris (SA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Steve Fielding ( Vic, FFP) 10.8.05
Senator Mitch Fifield ( Vic, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator John Hogg (Qld, ALP) 29.11.04
Senator Barnaby Joyce (Qld, NATS) 5.10.05
Senator Linda Kirk (SA, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Ross Lightfoot (WA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Joseph Ludwig (Qld, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Kate Lundy (ACT, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Gavin Marshall ( Vic, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (Qld, LP) 9.2.06
Senator Brett Mason (Qld, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Julian McGauran ( Vic, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Christine Milne (Tas, AG) 6.9.05
Senator Andrew Murray (WA, AD) 18.11.04
Senator Kerry O'Brien (Tas, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Stephen Parry (Tas, LP) 8.9.05
Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Robert Ray ( Vic, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator the Hon Nick Sherry (Tas, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 6.9.05
Senator Natasha Stott Despoja (SA, AD) 18.11.04
Senator Penny Wong (SA, ALP) 18.11.04


Former substitute members Term of appointment
Senator Kate Lundy (ACT, ALP)* 10.3.05-16.3.05
Senator George Campbell (NSW, ALP)** 15.10.05-7.11.05
* replaced Senator Webber for inquiry into the provisions of the Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Bill (No.1) 2005
**replaced Senator Stephens for the period 15 October to 7 November 2005


Former participating members

Term of appointment

Senator John Tierney (NSW, LP)


Senator Geoffrey Buckland (SA, ALP)


Senator John Cherry (Qld, AD)


Senator the Hon Peter Cook (WA, ALP)


Senator Brian Harradine (Tas, Ind)


Senator Susan Knowles (WA, LP)


Senator Aden Ridgeway (NSW, AD)


Senator Tsebin Tchen ( Vic, LP)


Senator Sue Mackay (Tas, ALP)




As at 1 January 2006

Current inquiries

As at 30 June 2006

New references

1 January 2006– 30 June 2006

Public hearings

1 January 2006– 30 June 2006

Reports tabled

1 January 2006– 30 June 2006

Government responses tabled

1 January 2006– 30 June 2006


A statistical summary of this Committee's work when considering Estimates appears in Part Four.

Economics References

1 January 2006 to 30 June 2006

Method of appointment

Pursuant to Senate Standing Order 25.

Current members Date of appointment
Senator Ursula Stephens (NSW, CL)
(elected Chair –30.11.04)
Senator George Brandis (Qld, LP)
(elected Deputy Chair – 30.11.04)
Senator Grant Chapman (SA, LP)  18.11.04
Senator Kate Lundy (ACT, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Andrew Murray (WA, AD) 23.6.05
Senator Ruth Webber (WA, ALP) 18.11.04


Substitute members Date of appointment
Senator Lyn Allison (Vic, AD)* 23.6.05

*replaces Senator Murray for matters relating to the Resources portfolio


Participating members Date of appointment
Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (Tas, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Judith Adams (WA, LP) 16.8.05
Senator Guy Barnett (Tas, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Andrew Bartlett (Qld, AD) 1.7.05
Senator Cory Bernardi (SA, LP) 9.5.06
Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (Qld, NATS) 18.11.04
Senator Bob Brown (Tas, AG) 2.12.04
Senator George Campbell (NSW, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Kim Carr ( Vic, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (Tas, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Stephen Conroy ( Vic, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Christopher Evans (WA, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Jeannie Ferris (SA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Steve Fielding ( Vic, FFP) 10.8.05
Senator Mitch Fifield ( Vic, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Barnaby Joyce (Qld, NATS) 5.10.05
Senator Linda Kirk (SA, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Ross Lightfoot (WA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Joseph Ludwig (Qld, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (Qld, LP) 9.2.06
Senator Brett Mason (Qld, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Julian McGauran ( Vic, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Christine Milne (Tas, AG) 6.9.05
Senator Andrew Murray (WA, AD) 18.11.04
Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Stephen Parry (Tas, LP) 8.9.05
Senator Robert Francis Ray ( Vic, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator the Hon Nick Sherry (Tas, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Rachel Siewert (WA, AG) 6.9.05
Senator Natasha Stott Despoja (SA, AD) 18.11.04
Senator John Watson (Tas, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Penny Wong (SA, ALP) 18.11.04


Former members Term of appointment
Senator Aden Ridgeway (NSW, AD) 18.11.04-23.6.05


Former substitute members Term of appointment
Senator Lyn Allison ( Vic , AD)* 18.11.04-23.6.05
Senator Andrew Murray (WA, AD)** 15.3.05-23.6.05
*replaced Senator Ridgeway for matters relating to the Resources portfolio
**replaced Senator Ridgeway for inquiry into the possible links between household debt, demand for imported goods and Australia 's current account deficit


Former participating members Term of appointment
Senator John Tierney (NSW, LP) 18.11.04-14.4.05
Senator Geoffrey Buckland (SA, ALP) 18.11.04-30.6.05
Senator John Cherry (Qld, AD) 18.11.04-30.6.05
Senator Brian Harradine (Tas, Ind) 18.11.04-30.6.05
Senator Susan Knowles (WA, LP) 18.11.04-30.6.05
Senator Andrew Murray (WA, AD) 18.11.04-30.6.05
Senator Tsebin Tchen ( Vic, LP) 18.11.04-30.6.05
Senator Sue Mackay (Tas, ALP) 18.11.04-29.7.05


As at 1 January 2006

Current inquiry

As at 30 June 2006

New references

1 January 2006– 30 June 2006

Public hearings

1 January 2006– 30 June 2006

Reports tabled

1 January 2006– 30 June 2006

Government responses tabled

1 January 2006– 30 June 2006

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