Department of Health and Ageing

Department of Health and Ageing

Aged Care (Amount of Flexible Care Subsidy — Extended Aged Care at Home and Multi-Purpose Services) Revocation Determination 2005 under s. 52-1(1) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 29/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Revokes a previous Determination (ACA Ch. 3 No. 17/2004).

Aged Care (Amount of Flexible Care Subsidy — Multi-Purpose Services) Determination 2005 (No. 1) under s. 52-1(1) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 29/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the method for determining the rate of flexible care subsidy that is payable to multi-purpose services from 01 January 2005.

Aged Care (Amount of Flexible Care Subsidy — Multi-Purpose Services) Determination 2005 (No. 2) under s. 52-1(1) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 29/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the method for determining the rate of flexible care subsidy that is payable to multi-purpose services from 01 July 2005.

Aged Care (Residential Care Subsidy — Amount of Viability Supplement) Determination 2005 (No. 1) under s. 44-29(8) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 23/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the amount of viability supplement that is payable to services determined by the Secretary to be eligible under each of three specified schemes.

Aged Care (Residential Care Subsidy — Amount of Viability Supplement) Determination 2005 (No. 2) under s. 44-29(8) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 23/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the amount of viability supplement that is payable to services determined by the Secretary to be eligible under each of three specified schemes.

Aged Care (Residential Care Subsidy — Amount of Viability Supplement) Determination 2005 (No. 3) under s. 44-29(8) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 29/08/05
Tabled 06/09/05 S 05/09/05 HR
Summary Amends two previous Determinations to address possible disadvantages for aged care services and to provide additional funding for certain services.

Aged Care (Residential Care Subsidy) (Viability Supplement — Eligible Residential Care Services) Determination 2005 (No. 1) under s. 44-29(2) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 25/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Provides that the viability supplement is payable to residential care services that are 1997 scheme services or 2001 scheme services (as defined).

Aged Care (Residential Care Subsidy) (Viability Supplement — Eligible Residential Care Services) Determination 2005 (No. 2) under s. 44-29(2) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 25/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Provides that the viability supplement is payable to residential care services that operate under any of three specified schemes.

Approval of Care Recipients Amendment Principles 2005 (No. 1) under s. 96-1(1) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 21/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specify eligibility criteria, assessment and approval processes for transition care.

Approval of Care Recipients Amendment Principles 2005 (No. 2) under s. 96-1(1) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 02/11/05
Tabled 28/11/05 S 28/11/05 HR
Summary Specifies eligibility criteria to be used in the assessment of people with dementia requiring extended aged care at home.

Botulinum Toxin Program — Arrangements made under subparagraph 100(1)(b)(i) of the National Health Act 1953
(No. PB 39 of 2005)

National Health Act 1953
Made 23/11/05
Tabled 06/12/05 S 05/12/05 HR
Summary Provide for the supply in specified circumstances of botulinum toxin for the treatment of certain patients.

Chemotherapy Pharmaceuticals Access Program — Arrangements made under subparagraph 100(1)(b)(i) of the National Health Act 1953
No. PB 13 of 2005

National Health Act 1953
Made 26/05/05
Tabled 14/06/05 S 31/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies arrangements for ensuring an adequate availability of chemotherapy pharmaceuticals at public hospitals to non-admitted patients, day admitted patients or patients on discharge.

Chemotherapy Pharmaceuticals Access Program — Arrangements made under subparagraph 100(1)(b)(i) of the National Health Act 1953
(No. PB 22 of 2005)

National Health Act 1953
Made 28/07/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Amends the arrangements for the availability of chemotherapy pharmaceuticals at public hospitals to non-admitted patients, day admitted patients or patients on discharge.

Chemotherapy Pharmaceuticals Access Program — Arrangements made under subparagraph 100(1)(b)(i) of the National Health Act 1953
(No. PB 27 of 2005)

National Health Act 1953
Made 16/09/05
Tabled 05/10/05 S 10/10/05 HR
Summary Amends the list of chemotherapy pharmaceuticals supplied at public hospitals to non-admitted patients, day admitted patients or patients on discharge.

Chemotherapy Pharmaceuticals Access Program — Arrangements made under subparagraph 100(1)(b)(i) of the National Health Act 1953
(No. PB 36 of 2005)

National Health Act 1953
Made 23/11/05
Tabled 30/11/05 S 30/11/05 HR
Summary Amends the arrangements for the availability of chemotherapy pharmaceuticals at public hospitals to non-admitted patients, day admitted patients or patients on discharge.

Chemotherapy Pharmaceuticals Access Program — (No. PB 8 of 2005) Arrangements under subparagraph 100(1)(b)(i) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 24/03/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies arrangements for ensuring adequate availability of chemotherapy pharmaceuticals at public hospitals to non-admitted patients, day admitted patients or patients on discharge.

Classification Amendment Principles 2005 (No. 1) under s. 96-1(1) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 21/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Amend the Principal Principles to make provision for the situation where a residential care recipient takes hospital leave followed by leave for transitional care.

Classification Amendment Principles 2005 (No. 2) under s. 96-1(1) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 20/07/05
Tabled 05/09/05 S 05/09/05 HR
Summary Correct a technical error in the Classification Amendment Principles 2005 (No. 1).

Common Form of Undertaking for Participating Optometrists under s. 23A(3) of the Health Insurance Act 1973

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 31/10/05
Tabled 07/11/05 S 02/11/05 HR
Summary Amends the Common Form of Undertaking as a consequence of the introduction of domiciliary loading items to compensate optometrists for the costs of travel and unpacking of equipment.

Community Care Subsidy Amendment Principles 2005 (No. 1) under s. 96-1(1) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 21/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Provide that existing recipients of community care may receive transition care following an acute hospital episode.

Condition of Registration pursuant to s. 73B(1) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 03/11/05
Tabled 28/11/05 S 28/11/05 HR
Summary Imposes conditions on registered organisations regarding the imposition of benefit limitation periods.

Conformity Assessment Standards Order No. 1 of 2005 under s. 41DC of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989

Therapeutic Goods Act 1989
Made 21/09/05
Tabled 05/10/05 S 10/10/05 HR
Summary Revokes and replaces Conformity Assessment Standards Order No. 1.

