Appendix 1

Submissions and additional information received by the committee

Submissions received

1          Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia

2          FamilyVoice Australia

3          Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)  

4          Rationalist Society of Australia Inc.    

5          Transgender Victoria

6          Council of Progressive Rabbis and the Union for Progressive Judaism

7          Wilberforce Foundation    

8          Organisation Intersex International (OII) Australia

9          Brisbane Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Intersex and Queer Action Group (BLAG)

10        Apostolic Church Australia    

11        The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia   

12        Australian Christians    

13        Name Withheld    

14        Endeavour Forum Inc.   

15        Australian Council of Hindu Clergy 

16        Family Council of Victoria

17        Assembly of Confessing Congregations   

18        Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney 

19        ACT Government

20        Victorian Trades Hall Council

21        Australian Zen Studies Institute

22        Liberty Victoria

23        Civil Liberties Australia Inc.     

24        The Parish Church of St James   

25        Australian Catholic Bishops Conference

26        Metropolitan Community Churches in Australia

27        Council of Churches NSW  

28        Knights of the Southern Cross (WA) Inc

29        Women's Health Tasmania   

30        Parliament of NSW Working Group on Marriage Equality     

31        Federation of the Australian Buddhist Councils (FABC)      

32        Equal Opportunity Tasmania  

33        New South Wales Nurses and Midwives’ Association

34        Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby 

35        Synodical Interim Committee (SIC) of the Christian Reformed Churches of Australia (CRCA)

36        Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW, NSW Department of Justice    

