Chapter 2

Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications portfolio (excluding communications)

This chapter outlines some of the key issues discussed during hearings with the Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications portfolio on 31 March and 4 April 2022.
The committee heard from the following areas of the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications (the department) and portfolio agencies:
Infrastructure Divisions (Infrastructure Investment; Major Transport and Infrastructure Projects; and Road and Vehicle Safety);
Corporate Matters Divisions (Portfolio Strategy and Policy Coordination; and Finance, Legal and IT);
Transport Divisions (Domestic Aviation and Reform; International Aviation, Technology and Services; and Surface Transport Policy);
Regional Divisions (Regional Development, Local Government and Regional Recovery; Cities; and Territories);
National Water Grid Authority;
Australian Rail Track Corporation;
Civil Aviation Safety Authority; and
Airservices Australia.
Mr Simon Atkinson, Secretary of the department, read an opening statement detailing some highlights and challenges recently faced by the department, including:
delivery of investments totalling $19 billion across the portfolio over the previous year;
supply chain disruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic;
increasing international air arrivals as borders reopen;
signing of the South-East Queensland City Deal, including $667 million in funding by the Commonwealth; and
support for the delivery of Inland Rail and the Western Sydney Airport.1

Infrastructure Divisions

The committee heard evidence from the Infrastructure Investment Division and the Major Transport and Infrastructure Projects Division on
31 March 2022. Evidence heard by the committee regarding the Infrastructure Divisions included:
planning for new intermodal terminals in Melbourne;
selection process for regional export hubs;
development of the carbon capture and storage plan in Darwin;
building of a new port at Middle Arm in Darwin;
projects under the northern Tasmanian roads package;
business case for the extension of the Sydney metro to include Western Sydney Airport;
progress on the Milton-Ulladulla highway bypass;
funding for upgrades to the Outback Way;
funding and jurisdictional responsibility for the Regional Australia Level Crossing Safety Program;
the Sydney to Newcastle and Tuggerah to Wyong faster rail upgrade; and
potential extension of Inland Rail to Gladstone.2
Further evidence was heard by the committee on 4 April 2022, regarding:
construction of the new shiploader at the Port of Burnie;
selection of projects for the Hobart Congestion Package;
recent amendment of the Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018;
the department’s response to the report by the Joint Select Committee on Road Safety;
update on the Singleton Bypass project; and
funding for Roads of Strategic Importance.3

Corporate Matters Divisions

Topics discussed with the Corporate Matters Divisions included:
the advertising budget for the department;4
the department’s response to questions taken on notice during the Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee’s inquiry into the Urban Congestion Fund; and
delays on Northern Territory infrastructure projects as a result of skills shortages.5

Transport Divisions

The committee received updates on the work of the Transport Divisions, including:
implementation of recommendations made in road safety reports by the Joint Select Committee on Road Safety and the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee;
updates on coastal shipping reform;
impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on shipping exports;
cost of shipping to Australia;
oversight of airport management; and
responsibility for funding of regional airport screening infrastructure.6

Regional Divisions

Topics discussed with the Regional Divisions included:
applications for round 6 of the Building Better Regions Fund;
new projects in the Regional Accelerator Program;7
funds committed to the student boarding facility under the Barkley Regional Deal;
construction of the Ali Curung Youth Centre;
Mooring systems at Christmas Island;
provision of freighter flights to reduce pressure on sea transport around Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Christmas Island; and
the Cradle Mountain Cableway project.8

National Water Grid Authority

The committee heard evidence from the National Water Grid Authority on
31 March 2022. Evidence given included:
the environmental approval process for the Hells Gate Dam;
estimated funding for Urannah Dam; and
business case for the Dungowan Dam.9
Further evidence was heard on 4 April 2022 regarding the following topics:
additional funding granted for water infrastructure;
abolition of the advisory body to the National Water Grid Authority; and
funding for the Don Irrigation Scheme in Tasmania.10

Australian Rail Track Corporation

Discussion with the Australian Rail Track Corporation centred primarily on aspects of the Inland Rail project:
timeline for completion of Inland Rail;
an update on appointing a permanent Chief Executive of Inland Rail; and
the announcement of a preferred proponent for the Gowrie to Kagaru portion of the Inland Rail.11

Civil Aviation Safety Authority

Topics discussed with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) included:
regulations preventing Blackhawk military helicopters being used for firefighting;
regulations relating to medical testing for pilots;
air operator certificates;
initial CASA responses to the recommendations made by the committee in its second interim report into Australia’s General Aviation Industry; and
CASA staffing levels and risk management.12

Airservices Australia

Topics discussed with Airservices Australia included:
task and resource analysis into current staffing levels;
costs of risk category upgrades at different airports; and
re-drawing of flight paths at Brisbane Airport.13

  • 1
    Committee Hansard, 31 March 2022, pp. 3–4.
  • 2
    Committee Hansard, 31 March 2022, pp. 5–54.
  • 3
    Committee Hansard, 4 April 2022, pp. 4–18.
  • 4
    Committee Hansard, 31 March 2022, pp. 50–51.
  • 5
    Committee Hansard, 4 April 2022, pp. 18–21.
  • 6
    Committee Hansard, 4 April 2022, pp. 21–34.
  • 7
    Committee Hansard, 31 March 2022, pp. 72–76.
  • 8
    Committee Hansard, 4 April 2022, pp. 34–52.
  • 9
    Committee Hansard, 31 March 2022, pp. 54–72.
  • 10
    Committee Hansard, 4 April 2022, pp. 52–56.
  • 11
    Committee Hansard, 4 April 2022, pp. 56–58.
  • 12
    Committee Hansard, 4 April 2022, pp. 58–65.
  • 13
    Committee Hansard, 4 April 2022, pp. 66–71.

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