Department of Defence

Department of Defence

Army and Air Force Canteen Service Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 169

Defence Act 1903
Made 21/07/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Amend the Principal Regulations as a consequence of the transfer of approval power from the Treasurer to the Minister for Finance and Administration.

Australian Military Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 45

Defence Act 1903
Made 23/03/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Provide that a Defence Force magistrate, a judge advocate or a reporting officer are not subject to command and control in respect of their judicial functions.

Declaration of Warlike Service — Operation PALATE II under s. 3C of the Defence Force (Home Loans Assistance) Act 1990

Defence Force (Home Loans Assistance) Act 1990
Made 31/10/05
Tabled 28/11/05 S 28/11/05 HR
Summary Declares that duty with the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistran on Operation PALATE II is warlike service for the purposes of the Act.

Declaration of Warlike Service — Operation PALATE under s. 3C of the Defence Force (Home Loans Assistance) Act 1990

Defence Force (Home Loans Assistance) Act 1990
Made 31/10/05
Tabled 28/11/05 S 28/11/05 HR
Summary Declares that duty with the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan on Operation PALATE is warlike service for the purposes of the Act.

Defence Determination 2002 (Employer Support Payments) Amendment Determination 2005 (No. 1) under s. 58B(1) of the Defence Act 1903

Defence Act 1903
Made 12/09/05
Tabled 05/10/05 S 11/10/05 HR
Summary Makes various amendments to the Principal Determination concerning employer support payments.

Defence Determination 2004/48

Defence Act 1903
Made 10/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Specifies when a member of the Australian Defence Force is required to live-in.

Defence Determination 2004/49

Defence Act 1903
Made 15/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Limits the payment of overseas living allowance that will be paid to a member of the Australian Defence Force during a period of leave.

Defence Determination 2004/50

Defence Act 1903
Made 23/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Amends several provisions in the principal Determination concerning overseas conditions of service for members of the Australian Defence Force.

Defence Determination 2005/01

Defence Act 1903
Made 07/01/05
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Creates a hardship grade for the Indonesian province of Aceh where members of the Australian Defence Force are assigned as part of Operation Sumatra Assist.

Defence Determination 2005/02

Defence Act 1903
Made 12/01/05
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Increases the amount of hardship allowance payable to members of the ADF who are assigned for short-term duty with the peacetime operation known as Operation Sumatra Assist in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.

Defence Determination 2005/03

Defence Act 1903
Made 17/01/05
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Specifies revises post indexes that apply to overseas locations where members of the Australian Defence Force serve, and revises the hardship post grades of certain locations in the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific.

Defence Determination 2005/04

Defence Act 1903
Made 20/01/05
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Specifies adjustments to travelling, motor vehicle and disturbance allowance rates for members of the Australian Defence Force.

Defence Determination 2005/05

Defence Act 1903
Made 17/02/05
Tabled 07/03/05 S 07/03/05 HR
Summary Specifies revised post indexes that apply to overseas localities where members of the Australian Defence Force serve.

Defence Determination 2005/06

Defence Act 1903
Made 09/03/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies revised post indexes that apply to overseas localities where members of the Australian Defence Force serve.

Defence Determination 2005/07

Defence Act 1903
Made 24/03/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Provides for a completion bonus for members of the Australian Defence Force who occupy specified senior positions.

Defence Determination 2005/08

Defence Act 1903
Made 07/04/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies an increase in the amount of hardship allowance that is payable to members of the Australian Defence Force who are assigned for short-term duty in Operation Sumatra Assist Phase II.

Defence Determination 2005/09

Defence Act 1903
Made 15/04/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies a special rate of cadet forces allowance for instructors and officers of cadets who have been non-commissioned officers and who are subsequently appointed as officers.

Defence Determination 2005/10

Defence Act 1903
Made 18/04/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies revised post indexes for overseas localities where members of the Australian Defence Force serve, and provides for the automatic annual updating of overtime meal allowance rates.

Defence Determination 2005/11

Defence Act 1903
Made 21/04/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Amends the operation of additional and extra recreation leave so that they may be administered by the Australian Defence Organisation corporate human resource system (PMKeyS).

Defence Determination 2005/12

Defence Act 1903
Made 13/05/05
Tabled 14/06/05 S 23/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies revised post indexes that apply to overseas localities where members of the Australian Defence Force serve, and make other minor amendments concerning the application of overseas conditions.

Defence Determination 2005/13

Defence Act 1903
Made 17/05/05
Tabled 14/06/05 S 23/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies revised rates of financial assistance for costs incurred by members of the Australian Defence Force when they minimise disruption to their children's education, due to the member's posting.