Declaration No. PB 01 of 2005 under s. 85(2AA) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 22/03/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies drugs and medicinal preparations that are no longer pharmaceutical benefits.

Declaration No. PB 02 of 2005 under s. 85(2) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 22/03/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies drugs and medicinal preparations that are available as pharmaceutical benefits.

Declaration No. PB 10 of 2005 under s. 85(2) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 23/05/05
Tabled 14/06/05 S 30/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies a revised list of drugs and medicinal preparations which are pharmaceutical benefits under Part VII of the Act.

Declaration No. PB 15 of 2005 under s. 85(2AA) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 26/07/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies certain drugs and medicinal preparations that are no longer available as pharmaceutical benefits.

Declaration No. PB 16 of 2005 under s. 85(2) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 26/07/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies a revised list of drugs and medicinal preparations that are available as pharmaceutical benefits.

Declaration No. PB 19 of 2004 under s. 85(2) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 14/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Amends the list of drugs and medicinal preparations which are declared to be pharmaceutical benefits under Part VII of the Act.

Declaration No. PB 20 of 2004 under s. 85(2) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 20/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Amends the list of drugs and medicinal preparations which are declared to be pharmaceutical benefits under Part VII of the Act.

Declaration No. PB 26 of 2005 under s. 85(2) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 16/09/05
Tabled 05/10/05 S 10/10/05 HR
Summary Specifies a revised list of drugs and medicinal preparations which are pharmaceutical benefits under Part VII of the Act.

Declaration No. PB 29 of 2005 under s. 85(2AA) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 23/11/05
Tabled 01/12/05 S 01/12/05 HR
Summary Specifies certain drugs and medicinal preparations that are no longer available as pharmaceutical benefits.

Declaration No. PB 30 of 2005 under s. 85(2) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 23/11/05
Tabled 30/11/05 S 30/11/05 HR
Summary Specifies a revised list of drugs and medicinal preparations that are available as pharmaceutical benefits.

Declaration of Quality Assurance Activity QAA No. 3/2004 under s. 124X of the Health Insurance Act 1973

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 22/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Declares certain accreditation activities of specified organisations to be quality assurance activities for the purposes of Part VC of the Act.

Declaration of Quality Assurance Activity QAA No. 1/2005 under s. 124X of the Health Insurance Act 1973

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 10/05/05
Tabled 14/06/05 S 23/05/05 HR
Summary Declares three activities for the purposes of Part VC of the Act.

Declaration of Quality Assurance Activity QAA No. 2/2005 under s. 124X of the Health Insurance Act 1973

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 11/10/05
Tabled 03/11/05 S 31/10/05 HR
Summary Specifies that Part VC of the Act applies to the Peer Review Practice Visits for obstetricians and gynaecologists in Australia.

Declared Hearing Services Amendment Determination 2005 (No. 1) under ss. 8(4), 8(5), 8(6), 8(7) and 8(8) of the Australian Hearing Services Act 1991

Australian Hearing Services Act 1991
Made 10/11/05
Tabled 28/11/05 S 28/11/05 HR
Summary Amends the Principal Determination to provide that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are aged 50 years and over or who are participating in Community Development Employment Projects are designated persons for the purposes of eligibility for declared hearing services, and makes other technical amendments.

Definition of British Pharmacopoeia under s. 3(1) of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989

Therapeutic Goods Act 1989
Made 19/05/05
Tabled 14/06/05 S 30/05/05 HR
Summary Prescribes that the definition of British Pharmacopoeia in the Act shall by British Pharmacopoeia 2004.

Determination — Conditional Adjustment Payment under s. 44-16(3) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 10/02/05
Tabled 07/03/05 S 07/03/05 HR
Summary Specifies the amounts of the conditional adjustment payment with effect from 1 April 2005.

Determination for Flexible Care Subsidy in Respect of Extended Aged Care at Home under s. 52-1 of the Aged Care Act 1997
(ACA Ch. 3 No. 14/2005)

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 21/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the amount of flexible care subsidy for the Extended Aged Care at Home Program.

Determination No. AOS 17/2004 under s. 5D(1) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 15/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Specifies certain services provided by, or on behalf of, specified hospitals and day hospital facilities for the purposes of the definition of outreach services in subsection 4(1) of the Act.

Determination No. AOS 18/2004 under s. 5D(1) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 15/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Specifies certain services provided by, or on behalf of, specified hospitals and day hospital facilities for the purposes of the definition of outreach services in subsection 4(1) of the Act.

Determination No. HIB 01/2005 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 21/01/05
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Inserts a revised Schedule 6 into the principal Determination, specifying second tier default benefits payable in respect of overnight and day only treatment.

Determination No. HIB 02/2005 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 09/03/05
Tabled 14/03/05 S 14/03/05 HR
Summary Inserts a revised Schedule 6 into the principal Determination, specifying second tier default benefits payable in respect of overnight and day only treatment.

Determination No. HIB 03/2005 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 24/02/05
Tabled 07/03/05 S 07/03/05 HR
Summary Inserts a revised Schedule 5 into the principal Determination, specifying benefits payable in respect of surgically implanted prostheses, human tissue items and other medical devices.

Determination No. HIB 04/2005 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 17/03/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Inserts a revised Schedule 4 into the principal Determination, specifying benefits payable in respect of nursing home type patient accommodation in hospital in all States and Territories.

Determination No. HIB 05/2005 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 29/03/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Inserts a revised Schedule 4 into the principal Determination, specifying benefits payable in respect of nursing home type patient accommodation in hospital in all States and Territories.

Determination No. HIB 06/2005 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 06/04/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Inserts a revised Schedule 6 into the principal Determination, specifying second tier default benefits payable in respect of overnight and day only treatment.

Determination No. HIB 07/2005 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 27/04/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Inserts a revised Schedule 1 into the principal Determination, specifying benefits payable in respect of overnight accommodation in private hospitals in all States and Territories, and shared ward accommodaation in recognised hospitals in Victoria and Tasmania.

