Part One - 1 January -30 June 2004 Committee related activity in the chamber

Work of Committees: January 1 2004 - June 30 2004

Part One - 1 January -30 June 2004
Committee related activity in the chamber

Details of Reports tabled in the Senate and other related matters

Legislation Committees:

During the reporting period, Senate Legislation Committees tabled 54 reports (plus 1 additional report that discharged a reference). The details are as follows:


Legislation Committees tabled 30 reports (plus 1 additional report that discharged a reference) on the following Bills:

Committee Bills Tabled
RRAT Australian Wool Innovation Limited 12.2.04
ECO Provisions of the Superannuation Safety Amendment Bill 2003 1.3.04
RRAT The proposed importation of fresh apple fruit from New Zealand Final report 11.3.04
FADT Provisions of the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Bill 2003 and the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2003 22.3.04
ECO Greater Sunrise Unitisation Agreement Implementation Bill 2004 and Customs Tariff Amendment (Greater Sunrise) Bill 2004 23.3.04
LC Australian Federal Police and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2003 [2004] 23.3.04
CA Truth in Food Labelling Bill 2003 24.3.04
ECITA Kyoto Protocol Ratification Bill 2003 [No.2] 25.3.04
ECO Taxation Laws (Clearing and Settlement Facility Support) Bill 2003 29.3.04
LC Provisions of the Telecommunications (Interception) Amendment Bill 2004 30.3.04
LC ^Provisions of the Disability Discrimination Amendment Bill 2003 Interim Report 11.5.04
LC Provisions of the Disability Discrimination Amendment Bill 2003 Final Report 11.5.04
LC Provisions of the Sex Discrimination Amendment (Teaching Profession) Bill 2004 11.5.04
LC Provisions of the Anti-terrorism Bill 2004 11.5.04
ECO New International Tax Arrangements Bill 2003 12.5.04
ECO Tax Laws Amendment (2004 Measures No.1) Bill 2004 12.5.04
ECO Provisions of the Treasury Legislation Amendment (Professional Standards) Bill 2003 12.5.04
ECO Provisions of the Tourism Australia Bill 2004 13.5.04
RRAT Customs Tariff Amendment (Paraquat Dichloride) Bill 2004 13.5.04
RRAT Administration of Biosecurity Australia Risk Analysis for Pig Meat 13.5.04
LC Provisions of the Surveillance Devices Bill 2004 15.6.04
FPA Parliamentary Superannuation Bill 2004 and the Parliamentary Superannuation and Other Entitlements Legislation Amendment Bill 2004 15.6.04
EWRE Provisions of the Workplace Relations Amendment (Award Simplification) Bill 2002; Workplace Relations Amendment (Better Bargaining) Bill 2003; Workplace Relations Amendment (Choice in Award Coverage) Bill 2004 and Workplace Relations Amendment (Simplifying Agreement-making) Bill 2004 17.6.04
FPA Occupational Health and Safety (Commonwealth Employment) Amendment (Employee Involvement and Compliance) Bill 2002 17.6.04
LC Provisions of the Migration Amendment (Judicial Review) Bill 2004 17.6.04
CA Family and Community Services and Veterans' Affairs Legislation Amendment (Income Streams) Bill 2004 21.6.04
ECO Superannuation Budget Measures Bill 2004 and Superannuation Laws Amendment Bills 21.6.04
RRAT Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation Amendment (Export Control) Bill 2004 21.6.04
ECO Tax Laws Amendment (2004 Measures No.3) Bill 2004 22.6.04
ECO Superannuation Budget Measures Bill 2004 and Superannuation Laws Amendment Bills 24.6.04
LC Provisions of the Civil Aviation Amendment (Relationship with Anti-discrimination Legislation) Bill [presented out of session] 30.6.04

^Interim report that discharged a reference

Estimates reports:

During the reporting period, Senate Legislation Committees tabled 16 reports.

Annual Report reports:

During the reporting period, Senate Legislation Committees tabled 8 reports.