Defence Determination 2005/14

Defence Act 1903
Made 20/05/05
Tabled 14/06/05 S 30/05/05 HR
Summary Repeals Defence Determination 2003/21 and specifies transitional and savings provisions concerning accrued rights and liabilities under that Determination.

Defence Determination 2005/15

Defence Act 1903
Made 20/05/05
Tabled 14/06/05 S 30/05/05 HR
Summary Revises the conditions of service for members of the Australian Defence Force within Australia.

Defence Determination 2005/16

Defence Act 1903
Made 27/05/05
Tabled 14/06/05 S 30/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies a new retention allowance for certain Royal Australian Navy engineers.

Defence Determination 2005/17

Defence Act 1903
Made 02/06/05
Tabled 15/06/05 S 15/06/05 HR
Summary Specifies an adjustment to certain benefits to reflect recent salary and remuneration adjustments, prescribes the Australian Defence Force contribution to the United Nations mission in Sudan as an operation under the principal Determination, and increases the amount of international campaign allowance payable to members of the Australian Defence Force deployed in Afghanistan.

Defence Determination 2005/18

Defence Act 1903
Made 09/06/05
Tabled 15/06/05 S 15/06/05 HR
Summary Specifies revised post indexes that apply to overseas locations where members of the Australian Defence Force serve.

Defence Determination 2005/19

Defence Act 1903
Made 17/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Amends travelling and meal allowance rates for members of the Australian Defence Force.

Defence Determination 2005/20

Defence Act 1903
Made 17/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Provides for a storage entitlement to permit a statutory officer's car to be kept near its driver, and specifies a mechanism to allow the expiration of leave to be deferred for the Chief of the Defence Force.

Defence Determination 2005/21

Defence Act 1903
Made 30/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Revises the entitlements of members of the Australian Defence Force to relief out-of-country travel fare assistance.

Defence Determination 2005/22

Defence Act 1903
Made 30/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Revises the hardship post conditions of service for members of the Australian Defence Force on long-term posting in Tuvalu.

Defence Determination 2005/23

Defence Act 1903
Made 30/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies two limitations to the period for which the fees for a child attending school in Australia may be reimbursed after the end of an Australian Defence Force member's long-term posting.

Defence Determination 2005/24

Defence Act 1903
Made 30/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies revised post indexes that apply to overseas locations where Australian Defence Force members serve.

Defence Determination 2005/25

Defence Act 1903
Made 30/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Amends the method for calculating the entitlement of a member of the Australian Defence Force to reimbursement for excess costs in relation to certain motor vehicle usage while on a long-term overseas posting.

Defence Determination 2005/26

Defence Act 1903
Made 30/06/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Amends the allocation of levels of living-in accommodation for members of the Australian Defence Force.

Defence Determination 2005/27

Defence Act 1903
Made 01/07/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Makes minor corrections to certain chapters of the Principal Determination.

Defence Determination 2005/28

Defence Act 1903
Made 12/07/05
Tabled 09/08/05 S 09/08/05 HR
Summary Amends the rate of allowance for a member of the Australian Defence Force who requests an allowance instead of use of a privately-plated Defence vehicle.

Defence Determination 2005/29

Defence Act 1903
Made 03/08/05
Tabled 11/08/05 S 10/08/05 HR
Summary Specifies revised post indexes that apply to overseas locations where members of the Australian Defence Force serve.

Defence Determination 2005/30

Defence Act 1903
Made 18/08/05
Tabled 05/09/05 S 05/09/05 HR
Summary Corrects errors and omissions in the Principal Determination dealing with Conditions of Service.

Defence Determination 2005/31

Defence Act 1903
Made 21/08/05
Tabled 05/09/05 S 05/09/05 HR
Summary Specifies transitional arrangements concerning retention allowance for a class of members of the Australian Defence Force.

Defence Determination 2005/32

Defence Act 1903
Made 29/08/05
Tabled 05/09/05 S 05/09/05 HR
Summary Amends rates of allowance associated with the Career Transition Assistance Scheme.

Defence Determination 2005/33

Defence Act 1903
Made 29/08/05
Tabled 05/09/05 S 05/09/05 HR
Summary Specifies revised post indexes that apply to overseas locations where members of the Australian Defence Force serve.

Defence Determination 2005/34

Defence Act 1903
Made 29/08/05
Tabled 08/09/05 S 08/09/05 HR
Summary Makes various amendments to the name, coverage and rates of ADF district allowance.

Defence Determination 2005/35

Defence Act 1903
Made 06/09/05
Tabled 08/09/05 S 08/09/05 HR
Summary Specifies adjustments to the rates of Woomera, Port Wakefield and Antarctic allowances, and corrects a rate of attendance allowance.