Determination No. HIB 08/2005 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 27/04/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Inserts a revised Schedule 3 into the principal Determination, specifying benefits payable in respect of same day accommodation in hospitals and day hospital facilities in all States and Territories.

Determination No. HIB 09/2005 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 04/05/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Inserts a revised Schedule 6 into the principal Determination, specifying second tier default benefits payable in respect of overnight and day only treatment.

Determination No. HIB 10/2005 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 17/05/05
Tabled 14/06/05 S 23/05/05 HR
Summary Inserts a revised Schedule 5 into the principal Determination, specifying benefits payable in respect of surgically implanted prostheses, human tissue items and other medical devices.

Determination No. HIB 11/2005 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 24/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Revokes and remakes the Principal Determination, and revises Schedules 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8.

Determination No. HIB 12/2005 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 18/08/05
Tabled 05/09/05 S 05/09/05 HR
Summary Inserts a revised Schedule 5 into the Principal Determination, specifying benefits payable in respect of surgically implanted prostheses, human tissue items and other medical devices.

Determination No. HIB 13/2005 under ss. 73AAG(6) and 73AAG(7) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 31/08/05
Tabled 06/09/05 S 06/09/05 HR
Summary Specifies the amount of benefits payable for prostheses.

Determination No. HIB 14/2005 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 06/10/05
Tabled 12/10/05 S 11/10/05 HR
Summary Inserts a revised Schedule 6 into the Principal Determination, specifying second tier defaults payable in respect of overnight and day only treatment.

Determination No. HIB 15/2005 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 19/09/05
Tabled 05/10/05 S 10/10/05 HR
Summary Inserts a revised Schedule 4 into the Principal Determination, specifying benefits payable in respect of nursing home type patient accommodation in hospital in all States and Territories.

Determination No. HIB 16/2005 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 19/09/05
Tabled 05/10/05 S 10/10/05 HR
Summary Amends Schedule 5 into the Principal Determination, specifying benefits payable in respect of surgically implanted prostheses, human tissue items and other medical devices.

Determination No. HIB 17/2005 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 19/09/05
Tabled 05/10/05 S 10/10/05 HR
Summary Amends Determination No. HIB 11/2005 as a consequence of the National Health Amendment (Prostheses) Act 2005.

Determination No. HIB 18/2005 under ss. 73AAG(6) and 73AAG(7) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 19/10/05
Tabled 03/11/05 S 31/10/05 HR
Summary Specifies the amount of benefits payable for prostheses.

Determination No. HIB 19/2005 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 27/10/05
Tabled 07/11/05 S 02/11/05 HR
Summary Inserts a revised Schedule 6 into the Principal Determination, specifying second tier default payable in respect of overnight and day only treatment.

Determination No. HIB 20/2005 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 24/10/05
Tabled 07/11/05 S 02/11/05 HR
Summary Inserts a revised Schedule 1 into the Principal Determination, specifying benefits payable in respect of overnight accommodation in private hospitals in all States and Territories, and shared ward accommodation in recognised hospitals in Victoria and Tasmania.

Determination No. HIB 21/2005 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 24/10/05
Tabled 07/11/05 S 02/11/05 HR
Summary Inserts a revised Schedule 3 into the Principal Determination, specifying benefits payable in respect of same day accommodation in hospital and day hospital facilities in all States and Territories.

Determination No. HIB 23/2005 under ss. 73AAG(6) and 73AAG(7) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 17/11/05
Tabled 28/11/05 S 28/11/05 HR
Summary Amends the Principal Determination concerning gap permitted prostheses.

Determination No. PB 03 of 2005 under paragraph 98C(1)(b) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 22/03/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies the conditions under which payments will be made in respect of the supply of pharmaceutical benefits by approved pharmacists and approved medical practitioners.

Determination No. PB 04 of 2005 under ss. 85, 85A and 88 of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 22/03/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies drugs and medicinal preparations that are available as pharmaceutical benefits.

Determination No. PB 05 of 2005 under s. 85B(1) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 22/03/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies amendments to the list of drugs and medicinal preparations that are available as pharmaceutical benefits.

Determination No. PB 06 of 2005 made under s. 93 of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 22/03/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies amendments to the list of drugs and medicinal preparations that are available as pharmaceutical benefits.

Determination No. PB 09 of 2005 under ss. 85, 85A and 88 of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 21/04/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Amends the provisions in the principal Determination concerning the prescription on authority of increased maximum quantities of certain drugs as pharmaceutical benefits.

Determination No. PB 11 of 2005 under ss. 85, 85A and 88 of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 23/05/05
Tabled 14/06/05 S 30/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies a revised list of drugs and medicinal preparations for which the writing of prescriptions for supply as pharmaceutical benefits under Part VII of the Act is authorised.

Determination No. PB 17 of 2005 under paragraph 98C(1)(b) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 26/07/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies a revised list of drugs and medicinal preparations that are available as pharmaceutical benefits.

Determination No. PB 18 of 2005 under ss. 85, 85A and 88 of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 26/07/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies a revised list of drugs and medicinal preparations that are available as pharmaceutical benefits.

Determination No. PB 19 of 2005 under s. 85B(1) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 26/07/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies a revised list of drugs and medicinal preparations that are available as pharmaceutical benefits.

Determination No. PB 20 of 2005 under s. 93 of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 26/07/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies a revised list of drugs and medicinal preparations that are available as pharmaceutical benefits.

Determination No. PB 24 of 2005 under ss. 85, 85A and 88 of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 29/08/05
Tabled 05/09/05 S 05/09/05 HR
Summary Remakes previous Determinations to give effect to the listing of an additional brand of glyceryl trinitrate tablets as a pharmaceutical benefit.

Determination No. PB 25 of 2005 under ss. 85, 85A and 88 of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 16/09/05
Tabled 05/10/05 S 10/10/05 HR
Summary Specifies a revised list of drugs and medicinal preparations that are available as pharmaceutical benefits.

Determination No. PB 28 of 2005 under s. 93 of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 16/09/05
Tabled 05/10/05 S 10/10/05 HR
Summary Specifies a revised list of drugs and medicinal preparations that are available as pharmaceutical benefits.

