Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Amendment Bill 2004 - Reintroduced refer A/D 7/04 12/04   schedule 2, item 1, proposed subsection 193ZG(10): abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination NRR -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Amendment Bill 2005 13/05   schedule 2: commencement on proclamation NRR -
Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment Bill 2006 5/06 1(a)(iv) schedule 1: commencement on proclamation
schedule 1, item 100: commencement

  1(a)(iv) schedule 1, item 202: delegation of power to a person   4/06
9/06   Amendment: proposed new subsection 76(1): delegation of power to a person

Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment 6/07   schedule 2: commencement on proclamation NRR -
(Township Leasing) Act 2007   1(a)(iv) schedule 1, item 1: delegation of legislative power   8/07
ACIS Administration Amendment (Unearned Credit Liability) Bill 2007 2/07 1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 4: retrospective application   3/07
Acts Interpretation Amendment (Legislative Instruments) Bill 2005 8/05   schedule 1: retrospective commencement NRR -
Aged Care Amendment (Residential Care) Bill 2006 11/06 1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 3: retrospective   9/06
Aged Care Amendment (Residential Care) Bill 2007 4/07 1(a)(iv) schedule 1: commencement on proclamation   5/07
  1(a)(iv) schedule 1, item 22: ‘Henry VIII’ clause   5/07
  1(a)(ii) schedule 1, item 16, section 25-4D: insufficiently defined administrative powers   5/07
Aged Care Amendment (Security and Protection) Bill 2007 2/07   schedule 1, item 5: wide delegation of power NRR -
Aged Care Amendment (Transition Care and Assets Testing) Bill 2005 2/05 1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 3 and 4: retrospective application   3/05
Aged Care (Bond Security) Bill 2005 1/06 1(a)(iv) & 1(a)(v) clause 17: standing appropriations – Audit Report No. 15 of 2004-05   2/06
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation 2/05   schedule 1, items 48, 49, 50 and 52: retrospective commencement NRR -
Amendment (Levy and Fees) Bill 2005   1(a)(v) schedule 1, item 6: Legislative Instruments Act – declarations   3/05
    schedule 1, item 38: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 46: retrospective validation   3/05
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2004 – Reintroduced refer A/D 9/04 11/04   schedule 3, parts 1 and 2: retrospective commencement NRR -
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation Amendment (2007 Measures No. 1) Bill 2007 6/07   schedule 1, item 18: standing appropriations NRR -
Airport Development and Aviation Noise Ombudsman Bill 2006 4/06   explanatory memorandum NRR RNP
  1(a)(iv) clause 2: commencement on proclamation    
Airport Development and Aviation Noise Ombudsman Bill 2007 2/07   explanatory memorandum NRR -
  1(a)(iv) clause 2: commencement on proclamation   4/07
Airspace Bill 2006 15/06 1(a)(v) subclauses 8(1) and 8(5) and section 42, clause 10: insufficient scrutiny of instrument   2/07
1/07 1(a)(ii) subclause 11(8): insufficiently defined administrative power – delegation to a ‘person’   2/07
APEC Public Holiday Bill 2007 10/07   subclause 7(3): retrospective effect NRR -
Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Bill 2006 13/06   items 3-6, 8, 10, 14 and 16: commencement more than 6 months after assent NRR -
  1(a)(i) clauses 48, 150, 169 and 205: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination NRR 11/06
  1(a)(i) subclauses 53(2), 55(2), 61(5) and 62(4); subclauses 74(3), 74(5), 74(7) and 74(9) and subclause 66(4): strict   11/06
  1(a)(v) subclauses 75(3) and 191(6), 75(1) and 191(2): Legislative Instruments Act — declarations   11/06
  1(a)(i) subclauses 136(4) and 137(3), 136(1) and 137(1): absolute liability   11/06-13/06
  1(a)(i)  subclauses 139(2), 140(2) and 141(2), 139(1), 140(1) and 141(1): absolute liability   11/06-13/06
    subclauses 199(4) and 200(7), (8) and (9): search without warrant NRR -
Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Amendment Bill 2007 2/07 1(a)(i) schedule 1: retrospective commencement   3/07
    schedule 1, item 65: retrospective application NRR -
    schedule 1, items 41 to 47: absolute liability to strict liability NRR -
4/07   Amendment: item 1: retrospective commencement NRR -
Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Bill 2006 13/06   schedule 1, items 2 to 11: retrospective commencement NRR -
    schedule 1, item 1: Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act NRR -
Anti-Terrorism Bill (No. 2) 2005 13/05   schedule 9, items 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 14, 15 and 18 to 24: commencement on proclamation NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 22: retrospective operation NRR -
    schedule 4, item 24: non-reviewable decisions ─ initial preventative detention orders NRR -
    schedule 4, item 24: non-reviewable decisions ─ continued preventative detention orders NRR -
  1(a)(iii) schedule 4, item 24: non-reviewable decisions ─ prohibited contact orders NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 4, item 24: personal rights and liberties NRR -
    schedule 4, item 25: exclusion of judicial review NRR -
    schedule 5, item 10: Legislative Instruments Act ─ exemption NRR -
    schedule 6, item 1: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 6, item 1: abrogation of legal professional privilege NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 9: item 18: search without warrant NRR -
Appropriation (Northern Territory National Emergency Response) Act (No. 1) 2007-2008 9/07 1(a)(v) subclause 9(10): Legislative Instruments Act—declarations   9/07
Appropriation (Northern Territory National Emergency Response) Act (No. 2) 2007-2008 9/07 1(a)(v) subclause 11(10): Legislative Instruments Act—declarations   9/07
Artist’s Resale Rights Bill 2006 4/06   explanatory memorandum NRR RNP
Asbestos-related Claims (Management of Commonwealth Liabilities) Bill 2005 5/05 1(a)(v) clause 8: special appropriations – Audit Report no. 15 of 2004-2005   5/05
ASIO Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 4/06   schedule 1, item 1 and schedule 2, items 32 and 33 – Legislative Instruments Act – disallowance and sunset provisions NRR -
    schedule 1, item 2: personal rights and liberties and abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination NRR -
  1(a)(v) schedule 2, item 31 – Legislative Instruments Act – exemption   3/06
AusLink (National Land Transport) Bill 2004 1/05 1(a)(v) subclause 5(4): Legislative Instruments Act – disallowance and sunset provisions NRR 4/05
  1(a)(v) various clauses: Legislative Instruments Act – application   4/05
  1(a)(v) subclauses 27(4), 44(4), 68(4), 86(4) and 90(6): Legislative Instruments Act – disallowance and sunset provisions   4/05
    subclause 87(2): Legislative Instruments Act – disallowance and sunset provisions NRR -
    subclause 88(1): Legislative Instruments Act – disallowance and sunset provisions NRR -
AusLink (National Land Transport─Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2004 1/05   subitem 2(6): Legislative Instruments Act – disallowance and sunset provisions NRR -
Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Amendment (Disallowance Power of the Commonwealth) Bill 2006 7/06   explanatory memorandum NRR -
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research Amendment Act 2007 6/07 1(a)(ii) schedule 1, item 36: wide delegation of power   7-8/07
Australian Citizenship Amendment (Citizenship Testing) Bill 2007 6/07 1(a)(iv) schedule 1: commencement on proclamation   8/07
    1(a)(iii) & 1(a)(v) schedule 1: item 5: insufficient scrutiny of instrument and excluding merits review   8/07
Australian Citizenship Bill 2005 14/05   subclauses 24(2) and 30(2): wide discretion NRR -
  1(a)(iv) subclauses 27(4) and 40(3): delegation of legislative power   1/06
  1(a)(iv) subclauses 42(3) and 49(2): delegation of legislative power   1/06
  1(a)(v) subclause 48(6): Legislative Instruments Act ─ declarations and exemptions   1/06
  1(a)(iv) clause 53: delegation of legislative power   1/06
Australian Communications and Media Authority Bill 2004 12/04 1(a)(v) subclauses 24(1) and (4): wide discretion   3/05
  1(a)(v) clause 65: incorporation of extrinsic material   3/05
Australian Energy Market Amendment (Gas Legislation) Bill 2006 15/06   schedule 1: commencement on proclamation NRR -
