Appendix 2

Appendix 2


Table 1: Undertakings implemented in 2011-12


Date of undertaking


Implemented by

Attorney-General's Department

Australian Federal Police Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 2)
[Statutory Rules 2000 No. 138]

28 September 2000

Amend the regulations to clarify from whom salary deductions are to be made for judgment debts

Australian Federal Police Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1)
[Select Legislative Instrument 2011 No. 202]
[23 November 2011]

Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy

Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation (Standard Telephone Service – Requirements and Circumstances) Determination (No. 1) 2011

5 July 2011

Amend the determination to correct references to 'premises' to use the plural form of the verb

Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation (Standard Telephone Service – Requirements and Circumstances) Determination (No. 1) 2011 (Amendment No. 1 of 2012)
[3 May 2012]


Date of undertaking


Implemented by

Department of Defence

Defence Determination 2010/8 made under section 58B of the Defence Act 1903

2 December 2010

Amend subclause to read 'A member must report to the Defence Health Service when she believes she is pregnant'

Amend subclause to permit the requirement for some form of evidence to be provided by the member, or someone on her behalf, six weeks after the end of the pregnancy

Defence Determination 2011/33
[13 July 2011]

Family Court of Australia

Family Law Amendment Rules 2011 (No. 2)
[Select Legislative Instrument 2011 No. 286]

5 April 2012

Amend the rules to clarify the meaning of 'a court event'

Family Law Amendment Rules 2012 (No. 1)
[Select Legislative Instrument 2012 No. 95]
[28 May 2012]

Department of Health and Ageing

Therapeutic Goods Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1)
[Select Legislative Instrument 2011 No. 30]

31 May 2011

Amend subregulation 10H(1) to make the offence of failing to return a certificate to the secretary one of strict liability

Therapeutic Goods Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 3)
[Select Legislative Instrument 2011 No. 281]
[7 December 2011]

The Treasury

Excise Regulations (Amendment)
[Statutory Rules 1995 No. 425]

16 May 1996

Amend the Excise Act 1901 to provide for AAT review of decisions made under s. 61C of that Act

Excise Amendment (Reducing Business Compliance Burden) Act 2012
[Act No. 36 of 2012]
[15 April 2012]

Table 2: Undertakings outstanding at 30 June 2012


Date of undertaking


Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Export Control (Animals) Amendment Order 2006 (No. 1)

13 September 2006

Amend subsection 3.07(4) to clarify that a notice may be subject to conditions

Amend sections 3.13 and 2.51 to provide for merits review of a decision concerning the costs that an exporter is required to pay

Export Control (Poultry Meat and Poultry Meat Products) Orders 2010

Export Control (Wild Game Meat and Wild Game Meat Products) Orders 2010

14 June 2011

Amend the orders to specify that the scope of an audit is to be determined prior to its commencement

Export Control (Poultry Meat and Poultry Meat Products) Orders 2010

Export Control (Wild Game Meat and Wild Game Meat Products) Orders 2010

24 August 2011

Amend the orders to remove the term 'destroy' from provisions concerning electronic permits and certificates; and to apply the orders only to paper government certificates and permits

Export Control (Fees) Amendment Orders 2011 (No. 1)

21 November 2011

Amend the orders to include a note in order 5B about the possible applications of order 49 to remit the whole or part of a fee if the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry thinks there is sufficient reason to do so


Date of undertaking


Export Control (Plant and Plant Products) Order 2011

23 November 2011

Amend the order to require that approval holders (for both container and vessel approvals) be notified in a reasonable manner that cancellation of the approval holder's approval has been made, or will occur, in circumstances where conditions relating to the container and/or vessel have changed following the inspection by an authorised officer; and clarify the use of the uncertain term 'forthwith' in the order

Attorney-General's Department

Auscheck Regulations 2007
[Select Legislative Instrument 2007 No. 137]

4 October 2007

Amend the note to regulation 11 to include a reference to the Cost Recovery Impact Statement that was prepared during the making of the regulations

Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy

Telecommunications Service Provider (Mobile Premium Services) Determination 2010 No. 1

23 November 2010

Amend section 13 of the determination to clarify compliance timeframes

Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

Clean Energy Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1)
[Select Legislative Instrument 2012 No. 12]

12 April 2012

Amend the regulation to revise the definition of ASTM (the American Society for Testing and Materials) to clarify that the reference to those standards are those as updated from time to time, unless a certain date is specified for the standard


Date of undertaking


Department of Defence

Defence Determination 2011/34, Financial support for legal or financial advice on death of a member under section 58B of the Defence Act 1903

29 November 2011

Amend the determination to specify as a mandatory requirement that the Defence Community Organisation (DCO) social worker be required to inform a potential recipient that this assistance may be accessed if they meet the relevant criteria; to clarify that submissions are to be submitted through the DCO social worker; and to specify an inclusive list of conditions which may cause difficulty with financial literacy.

Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

Aboriginal Land Grant (Jervis Bay Territory) By-laws 2005

23 March 2006

Amend to:

Clarify the position with regard to the return of confiscated items

Clarify scope of 'commercial activities'

Require wardens to produce an identity card

Clarify the provision concerning the keeping of dogs and cats within the community

Disability Services (Eligible Services) Approval (FaHCSIA) 2008

15 August 2008

Amend section 5 to make the delegation powers consistent with those provided for in section 33 of the Disability Services Act 1986

Department of Health and Ageing

Therapeutic Goods Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 5)
[Statutory Rules 2003 No. 301]

11 March 2004

Amend the regulations to clarify the meaning of 'narrowcast transmission' in regulation 5BA; and the terms 'special interest groups' and 'programs of limited appeal'


Date of undertaking


Department of Infrastructure and Transport

Air Navigation Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 1)
[Select Legislative Instrument 2009 No. 23]

6 April 2009

Amend regulation 18 to require the Secretary of the Department of Infrastructure and Transport to provide a statement of reasons for a decision to refuse an application for an international airline licence

Airports (Environment Protection) Amendment Regulations 1998 (No.3)
[Statutory Rules 1998 No. 349]

16 March 1999

Amend the regulations to provide for a reasonable period for reporting (regulation 6.03(1))

Civil Aviation Amendment Regulations 2002 (No.2)
[Statutory Rules 2002 No. 167]

26 September 2002

Amend the strict liability offence in regulation 65.060 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 to include an appropriate defence

Civil Aviation Amendment Regulations 2003 (No.4)
[Statutory Rules 2003 No. 189]

18 September 2003

Amend regulation 173.175 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations to include similar provisions to subregulation 173.340(4) concerning information that CASA intends to rely on when considering appointments of certified designers or the Chief Designer

Civil Aviation Safety Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 1)
[Select Legislative Instrument 2008 No. 192]

11 November 2008

Amend regulations 99.115 and 99.120 to clarify the intent of the provisions regarding the need for consent in obtaining a sample for drug and alcohol testing (undertaking subsequently amended to considering the matter further when considering next substantive amendments to regulations)

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

14 August 2003

Amend regulation 139.875 to require records to be kept for a maximum of seven years to align with Airservices Australia National Operating Standard Document 001

Marine Orders - Part 6: Marine Radio Qualifications, Issue 5 (Order No. 5 of 2000)

27 October 2000

Amend to clarify the intent of paragraph 8.4.1 and to remove the reference to paragraph 8.4.2 being a penal provision


Date of undertaking


Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1)
[Select Legislative Instrument 2010 No. 100]

15 November 2010

Review the application of the offence provision in paragraph 12.58(2)(b) (likelihood of a parachutist landing in a Commonwealth reserve); and the apparent duplication of requirements in paragraph 10.02AD(a) and clarify the intent of the provision

Department of Veterans' Affairs

Treatment Principles (Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests) 2006 (Claims/Dental/Fees) Instrument 2010 (No. R9/2010)

23 November 2010

Amend paragraph 3.5.1 (o) to specify that acceptance of an 'other GP' fee must be dependent on the GP complying with the principles

Military Rehabilitation and Compensation (Weekly Payments - Class of Persons) Specification 2011

17 May 2011

Amend the instrument to include examples in a note explaining the term 'financially vulnerable and significantly disadvantaged' when it is next amended; and consider at that time the suitability of the phrase

Veterans' Entitlements (Weekly Payments – Class of Persons) Specification 2011

17 May 2011

Amend the instrument to include examples in a note explaining the term 'financially vulnerable and significantly disadvantaged' when it is next amended; and consider at that time the suitability of the phrase

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