Determination No. PB 31 of 2005 under paragraph 98C(1)(b) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 23/11/05
Tabled 06/12/05 S 05/12/05 HR
Summary Specifies the condition under which payments will be made in respect of the supply of pharmaceutical benefits by approved pharmacists and approved medical practitioners.

Determination No. PB 32 of 2005 under ss. 85, 85A and 88 of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 23/11/05
Tabled 30/11/05 S 30/11/05 HR
Summary Specifies a revised list of drugs and medicinal preparations that are available as pharmaceutical benefits.

Determination No. PB 33 of 2005 under s. 85B(1) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 23/11/05
Tabled 01/12/05 S 01/12/05 HR
Summary Specifies a revised list of drugs and medicinal preparations that are available as pharmaceutical benefits.

Determination No. PB 34 of 2005 under s. 93 of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 23/11/05
Tabled 01/12/05 S 01/12/05 HR
Summary Specifies a revised list of drugs and medicinal preparations that are available as pharmaceutical benefits.

Determination No. PHB 21/2004 under paragraph (bj) of Schedule 1 to the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 15/11/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Inserts a revised Schedule 6 into the principal Determination, specifying second tier default benefits payable in respect of overnight and day only treatment.

Determination No. PSO 01/2005 pursuant to s. 5D(1) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 04/03/05
Tabled 09/03/05 S 09/03/05 HR
Summary Specifies outreach services provided by Macarthur Health Service and The Canberra Hospital.

Determination No. PSO 02/2005 pursuant to s. 5D(1) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 04/03/05
Tabled 10/03/05 S 10/03/05 HR
Summary Specifies outreach services provided by Mayo Healthcare Group Pty Ltd, John Hunter Hospital and Monash Medical Centre-Southern Health.

Determination No. PSO 03/2005 pursuant to s. 5D(1) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 04/03/05
Tabled 09/03/05 S 09/03/05 HR
Summary Specifies outreach services provided by Northeast Health Wangaratta.

Determination No. PSO 04/2005 pursuant to s. 5D(1) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 22/04/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies new outreach services to be provided by, or on behalf of, certain hospitals.

Determination No. PSO 05/2005 pursuant to s. 5D(1) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 29/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the outreach services to be provided by, or on behalf of, Frances Perry House.

Determination No. PSO 06/2005 pursuant to s. 5D(1) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 29/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the outreach services to be provided by, or on behalf of, Sydney Adventist Hospital.

Determination No. PSO 07/2005 pursuant to s. 5D(1) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 29/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the outreach services to be provided by, or on behalf of, specified hospitals, clinics and centres.

Determination No. PSO 08/2005 pursuant to s. 5D(1) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 29/09/05
Tabled 10/10/05 S 10/10/05 HR
Summary Specifies services provided by The Sydney Clinic and Bendigo Health Care Group as outreach services.

Determination No. PSO 09/2005 pursuant to s. 5D(1) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 29/09/05
Tabled 12/10/05 S 11/10/05 HR
Summary Specifies services provided by Toowong Private Hospital as outreach services.

Determination No. PSO 10/2005 pursuant to s. 5D(1) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 29/09/05
Tabled 10/10/05 S 10/10/05 HR
Summary Specifies services provided by Knox Private Hospital, St Vincents and Mercy Private Hospital, Ballarat Health Services and St Frances Xavier Cabrini Hospital as outreach services.

Determination of Amount of Flexible Care Subsidy for Intermittent Care Services under s. 52-1 of the Aged Care Act 1997
(ACA Ch. 3 No. 17/2005)

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 21/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the amount of flexible care subsidy for care provided through Intermittent Care Services, allocated through the Aged Care Innovative Pool 2003/04.

Determination of Amount of Flexible Care Subsidy for Retirement Villages Care Pilot under s. 52-1 of the Aged Care Act 1997
(ACA Ch. 3 No. 16/2005)

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 21/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the amount of flexible care subsidy for pilot services allocated aged care places through the Retirement Villages Care pilot.

Determination under paragraph 98B(1)(a) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 16/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the manner in which the Commonwealth price of pharmaceutical benefits is to be determined for the purpose of payments to approved pharmacists in connection with the supply by them of pharmaceutical benefits.

Determination under paragraph 98B(1)(a) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 17/11/05
Tabled 28/11/05 S 28/11/05 HR
Summary Specifies the manner in which the Commonwealth price of pharmaceutical benefits is to be determined for the purpose of payments to approved pharmacists in connection with the supply by them of pharmaceutical benefits.

Determination under s. 84C(7) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 28/07/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies an increase in the additional fee for ready-prepared pharmaceutical benefits as part of the Safety Net scheme.

Determination under section 44-12 of the Aged Care Act 1997
(ACA Ch. 3 No. 6/2005)

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 21/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the amount of respite supplement provided to eligible recipients.

Determination under section 44-13 of the Aged Care Act 1997
(ACA Ch. 3 No. 7/2005)

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 21/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the amount of oxygen supplement provided to eligible recipients.

Determination under section 44-14 of the Aged Care Act 1997
(ACA Ch. 3 No. 8/2005)

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 21/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the amount of enteral feeding supplement payable for eligible care recipients.

Determination under section 44-16 of the Aged Care Act 1997
(ACA Ch. 3 No. 9/2005)

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 21/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the amount of transitional supplement payable to eligible residential care recipients.

Determination under section 44-19 of the Aged Care Act 1997
(ACA Ch. 3 No. 10/2005)

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 21/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the amount of adjusted subsidy reduction payable to certain nursing homes.

Determination under section 44-28 of the Aged Care Act 1997
(ACA Ch. 3 No. 12/2005)

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 21/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the amount of pensioner supplement payable to eligible care recipients.

Determination under section 44-3 of the Aged Care Act 1997
(ACA Ch. 3 No. 4/2005)

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 21/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the amount of basic subsidy payable for residential care recipients.

Determination under section 44-6 of the Aged Care Act 1997
(ACA Ch. 3 No. 5/2005)

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 21/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the amount of concessional resident supplement payable for concessional residents and assisted residents.