37        L J Goody Bioethics Centre   

38        Presbyterian Church of Australia   

39        Rainbow Labor NSW    

40        LGBTI Legal Service     

41        Australian Catholics for Equality    

42        Coalition of Celebrant Associations (CoCA) Inc.    

43        PFLAG NSW Inc.   

44        Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby NSW 

45        Equal Voices   

46        Amnesty International     

47        Australian Federation Of Civil Celebrants Inc. (AFCC)   

48        (Adjunct) Professor Neville Rochow SC 

49        Confidential  

50        Dr Muriel Porter

51        Australian Lawyers for Human Rights

52        Dr Luke Beck

53        Associate Professor Neil Foster 

54        Dr Augusto Zimmermann  

55        Confidential  

56        Confidential  

57        Mr Mark Fowler     

58        Archbishop Philip Wilson DD JCL

59        Just.Equal   

60        Rainbow Rights WA 

61        Christian Faith and Freedom   

62        Institute for Civil Society 

63        Castan Centre for Human Rights Law  

64        Uniting Church LGBTIQ Network Australia

65        Rainbow Families Victoria   

66        Australians for Equality & Australian Marriage Equality    

67        Human Rights Law Alliance and Australian Christian Lobby   

68        Marriage Alliance   

69        PFLAG Perth    

70        Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission     

71        Rainbow Catholics Interagency for Ministry     

72        Australian Human Rights Commission  

73        Australian Marriage Forum   

74        Law Council of Australia    

75        Freedom for Faith      

76        Professor Patrick Parkinson     

77        Human Rights Law Centre  

78        Attorney General’s Department    

79        National Alliance of Christian Leaders

80        Beazley Boorman Lawyers  

81        Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity Ltd   

82        Name Withheld   

83        Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Right Group 

84        Name Withheld 

85        Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia     

86        Science Party   

87        The Australian Liberal Students' Federation  

88        Mr Patrick Byrne, National Civic Council     

89        National LGBTI Health Alliance   

90        Name Withheld   

91        University of Queensland Union     

92        For Life Australia

93        Hon. Mark Dreyfus QC & Ms Terri Butler MP   

94        Publinq   

95        GLBTIQ Interfaith & Intercultural Network 

96        National Marriage Coalition

97        Diocese of the Armenian Church of Australia & NZ    

98        The Australian Psychological Society Limited   

99        Doctors for the Family

100      Anglican Schools Corporation

101      Rev. Dr Margaret Mayman, Pitt Street Uniting Church    

102      Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission  

103      Social Justice Commission of the Presbyterian Church of Tasmania 

104      Paddington Uniting Church    

105      Australian Family Coalition

106      Name Withheld     

107      Hon. Greg Donnelly MLC, Parliament of New South Wales    

108      National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC) 

109      Barwon Community Legal Service 

110      Mr Alastair Lawrie  

111      Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras    

112      Ambassadors & Bridge Builders International (ABBI)     

113      Diversity Council Australia 

114      Canberra Declaration

115      Catholic Womens League NSW - Warialda Branch   

116      Victorian AIDS Council     

117      National Sikh Council of Australia Inc     

118      Australasian Confederation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies    

119      Austral-Asian Values Community   

120      Hon. Lynn MacLaren MLC   

121      Ms Rona Goold     

122      Rev. Dr Richard Treloar   

123      ACON Health   

124      Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland     

125      Australian Family Association

126      Darwin Community Legal Service 

127      Rosh Pinah 

128      Rabbinic Council of Australia and New Zealand    

129      Australian & New Zealand College of Notaries   

130      Ms Annastacia Palaszczuk MP, Premier of Queensland 

131      Rabbinical Council of NSW  

132      City of Sydney   

133      Rabbinical Council of Australia and New Zealand (RCANZ) & Rabbinical Council of Victoria (RCV) 

134      Australian Association of Christian Schools 

135      Rev Andrew Sempell, Rector of St James (Church) Sydney 

136      Catholic Women's League Australia 

137      Church and Nation Committee, Presbyterian Church of Victoria    

138      A/Prof Socrates Dokos 

139      Name Withheld     

140      Dr Steven Kane-ToddHall  

141      NT Government

142      International College of Celebrancy Alumni and Friends Association (ICCA)

143      Rainbow Families     

144      City Builders Church   

145      Care for Children's Development     

146      Australian TFP  

