Statistics on Additional Estimates 2004-05 (February 2005) and Budget Estimates 2005-06 (May/June 2005)

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Statistics on Additional Estimates 2004-05 (February 2005) and Budget Estimates 2005-06 (May/June 2005)

Community Affairs

  2004-05 Additional Estimates
(February 2005)
2005-06 Budget Estimates
(May/June 2005)
No. of public meetings 2 (16/2, 17/2) 4 (30/5, 31/5, 1/6, 2/6) 6
Hours by portfolio:
- Family and Community Services 10:25 19:10 29:35
- Health and Ageing 11:15 23:15 34:30
Hours of public meetings 21:40 42:25 64:05


  2004-05 Additional Estimates
(February 2005)
2005-06 Budget Estimates
(May/June 2005)
No. of public meetings 2 (16/2, 17/2) 4 (30/5, 31/5, 1/6, 2/6) 6
Hours by portfolio:
- Industry, Tourism and Resources 7:42 13:42 21:24
- Treasury 13:36 28:22 41:58
Hours of public meetings 21:18 42:04 63:22

Employment, Workplace Relations and Education

  2004-05 Additional Estimates
(February 2005)
2005-06 Budget Estimates
(May/June 2005)
No. of public meetings 2 (16/2, 17/2) 5 (30/5, 31/5, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6) 7
Hours by portfolio:
- Employment and Workplace Relations 10:15 23:39 33:54
- Education, Science and Training 10:25 18:46 29:11
Hours of public meetings 20:40 42:25 63:05

Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts

  2004-05 Additional Estimates
(February 2005)
2005-06 Budget Estimates
(May/June 2005)
No. of public meetings 2 (14/2, 15/2) 4 (23/5, 24/5, 25/5, 26/5) 6
Hours by portfolio:
- Communications, Information Technology and the Arts 20:00 31:33 51:33
- Environment and Heritage 3:09 10:45 13:54
Hours of public meetings 23:09 42:18 65:27

Finance and Public Administration

  2004-05 Additional Estimates
(February 2005)
2005-06 Budget Estimates
(May/June 2005)
No. of public meetings 2 (14/2, 15/2) 4 (23/5, 24/5, 25/5, 26/5) 6
Hours by portfolio:
- Finance and Administration 9:02 13:23 22:25
- Human Services 1:58 7:40 9:38
- Parliament 2:58 5:52 8:50
- Prime Minister and Cabinet 7:55 15:19 23:14
Hours of public meetings 21:53 42:14 64:07

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

  2004-05 Additional Estimates
(February 2005)
2005-06 Budget Estimates
(May/June 2005)
No. of public meetings 3 (16/2, 17/2, 18/2) 4 (30/5, 31/5, 1/6, 2/6) 7
Hours by portfolio:
- Defence 11:55 14:40 26:35
- Foreign Affairs and Trade 8:20 16:10 24:30
- Veterans' Affairs 2:45 3:50 6:35
Hours of public meetings 23:00 34:40 57:40

Legal and Constitutional

  2004-05 Additional Estimates
(February 2005)
2005-06 Budget Estimates
(May/June 2005)
No. of public meetings 3 (14/2, 15/2, 18/2) 5 (23/5, 24/5, 25/5, 26/5, 27/5) 8
Hours by portfolio:
- Attorney-General's 16:30 26:00 42:30
- Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs 15:21 29:52 45:13
Hours of public meetings 31:51 55:52 87:43

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport

  2004-05 Additional Estimates
(February 2005)
2005-06 Budget Estimates
(May/June 2005)
No. of public meetings 3 (14/2, 15/2, 18/2) 5 (23/5, 24/5, 25/5, 26/5, 27/5) 8
Hours by portfolio:
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 10:48 20:45 31:33
- Transport and Regional Services 16:27 29:33 46:00
Hours of public meetings 27:15 50:18 77:33

The number of days the estimates committees sat

February 2005 5 days
May/June 2005 10 days

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