Determination under section 44-8A of the Aged Care Act 1997
(ACA Ch. 3 No. 15/2005)

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 21/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the amount of charge exempt resident supplement payable for qualifying residential care recipients.

Determination under section 48-1 of the Aged Care Act 1997
(ACA Ch. 3 No. 13/2005)

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 21/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the amount of community care subsidy payable to eligible care recipients.

Extra Service Amendment Principles 2005 (No. 1) under s. 96-1(1) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 26/08/05
Tabled 13/09/05 S 12/09/05 HR
Summary Amend the Extra Service Principles as a consequence of the Aged Care Amendment (Extra Service) Act 2005.

Flexible Care Subsidy Amendment Principles 2005 (No. 1) under s. 96-1(1) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 21/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Provide for the payment of flexible care subsidy for transition care.

Flexible Care Subsidy Amendment Principles 2005 (No. 2) under s. 96-1(1) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 02/11/05
Tabled 28/11/05 S 28/11/05 HR
Summary Specifies that flexible care subsidy may be payable for extended aged care at home - dementia.

Flexible Care (Transition Care) Subsidy Amount Determination 2005 under paragraph 52-1(1)(a) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 21/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies the amount of flexible care subsidy that is payable for flexible care in the form of transition care.

Food Standards Australia New Zealand Amendment No. 76 to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code under s. 23A of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991

Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991
Made 17/02/05
Tabled 07/03/05 S 07/03/05 HR
Summary Amends the Code to give approval to the sale and use of food derived from the genetically modified cotton line COT102 in Australia and New Zealand.

GST-free Supply (Health Goods) Determination 2005 under paragraph 177-10(4)(b) of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999
Made 08/11/05
Tabled 28/11/05 S 28/11/05 HR
Summary Specifies that nicotine sublingual tablets will have GST-free status from 01 January 2006.

Health Benefits Organizations — Capital Adequacy Standard 2005 under s. 73BCG(1) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 06/07/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Prescribes a revised capital adequacy standard for health benefits funds.

Health Benefits Organizations — Interpretation Standard 2005 under ss. 73BCB(1) and 73BCG(1) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 06/07/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Prescribes the requirements for interpreting the various components of the solvency and the capital adequacy standards for health benefits organisations.

Health Benefits Organizations — Solvency Standard 2005 under s. 73BCB(1) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 06/07/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Prescribes a revised solvency standard for health benefit funds.

Health Insurance (Accreditation of Podiatric Surgeons) Guidelines PHB23/2004 under s. 3AAA(2) of the Health Insurance Act 1973

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 22/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Specifies the criteria for assessing applications for the accreditation of podiatrists.

Health Insurance (Allied Health and Dental Services) Amendment Determination 2005 (No. 1) under s. 3C(1) of the Health Insurance Act 1973

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 22/10/05
Tabled 07/11/05 S 02/11/05 HR
Summary Amends provisions in the Principal Determination concerning administrative arrangements and chronic disease management items.

Health Insurance (Allied Health and Dental Services) Determination 2005 under s. 3C(1) of the Health Insurance Act 1973

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 27/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies that certain allied health and dental services that can be provided to people with chronic conditions and complex care needs are to be treated as if they were listed in the general medical services table.

Health Insurance (Amendment) Determination HS/04/2005 under s. 3C(1) of the Health Insurance Act 1973

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 22/10/05
Tabled 03/11/05 S 31/10/05 HR
Summary Amends several Determinations to provide for an increase in the fees for certain services, amends the cessation date of other Determinations, and increases the limit on the number of photodynamic therapy treatments.

Health Insurance Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 10)
Statutory Rules 2004 No. 383

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 16/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Prescribe the range of services that attract a Medicare benefit that is equal to 100% of the Medicare schedule fee.

Health Insurance Amendment Regulations 2005 (N0. 1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 9

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 10/02/05
Tabled 07/03/05 S 15/02/05 HR
Summary Amend schedule 4 to the principal Regulations to reflect the current names of organisations, specialities and qualifications.

Health Insurance Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 2)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 NO. 64

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 22/04/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Prescribe three new items that attract a Medicare benefit equal to 100% of the Medicare schedule fee.

Health Insurance Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 3)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 128

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 15/06/05
Tabled 23/06/05 S 22/06/05 HR
Summary Specify six new items for chronic disease management services that attract a Medicare benefit equal to 100% of the Medicare schedule fee.

Health Insurance Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 4)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 236

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 20/10/05
Tabled 03/11/05 S 31/10/05 HR
Summary Amend the Principal Regulations to provide for the payment of Medicare benefits for HIV diagnostic serology testing.

Health Insurance Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 5)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 237

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 20/10/05
Tabled 03/11/05 S 31/10/05 HR
Summary Removes five services from the prescribed list of services in Schedule 6 to the Principal Regulations.

Health Insurance Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 6)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 286

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 01/12/05
Tabled 06/12/05 S 05/12/05 HR
Summary Prescribe that exercise physiology is a health service for the purposes of the Health Insurance Act 1973.

Health Insurance (Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease) Determination HS/01/2005 under s. 3C(1) of the Health Insurance Act 1973

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 22/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Replaces a previous Determination and extends the date until which Medicare benefits can be paid for deep brain stimulation of Parkinson's disease.

Health Insurance (Diagnostic Imaging Services Table) Amendment Regulations 2004 (No.6)
Statutory Rules 2004 No. 384

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 16/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Provide that Magnetic Resonance Imaging units registered under the '2004 MRI Additional Units Eligibility Scheme' can provide Medicare eligible services, and amend the definition of 'eligible provider' in the principal Regulations.

Health Insurance (Diagnostic Imaging Services Table) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 65

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 22/04/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Add two new items and amend the description of two existing items in the table of diagnostic imaging services.

Health Insurance (Diagnostic Imaging Services Table) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 2)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 178

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 08/08/05
Tabled 16/08/05 S 16/08/05 HR
Summary Provide that the MRI machine located in the Royal Children's Hospital, Brisbane can provide Medicare eligible services.

Health Insurance (Diagnostic Imaging Services Table) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 3)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 219

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 06/10/05
Tabled 11/10/05 S 11/10/05 HR
Summary Provide Medicare eligibility for magnetic resonance imaging scans conducted at the Mater Children's Hospital in Brisbane.

