Electoral Matters (Joint Standing)

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Electoral Matters (Joint Standing)

1 January 2005 to 30 June 2005


Pursuant to Resolution of the House of Representatives of 18 November 2004 and agreed to by the Senate on 18 November 2004.

Current members

Mr Tony Smith MP (Chairman), Mr Michael Danby MP (Deputy Chairman), Senator Brandis, Senator Carr, Senator Forshaw, Senator Mason, Senator Murray, Mr Steven Ciobo MP, Mr Daryl Melham MP, Ms Sophie Panopoulos MP.


Ms Bev Forbes

Phone (02) 6277 4564
Fax (02) 6277 4710

Current inquiries

1 January 2005 – 30 June 2005

Reports presented

1 January 2005 – 30 June 2005

Government responses tabled

1 January 2005 – 30 June 2005


1 January 2005 – 30 June 2005

Private: 6
Public: 3
In camera: 0
Inspection: 0
Briefings: 2
Other: 0
Total: 11

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