147      Anthony Gordon     

148      Rhonda Stevenson     

149      Donna Harrison   

150      Name Withheld   

151      Ian Tait  

152      Prof Nicholas Aroney & Dr Joel Harrison   

153      Name Withheld   

154      David Strickland  

155      Elisabeth Karen Bos   

156      Leighton & Diana Thew   

157      Frank & Janice Hoskin     

158      David Elliott 

159      Jon & Susan Kirk   

160      Erinle Adeleye   

161      James T Dominguez  

162      Geoff Allshorn     

163      Jynene Helland    

164      Ray Barbero  

165      Heidi Field 

166      Conrad Lloyd-Smith 

167      Dr Ross & Elizabeth Hindmarsh  

168      Dane Johnson

169      Pastor Jeremy Wong     

170      Paul Nardone    

171      Andy Quan   

172      Ian & Lyn Sarah 

173      Name Withheld     

174      Maree Triffett    

175      Naomi Spencer     

176      John Szilard  

177      Angelique Tester 

178      Karen Goderie  

179      Lorraine Schroeder 

180      Robert Parry    

181      Colin Morrow   

182      Andrew Copp

183      Merlene & Peter O'Malley    

184      Karen Daldy    

185      Fr. Abram Abdelmalek   

186      Bronwen Whitley   

187      Kate Harper     

188      Kinivuai Tavui    

189      Siu Au 

190      Dr Paul Faigl   

191      Reverend Christian Fandrich   

192      Mr Alan Tyson    

193      Fr Jeremy Krieg    

194      Elliott Claven   

195      Brendan Barry

196      Name Withheld

197      Mark Rabich 

198      Sally Rugg    

199      Peter Murray     

200      John Dunkley    

201      Jamie Gardiner     

202      Raymond Roca   

203      The Jetmar Family    

204      Bill Muehlenberg    

205      Talitha Fraser     

206      Michael Kirkwood    

207      Arianne Tassios     

208      Paul Hegerty     

209      R Hainsworth & S Koschade     

210      Carol Ann Norris     

211      Elizabeth Shaw    

212      Premier and Cabinet, Victoria State Government  

213      Jonathan & Renee Dillon 

214      Joseph Dunning    

215      Bernard Drum 

216      Geoff Grace

217      Dr Becky Batagol     

218      Geoff Rogers    

219      Shelley Reaney    

220      Peter Abetz

221      Ms Yvonne Patterson

222      Peter Walker 

223      Emanuel Synagogue

224      Julie Burns   

225      Name Withheld    

226      Mrs Vashti Wood  

227      Brett Dunstan   

228      Rev Ken Devereux   

229      Mr Paul McCormack 

230      Paul & Anne Jones     

231      Miss Polly Seidler 

232      Rev Adam Hensley    

233      Miss Micaela Hoglund 

234      Eric Lockett

235      Michael Byrne

236      Name Withheld    

237      Mr Brian Greig  

238      Robert Andrews  

239      Jane Munro 

240      Amanda Alford    

241      Mr John Kingsmill    

242      Name Withheld    

243      Lydia Kerekes    

244      Alan Britten-Jones    

245      John Herrmann     

246      Mrs Jan White   

247      Mr Patrick Grogan

248      Gloria Power    

249      Gerard Cozynsen    

250      Wayne Ostler 

251      Ian McLure 

252      Roland Crook   

253      Jereth Kok and Rachel Lotherington  

254      Ken Francis  

255      Name Withheld 

256      Name Withheld   

257      Jenny Stephens

258      David Newton 

259      Geoffrey White 

260      Benjamin Fellowes    

261      Paul Keighery     

262      Susan Pickering     

263      Peter Milford 

264      Anthony Leverenz

265      Anne Homer 

266      Pat Cox 

267      Alex Aguilera

268      Ron and Mavis Pirola    

269      Lisa Brick    

270      Greg Smith 

271      Ghassan Kassisieh

272      Margo Northey 

273      Jennifer Burns    

274      Andrew Deeming   

275      Andrew Chua

276      Walter Lee   

277      Name Withheld     

278      Rodney Longmire    

279      Alex Huggett

280      Name Withheld

281      Peter Dixon

282      Name Withheld     

283      John Kennedy    

284      Name Withheld 

285      Name Withheld   

286      Rodney Croome

287      Debbie Smith   

288      Name Withheld     

289      Karmel Everett  

290      Anthony Truman     

291      Name Withheld   

292      Michael and Maree Parker   

293      Madge and Tom Fahy     

294      Anne Everett

295      Sharyn Kemp    

296      Mr Lliam Caulfield   

297      Brett Gibson   

298      Name Withheld 

299      Bryan Grey     

300      Irene Shanks  

301      Name Withheld   

302      Bronte Koop 

303      Alan Howard

304      Name Withheld     

305      Nadia Warren

306      The Very Rev'd Dr Peter Catt

307      Peter Phillips 

308      James Beckwith

309      Confidential  

310      Confidential  

311      Denise Mikula

312      Confidential  

313      Confidential  

314      Confidential  

315      Denise James  

316      Confidential  

317      John Little     

318      Confidential  

319      Confidential  

320      John Launder   

321      Confidential  

322      Matthew Tierney 

323      Name Withheld    

324      Name Withheld     

325      Trude Paladin

326      Name Withheld   

327      Name Withheld 

328      Jason Masters    