Health Insurance (Diagnostic Imaging Services Table) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 4)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 271

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 23/11/05
Tabled 06/12/05 S 05/12/05 HR
Summary Specify an increase in the fee for certain items of service in Schedule 1 to the Principal Regulations.

Health Insurance (Diagnostic Imaging Services Table) Regulations 2005
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 244

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 20/10/05
Tabled 03/11/05 S 31/10/05 HR
Summary Prescribe a table of diagnostic imaging services for the twelve month period commencing on 01 November 2005.

Health Insurance (Eligible Collection Centres) Approval Principles 2005 under s. 23DNBA (4) of the Health Insurance Act 1973

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 25/05/05
Tabled 14/06/05 S 14/06/05 HR
Summary Specify a new set of principles that apply to the granting of approvals for eligible pathology specimen collection centres.

Health Insurance (FTB(A) Family) Determination 2004 under s. 8A(1) of the Health Insurance Act 1973

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 22/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Determines four family groups that are Family Tax Benefit Part (A) families, and determines the time after which each family groups is an FTB(A) Family.

Health Insurance (General Medical Services Table) Amendment Regulations 2004 (No.10)
Statutory Rules 2004 No. 386

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 16/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Provide that medical practitioners not based in eligible areas who are providing after hours services in eligible areas can access and incentive payment for certain bulk billed services.

Health Insurance (General Medical Services Table) Amendment Regulations 2004 (No.11)
Statutory Rules 2004 No. 387

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 16/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Specify a new item that is included in the Table, providing Medicare benefits for a cervical smear that is taken by a practice nurse on behalf of a medical practitioner in a regional, remote or rural area.

Health Insurance (General Medical Services Table) Amendment Regulations 2004 (No.9)
Statutory Rules 2004 No. 385

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 16/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Specify several new items that are included in the General Medical Services Table and increase the Medicare schedule fee for eight existing items in the Table.

Health Insurance (General Medical Services Table) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 2)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 129

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 15/06/05
Tabled 23/06/05 S 22/06/05 HR
Summary Amend the table of medical services by introducing six items, amending one rule of interpretation and introducing seven new rules of interpretation for chronic disease management services.

Health Insurance (General Medical Services Table) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 3)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 170

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 21/07/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Amend provisions in the Principal Regulations concerning the annual cycle of care for diabetes and the treatment of patients with a mental health disorder.

Health Insurance (General Medical Services Table) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 4)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 272

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 23/11/05
Tabled 06/12/05 S 05/12/05 HR
Summary Permit medical benefits to be paid for surgical assistance rendered in respect of certain items in the General Medical Services Table.

Health Insurance (General Medical Services Table) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No.1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 66

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 22/04/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Make a number of amendments to the principal Regulations as a consequence of regular review of the General Medical Services Table.

Health Insurance (General Medical Services Table) Regulations 2005
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 238

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 20/10/05
Tabled 03/11/05 S 31/10/05 HR
Summary Prescribe a table of general medical services for the twelve month period commencing on 01 November 2005.

Health Insurance (Obstetric Item 15999) Determination HS/02/2005 under s. 3C(1) of the Health Insurance Act 1973

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 05/07/05
Tabled 16/08/05 S 16/08/05 HR
Summary Provides for the payment of Medicare benefits for the planning and management of pregnancy that has progressed beyond 20 weeks, until 31 October 2005.

Health Insurance (Pathologist-determinable Services) Determination 2005 (No. 2) under s. 4BA of the Health Insurance Act 1973

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 14/10/05
Tabled 03/11/05 S 31/10/05 HR
Summary Revokes and replaces the previous Determination.

Health Insurance (Pathologist-Determinable Services) Determination 2005 under s. 4BA of the Health Insurance Act 1973

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 05/04/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies those pathology services that are pathologist-determinable services for the purposes of the payment of Medicare benefits.

Health Insurance (Pathology Services) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 100

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 25/05/05
Tabled 14/06/05 S 31/05/05 HR
Summary Provide that a request for pathology services may include details of the patient's private health insurance fund.

Health Insurance (Pathology Services Table) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 67

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 22/04/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Make a number of amendments to the principal Regulations as a consequence of regular review of the Pathology Services Table.

Health Insurance (Pathology Services Table) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 2)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 273

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 23/11/05
Tabled 06/12/05 S 05/12/05 HR
Summary Specify an increase in the fee for certain items of service in Schedule 1 to the Principal Regulations.

Health Insurance (Pathology Services Table) Regulations 2005
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 239

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 20/10/05
Tabled 07/11/05 S 02/11/05 HR
Summary Prescribe a revised table of pathology services for the twelve month period commencing on 01 November 2005.

Health Insurance (Point of Care Testing in General Practice) Determination HS/03/2005 under s. 3C(1) of the Health Insurance Act 1973

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 31/08/05
Tabled 06/09/05 S 05/09/05 HR
Summary Authorises the payment of Medicare benefits for services rendered as part of the Point of Care Testing trial, and specifies provisions of the Act and Regulations that will apply to those services.

Health Insurance (Vertebroplasty) Determination HS/04/2005 under s. 3C(1) of the Health Insurance Act 1973

Health Insurance Act 1973
Made 16/10/05
Tabled 03/11/05 S 31/10/05 HR
Summary Provides that Medicare benefits are payable for vertebroplasty services.

Hearing Services (Participants in the Voucher System) Amendment Determination 2005 (No. 1) under s. 13 of the Hearing Services Administration Act 1997

Hearing Services Administration Act 1997
Made 29/09/05
Tabled 10/10/05 S 10/10/05 HR
Summary Makes minor technical amendments to the Principal Determination.

Hearing Services Rules of Conduct 2005 under s. 17(1) of the Hearing Services Administration Act 1997

Hearing Services Administration Act 1997
Made 08/09/05
Tabled 05/10/05 S 10/10/05 HR
Summary Provide amended rules of conduct regarding the requirements and standards that service providers contracted to deliver hearing services under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program must adhere when supplying services to voucher holders.

