Chapter 2

Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts portfolio (excluding Communications and the Arts)

This chapter outlines some of the key issues discussed during hearings with the Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts portfolio (excluding Communications and the Arts) on 28 October 2022, 7 November 2022, 25 November 2022 and 2 December 2022.
The committee heard from the following areas of the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (the department) and portfolio agencies:
Corporate Matters Divisions (Data, Analytics and Policy; People, Governance, Parliamentary and Communications; Finance and IT; and Legal Services);
Infrastructure Divisions (Road and Vehicle Safety; Infrastructure Investment; Major Transport and Infrastructure Projects; and Significant Projects Investment Delivery Office);
Regional Divisions (Regional Developments, Local Governments and Regional Recovery; Territories; and Cities and Northern Australia);
Transport Divisions (Domestic Aviation and Reform; International Aviation, Technology and Services; and Surface Transport Policy);
National Intermodal Corporation Limited;
Civil Aviation Safety Authority;
Air Services Australia;
Infrastructure Australia;
Northern Australia Infrastructure Australia; and
Australian Rail Track Corporation.
Australian Marine Safety Authority were released from the hearing without questioning.

Corporate Matters and Infrastructure Divisions

The committee commenced its examination of the department by examining matters under the Corporate Matter Division and Infrastructure Division on 28 October 2022. Evidence heard by the committee regarding these divisions included:
state and Territories funding allocation algorithm (pp. 6–12);
National Waste Policy (p. 8);
commuter car park upgrades (pp. 10–14);
funding and land availability for national high-speed rail project (pp. 13-14);
Brisbane 2032 Olympics stadiums (pp. 15–20);
Bunbury Outer Ring Road (p. 24);
Cuts, delays and changes in infrastructure funding and projects in South Australia (pp. 25–30);
Cuts, delays and changes in infrastructure funding and projects in the Australian Capital Territory (pp. 34–35);
Employment figures for contractors, ongoing and non-ongoing staff (p. 38);
Infrastructure Australia board appointments, resignations, recruitment and role of the board (pp. 40–48 and 55–60);
Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility board members and secretary’s ex-officio position on the board (pp. 56–57);
Melbourne Suburban Rail Loop (pp. 58–64);
Rockhampton Ring Road (pp. 64–74);
Port of Newcastle (pp. 68–69);
Canberra light-rail (pp. 74–75);
Truck rest areas and heavy vehicle safety (pp. 76–77 and 84–85);
Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct (pp. 78–80 and 85);
Timeliness, terminal locations and corridor protections of Inland Rail Project (p. 85); and
High-Speed Rail Authority (pp. 85–87).
Further evidence was heard on 7 November 2022 regarding the following topics:
Infrastructure spending in regional Australia (pp. 4–5);
Brisbane Olympics agency establishment (pp. 5–6 and 8–9);
Sunshine Coast transport and infrastructure programs (pp. 6–7);
Level Crossing Safety Program (pp. 9–11);
truck stops upgrades (pp. 11–14);
Bunbury Outer Ring Road (pp. 15–17);
road damage due to natural disasters (pp. 17–18);
Great Western Highway (pp. 18–20);
Rockhampton Ring Road (pp. 21–27);
national highway general repairs and maintenance (pp. 25–26); and
seatbelts and safety of women in trucking (pp. 28–29).

Regional Divisions

The committee heard evidence from the Regional Divisions on 7 November 2022. The topics discussed included:
Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct (pp. 30–37);
Australian Capital Territory City Deals (pp. 36–37);
Hobart City Deal (pp. 41–42);
Launceston City Deal (pp. 43–44);
Community Development Grants (pp. 37–40 and 44–47);
Gladstone inland rail (p. 47); and
Office of Northern Australia (pp. 48–53).

Spillover hearing

On 22 November 2022, the Senate determined the committee would hold additional hearings on 25 November 2022 and 2 December 2022 to continue examining witnesses from the Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (excluding Communications and the Arts) portfolio.
The committee recommenced its examination of the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication and Arts on 25 November 2022. The committee discussed the following topics:
Rockhampton Ring Road (pp. 4–7);
active transport infrastructure upgrades (pp. 8–9);
Melbourne Suburban Rail Loop (pp. 9–14);
Roads of Significance Importance Initiative re-profiled projects (pp. 15–25);
Geelong and surrounding areas roads upgrades (pp. 24–26);
establishment of net zero unit (pp. 27–31);
Dunns Creek Road; (p. 30) and
EV Charging stations (pp. 31–32).
The committee heard further evidence from the department on 2 December 2022. The following topics were discussed were discussed:
road and rail projects under the Infrastructure Investment Program (pp. 5–7);
Dandenong Ranges Road reprofiled funding (pp. 7–8);
Truro bypass’ business case approval and reprofiled funding (p. 9);
Victor Harbour road reprofiled funding and expected completion date (p. 10);
Regional Airport Screening Infrastructure program (pp. 11–12);
correspondence between the department and Whyalla Airport regarding concerns to maintain the screening requirements (pp. 13–15).
Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (pp. 16–20); and
Rockhampton Ring Road (p. 20).

Civil Aviation Safety Authority

The committee heard evidence from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) on 25 November 2022. Topics discussed with CASA included:
lack of consistency of surveillance measures and its effects on safety standards (pp. 32–33);
supply chain challenges (p. 33); and
vaccination status and regulations (pp. 34–36).

Airservices Australia

Topics discussed with Airservices Australia on 25 November 2022 included:
impacts of cloud cover on regional airports (p. 37);
Brisbane New Parallel Runway Flight Paths Post Implementation Review draft report (pp. 37–40 and 42–44);
water contamination at Djarindjin Airport (pp. 41–42); and
complaints received regarding noise levels around Brisbane Airport (p. 44).

Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility

The committee heard evidence from the Northern Australian Infrastructure Facility on 2 December 2022. The topics discussed included:
projects involved and funding allocations under emerging sectors (p. 23).
staff locations (p. 24); and
board locations and members required for quorum (p. 24).

Infrastructure Australia

Evidence was heard from Infrastructure Australia on 2 December 2022, and the following matters were discussed:
independent review to rejuvenate Infrastructure Australia (pp. 26–27);
status of all business cases since May 2022 (pp. 27–29);
Infrastructure Australia’s involvement in the Melbourne Suburban Rail Loop (pp. 29–30);
regional gap analysis and it’s focus on Northern Australia (p. 31); and
board appointments (p. 31).

National Intermodal Corporation Limited

Topics discussed with National Intermodal Corporation Limited on 2 December 2022 included:
number of staff and their locations (p. 32);
name change (p.32);
locations of future intermodal terminals (p. 32–33);
terminal completion timelines (p. 34); and
connection to inland rail (p. 33–35).

Australian Rail Track Corporation

The committee heard evidence from the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) on 2 December 2022. The following topics were discussed:
impacts of flooding on Australia’s rail network (pp. 36–37);
ARTC’s consultations with inland rail (p. 37); and
correspondence with the Queensland Government regarding the Gladstone rail extension (p. 37).

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