Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference

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The Senate has referred an inquiry to the Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills for it to continue to consider its future role and direction.


 A similar inquiry was referred in 2010, but it lapsed due to the 2010 federal election and the committee then deferred further action until the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee reported on the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Bills, which occurred on 28 January 2011.

New terms of reference

The Senate has referred the following matter to the Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills for inquiry and report by the last sitting day in June 2011:

(1) The future direction and role of the Scrutiny of Bills Committee, with particular reference to whether its powers, processes and terms of reference remain appropriate.

(2) In undertaking this inquiry, the committee should have regard to the role, powers and practices of similar committees in other jurisdictions.

(3) The committee be authorised to hold public hearings in relation to this inquiry and to move from place to place.

(4) The committee be authorised to access the records and papers of the 2010 inquiry into its future role and direction.