Defence Determination 2005/36

Defence Act 1903
Made 12/09/05
Tabled 05/10/05 S 10/10/05 HR
Summary Specifies revised allowances for accommodation and meals for members of the Australian Defence Force.

Defence Determination 2005/37

Defence Act 1903
Made 27/09/05
Tabled 06/10/05 S 10/10/05 HR
Summary Specifies amendments to compassionate leave and carer's leave for members of the Australian Defence Force.

Defence Determination 2005/38

Defence Act 1903
Made 27/09/05
Tabled 06/10/05 S 10/10/05 HR
Summary Specifies revised post indexes that apply to overseas locations where members of the Australian Defence Force serve.

Defence Determination 2005/39

Defence Act 1903
Made 06/10/05
Tabled 13/10/05 S 12/10/05 HR
Summary Makes minor amendments to the Principal Determination concerning air traffic controllers, travel cards, and travel allowance.

Defence Determination 2005/40

Defence Act 1903
Made 06/10/05
Tabled 13/10/05 S 12/10/05 HR
Summary Amends arrangements for dental care for children of members of the Australian Defence Force on long-term posting overseas.

Defence Determination 2005/41

Defence Act 1903
Made 06/10/05
Tabled 13/10/05 S 12/10/05 HR
Summary Amends the Principal Determination concerning entitlements relating to the costs of temporary accommodation.

Defence Determination 2005/42

Defence Act 1903
Made 28/10/05
Tabled 07/11/05 S 03/11/05 HR
Summary Specifies revised post indexes for overseas locations where members of the Australian Defence Force serve.

Defence Determination 2005/43

Defence Act 1903
Made 31/10/05
Tabled 07/11/05 S 03/11/05 HR
Summary Provides for a completion bonus for junior sailors in the Electronics Technical employment category in the Navy.

Defence Determination 2005/44

Defence Act 1903
Made 01/11/05
Tabled 07/11/05 S 03/11/05 HR
Summary Provides for a retention bonus scheme for members in prescribed ranks in the Marine Technical and Electronic Technical employment categories in the Navy.

Defence Determination 2005/45

Defence Act 1903
Made 07/11/05
Tabled 28/11/05 S 28/11/05 HR
Summary Amends the Principal Determination with regard to the provision of accommodation by the Defence Housing Authority to certain members of the Australian Defence Force.

Defence Determination 2005/46

Defence Act 1903
Made 08/11/05
Tabled 28/11/05 S 28/11/05 HR
Summary Specifies an adjustment to the rate of attendance allowance for members of the Reserve Force.

Defence Determination 2005/47

Defence Act 1903
Made 10/11/05
Tabled 28/11/05 S 28/11/05 HR
Summary Specifies hardship conditions applicable to members of the Australian Defence Force performing duty in a specified region of Pakistan.

Defence Determination 2005/48

Defence Act 1903
Made 16/11/05
Tabled 28/11/05 S 28/11/05 HR
Summary Amends the application of policy concerning the calculation of overseas living allowance when a member of the Australian Defence Force is in receipt of hardship allowance.

Defence Determination 2005/49

Defence Act 1903
Made 16/11/05
Tabled 28/11/05 S 28/11/05 HR
Summary Amends the post indexes applying to overseas locations where members of the Australian Defence Force serve.

Defence Determination 2005/50

Defence Act 1903
Made 21/11/05
Tabled 01/12/05 S 01/12/05 HR
Summary Amends certain allowances that members of the Australian Defence Force may receive for, and the contributions they are required to make for, the costs of their accommodation.

Defence Determination 2005/51

Defence Act 1903
Made 29/11/05
Tabled 01/12/05 S 01/12/05 HR
Summary Provides for a scheme to pay completion bonuses to members of the Australian Defence Force in certain key Army employment categories.

Defence Determination 2005/52

Defence Act 1903
Made 30/11/05
Tabled 06/12/05 S 05/12/05 HR
Summary Amends the Principal Determination to provide certain conditions of service to members of the Australian Defence Force in interdependency relationships.

Defence Determination 2005/53

Defence Act 1903
Made 01/12/05
Tabled 06/12/05 S 05/12/05 HR
Summary Amends the Principal Determination to provide certain conditions of service to members of the Australian Defence Force in interdependency relationships.

Defence Force Discipline Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 46

Defence Force Discipline Act 1982
Made 23/03/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Provide that evidence obtained from the use of the 'Kustom Prolaser II' laser speed device can be admitted in proceedings before service tribunals.

