Employment, Workplace Relations and Education

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Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office

Employment, Workplace Relations and Education

Matters Current as at 1 January
Matters Refered during period (Including estimates and annual reports)
Reports tabled that discharge a reference
Current Inquiries as at 30 June
Legislation 2 10 8 4
References 3 1+(1**) 3+(1*) 1
Total 5 11 11 5

Number and Hours of Meeting
Public Estimates
Total Meetings
Total Hours
Legislation 3 14:26 7 63:05 10 0:57 0 0:00 20 78:28
References 8 28:10 0 0 9 1:24 10 17:22 27 46:56
Total 11 42:36 7 63:05 19 2:21 10 17:22 47 125:24

Meetings by State
Legislation 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
References 10 0 3 0 1 4 7 2
Total 30 0 3 0 1 4 7 2

Hansard Pages
Televised hearings
Other (Bills)
Other (Bills)
No. of submissions
No. of Pages
Government Responses
Legislation 9 333 33 0 938 159 0 250 2853 0
References 2 0 0 214 0 0 769 53 819 1
Total 11 333 33 214 938 159 769 303 3672 1

Employment, Workplace Relations and Education Legislation

1 January 2005 to 30 June 2005

Method of appointment

Pursuant to Senate Standing Order 25.

Current members Date of appointment
Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (Vic, LP)
(elected Chair – 10.5.05)
Senator Gavin Marshall (Vic, ALP)
(elected Deputy Chair – 18.11.04)
Senator Guy Barnett (Tas, LP)* 18.11.04
Senator David Johnston (WA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Natasha Stott Despoja (SA, AD) 18.11.04
Senator Penny Wong (SA, ALP) 18.11.04

*elected Chair from 18.11.04 to 24.1.05


Substitute members Date of appointment
Senator Lyn Allison (Vic, AD)* 18.11.04
Senator John Cherry (Qld, AD)** 18.11.04
Senator Andrew Murray (WA, AD)*** 18.11.04
Senator Kim Carr (Vic, ALP)**** 29.11.04
Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP)***** 1.12.04
Senator Mitch Fifield (Vic, LP)# 23.6.05

* replace Senator Stott Despoja for matters relating to the Schools and Training portfolio
** replace Senator Stott Despoja for matters relating to the Employment portfolio
*** replace Senator Stott Despoja for matters relating to the Workplace Relations portfolio
**** replace Senator Wong for matters relating to the Education portfolio
***** replace Senator Wong for matters relating to the Industrial Relations portfolio
# replace Senator Barnett for inquiry into the provisions of the Higher Education Support Amendment (Abolition of Compulsory Up-front Student Union Fees) Bill 2005


Participating members Date of appointment
Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (Tas, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Andrew Bartlett (Qld, AD) 18.11.04
Senator the Hon Ron Boswell (Qld, NATS) 18.11.04
Senator Geoffrey Buckland (SA, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator George Campbell (NSW, ALP)  29.11.04
Senator Kim Carr (Vic, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Grant Chapman (SA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator John Cherry (Qld, AD)  18.11.04
Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (Tas, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Jacinta Collins (Vic, ALP)  18.11.04
Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP)  18.11.04
Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Christopher Evans (WA, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Alan Ferguson (SA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Mitch Fifield (Vic, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Brian Harradine (Tas, Ind)  18.11.04
Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Susan Knowles (WA, LP)  18.11.04
Senator Ross Lightfoot (WA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Joseph Ludwig (Qld, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Kate Lundy (ACT, ALP) 29.11.04
Senator Sue Mackay (Tas, ALP)  18.11.04
Senator Brett Mason (Qld, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Julian McGauran (Vic, NATS) 18.11.04
Senator Kerry Nettle (NSW, AG) 18.11.04
Senator Kerry O'Brien (Tas, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Robert Ray (Vic, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Santo Santoro (Qld, LP) 18.11.02
Senator the Hon Nick Sherry (Tas, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Ursula Stephens (NSW, CL) 18.11.04
Senator John Watson (Tas, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Ruth Webber (WA, ALP) 18.11.04