Hearing Services Rules of Conduct Amendment Rules 2005 (No. 1) under s. 17(1) of the Hearing Services Administration Act 1997

Hearing Services Administration Act 1997
Made 15/06/05
Tabled 22/06/05 S 21/06/05 HR
Summary Specify an increase in the maximum annual maintenance fee for a hearing device.

Highly Specialised Drugs Program — Arrangements made under subparagraph 100(1)(b)(i) of the National Health Act 1953
(No. PB 12 of 2005)

National Health Act 1953
Made 23/05/05
Tabled 14/06/05 S 30/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies arrangements for ensuring an adequate availability of special pharmaceutical products for persons who are receiving treatment with highly specialised drugs at private hospitals as non-admitted patients, day admitted patients or patients on discharge.

Highly Specialised Drugs Program — Arrangements made under subparagraph 100(1)(b)(i) of the National Health Act 1953
(No. PB 21 of 2005)

National Health Act 1953
Made 26/07/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Amends the arrangements for the availability of special pharmaceutical products for persons who are receiving treatment with highly specialised drugs at private hospitals as non-admitted patients, day admitted patients or patients on discharge.

Highly Specialised Drugs Program — Arrangements made under subparagraph 100(1)(b)(i) of the National Health Act 1953
(No. PB 35 of 2005)

National Health Act 1953
Made 23/11/05
Tabled 01/12/05 S 01/12/05 HR
Summary Amends the arrangements for the availability of special pharmaceutical products for persons who are receiving treatment with highly specialised drugs at private hospitals as non-admitted patients, day admitted patients or patients on discharge.

Highly Specialised Drugs Program — Arrangements under subparagraph 100(1)(b)(i) of the National Health Act 1953
(No. PB 7 of 2005)

National Health Act 1953
Made 24/03/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies arrangements for ensuring an adequate availability of special pharmaceutical products for persons who are receiving treatment with highly specialised drugs at private hospitals as non-admitted patients, day admitted patients or patients on discharge.

Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Amendment Regulations 2004 (No.4)
Statutory Rules 2004 No. 388

Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Act 1989
Made 16/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Specify application fees for a self-assessed assessment certificate for certain low regulatory concern chemicals, and prescribe certain other fees.

Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 130

Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Act 1989
Made 15/06/05
Tabled 20/06/05 S 20/06/05 HR
Summary Prescribe increases in New Chemical assessment fees and charges for the National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme for 2005/06.

Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 2)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 257

Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Act 1989
Made 10/11/05
Tabled 28/11/05 S 28/11/05 HR
Summary Specify restrictions on the import or export of tetraethyl lead and tetramethyl lead, and import controls on two polybrominated biphenyls.

IVF/GIFT Program — Arrangements made under subparagraph 100(1)(b)(i) of the National Health Act 1953
(No. PB 38 of 2005)

National Health Act 1953
Made 23/11/05
Tabled 06/12/05 S 05/12/05 HR
Summary Provide for the supply in specified circumstances of special pharmaceutical products for the treatment of certain patients.

Medical Indemnity Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 112

Medical Indemnity Act 2002
Made 07/06/05
Tabled 15/06/05 S 14/06/05 HR
Summary Make a number of amendments to eligibility requirements for the run-off cover indemnity scheme.

Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product Standards ---Terms and Conditions for Run-off Cover) Determination 2004 under paragraph 26A(4)(d) of the Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product Standards) Act 2003

Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product Standards) Act 2003
Made 22/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Determines the terms and conditions for the provision of medical indemnity cover.

Medical Indemnity (Run-off Cover Claims and Administration) Protocol 2004 under s. 34ZN of the Medical Indemnity Act 2002

Medical Indemnity Act 2002
Made 22/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Provides for payments to medical indemnity insurers on account of legal, administrative or other costs incurred by them in respect of complying with Division 2A of Part 3 of the Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product Standards)
Act 2003

National Health Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 287

National Health Act 1953
Made 01/12/05
Tabled 06/12/05 S 05/12/05 HR
Summary Amend the definition of overseas student in the Principal Regulations to broaden the eligibility for overseas students to purchase overseas student health cover.

National Health and Medical Research Council — Ethical guidelines on the use of assisted reproductive technology in clinical practice and research under s. 8(2) of the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992

National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992
Made 17/09/04
Tabled 09/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Specify revised guidelines concerning ethical practice in assisted reproductive technology.

National Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment Regulations 2004 (No.1)
Statutory Rules 2004 No. 389

National Health Act 1953
Made 16/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Amend the definition of approved pharmacist in the principal regulations, specify certain powers of the Secretary, and make other drafting amendments.

National Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits) (Application to supply pharmaceutical benefits following the death of approved pharmacist — documentary evidence) Determination 2005 under paragraph 91(2)(c) of the National Health Act 1953

National Health Act 1953
Made 16/02/05
Tabled 07/03/05 S 07/03/05 HR
Summary Prescribe the documentary evidence that must be supplied by an applicant who is, or is likely to become, an executor or administrator of the estate of a deceased approved pharmacist and who seeks permission to supply PBS medicines.

Pharmaceutical Benefits Determination under s. 99L(1) of the National Health Act 1953
No. PB 14 of 2005

National Health Act 1953
Made 29/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Extends the operation of a previous Determination, dealing with pharmacies located in or adjacent to a supermarket, until 31 December 2005.

Premium Support Amendment Scheme 2005 (No. 1) under s. 43 (1) of the Medical Indemnity Act 2002

Medical Indemnity Act 2002
Made 19/04/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Amend provisions in the principal Scheme concerning the payment by doctors of UMP support payment.

Private Health Insurance (ACAC Review Levy) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No.1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 113

Private Health Insurance (ACAC Review Levy) Act 2003
Made 07/06/05
Tabled 20/06/05 S 16/06/05 HR
Summary Amend the formula used to calculate the Acute Care Advisory Committee review levy.

Private Health Insurance Complaints Levy Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 274

Private Health Insurance Complaints Levy Act 1995
Made 23/11/05
Tabled 30/11/05 S 30/11/05 HR
Summary Specify an increase in the rate of the private health insurance complaints levy paid by registered organisations.