Defence Force (Home Loans Assistance) Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 1)
Statutory Rules 2004 No. 376

Defence Force (Home Loans Assistance) Act 1990
Made 16/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Amend the list of types of prescribed leave that do not interrupt continuous full time service for the purpose of determining eligibility for financial assistance.

Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits (Family Law Superannuation) Amendment Order 2004 (No.1)
Statutory Rules 2004 No. 408

Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Act 1973
Made 23/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Specify a change in the annual rate of associate pension which may be commuted to a lump sum.

Defence Force Retirement Benefits (Family Law Superannuation) Amendment Order 2004 (No.1)
Statutory Rules 2004 No. 409

Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948
Made 23/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Specify a change in the annual rate of associate pension which may be commuted to a lump sum.

Defence (Inquiry) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 70

Air Force Act 1923
Defence Act 1903
Naval Defence Act 1910
Made 22/04/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Amend provisions in the principal Regulations prescribing the persons to whom the Military Inspector-General may give a report of findings in relation to an inquiry.

Defence (Inquiry) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 2)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 276

Air Force Act 1923
Defence Act 1903
Naval Defence Act 1910
Made 23/11/05
Tabled 30/11/05 S 30/11/05 HR
Summary Amend the Principal Regulations as a consequence of recommendations made by the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee, and amendments to the Defence Act 1903.

Defence (Personnel) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1)
Select Legislative Instrument 2005 No. 47

Defence Act 1903
Made 23/03/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Amend the principal Regulations to require that a decision to grant a request from a member of the Australian Defence Force for resignation must be made by instrument in writing.

Determination No. 1 of 2005 under s. 52 of the Defence Act 1903

Defence Act 1903
Made 06/03/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Amends the Defence Force (Superannuation) (Productivity Benefit) Determination by specifying the factor concerned in the calculation of interest for the period 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2005.

Determination of Prohibited Substances under s. 93B(1) of the Defence Act 1903

Defence Act 1903
Made 23/05/05
Tabled 14/06/05 S 31/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies five classes of substances that are prohibited substances for the purpose of Part VIIIA of the Act.

Military Superannuation and Benefits Amendment Trust Deed 2004 (No. 5) under s. 5(1) of the Military Superannuation and Benefits Act 1991

Military Superannuation and Benefits Act 1991
Made 23/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Provides for the annual rate of associate pension which is less than $1303.03 to be commuted to a lump sum.

Military Superannuation and Benefits Amendment Trust Deed 2005 (No. 2) under s. 5(1) of the Military Superannuation and Benefits Act 1991

Military Superannuation and Benefits Act 1991
Made 12/09/05
Tabled 05/10/05 S 10/10/05 HR
Summary Removes the surcharge deduction amount applied to the employee-financed component of benefits accruing to a Scheme member from 01 July 2005.

Military Superannuation Benefits (Eligible Member) Declaration 2005 under paragraph 30(1)(f) of the Military Superannuation and Benefits Act 1991

Military Superannuation and Benefits Act 1991
Made 31/07/05
Tabled 05/10/05 S 10/10/05 HR
Summary Declares thirty-three members of the Military Superannuation Benefits Scheme as eligible members.

MRCA Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Instrument No. M22 of 2004 under s.286 of the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004

Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004
Made 06/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Specifies the circumstances in which pharmaceutical benefits may be provided to a person entitled to treatment under Part 6 of the Act,and enables the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission to accept financial liability on behalf of the Commonwealth for the provision of those benefits.

MRCA Private Patient Principles Instrument No. M17 of 2004 under s.286 of the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004
Act 2004

Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004
Made 06/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Specify the circumstances in which treatment provided to entitled persons pursuant to the Act may be provided to them as private patients.

MRCA Treatment Principles Instrument No. M21 of 2004 under s.286 of the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004

Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004
Made 06/12/04
Tabled 08/02/05 S 08/02/05 HR
Summary Specify the circumstances in which the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission may accept financial liability for treatment provided to members of the Australian Defence Force, former members of the Force and to dependants of members or former members.

Royal Australian Navy Relief Trust Fund Rules under r. 9 of the Royal Australian Navy Relief Trust Fund Regulations 1951

Services Trust Funds Act 1947
Made 08/11/05
Tabled 07/12/05 S 07/12/05 HR
Summary Specify rules governing the administration by the trustees of the RAN Relief Trust Fund.

Taxation Administration (Defence Related International Obligations — Indirect Tax Refunds) Determination 2005 under s. 62B of the Taxation Administration Act 1953

Taxation Administration Act 1953
Made 22/03/05
Tabled 10/05/05 S 10/05/05 HR
Summary Specifies the bodies or persons who are entitled to concessions for indirect taxes, the types of acquisitions to which these concessions relate, and the eligible uses for these acquisitions.

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