329      Brian McKinlay     

330      Anne-Marie Delahunt   

331      Daniel Black 

332      Lance Bryant     

333      Fay Davidson     

334      Name Withheld

335      Jo Inkpin

336      Adam Hall  

337      Claire Southey   

338      Name Withheld   

339      Douglas Askin    

340      Name Withheld 

341      Matt Jones

342      Fiona Reeves    

343      Name Withheld    

344      Doug Pollard 

345      Sylvie Constantine

346      Catherine Brown   

347      Name Withheld   

348      Diane Sutton

349      Brian Tideman

350      Jordan Rose

351      Stephen Jones  

352      Melinda Jones    

353      Matt Lennon    

354      Andy Schmulow

355      Yichen Xu

356      Con Kafataris 

357      Ngan Fong

358      Jeremy Orchard

359      Chris Mulherin

360      Jacqueline Kelso 

361      Clem Watts

362      Veronica Boast

363      Susan Jensen

364      Dave and Kathy Apelt

365      David Cundy    

366      Brynn Mathews  

367      Pamela Garske   

368      Neil Ericksson  

369      Geoff Thomas 

370      Rita Joseph 

371      Peter and Jenny Stokes

372      Karl Schmude     

373      Luke Martinez 

374      Katherine Burnog 

375      Name Withheld

376      Alex Mayo     

377      Adrian Gallagher   

378      Norma Hill 

379      Annette Hill   

380      Janne Peterson   

381      Steve Nicholson

382      Jill Antuar 

383      Judy De Haas

384      Linda Burridge 

385      Howard Shepherd 

386      Anita Toner

387      Jonathan Williams

388      Ronda Romano

389      Louis Cook

390      Bruce Clarke     

391      Nathan Wilson

392      Wendy Kefford   

393      Timothy Koch    

394      Rae McLellan     

395      Carol O'Connell    

396      Stephen Elliott     

397      Greg Blunden     

398      Leonard Attard

399      W P Gadsby   

400      Joel and Louise Wright 

401      Frank Losonski

Form letters received

1             Form letter A: 20

2             Form letter B: 25

3             Form letter C: 18

4             Form letter D: 21

5             Form letter E: 1045

6             Form letter F: 18

7             Form letter G: 21

8             Form letter H: 881

9             Form letter I: 8

10           Form letter J: 72

11           Form letter K: 13

12           Form letter L: 42

13           Form letter M: 137

14           Form letter N: 933

Tabled documents

1               Document Tabled by Just.Equal at a Public Hearing in Canberra on 25 January 2017

Answers to questions on notice

1            Answers to Questions taken on Notice by Australian Catholics for Equality at a public hearing in Melbourne on 23 January 2017 

2            Answers to Questions taken on Notice by Australian Federation of Civil Celebrants Inc. (AFCC) at a public hearing in Melbourne on 23 January 2017 

3            Answers to Questions taken on Notice by Law Council of Australia at a public hearing in Melbourne on 23 January 2017 

4            Answers to Questions taken on Notice by Uniting Church LGBTIQ Network at a public hearing in Melbourne on 23 January 2017 

5            Answers to Questions taken on Notice by PFLAG Perth at a public hearing in Sydney on 24 January 2017 

6            Answers to Questions taken on Notice by Institute for Civil Society at a public hearing in Melbourne on 23 January 2017 

7            Answers to Questions taken on Notice by Liberty Victoria at a public hearing in Melbourne on 23 January 2017 

8            Answers to Questions taken on Notice by Amnesty International at a public hearing in Melbourne on 23 January 2017 

9            Answers to Questions taken on Notice by Dr Luke Beck at a public hearing in Sydney on 24 January 2017 

10          Answers to Questions taken on Notice by Dr Greg Walsh at a public hearing in Sydney on 24 January 2017 

11          Answers to Questions taken on Notice by Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney at a public hearing in Sydney on 24 January 2017 

12          Answers to Questions taken on Notice by Australian Human Rights Commission at a public hearing in Sydney on 24 January 2017 

13          Answers to Questions taken on Notice by Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW at a public hearing in Sydney on 24 January 2017 

14          Answers to Questions taken on Notice by Human Rights Law Alliance at a Public Hearing in Canberra on 25 January 2017 

15          Answers to Questions taken on Notice by Attorney-General’s Department at a Public Hearing in Canberra on 25 January 2017 

16          Answers to Questions taken on Notice by Human Rights Law Centre at a public hearing in Canberra on 25 January 2017 

17          Answers to Questions taken on Notice by Australian Lawyers for Human Rights at a public hearing in Canberra on 25 January 2017 

18          Answers to Questions taken on Notice by Mr Mark Fowler at a Public Hearing in Canberra on 25 January 2017 

Additional information

1               Additional Information provided by CoCA on 6 February 2017

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