Private Health Insurance (Council Administration Levy) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 114

Private Health Insurance (Council Administration Levy) Act 2003
Made 07/06/05
Tabled 20/06/05 S 16/06/05 HR
Summary Amend the formula used to calculate the Private Health Insurance Administration Council administration levy.

Provision of Information (Bulk Payment Agreements) Determination 2004 under s. 34(2) of the Health and Other Services (Compensation) Act 1995

Health and Other Services (Compensation) Act 1995
Made 03/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Specifies the information about judgments, settlements and reimbursement arrangements that must be supplied to the Health Insurance Commission under a bulk payment agreement.

Research Involving Human Embryos Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 206

Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2002
Made 15/09/05
Tabled 05/10/05 S 10/10/05 HR
Summary Amend the Principal Regulations to prescribe guidelines to be applied in determining whether proper consent to the use of excess assisted reproductive technology embryos has been obtained, and amends the name of a consultative body in Schedule 1.

Residential Care Services — Additional Payment under s. 60(1) of the Aged Care (Consequential Provisions) Act 1997

Aged Care (Consequential Provisions) Act 1997
Made 23/06/05
Tabled 16/08/05 S 11/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies an additional one-off payment of $1,000 per resident to approved providers of residential care.

Residential Care Subsidy Amendment Principles 2004 (No. 4) Amendment Instrument 2005 under s. 96-1(1) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 22/09/05
Tabled 03/11/05 S 31/10/05 HR
Summary Renumbers a previous Amendment Instrument, thereby fulfilling an undertaking given to the Committee.

Residential Care Subsidy Amendment Principles 2004 (No.4) under s. 96-1 (1) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 09/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Extend to former Australian prisoners of war in low level residential care an exemption from income-tested residential care fees.

Residential Care Subsidy Amendment Principles 2005 (No. 2) under s. 96-1(1) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 21/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Provide that existing recipients of residential care may receive transition care following an acute or sub-acute hospital episode.

Residential Care Subsidy Amendment Principles 2005 (No. 3) under s. 96-1(1) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 29/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Amend the Principal Principles as a consequence of amendments to ss. 57-12 and 57A-6 of the Act.

Residential Care Subsidy Amendment Principles 2005 (No. 4) under s. 96-1(1) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 23/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Substitute a new Part 14 in the Principal Principles concerning the payment of the viability supplement.

Residential Care Subsidy Amendment Principles 2005 (No. 4) under s. 96-1(1) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 23/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Amends the Principal Principles in relation to the financial reporting requirements of approved providers for the conditional adjustment payment.

Residential Care Subsidy Amendment Principles 2005 (No.1) under s. 96-1(1) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 10/02/05
Tabled 07/03/05 S 07/03/05 HR
Summary Amend the Residential Care Subsidy Principles by specifying eligibility criteria and allowing payment of the conditional adjustment payment until 30 June 2008.

Special Authority Program — Arrangements made under subparagraph 100(1)(b)(i) of the National Health Act 1953
(No. PB 23 of 2005)

National Health Act 1953
Made 26/07/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies arrangements for the supply of special pharmaceutical products to persons who require treatment with imatinib mesylate.

Special Authority Program — Arrangements made under subparagraph 100(1)(b)(i) of the National Health Act 1953
(No. PB 37 of 2005)

National Health Act 1953
Made 23/11/05
Tabled 06/12/05 S 05/12/05 HR
Summary Provide for the supply in specified circumstances of special pharmaceutical products for the treatment of persons who require treatment with imatinib mesylate.

Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code 2005 under s. 3(1) of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989

Therapeutic Goods Act 1989
Made 19/08/05
Tabled 05/09/05 S 05/09/05 HR
Summary Specifies a revised code relating to advertisements for therapeutic goods.

Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code: Amendments under s. 3(1) of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989

Therapeutic Goods Act 1989
Made 20/01/05
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Specifies amendments to the Code as a consequence of Schedule 1 to the Therapeutic Goods Amendment Act (No. 1) 2003.

Therapeutic Goods Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 192

Therapeutic Goods Act 1989
Made 18/08/05
Tabled 05/09/05 S 05/09/05 HR
Summary Specify changes to various fees payable under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 in relation to therapeutic goods and the inspection of manufacturing premises.

Therapeutic Goods (Charges) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 194

Therapeutic Goods (Charges) Act 1989
Made 18/08/05
Tabled 05/09/05 S 05/09/05 HR
Summary Specify changes to various charges payable under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 in relation to therapeutic goods, medical devices, annual licences, and make other amendments to the Principal Regulations.

Therapeutic Goods (Emergency) Exemption 2005 (No. 1) under s. 18A(1) and paragraph 18A(2)(a) of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989

Therapeutic Goods Act 1989
Made 19/01/05
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Permits stockpiling in Australia of certain forms of reactive skin decontamination lotion.

Therapeutic Goods (Listing) Notice 2005 (No. 5) under s. 9A(5) of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989

Therapeutic Goods Act 1989
Made 29/07/05
Tabled 16/08/05 S 11/08/05 HR
Summary Permits the use of citric acid anhydrous and citric acid monohydrate as active ingredients in low risk (Listed) complimentary medicines.

Therapeutic Goods (Listing) Notice 2005 (No. 6) under s. 9A(5) of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989

Therapeutic Goods Act 1989
Made 28/10/05
Tabled 10/11/05 S 10/11/05 HR
Summary Permits the use of sodium monofluorophosphate as an active ingredient in low risk complementary medicines, subject to certain conditions.

Therapeutic Goods (Medical Devices) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 193

Therapeutic Goods Act 1989
Made 18/08/05
Tabled 05/09/05 S 05/09/05 HR
Summary Specify changes to various fees payable under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 in relation to medical devices.

Therapeutic Goods Order No. 73 under s. 10 of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989

Therapeutic Goods Act 1989
Made 30/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Prescribes the minimum standard to be met by haematopoietic progenitor cells derived from cord blood.

User Rights Amendment Principles 2005 (No. 1) made under s. 96-1(1) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Aged Care Act 1997
Made 29/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Amend the Principal Principles as a consequence of the Aged Care Amendment (Transition Care and Assets Testing) Act 2005.

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