  1(a)(iv) schedule 1, item 48: delegation of legislative power   1/07
Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) Act 2006 11/06 1(a)(i) subclauses 34(2) and 42(2): strict criminal liability   2/07
    subclause 35(1): abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination NRR -
Australian Passports Bill 2004 – Reintroduced refer A/D 9/04 12/04   clauses 3 to 59: commencement on proclamation NRR -
  1(a)(i) paragraphs 23(1)(a) and (b): personal rights and liberties NRR -
Australian Securities and Investments Commission Amendment (Audit Inspection) Bill 2006 13/06   schedule 2: retrospective commencement NRR -
Australian Securities and Investments Commission (Fair Bank and Credit Card Fees) Amendment Bill 2007 8/07   explanatory memorandum NRR -
Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Bill 2005 1/06 1(a)(v) clause 12: delegation of legislative authority   1/06
  1(a)(v) subclauses 48(6) and (7): Legislative Instruments Act – declarations   1/06
Australian Sports Commission Amendment Bill 2004 1/05 1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 8: retrospective application NRR -
Australian Territories Rights of the Terminally Ill Bill 2007 2/07   explanatory memorandum NRR -
Aviation Legislation Amendment (2007 Measures No. 1) Act 2007 8/07 1(a)(iv) schedule 1, item 14: determination of important matters by regulation   9/07
  1(a)(ii) schedule 1, item 25: wide delegation of power   9/07
  1(a)(v) schedule 1, item 25: incorporation of extrinsic material   9/07
Aviation Transport Security Amendment (Additional Screening Measures) Bill 2007 2/07 1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 5: strict liability   3/07
Aviation Transport Security Amendment Bill 2006 4/06   schedule 2, items 1 to 33 and schedule 2, part 2: commencement NRR -
Bankruptcy Legislation Amendment (Debt Agreements) Bill 2007 2/07 1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 19: strict liability   3/07
Bankruptcy Legislation Amendment (Superannuation Contributions) Bill 2006 1/07   schedule 1, part 1: legislation by press release NRR -
    schedule 2, items 8, 9 and 10: retrospective commencement NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 2, item 7: regulations – retrospective effect   2/07
  1(a)(v) schedule 2, item 7: regulations – incorporating material as in force from time to time   2/07
Border Protection Legislation Amendment (Deterrence of Illegal Foreign Fishing) Bill 2005 2/05 1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 1 and 2: prohibition on instituting proceedings NRR 4/05
  1(a)(v) schedule 1, items 13 and 20: Legislative Instruments Act – declarations   4/05
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 13 and 20: detention on suspicion NRR 4/05
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 13, 20, 21 and 28: detention on suspicion – search without warrant NRR 4/05
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 13 and 20: detention on suspicion – search without warrant NRR 4/05
7/05   Amendment: comment about personal rights and liberties NRR -
Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Digital Radio) Bill 2007 5/07 1(a)(v) schedule 1, items 26, 151, 155 and 172: Legislative Instruments Act—declarations    
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 172: trespass on rights and liberties    
Broadcasting Services Amendment (Media Ownership) Bill 2006 11/06   schedule 2: commencement on proclamation NRR -
Broadcasting Services Amendment (Subscription Television Drama and Community Broadcasting Licences) Bill 2006 3/06   schedule 1: retrospective commencement NRR -
Building and Construction Industry Improvement Bill 2005 3/05 1(a)(i) clauses 4 to 10 and chapter 6: retrospective commencement NRR -
10/05 1(a)(i) Amendments: clauses 4 to 8, 36, 37, 38, 41 and 42: retrospective commencement NRR -
  1(a)(i) Amendments: subclause 5(3), paragraph 78(3)(a): retrospective effect of regulations NRR -
    clause 53: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination NRR -
Census Information Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 13/05   schedule 2, item 3: strict liability NRR -
Child Support Legislation Amendment Bill 2004 1/05   schedule 3, item 10: retrospective commencement NRR -
Civil Aviation Amendment Bill 2005 4/05   schedule 1, item 5: retrospective application NRR -
Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Mutual Recognition with New Zealand) Bill 2005 8/05 1(a)(iv) schedule 1, items 1 to 19: commencement of proclamation   10/05
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 20 and 29 to 31: retrospective commencement   10/05
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 34: strict liability   10/05
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Amendment (Advertising and Other Matters) Bill 2007 4/07   schedule 1: commencement on proclamation NRR -
    explanatory memorandum: typographical errors NRR -
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2004 11/04 1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 1 and 2: retrospectivity   12/04
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Amendment Bill 2006 1/07   schedule 2, part 1, items 3 to 7, 9, 14, 17 and 18; schedule 3, items 7 and 8 and schedule 4, part 2: commencement on proclamation NRR -
  1(a)(ii) schedule 2, item 11 and schedule 2, item 15: insufficiently
defined administrative power – wide discretion
Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management Bill 2005 13/05 1(a)(i) clauses 5, 10 and 13: trespass on personal rights and liberties   13/05
  1(a)(iii) clauses 7 and 8: absolute ministerial discretion and abrogation of procedural fairness   13/05
Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 13/06 1(a)(iii) schedule 1, item 1: Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act NRR -
  1(a)(iii) schedule 1, item 4: administrative review NRR -
  1(a)(iii) schedule 1, item 6: delegation of legislative power NRR -
Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management (Related Amendments) Bill 2005 13/05 1(a)(iii) section 7: non-reviewable discretions NRR -
Communications Legislation Amendment (Content Services) Act 2007 6/07 1(a)(iv) schedule 2: commencement on proclamation   7-8/07
Communications Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2007 12/07   schedule 1, items 6 and 7: retrospective commencement NRR -
  1(a)(iii) schedule 1, item 3: merits review    
Copyright Amendment Act 2006 13/06   schedule 1, items 6 and 33: strict liability NRR 1/07
Copyright Legislation Amendment Act 2004 12/04 1(a)(iv) schedule 1: uncertainty of commencement   1/05
Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Bill 2005 8/05   explanatory memorandum NRR -
  1(a)(i) clauses 322-10, 322-15, 322-20, 339-50, 339-55, 348-5, 376-1, 376-5, 410-1 and 453-5: strict liability    
  1(a)(v) clauses 336-1, 339-55 and 353-1: Legislative Instruments Act – declarations    
    clause 339-50: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination NRR -
  1(a)(i) clause 566-20: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination   8/06
9/05   explanatory memorandum NRR -
Corporations Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2005 6/05   schedule 2: retrospective commencement NRR -
Corporations Amendment (Insolvency) Bill 2007 6/07 1(a)(iv) schedule 1, items 49, 50 and 121 and schedule 2, item 11: commencement on proclamation   8/07
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 50: strict liability   8/07
    schedule 1, item 133: ‘Henry VIII’ clause NRR -
    schedule 2, item 12: abrogation of privilege against self-incrimination NRR -
Corporations Legislation Amendment (Simpler Regulatory System) Act 2007 6/07 1(a)(i) items 8, 70, 94, 146 to 150 and 156 to 158: retrospective application   8/07
    items 60, 61 and 62: retrospective application NRR -
Corporations (NZ Closer Economic Relations) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2007 5/07   schedule 1, item 18: ‘Henry VIII’ clauses NRR -
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Child Sex Tourism Offences and Related Measures) Bill 2007 12/07   schedule 1, item 9, subsections 272.7(2), 272.8(2), 272.9(6), 272.10(3) 273.11(3) and 272.12(3): absolute liability NRR -
    schedule 1, item 9, subsection 272.15(3) and 272.16(3): absolute liability NRR -
    schedule 1, item 9, subsection 273.5(2) and 273.6(2): absolute liability NRR -
