Dissenting Report by Government Senators

Dissenting Report by Government Senators

1.1        The Government Senators disagree with several of the recommendations found in the majority report.

1.2        The Government Senators note that a number of the findings in the majority report appear to be generated from correspondence and discussions held directly between Coalition members and stakeholders rather than from evidence presented to the committee. Such findings should not be presented as outcomes of committee process.

1.3        The Government Senators acknowledge there are a range of pressures facing Australian exporters, including food exporters. In this context the Government Senators reject the majority view that AQIS fees and charges will make Australian businesses uncompetitive. The Government is committed to continued consultations with the industry that will lead to a removal of red tape, support regional jobs and improve Australia’s competitiveness.

1.4        The Government Senators reject the majority view that the Government is using a ‘take it or leave it’ approach in regards to negotiations with stakeholders. The evidence brought before the committee does not reflect this.

1.5        The Government Senators note the contradictory nature of the committee view in the majority report which criticises the Government for its lack of consultation with stakeholders and its alleged “take it or leave it approach” at the same time it criticises the government for the time and resources taken to carry out these negotiations.

1.6        The Government Senators do not agree with the committee view that the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has had insufficient funding to carry out its reforms and negotiations with stakeholders.

1.7        In relation to Recommendation 1, Government Senators note the following:

1.8        In relation to Recommendation 2, Government Senators note the following:

1.9        In relation to Recommendation 3, Government Senators note this recommendation.

In conclusion, Government Senators oppose Recommendations 1 and 2 of the majority report.

Senator Glenn Sterle

Deputy Chair

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