References Committees:

During the reporting period, Senate References Committees tabled 7 reports (plus 2 additional reports that discharged references). The details are as follows:

Committee Report Tabled
ECO The effectiveness of the Trade Practices Act 1974 in protecting small business 1.3.04
LC ^ State Elections (One Vote, One Value) Bill 2001 [2002] - Interim report 1.3.04
LC State Elections (One Vote, One Value) Bill 2001 [2002] - Final report 3.3.04
CA A hand up not a hand out: Renewing the fight against poverty 11.3.04
LC ^Interim Report Capacity of current legal aid and access to justice arrangements to meet the community need for legal assistance 15.6.04
LC Legal aid and access to justice 15.6.04
CA Hepatitis C and the blood supply in Australia 17.6.04
EWRE Beyond Cole: The future of the construction industry: Confrontation or co-operation? [Exposure Draft Building and Construction Industry Improvement Bill, the provisions of the Building and Construction Industry Improvement Bill 2003 and the Building and Construction Industry Improvement (Consequential and Transitional) Bill 2003] 21.6.04
ECO Structure and distributive effects of the Australian Taxation System 25.6.04

^Interim reports that discharged references

Joint Statutory/Select Committees:

During the reporting period, 8 reports (plus 2 interim reports that did not discharge a reference and 3 additional reports that discharged references) were tabled by the Joint Statutory/Select Committees.

Committee Report Tabled
CFS Money Matters in the Bush Inquiry into the level of banking and financial services in rural, regional and remote areas of Australia 10.2.04
CFS ^Report on the ATM fee structure 10.2.04
MED Second report: Medicare Plus: the future for Medicare? 11.2.04
CFS Report on the Corporations Amendment Regulations 2003 (Batch 6); Corporations Amendment Regulations 2003/04 (Batch 7) and Draft Regulations Corporations Amendment Regulations 2004 (Batch 8) 24.3.04
ACC Cybercrime 24.3.04
MINMIG Ministerial Discretion in Migration Matters 31.3.04
CFS ^Report on Corporations Amendment Regulations 7.1.29A, 7.1.35A and 7.1.40(h) 15.6.04
CFS CLERP (Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure) Bill 2003 Part 1 15.6.04
CFS ^CLERP (Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure) Bill 2003 Part 2 15.6.04
ACC Trafficking of Women for Sexual Servitude 24.6.04
NT *Examination of Annual Reports for 2002-03 24.6.04
FTA *Interim Report 24.6.04
CFS Corporate Insolvency Laws: A Stocktake[presented out of session] 30.6.04

*Reports that did not discharge a reference

^Additional reports that discharged references

Government Responses to Committee Reports

The following table shows 3 Government responses to Senate Committee Reports:

Government response Date Committee
Inquiry into Gulf St Vincent 11.3.04 ECITA (Ref)
Disclosure of commissions on risk products 17.6.04 CFS (Joint)
The effectiveness of the Trade Practices Act 1974 in protecting small business 23.6.04 ECO (Ref)

A complete list of Government responses is produced in the Business of the Senate published half yearly by the Senate Table Office.

Dissenting Reports/Minority Reports/Additional Comments/Additional Comments & Points of Dissent/Comments/Supplementary Comments/Reports/Additional Remarks/Supplementary Reports

Legislation: ALP AD AG
Additional Comments 11 1
Supplementary Comments 2
Supplementary Reports 1
Reports 3
Dissenting Reports 9 8 3
Minority Reports 2 4
Additional comments & Points of Dissent 1
References: LP ALP AD
Reports 4
Additional Comments 1 1
Comments 1
Minority Reports 3 1
Additional Remarks 1
Joint/Select: LP ALP AD
Minority Reports 6 Senators & 6 MPs 1
Additional Comments 4 Senators & 4 MPs
Supplementary Reports 1
Reports 6 2 Senators & 2 MPs

Extension of Time to present Reports

During the reporting period, 44 extensions of time were granted to Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office to present reports. There were 7 extensions of under a week; 6 extensions of under a month and 31 extensions of over a month.

Leave to Meet while the Senate is in session

During the reporting period, Senate Committees were granted to meet while the Senate was in session on 31 occasions.

Change of Membership of Committees

During the reporting period, there were 72 changes to membership to Committees.

Appointment of Committees

The following Select Committees were appointed:

Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States of America was appointed on 11 February 2004;

Lindeberg Grievance was appointed on 1 April 2004; and

Administration of Indigenous Affairs was appointed on 16 June 2004