Crimes Legislation Amendment (National Investigative Powers and Witness Protection) Bill 2006 15/06 1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 8: search and entry NRR -
10/07   Amendment: schedule 7, item 1: retrospective commencement NRR -
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Telecommunications Interception and Other Measures) Bill 2005 4/05   schedule 1: retrospectivity NRR -
    schedule 2, item 15: retrospectivity NRR -
    schedule 2, item 4: Legislative Instruments Act – declarations and exemptions NRR -
Criminal Code Amendment (Trafficking in Persons Offences) Bill 2004 1/05   schedule 1, item 9: absolute liability NRR -
Customs Amendment (Thailand-Australia Free Trade Agreement Implementation) Bill 2004 11/04 1(a)(iv) schedule 1, parts 1 and 2: uncertainty of commencement   12/04
Customs Legislation Amendment (Border Compliance and Other Measures) Bill 2006 4/06   schedule 7, items 3 and 4: retrospective commencement NRR -
Customs Legislation Amendment (Modernising Import Controls and Other Measures) Bill 2006 7/06 1(a)(iv) schedule 2: uncertainty of commencement   6/06
Customs Legislation Amendment (New Zealand Rules of Origin) Bill 2006 13/06 1(a)(v) schedule 1, item 1: delegation of legislative power   11/06
Customs Tariff Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2005 3/05   subclause 2(1), items 2 to 7: retrospective commencement NRR -
Customs Tariff Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2005 8/05   subclause 2(1), items 2 and 3: retrospective commencement NRR -
Customs Tariff Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2007 6/07   schedule 2: retrospective commencement NRR -
Customs Tariff Amendment (Fuel Tax Reform and Other Measures) Bill 2006 5/06   schedule 1: retrospective commencement NRR -
Customs Tariff Amendment (Incorporation of Proposals) Bill 2006 15/06   schedules 1 and 2: retrospective commencement NRR -
Customs Tariff Amendment (Thailand-Australia Free Trade Agreement Implementation) Bill 2004 11/04 1(a)(iv) schedule 1, items 1 to 37: uncertainty of commencement   12/04
Datacasting Transmitter Licence Fees Bill 2006 12/06 1(a)(iii) clause 9: excluding merits review   11/06
Defence Amendment Act 2005 2/05 1(a)(iv) schedule 1, item 1: incorporation of extrinsic material NRR -
  1(a)(v) schedule 1, items 2 to 39: parliamentary scrutiny of the exercise of legislative power   7/05
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 2 to 39: privacy   7/05
Defence Legislation Amendment (Aid to Civilian Authorities) Act 2005 1/06 1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 15 and schedule 3, item 2: trespass on personal rights and liberties NRR 2/06
    schedule 1, item 15: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination NRR -
  1(a)(v) schedule 6, item 14: Legislative Instruments Act – declarations   2/06
Defence Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2005 10/05   schedule 5: retrospective commencement NRR -
Defence Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 11/06   schedule 1: commencement on proclamation NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 11, sections 122 and 124: constitution of military jury   11/06
    Amendment: schedule 1, item 11, sections 122 and 124: constitution of military jury NRR -
Defence Legislation Amendment Bill 2007 11/07   items 2, 6, 7 and 9: commencement on proclamation NRR -
Defence (Road Transport Legislation Exemption) Bill 2005 15/05   clause 5: delegation of legislative power NRR -
Do Not Call Register Bill 2006 5/06   clauses 39, 40, 42 to 45, Parts 2, 4 and 5 and schedules 1, 2 and 3: cmmencement on proclamation NRR -
Education Services for Overseas Students Legislation Amendment (2006 Measures No. 1) Bill 2006 5/06 1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 9 to 12: retrospective application   5/06
Education Services for Overseas Students Legislation Amendment Bill 2007 4/07 1(a)(ii) schedule 1, item 1: wide delegation of power   5/07
Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Electoral Integrity and Other Measures) Bill 2005 1/06   schedule 1, items 17 to 19, 21 to 23, 25 to 27 and 29 to 35: commencement on proclamation NRR -
    schedule 2, item 29: retrospective commencement NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 15: trespass on personal rights – prisoner’s voting rights NRR -
    schedule 1, items 20, 24, 28, 39-45, 51, 52, 104-108: trespass on personal rights NRR -
Electoral and Referendum Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 15/06   schedule 2, item 1: Legislative Instruments Act 2003—disallowance NRR -
Electoral (Greater Fairness of Electoral Processes) Amendment Bill 2007 3/07   schedule 1, item 5: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination NRR -
Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment (Welfare to Work and Other Measures) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2006 4/06   schedule 13, item 21: retrospective commencement NRR -
Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment (Welfare to Work and Vocational Rehabilitation Services) Bill 2006 1/07 1(a)(ii) schedule 1, items 2 and 16: insufficiently defined administrative power – wide discretion   2-3/07
Energy Efficiency Opportunities Amendment Bill 2006 15/06   schedule 1, items 1 to 5: retrospective commencement NRR -
Energy Efficiency Opportunities Bill 2005 12/05 1(a)(ii) paragraph 25(1)(b): insufficiently defined administrative powers   12/05
Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 5/06   schedule 2, items 1 to 13, 15 and 16: retrospective commencement NRR -
Environment and Heritage Legislation Amendment (Antarctic Seals and Other Measures) Bill 2006 8/06   schedule 2, item 1: retrospective commencement NRR -
    schedule 1, item 84: non-reviewable decisions NRR -
Environment and Heritage Legislation Amendment (No. 1) Bill 2006 12/06 1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 3, 8, 10, 12 and 14: commencement   11/06
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 781 and 782: commencement   11/06
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 5, 7, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 32, 39, 41, 44, 46, 50, 52, 57, 59, 61, 63, 64, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 80 and 82: strict liability   11/06
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 291: strict liability   11/06
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 591 and 595: strict liability   11/06
  1(a)(v) schedule 1, items 354 and 358: Legislative Instruments Act—exemptions   11/06
  1(a)(v) schedule 1, items 391 and 466: Legislation Instruments Act—declaration   11/06
  1(a)(iii) schedule 1, items 415, 448 and 465: excluding merits review   11/06
    schedule 1, item 767: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination NRR -
    schedule 1: search and seizure NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 633: search without warrant   11/06
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 835: search without warrant   11/06
  1(a)(i) clause 17: search without warrant   11/06-13/06
  1(a)(iv) schedule 2, part 2, subitem 4(2): exercise of legislative power   11/06
Excise Tariff Amendment (Fuel Tax Reform and Other Measures) Bill 2006 5/06   schedule 1, items 42 to 44: retrospective commencement NRR -
Export Market Development Grants Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 4/06   schedule 1, item 34: retrospective commencement NRR -
Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation (2006 Budget and Other Measures) Bill 2006 5/06   schedule 9: retrospective commencement NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 11: retrospective commencement   4/06
Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Northern Territory National Emergency Response and Other Measures) Act 2007 9/07 1(a)(i) subclause 4(2): personal rights and liberties NRR -
  1(a)(iv) schedule 1, item 1: delegation of legislative power NRR -
    schedule 2, item 33: retrospective application NRR -
    schedule 4, item 12: Legislative Instruments Act—exemptions   9/07-FRR
Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (2006 Budget Measures) Bill 2006 11/06 1(a)(v) schedule 1, items 6 and 30: Legislative Instruments Act—declarations   10/06
  1(a)(i) schedule 2: search and entry   10/06
14/06   Amendment: schedule 2: search and entry NRR -
Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Legislation Amendment (Child Support Reform Consolidation and Other Measures) Bill 2007 5/07   schedule 1, part 1: retrospective commencement NRR -
    schedule 5, part 3: retrospective commencement NRR -
    schedule 12: retrospective commencement NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 20: strict liability   6/07
    schedule 5, items 8 and 14: retrospective application NRR -
    schedule 12, item 17: wide delegation of power NRR -
Family and Community Services and Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Further 2004 Election Commitments and Other Measures) Bill 2005 2/05   schedule 1, subclause 2(1): retrospectivity NRR -
Family and Community Services Legislation Amendment (Family Assistance and Related Measures) Bill 2005 5/05 1(a)(i) schedule 3, item 4: retrospective commencement   6/05
    schedule 3, items 14 to 16: retrospective application NRR -
Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Adjustment of Certain FTB Child Rates) Bill 2004 11/04   schedule 1, items 2 and 4: retrospectivity NRR -
Family Assistance, Social Security and Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (2005 Budget and Other Measures) Bill 2006 2/06   schedule 3: retrospective commencement NRR -
    schedule 8, part 1 and schedule 9: retrospective commencement NRR -
Family Law Amendment Bill 2005 4/05 1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 136: retrospectivity NRR -
Family Law (Divorce Fees Validation) Bill 2007 2/07   clause 3: retrospective operation NRR -
Federal Magistrates Amendment (Disability and Death Benefits) Bill 2006 4/06   schedule 1, item 13: standing appropriation NRR -
Film Licensed Investment Company Bill 2005 5/05 1(a)(i) clause 41: reversal of the onus of proof   6/05
Financial Framework Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2005 1/06   schedule 3, item 10: retrospective commencement NRR -
Financial Framework Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2007 6/07 1(a)(iv) schedule 1, item 9: ‘Henry VIII’ clause   10/07
  1(a)(i) item 9: retrospective application   10/07
Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Discretionary Mutual Funds and Direct Offshore Foreign Insurers) Bill 2007 8/07 1(a)(i) schedule 2, item 1: strict liability    
  1(a)(v) schedule 2, item 8: Legislative Instruments Act—declarations    
  1(a)(i) schedule 2, items 12 and 36: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination    
Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Restructures) Act 2007 6/07 1(a)(iii) schedule 1, item 14: excluding merits review   8/07
Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Review of Prudential Decisions) Bill 2007 12/07   schedule 1, item 21 and subitems 9(3), 27(3) and 55(5): retrospective aapplication NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 10, 15, 19, 25, 43 and 52: strict liability    
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 56, subsection 131AA(10): strict liability    
  1(a)(v) schedule 1, item 56: Legislative Instruments Act—declarations    
    schedule 2, item 12: merits review NRR -
    schedule 4, items 7 and 34: merits review NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 2, item 12: strict liability    
Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Simplifying Regulation and Review) Bill 2007 8/07   schedule 1, part 3: commencement NRR -
    schedule 1, part 4: commencement NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 44, 62, 115 and 154: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination    
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 67 and 143: strict liability    
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 160 and 187: strict liability    
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 244: strict liability    
  1(a)(i) schedule 3, item 8: strict liability explanatory memorandum: apparent error    
    schedule 4, items 25 and 28: retrospective effect NRR -
Fisheries Legislation Amendment Bill 2007 6/07 1(a)(iv) schedule 3, part 2: commencement more than six months after assent   7/07
  1(a)(i) schedule 2, item 5 and schedule 2, item 7: strict liability   7/07
  1(a)(iii) schedule 3, item 180: non-reviewable decisions   7/07
Fisheries Legislation Amendment (International Obligations and Other Matters) Bill 2005 4/05   schedule 1, items 5, 24 to 33, 37 to 41, 48 to 58 and 59: commencement by proclamation NRR -
    schedule 1, items 26 and 43: Legislative Instruments Act – declarations NRR -
    schedule 1, items 36, 42 and 43: strict liability NRR -
Fisheries (Validation of Plans of Management) Bill 2004 11/04   clause 3: retrospective application NRR -
Food Safety (Trans Fats) Bill 2007 5/07   clause 2: commencement NRR -
Food Standards Australia New Zealand Amendment Bill 2007 5/07   schedule 2: commencement on proclamation NRR -
    schedule 3, part 1: uncertain commencement NRR -
  1(a)(v) schedule 1, items 16 and 74 and schedule 3, item 5: Legislative Instruments Act—disallowance and sunset provisions   6/07
  1(a)(v) schedule 1, item 74 and schedule 3, item 5: Legislative Instruments Act—declarations   6/07
  1(a)(iv) schedule 1, item 76: ‘Henry VIII’ clause   6/07
7/07   Amendment: ‘Henry VIII’ clause NRR -
Forestry Marketing and Research and Development Services Act 2007 5/07 1(a)(v) subclause 8(1): insufficient scrutiny of contract   6/07
  1(a)(iii) clause 12: non-reviewable decisions   6-7-8/07
  1(a)(iii) subclause 13(1): non-reviewable decisions   6-7/07
Fuel Quality Standards (Renewable Content of Motor Vehicle Fuel) Amendment Bill 2005 11/05   explanatory memorandum NRR RNP
  1(a)(i) schedule 1: commencement on proclamation    
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 1: strict liability    
Fuel Quality Standards (Renewable Content of Motor Vehicle Fuel) Amendment Bill 2006 10/06   explanatory memorandum NRR RNP
  1(a)(iv) schedule 1: commencement on proclamation    
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 1: strict liability    
Fuel Tax Bill 2006 4/06 1(a)(ii) proposed new section 75-55: apparently excessive powers NRR -
Fuel Tax (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2006 4/06   schedule 4, item 3: retrospective commencement NRR -
Future Fund Bill 2005 1/06   subclause 18(6): ‘Henry VIII’ clause NRR -
Gene Technology Amendment Bill 2007 5/07 1(a)(iii) schedule 1, part 3, item 39: non-reviewable discretion   6/07
  1(a)(iii) schedule 1, part 6, item 56: non-reviewable discretion   6/07
Governance Review Implementation (Treasury Portfolio Agencies) Bill 2007 3/07   schedule 1, items 12 and 46: ‘Henry VIII’ clauses NRR -
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (Protecting the Great Barrier Reef from Oil Drilling and Exploration) Amendment Bill 2006 13/06   explanatory memorandum NRR DC
Health Insurance Amendment (Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation) Bill 2007 5/07   schedule 1, item 5: commencement NRR -
  1(a)(ii) schedule 1, item 11: wide delegation of power   6/07
    schedule 1, item 11: non-reviewable decisions NRR -
  1(a)(ii) schedule 1, subitem 12(6): wide delegation of power   6/07
Health Insurance Amendment (Inappropriate and Prohibited Practices and Other Measures) Bill 2007 5/07   schedule 1: commencement NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 2, subitems 2 and 3: retrospective effect   6/07
Health Legislation Amendment (Australian Community Pharmacy Authority) Bill 2005 5/05   schedule 1, item 1: retrospective application NRR -
Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2007 12/07   schedule 1, items 1 to 3 and 5 and schedule 2, items 1 to 6 and items 8 to 11: retrospective commencement NRR -
Health Legislation Amendment (Pharmacy Location Arrangements) Bill 2006 2/06   schedule 1, part 3: retrospective commencement NRR -
Higher Education Endowment Fund Bill 2007 11/07 1(a)(v) subclauses 13(3), 14(2), 15(4), 45(5) and 47(7): Legislative Instruments Act—determinations   10/07
  1(a)(v) clause 14: special (standing) appropriation   10/07
Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2005 Measures No. 1) Bill 2005 2/05   schedule 5, subclause 2(1): retrospective commencement NRR -
Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2005 Measures No. 2) Bill 2005 3/05   schedule 1, part 3 and schedule 2: retrospectivity NRR -
Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2005 Budget Measures No. 3) Bill 2005 8/05   schedule 6 and schedule 7, various items: retrospective commencement NRR -
Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2006 Budget and Other Measures) Bill 2006 10/06   schedule 4, item 5: retrospective application NRR -
Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2007 Budget Measures) Bill 2007 6/07 1(a)(iii) schedule 2, item 5: non-reviewable decisions   7/07
Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2007 Measures No. 1) Bill 2007 3/07 1(a)(iv) schedule 1: commencement on proclamation   4/07
    schedule 3, item 2: trespass on personal rights NRR -
Higher Education Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 3) 2004 Reintroduced refer also A/D 10/04 11/04   schedule 1, items 44 and 45; schedule 2, item 9: retrospective commencement NRR -
Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Workplace Relations Requirements) Bill 2005 8/05 1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 1: possible retrospectivity   11/05
Higher Education Support Amendment (Extending FEE-HELP For VET Diploma and VET Advanced Diploma Courses) Bill 2007
(new citation: Higher Education Support Amendment (Extending FEE-HELP for VET Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate Courses) Bill 2007
8/07 1(a)(iii) schedule 1, item 17: Legislative Instruments Act—determinations   9/07
Housing Loans Insurance Corporation (Transfer of Assets and Abolition) Repeal Bill 2006 11/06 1(a)(i) schedules 1 and 2: commencement   9/06
Human Services (Enhanced Service Delivery) Bill 2007 2/07   item 2: commencement on proclamation NRR -
  1(a)(v) subclause 67(3): Legislative Instruments Act—declarations   4/07
  1(a)(ii) subclauses 68(1) and 70(1): wide delegation of power   4/07
  1(a)(iii) lack of merits review of administrative decisions   4/07
Independent Contractors Bill 2006 7/06   subclauses 22(8) and 22(9): abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination NRR -
Independent Contractors Amendment Bill 2007 8/07   explanatory memorandum NRR -
Independent Contractors Amendment Bill 2007 (No. 2) 8/07   explanatory memorandum NRR -
Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Bill 2006 4/06   schedule 16: retrospective commencement NRR -
International Trade Integrity Bill 2007 7/07   schedule 1, item 5: incorporation of extrinsic material NRR -
    items 16, 22 and 26: strict liability NRR -
    schedule 1, item 26: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 34: absolute liability   8/07
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 34: strict liability   8/07
JamesHardie (Investigations and Proceedings) Act 2004 12/04 1(a)(i) clause 4: abrogation of legal professional privilege   7/05
Judges’ Pensions Amendment Bill 2007 7/07 1(a)(i) item 1 and items 2 to 7 and 8 to 12: retrospective application   8/07
Judiciary Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 11/06   schedule 1, item 9: retrospective application NRR -
Jurisdiction of Courts (Family Law) Bill 2005 1/06   schedule 1, items 28, 29 and 30: retrospective commencement NRR -
Lands Acquisition Legislation Amendment Bill 2007 12/07   schedule 1, item 2: incorporation of extrinsic material NRR -
Late Payment of Government Debts (Interest) Bill 2007 8/07   explanatory memorandum NRR -
Law and Justice Legislation Amendment (Marking of Plastic Explosives) Bill 2006 10/06 1(a)(i) schedules 1 to 3: indeterminate commencement   10/06
    schedule 1, item 8: strict criminal liability NRR -
Law and Justice Legislation Amendment (Serious Drug Offences and Other Measures) Bill 2005 5/05 1(a)(iv) schedule 2, item 3: uncertainty of commencement   7/05
    schedule 1: explanatory memorandum NRR -
  1(a)(iv) schedule 1, item 1 – proposed subsections 301.1 to 301.11: delegation of legislative power NRR -
    schedule 1, item 1 – various proposed subsections: absolute liability NRR -
    schedule 1, item 1 – various proposed subsections: reversal of the onus of proof NRR -
    schedule 1, item 1 – various proposed subsections: strict liability NRR -
    schedule 1, item 1 – various proposed subsections: strict liability NRR -
Law and Justice Legislation Amendment (Video Link Evidence and Other Measures) Bill 2005 12/05   schedule 1, item 28: retrospective application NRR -
Law Enforcement (AFP Professional Standards and Related Measures) Bill 2006 4/06 1(a)(v) schedule 1, item 27 and schedule 1, item 28 – Legislative Instruments Act – determinations and directions   4/06
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 28: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination   4/06
Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006 4/06 1(a)(i) subclauses 80(1) and 96(1): abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination   4/06
  1(a)(i) subclauses 80(5) and 96(5): abrogation of legal professional privilege   4/06
  1(a)(v) subclause 140(5): Legislative Instruments Act – direction   4/06
Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2006 4/06   schedule 1, item 1: excluding judicial review NRR -
Liquid Fuel Emergency Amendment Bill 2007 5/07   schedule 1, items 14, 15 and 21: retrospective application NRR -
  1(a)(v) schedule 1, items 14, 15 and 21: Legislative Instruments Act—declarations   6/07
  1(a)(v) schedule 1, items 15 and 21: Legislative Instruments Act—disallowance and sunset provisions   6/07
  1(a)(ii) schedule 1, item 88: wide delegation of power   6/07
Maritime Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 8/05   schedule 1, item 5: schedule 2, items 32 and 39: absolute and strict liability NRR -
    schedule 2, items 66, 68 and 70: reversal of the onus of proof NRR -
Maritime Legislation Amendment Bill 2007 10/07   schedule 1: commencement on proclamation NRR -
Maritime Legislation Amendment (Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships) Bill 2006 1/07 1(a)(v) schedule 1: Legislative Instruments Act – declarations   2/07
Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Amendment (Maritime Security Guards and Other Measures) Bill 2005 8/05 1(a)(i) schedule 1: personal rights and liberties NRR -
Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Amendment (Security Plans and Other Measures) Bill 2006 4/06   schedule 2, items 31 and 32, schedule 3: retrospective commencement NRR -
Maritime Transport Security Amendment Bill 2005 5/05 1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 105: absolute and strict liability   6/05
Medibank Private Sale Bill 2006 13/06 1(a)(i) schedule 3: commencement   11/06
    subclause 3(3): Legislative Instruments Act — disallowance NRR -
    schedule 2, subitems 5(4) and 5(5): Legislative Instruments    
  1(a)(v) Act — exemptions   11/06
Medical Indemnity (Competitive Advantage Payment) Bill 2005 7/05   clause 6: setting the rate of a tax by regulation NRR -
Medical Indemnity Legislation Amendment Act 2005 2/05 1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 1 to 5, 9, 13 and 14: retrospectivity   4/05
    schedule 1, item 7: schedule 3, items 1, 4, 10, 11, 13 and 14: retrospective commencement    
  1(a)(i) schedule 3, items 5 to 7, 15 and 16: retrospective commencement   4/05
    schedule 3, item 12: typographical error NRR -
Medical Indemnity Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 11/06   schedule 1, items 1, 20 and 21: retrospective commencement NRR -
Medical Indemnity Legislation Amendment (Competitive Neutrality) Bill 2005 7/05   schedule 3; retrospective commencement NRR -
    schedule 1, item 10: exempting a tax by regulation NRR -
Migration Amendment (Designated Unauthorised Arrivals) Bill 2006 5/06 1(a)(i) proposed new subparagraph 5F(1)(b)(ii): legislation by press release    
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 28 to 40: abrogation of common law rights of action    
    schedule 1, subitem 43(3): standing appropriation NRR -
Migration Amendment (Sponsorship Obligations) Bill 2007 8/07   schedule 1, item 44: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination NRR -
Migration Amendment (Visa Integrity) Bill 2006 7/06 1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 1 and 5: retrospective application   8/06
Migration and Ombudsman Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 12/05 1(a)(i) schedule 2, items 3, 6, 11, 12 and 15: alteration of contractual rights NRR -
Migration Legislation Amendment (Appropriate Access to Detention Centres) Bill 2006 7/06   explanatory memorandum NRR -
Migration Legislation Amendment (Migration Zone Excision Repeal) Bill 2006 6/06   explanatory memorandum NRR -