Former members Term of appointment
Senator John Tierney (NSW, LP)
(elected Chair – 24.1.05)


Former substitute members Term of appointment
Senator Connie Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, LP)# 11.5.05-30.5.05

#replaced Senator Troeth for the consideration of the 2005-06 budget estimates on 30 May 2005


Former participating members Term of appointment


Current inquiries

As at 1 January 2005

Current inquiries

As at 30 June 2005

New references

1 January 2005 – 30 June 2005

Public hearings

1 January 2005 – 30 June 2005

Reports tabled

1 January 2005 – 30 June 2005

Government responses tabled

1 January 2005 – 30 June 2005


A statistical summary of this Committee's work when considering Estimates appears in Part Four.

Employment, Workplace Relations and Education References

1 January 2005 to 30 June 2005

Method of appointment

Pursuant to Senate Standing Order 25.

Current members Date of appointment
Senator Trish Crossin (NT, ALP)
(elected Chair – 2.12.04)
Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (Vic, LP)
(elected Deputy Chair – 23.6.05)
Senator Guy Barnett (Tas, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Jacinta Collins (Vic, ALP)  18.11.04
Senator Linda Kirk (SA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Natasha Stott Despoja (SA, AD) 18.11.04


Substitute members Date of appointment
Senator Lyn Allison (Vic, AD)* 18.11.04
Senator John Cherry (Qld, AD)** 18.11.04
Senator Andrew Murray (WA, AD)*** 18.11.04
Senator Kim Carr (Vic, ALP)**** 8.3.05

* replace Senator Stott Despoja for matters relating to the Schools and Training portfolio
** replace Senator Stott Despoja for matters relating to the Employment portfolio
*** replace Senator Stott Despoja for matters relating to the Workplace Relations portfolio
**** replace Senator Collins for matters relating to education


Participating members Date of appointment
Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (Tas, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Andrew Bartlett (Qld, AD) 18.11.04
Senator the Hon Ron Boswell (Qld, NATS) 18.11.04
Senator Geoffrey Buckland (SA, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator George Campbell (NSW, ALP) 29.11.04
Senator Kim Carr (Vic, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Grant Chapman (SA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator John Cherry (Qld, AD) 18.11.04
Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (Tas, LP) 18.11.04
Senator the Hon Helen Coonan (NSW, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Kay Denman (Tas, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Alan Eggleston (WA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Christopher Evans (WA, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator the Hon John Faulkner (NSW, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Alan Ferguson (SA, LP)  18.11.04
Senator Jeannie Ferris (SA, LP)  18.11.04
Senator Mitch Fifield (Vic, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Michael Forshaw (NSW, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Brian Harradine (Tas, Ind) 18.11.04
Senator Gary Humphries (ACT, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Steve Hutchins (NSW, ALP) 1.12.04
Senator David Johnston (WA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Susan Knowles (WA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Ross Lightfoot (WA, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Joseph Ludwig (Qld, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Sue Mackay (Tas, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Gavin Marshall (Vic, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Brett Mason (Qld, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Julian McGauran (Vic, NATS) 18.11.04
Senator Jan McLucas (Qld, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Claire Moore (Qld, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Kerry Nettle (NSW, AG) 18.11.04
Senator Kerry O'Brien (Tas, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Marise Payne (NSW, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Robert Ray (Vic, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Santo Santoro (Qld, LP) 18.11.04
Senator the Hon Nick Sherry (Tas, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Ursula Stephens (NSW, CL) 18.11.04
Senator John Watson (Tas, LP) 18.11.04
Senator Ruth Webber (WA, ALP) 18.11.04
Senator Penny Wong (SA, ALP)  18.11.04


Former members Term of appointment
Senator John Tierney (NSW, LP) 18.11.04-14.4.05


Former substitute members Term of appointment


Former participating members Term of appointment


Current inquiries

As at 1 January 2005

Current inquiry

As at 30 June 2005

New references

1 January 2005 – 30 June 2005

Public hearings

1 January 2005 – 30 June 2005

Reports tabled

1 January 2005 – 30 June 2005

Government responses tabled

1 January 2005 – 30 June 2005

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