Migration Legislation Amendment (Migration Zone Excision Repeal) (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2006 6/06   explanatory memorandum NRR -
Migration Legislation Amendment (Provisions Relating to Character and Conduct) Bill 2006 9/06   explanatory memorandum NRR -
Migration Legislation Amendment (Temporary Protection Visas Repeal) Bill 2006 7/06   explanatory memorandum NRR -
Migration Litigation Reform Bill 2005 3/05   schedule 1, item 1: exclusion of judicial review NRR -
Migration (Sponsorship Fees) Bill 2007 6/07   clause 3: retrospective application NRR -
Murray-Darling Basin Amendment Bill 2006 1/07 1(a)(iv) item 2: commencement on proclamation   5/07
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Bill 2007 11/07 1(a)(iv) subclauses 5(1) and 10(1): determination of important matters by regulation    
12/07   Amendment: regulations NRR -
National Health Security Bill 2007 12/07   part 3: commencement on proclamation NRR -
    clause 73: entry and search without warrant NRR -
National Market Driven Energy Efficiency Target Bill 2007 11/07 1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 3: strict liability   10/07
National Security Information (Criminal Proceedings) Amendment (Application) Bill 2005 2/05 1(a)(i) schedule 1: retrospective application NRR -
National Security Information (Criminal Proceedings) Bill 2004 11/04 1(a)(i) subclauses 31(7) and 31(8): personal rights NRR -
National Security Information (Criminal Proceedings) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2004 11/04   schedule 1, item 2: exclusion of requirement to give reasons NRR -
12/04   Amendment NRR -
National Security Information Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 3/05   schedule 1, items 6, 7 and 22: Legislative Instruments Act – declarations NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 22 and proposed new subsection 38L(8): personal rights NRR -
    schedule 1, part 2, item 31: exclusion of requirement to give reasons NRR -
Native Title Amendment Bill 2006 4/07   Amendment: item 6, subsection 203AD(1B): Legislative
Instruments Act—disallowance
Native Title Amendment (Technical Amendments) Act 2007 5/07   schedule 3, item 7: commencement NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 91: retrospective application   6/07
    schedule 1, item 138: retrospective application NRR -
    schedule 3, item 7: Legislative Instruments Act—declarations   6-8/07
7/07   Amendment: section 132A, item 27: retrospective application NRR -
New International Tax Arrangements (Foreign-owned Branches and Other Measures) Bill 2005 4/05   schedule 5: retrospectivity NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 2, items 6, 7, 8 and 10: retrospective application   5/05
Non-Proliferation Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 1/07 1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 28: commencement   2/07
Northern Territory National Emergency Response Act 2007 9/07 1(a)(i) paragraph 12(4)(a), clause 7, subclause 12(6), subclause (6): personal rights and liberties   9/07
  1(a)(v) subclause 12(9): Legislative Instruments Act—exemptions NRR -
  1(a)(iii) subclauses 13(4) and (5) and clause 14: excluding merits review NRR -
  1(a)(iv) subclauses 19(1) and 22(1), subclauses 19(2) and 22(2) and subclauses 24(1) and 24(2): delegation of legislative power NRR -
  1(a)(v) subclause 26(1): Legislative Instruments Act—declaration   9/07
    subclauses 30(2) and (7): strict liability NRR -
  1(a)(iii) subclauses 34(9), 35(11), 37(5), 47(7), 48(5) and 49(4): Legislative Instruments Act—determinations   9/07
  1(a)(iv) subclauses 44(3), 46(3), 58(3), 64(1), 78(4) and 81(4): ‘Henry VIII’ clauses   9/07
  1(a)(iv) & 1(a)(v) clause 63: special (standing) appropriation   9/07
  1(a)(i) subclause 60(2): personal rights and liberties   9/07
    clause 65: retrospective application NRR -
  1(a)(iii) clause 78: excluding merits review   9/07
  1(a)(v) subclause 86(6): Legislative Instruments Act—declaration   9/07
  1(a)(iii) clause 97 and 106: excluding merits review   9/07
  1(a)(iii) subclause 112(6): Legislative Instruments Act—declarations and excluding merits review   9/07-FRR
    subclause 119(4): strict liability NRR -
  1(a)(i) subclauses 132(1) and 132(2): personal rights and liberties NRR -
Northern Territory National Emergency Response Amendment (Alcohol) Act 2007 12/07 1(a)(iv) & 1(a)(v) schedule 1, item 9: delegation of legislative power NRR -
Occupational Health and Safety (Commonwealth Employment) Amendment (Promoting Safer Workplaces) Bill 2005 3/05   proposed new subsection 11A(3): retrospective application NRR -
Offshore Petroleum Amendment (Greater Sunrise) Bill 2007 2/07   schedule 1, items 26 and 28 and item 35: wide delegation of power NRR -
Offshore Petroleum Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2007 11/07 1(a)(i) subclause 2(1): possible retrospectivity   10/07
Offshore Petroleum (Annual Fees) Bill 2005 8/05 1(a)(iv) subclause 4(3): setting an amount of tax by regulation   9/05
Offshore Petroleum Bill 2005 8/05 1(a)(iv) subclause 2(1), item 2: commencement on proclamation   9/05
    subclauses 290(5), 303(5), 307(2), 329(10), 331(8) and 336(6);    
    schedule 3, subitems 82(1) and 83(3): strict liability NRR -
  1(a)(i) subclause 301(7) and clause 309: reversal of the onus of proof   9/05
  1(a)(iv) subclause 399(1): ‘Henry VIII’ clause – imposition of a tax by regulation   9/05
    subclause 412(2) and subitem 74(9): abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination NRR -
Offshore Petroleum (Registration Fees) Bill 2005 8/05 1(a)(iv) clauses 5 and 6: setting an amount of tax by regulation   9/05
OHS and SRC Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 1/06   schedule 2, part 2: retrospective application NRR -
Parliamentary (Judicial Misbehaviour or Incapacity) Commission Bill 2005 11/05   explanatory memorandum   RNP
  1(a)(i) clauses 5 to 46, subclause 2(2): commencement    
  1(a)(i) subclauses 22(1) and 9(2): search warrants ─ judicial oversight    
  1(a)(i) subclauses 25(1) and 9(2): apprehension warrant ─ judicial oversight    
  1(a)(i) subclauses 32(1) and (2) and 33(1): strict liability    
  1(a)(i) clause 35: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination    
Parliamentary (Judicial Misbehaviour or Incapacity) Commission Bill 2007 12/07 1(a)(i) subclause 2(2): uncertain commencement    
  1(a)(i) subclause 21(1): search warrants – judicial oversight    
  1(a)(i) subclause 24(1): apprehension warrant – judicial oversight    
  1(a)(i) subclauses 31(2) and (5) and 32(3): strict liability    
  1(a)(i) clause 34: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination    
Payment of Accounts by Government Bill 2006 9/06   explanatory memorandum NRR RNP
Payment Systems (Regulation) Amendment Bill 2005 3/05 1(a)(v) proposed new subsection 18A(2): incorporation of extrinsic material   5/05
Plant Health Australia (Plant Industries) Funding Amendment Bill 2006 5/06   schedule 1, item 17: standing appropriation NRR -
Postal Industry Ombudsman Bill 2004 11/04   schedule 2: retrospective commencement NRR -
    schedule 1, item 12: delegation of power NRR -
Privacy (Extension to Political Acts and Practices) Amendment Bill 2006 7/06   explanatory memorandum NRR -
Privacy Protection for Off-shoring Bill 2007 8/07 1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 3: strict liability explanatory memorandum NRR -
Private Health Insurance Act 2007
(previous citation: Private Health Insurance Bill 2006)
1/07 1(a)(iv) subclause 78-1(6) and subclause 217-5(4): delegation of legislative Power – ‘Henry VIII’ clause   2/07
  1(a)(iv) subparagraph 217-5(1)(b)(ii): delegation of legislative power – ‘Henry VIII’ clause   2/07
    subclause 250-1(6): abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination NRR 2/07
4/07 1(a)(i) Amendment: item 50, sub-clause 121-7(2): retrospective application   5/07
4/07   Amendment: item 85, clause 217-80: ‘Henry VIII’ clause NRR -
Private Health Insurance Incentives Amendment Bill 2004 11/04   schedule 2, items 1 and 2: retrospective application NRR -
Product Stewardship (Oil) Amendment Bill 2007 6/07   schedule 1, item 5: incorporation of extrinsic material NRR -
Protecting Children from Junk Food Advertising Bill 2006 4/06   explanatory memorandum NRR -
Protection of the Australian National Flag (Desecration of the Flag) Bill 2006 4/06   explanatory memorandum NRR RNP
Protection of the Sea (Harmful Anti-fouling Systems) Bill 2006 7/06 1(a)(v) item 2, subclause 2(1) and subclause 5(2): Legislative Instruments Act─declarations   7/06
Protection of the Sea (Shipping Levy) Amendment Bill 2005 10/05   schedule 1, item 1: setting the amount of a levy by regulation NRR -
Qantas Sale (Keep Jetstar Australian) Amendment Bill 2007 3/07   explanatory memorandum NRR -
Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill 2006 3/06   schedule 1, item 1: exemption from judicial review NRR -
  1(a)(v) schedule 1, item 57: Legislative Instruments Act – declarations   4/06
  1(a)(v) schedule 1, item 100: Legislative Instruments Act – declarations   4/06
    schedule 1, item 169: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination NRR -
Repatriation of Citizens Bill 2007 5/07   explanatory memorandum NRR -
Royal Commissions Amendment (Records) Bill 2006 15/06 1(a)(iii) schedule 1, item 2: non-reviewable decisions NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 3: retrospective effect NRR -
Same-Sex Marriages Bill 2006 6/06   explanatory memorandum NRR -
Schools Assistance (Learning Together──Achievement Through Choice and Opportunity) Amendment Bill 2006 2/06   schedule 1, item 3: retrospective commencement NRR -
Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Amendment Bill 2006 7/06   explanatory memorandum NRR RNP
Social Security Amendment (2007 Measures No. 1) Bill 2007 8/07   schedule 6, items 1 and 2: retrospective commencement NRR -
Social Security Amendment (2007 Measures No. 2) Bill 2007 11/07   schedule 1, item 35: retrospective commencement NRR -
Social Security Amendment (Extension of Youth Allowance and Austudy Eligibility to New Apprentices) Bill 2005 4/05   schedule 3: retrospective commencement NRR -
Social Security and Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2006 4/06   schedule 6, items 1, 2 and 3: retrospective commencement NRR -
Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Welfare Payment Reform) Act 2007 9/07 1(a)(i) subclauses 4(3), 4(5) and 6(3): personal rights and liberties NRR -
    paragraphs 6(1)(a) and 7(1)(a): legislation by press release NRR -
  1(a)(v) schedule 1, item 17: Legislative Instruments Act–exemptions NRR -
    schedule 1, item 17, paragraph 123UB(1)(b): legislation by press release NRR -
  1(a)(iii) schedule 1, item 17, paragraph 123UC(b): excluding merits review   9/07-FRR
  1(a)(iii) schedule 1, item 17: excluding merits review   9/07
  1(a)(iv) schedule 1, item 17, subsection 123UK(1): determination of important matters by legislative instrument NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 17: personal rights and liberties   9/07
  1(a)(iv) & 1(a)(v) schedule 1, item 17: special (standing) appropriation   9/07
  1(a)(iii) schedule 1, item 18: non-reviewable decisions NRR -
Social Security and Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (One-off Payments and Other 2007 Budget Measures) Act 2007 6/07 1(a)(iii) & 1(a)(iv) schedule 2, items 1 and 2 and schedule 4, item 1: determination of important matters by regulation   8/07
  1(a)(iv) & 1(a)(v) schedule 2, subitems 1(4) and 2(4) and schedule 4, subitem 1(4): special (standing) appropriations   8/07
Social Security and Veterans’ Entitlements Legislation Amendment (One-off Payments to Increase Assistance for Older Australians and Carers and Other Measures) Bill 2006 5/06   schedule 1, items 1 and 7 and schedule 3, item 1: retrospective commencement NRR -
Statute Law Revision Bill 2005 4/05   subclause 2(1): retrospective commencement NRR -
Statute Law Revision Bill (No. 2) 2005 15/05   schedules 1 and 2: retrospective commencement NRR -
Statute Law Revision Bill (No. 2) 2006 1/07   subclause 2(1): retrospective commencement NRR -
Student Assistance Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 11/05   schedule 2, item 10: incorporation of extrinsic material NRR -
Superannuation Bill 2005 5/05   subclauses 5(5), 7(4), 8(7) and 13(6): retrospective effect NRR -
  1(a)(v) subclause 10(2): parliamentary scrutiny   5/05
  1(a)(iv) clause 22: ‘Henry VIII’ clause   5/05
Superannuation Laws Amendment (2007 Budget Co-contribution Measure) Bill 2007 6/07   schedule 1, item 1: retrospective operation NRR -
Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2004 11/04   schedule 1, paragraph 2(1)(a) and schedule 2, paragraph 4(1)(a): retrospective application NRR -
Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2007 8/07   schedule 1, item 7: ‘Henry VIII’ clause NRR -
Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Superannuation Safety and Other Measures) Bill 2005 8/05   schedule 3: retrospective application NRR -
Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Trustee Board and Other Measures) Bill 2006 4/06   schedule 2: retrospective commencement NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (2004 Measures No. 6) Bill 2004 11/04   schedules 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11 and 12: retrospective commencement and retrospective application NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (2004 Measures No. 7) Bill 2004 1/05   schedules 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11: retrospective commencement and application NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (2005 Measures No. 1) Bill 2005 2/05   schedule 2, item 3: retrospectivity NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (2005 Measures No. 2) Bill 2005 4/05   schedule 3, items 5 and 12: schedule 5 and schedule 6, item 28: retrospective application NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (2005 Measures No. 3) Bill 2005 5/05   schedule 2: retrospective application NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (2005 Measures No. 4) Bill 2005 8/05 1(a)(iv) schedule 4: commencement on proclamation   8/05
    schedule 2, items 1, 2, 3, 5 and 12: retrospective application NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (2005 Measures No. 5) Bill 2005 10/05   schedules 1, 2, 3 and 6: retrospective commencement and application NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (2005 Measures No. 6) Bill 2005 1/06   schedule 1, item 2 and schedule 2, item 4: retrospective application NRR -
    schedule 5: retrospective operation NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (2006 Measures No. 1) Bill 2006 2/06   schedule 2, parts 1 and 2: retrospective application NRR -
    schedule 4, subitem 20(3): retrospective application NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (2006 Measures No. 2) Bill 2006 4/06   schedules 3, 4, 5 and 7: retrospective commencement and application NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (2006 Measures No. 3) Bill 2006 5/06   schedules 4, 8, 9, 10, 13 and 15: retrospective commencement and application NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (2006 Measures No. 4) Bill 2006 7/06 1(a)(i) schedule 2, item 8: retrospective application NRR -
    schedule 3, items 1 to 5: retrospective commencement   9/06
Tax Laws Amendment (2006 Measures No. 5) Bill 2006 9/06   schedule 2: retrospective application NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (2006 Measures No. 6) Bill 2006 13/06   schedule 2, item 24: retrospective commencement NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (2006 Measures No. 7) Bill 2006 1/07   schedule 1, item 67: retrospective application NRR -
    schedule 2, item 8: retrospective application NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 7, item 5: retrospective application – legislation by press release   2-3/07
Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Measures No. 1) Bill 2007 2/07   schedule 1, item 1: Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act NRR -
    schedule 1, item 5: retrospective application NRR -
    schedule 3, item 39: retrospective application NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Measures No. 2) Bill 2007 5/07   schedule 7, items 2 to 14: retrospective commencement NRR -
    schedule 8, part 5: retrospective commencement NRR -
    schedule 1: retrospective application NRR -
    schedule 3: retrospective application NRR -
    schedule 6: retrospective application NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Measures No. 3) Bill 2007 6/07   schedule 2, item 2: legislation by press release NRR -
    schedule 1: retrospective application NRR -
    schedule 3: retrospective application NRR -
    schedule 6: retrospective application NRR -
    schedule 7: retrospective application NRR -
    schedule 9: retrospective application NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Measures No. 4) Bill 2007 8/07   schedule 5, part 2 and part 3; schedule 7, items 2 to 6; schedule 2, part 2; NRR -
    schedule 7, items 21 and 37: retrospective application and commencement NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Measures No. 5) Bill 2007 11/07   schedule 10, part 3: commencement NRR -
    schedules 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10: retrospective application NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Measures No. 6) Bill 2007 12/07   schedule 1, part 2: commencement NRR -
    schedule 3, item 5: uncertain commencement NRR -
    schedule 2: retrospective application NRR -
    schedule 4: retrospective application NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (Improvements to Self Assessment) Bill (No. 2) 2005 14/05   schedule 1, items 15, 19, 23, 32, 35, 59, 61, 68 and 73: retrospective application NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (Loss Recoupment Rules and Other Measures) Bill 2005 12/05   schedule 1, items 169 to 176: retrospective application NRR -
    schedule 3, item 5: legislation by press release NRR -
    schedule 4, item 12: retrospective application NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (Retirement Villages) Bill 2004 11/04   schedule 1, part 2: retrospective application NRR -
Tax Laws Amendment (Small Business Measures) Bill 2004 11/04   schedule 1, item 16: retrospective application NRR -
    schedule 2, item 23: retrospective application NRR -
Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Protection of Submarine Cables and Other Measures) Act 2005 8/05 1(a)(i) proposed new schedule 3A, items 36, 37, 39, 44 and 84: strict liability   10/05
Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Amendment (Industry Plans and Consumer Codes) Bill 2005 11/05   schedule 2: retrospective commencement NRR -
Telecommunications (Interception) Amendment Bill 2006 2/06 1(a)(i) schedule 6, items 3 and 8: retrospective commencement   2/06
    schedule 6, item 8: retrospective commencement NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 2: trespass on personal rights and liberties NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 3: trespass on personal rights and liberties NRR -
Telecommunications (Interception) Amendment (Stored Communications and Other Measures) Bill 2005 12/05   schedule 1, part 2: commencement on proclamation NRR -
Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment Bill 2007 7/07   schedule 2, item 1: retrospective commencement NRR -
    schedule 1, item 12: Legislative Instruments Act—exemptions NRR -
  1(a)(iii) schedule 1, item 12: excluding merits review   8/07
  1(a)(i) schedule 2, item 7 and items 20 and 21: retrospective application   8/07
Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Future Proofing and Other Measures) Bill 2005 11/05   schedule 2, item 4: Legislative Instruments Act ─ disallowance NRR -
Telstra (Transition to Full Private Ownership) Act 2005 11/05 1(a)(i) schedule 1, part 2: commencement   12/05
    subclauses 3(5) and 4(5): Legislative Instruments Act ─ disallowance NRR -
    schedule 1, item 11: Legislative Instruments Act ─ disallowance NRR -
    schedule 1, items 13 and 27: Legislative Instruments Act ─ declarations NRR -
    schedule 1, items 16 and 40: Legislative Instruments Act ─ declarations NRR -
Therapeutic Goods Amendment Bill 2005 10/05   schedule 1, item 118: retrospective commencement NRR -
    various provisions: strict liability NRR -
    schedule 1, items 14 and 103: reversal of the onus of proof NRR -
  1(a)(v) schedule 1, item 34: Legislative Instruments Act ─ declarations   12/05
Trade Practices Amendment (Horticultural Code of Conduct) Bill 2007 6/07   explanatory memorandum NRR -
Trade Practices Amendment (National Access Regime) Bill 2005 6/05 1(a)(i) schedule 1, part 2: subitems 121(1) and (2), items 123 and 127    
    retrospective application   8/05
Trade Practices Amendment (Personal Injuries and Death Bill) 2004 1/05 1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 2 and 5: personal rights NRR -
Trade Practices Amendment (Predatory Pricing) Bill 2007 8/07   explanatory memorandum NRR -

Trade Practices Legislation Amendment (No. 1) Bill 2005

Supplementary comments

2/05   schedule 12: retrospective commencement NRR -
    schedule 8, item 4: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination NRR -
10/05 1(a)(i) schedule 8, item 4: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination   11/05
Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 7/06   explanatory memorandum NRR RNP
  1(a)(i) schedule 12: retrospectivity    
  1(a)(i) schedule 7, item 4: abrogation of the privilege against self-incrimination    
  1(a)(i) schedule 7, item 4: retrospective application    
US Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act 2004 9/04 1(a)(iv) subclause 2(1), item 2: uncertainty of commencement   11/04
US Free Trade Agreement Implementation (Customs Tariff) Act 2004 9/04 1(a)(iv) subclause 2(1): uncertainty of commencement   11/04
Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (2007 Measures No. 1) Bill 2007 5/07   schedule 1, item 2: retrospective commencement NRR -
    schedule 3, items 1 and 2: retrospective commencement NRR -
  1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 70 and 71: retrospective application   6/07
    schedule 2, item 1: retrospective application NRR -
Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Statements of Principles and Other Measures) Bill 2006 1/07   schedule 4, items 3 and 4, 7 to 12: retrospective application NRR -
Water Bill 2007 10/07   clauses 18 and 62: ‘Henry VIII’ clauses NRR -
    paragraphs 73(7)(b) and 65(7)(b) and subclause 64(3): Legislative Instruments Act—disallowance NRR -
  1(a)(iv) subclauses 63(9) and 65(9): determination of important matters by regulation    
  1(a)(iv) subclauses 92(10) and 97(8): determination of important matters by regulation    
    subclause 92(10): apparent error NRR -
    subclause 131(1): incorporation of extrinsic material NRR -
    subclause 135(3): Legislative Instruments Act—disallowance and sunsetting NRR -
  1(a)(v) subclauses 201(6), 202(8) and 203(3): Legislative Instruments Act—determinations    
  1(a)(i) subclause 220(1): entry to premises    
Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Bill 2004 (previous Parl)
Reintroduced (refer A/D 9/04 – takes into consideration concerns regarding explanatory memorandum)
9/04 1(a)(i) clauses 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38: strict liability   1/05
12/04 1(a)(i) clauses 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38: strict liability NRR -
Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2006 1/07 1(a)(iii) schedule 1, item 2: non-reviewable decision NRR -
Wheat Marketing Amendment Bill 2007 7/07   schedule 4, item 14: incorporation of extrinsic material NRR -
Workplace Relations Amendment (Agreement Validation) Bill 2004 11/04 1(a)(i) schedule 1, items 1 and 2: retrospectivity NRR -
12/04   Amendment: comment re retrospectivity NRR -
Workplace Relations Amendment (A Stronger Safety Net) Act 2007 6/07   schedule 1, item 1: legislation by press release NRR -
  1(a)(iii) schedule 1, item 1: non-reviewable decisions   7/07
    schedule 2, item 2: wide delegation of power NRR -
8/07 1(a)(i) Amendment: item 11: retrospective application   9/07
Workplace Relations Amendment (Better Bargaining) Bill 2005 11/05 1(a)(i) Amendments: schedule 2, item 2; schedule 3, item 2;   DC
    schedule 5, item 7: possible retrospectivity   13/05
Workplace Relations Amendment (Small Business Employment Protection) Bill 2004 1/05   schedule 1, subitem 8(1): retrospective application NRR DC
Workplace Relations Amendment (Work Choices) Act 2005 13/05 1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 71: personal rights and liberties NRR 2/06
    1(a)(iv) schedule 1, item 71: ‘Henry VIII’ clauses NRR 2/06
    1(a)(iii) schedule 1, item 71: non-reviewable decisions   2/06
    1(a)(i) schedule 1, item 113: personal rights and liberties NRR 2/06
Workplace Relations (Restoring Family Work Balance) Amendment Bill 2007 5/07   explanatory memorandum NRR -


DC – Discharged
FRR – Further response required
NRR – No response required
RNP – Removed from Notice Paper

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