

Executive Summary

[1]        ABS, Completing the Picture - Environmental Accounting in Practice, 4628.0.55.001, May 2012, p. 66.

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        Note: for the purposes of the report, the Guide to the Proposed Basin Plan will be referred to as 'the Guide' and the various iterations of the Proposed Basin Plan and the final Basin Plan, will be referred to as 'the Basin Plan'. Where it is necessary to refer to the specific iterations of the Basin Plan (except the final version) the versions will be identified by the month of release i.e. the Basin Plan (November 2011), the Basin Plan (May 2012), the Basin Plan (August 2012), and the final Basin Plan. Please note that where direct quotes are used the original nomenclature remains. 

[2]        For the purposes of this report the terms "environmentally sustainable level of take", "ESLT", "reduction in take" and "return of additional water to environment" are used interchangeably especially in regards to the 2750 GL/y figure.

[3]        Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee, Management of the Murray-Darling Basin Interim Report: the impact of coal seam gas on the management of the Murray-Darling Basin, November 2011.

[4]        As noted below, the Basin Plan effectively passed the Parliament after defeated disallowance motions in the House of Representatives on 29 November 2012 and the Senate on
28 November 2012. However, its commencement is the day following registration with an exception is made for chapter 12 which commences on 1 July 2014, see Basin Plan, section 1.04.

[5]        Note: paragraphs 1.19 to 1.33 are largely reproduced from the committee's second interim report.

[6]        The ministerial council consists of ministers responsible for environment, land and water resources from the Commonwealth, Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australian and Victorian governments.

[7]        Murray-Darling Basin Commission, The Cap: Providing security for water users and sustainable rivers,, p. 2 (accessed
1 March 2013).

[8]        Murray-Darling Basin Commission, The Cap: Providing security for water users and sustainable rivers,, p. 2 (accessed
1 March 2013).

[9]        MDBA, (accessed 1 March 2013).).

[10]      Murray-Darling Basin Commission, The Cap: Providing security for water users and sustainable rivers,, pp 4–5, (accessed 1 March 2013).

[11]      MDBA, (accessed 1 March 2013).

[12]      SEWPaC, National Water Initiative, (accessed 1 March 2013).

[13]      SEWPaC, (accessed 1 March 2013)

[14]      SEWPaC, the Water Act, (accessed 1 March 2013).

[15]      Section 3 of the Water Act 2007.

[16]      Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee, A Balancing Act: provisions of the Water Act 2007, June 2011.

[17]      MDBA, Basin Guide released for public consultation, 8 October 2010,, (accessed 17 September 2012).

[18]      MDBA, Guide to the proposed Basin Plan, Volume 1, Overview, 8 October 2010.

[19]      MDBA, Guide to the proposed Basin Plan, Volume 1, Overview, 8 October 2010, pp xxi and 125–128.

[20]      House Standing Committee on Regional Australia, Of drought and flooding rain: Inquiry into the impact of the Guide to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan, May 2011,  

[21]      MDBA, Proposed Basin Plan consultation report, May 2012, p. 46.

[22]      MDBA, Plain English summary of the proposed Basin Plan, November 2011, p. vii.

[23]      MDBA, Proposed Basin Plan – a revised draft, May 2012,

[24]      MDBA, Addendum to the proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, July 2012, p. 2.

[25]      MDBA, Changes to the draft Basin Plan released, 28 May 2012,, (accessed 17 September 2012).

[26]      Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council, Attachment A – Council as a whole comments, 9 July 2012,, (accessed 17 September 2012).

[27]      Note: see Ministerial Council state specific comments, 9 July 2012, Attachments D, F and G.

[28] (accessed 25 September 2012).

[29]      The Hon. Craig Knowles, Transmittal letter to the Hon. Tony Burke MP, 6 August 2012,, (accessed 17 August 2012).

[30]      The Hon. Craig Knowles, Transmittal letter to the Hon. Tony Burke MP, 6 August 2012,, (accessed 17 August 2012).

[31]      The Hon. Craig Knowles, Transmittal letter to the Hon. Tony Burke MP, 6 August 2012,, (accessed 17 August 2012), p. 2.

[32]      An exception is made for chapter 12 which commences on 1 July 2014, Basin Plan, section 1.04.

[33]      MDBA, Changes to the Basin Plan,, (accessed 3 March 2013).

Chapter 2 - Surface Water

[1]        MDBA, (accessed, 5 March 2013).

[2]        SEWPaC, Environmental Water Recovery Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin: Draft for Consultation, November 2012, p. 8. 

[3]        Basin Plan, section 6.04 (1)

[4]        Basin Plan, section 6.04 (2)

[5]        The northern Basin consists of Paroo, Warrego, Gwydir, Nebine, Condamine-Balonne, intersecting streams (including NSW Warrego), Moonie, Namoi, Macquarie-Castlereagh, Queensland Border Rivers, NSW Border Rivers, and Barwon-Darling; the southern Basin consists of Ovens, Goulburn, Broken, Loddon, Campaspe, Murrumbidgee-NSW, Kiewa, Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges, NSW Murray, Victorian Murray, SA Murray, Lower Darling, Murrumbidgee – ACT, Marne Saunders; Disconnected Tributaries consist of Lachlan and Wimmera-Avoca. SEWPaC, Environmental Water Recovery Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin: Draft for Consultation, November 2012, p. 22. 

[6]        Basin Plan Explanatory Statement, p. 32.

[7]        Basin Plan Explanatory Statement, p. 43.

[8]        Basin Plan Explanatory Statement, p. 32.

[9]        SEWPaC, Environmental Water Recovery Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin: Draft for Consultation, November 2012, p. 10. 

[10]      Basin Plan Explanatory Statement, p. 43.

[11]      Basin Plan Explanatory Statement, p. 43.

[12]      Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, Report on Water Amendment (Long Term Average Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment) Bill 2012 [Provisions], 19 November 2012.

[13]      Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, Report on Water Amendment (Long Term Average Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment) Bill 2012 [Provisions], 19 November 2012, p. 11.

[14]      Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, Report on Water Amendment (Long Term Average Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment) Bill 2012 [Provisions], 19 November 2012, p. 11.

[15]      Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, Report on Water Amendment (Long Term Average Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment) Bill 2012 [Provisions], 19 November 2012, pp 14–15. Another stakeholder expressed more caution to this committee, noting that '[w]e have not yet seen how the adjustment mechanism will work in practice.' Ms Perin Davey, Executive Officer, Murray Group of Concerned Communities, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 12.

[16]      Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, Report on Water Amendment (Long Term Average Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment) Bill 2012 [Provisions], 19 November 2012, p. 11.

[17]      For 2750 GL/y as a good starting point and/or flexibility see: the Hon Dean Brown, Lower River Murray Reference Group, Committee Hansard, 3 April 2012, p. 53; Ms Cheryl Rix, General Manager, Western Murray Irrigation Ltd, Committee Hansard, 3 April 2012, p. 14; and  Mr Laurie, President, National Farmers Federation, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 34.

[18]      MDBA, answer to question on notice, 24 April 2012, (received 7 June 2012)

[19]      MDBA, Plain English summary of the proposed Basin Plan – including explanatory notes, Appendix A – Outline of the Scientific Knowledge, November 2011, p. 109.

[20]      Mr Knowles, Chair, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 2.

[21]      MDBA, Hydrologic modelling to inform the proposed Basin Plan: methods and results, February 2012, p. iii.

[22]      MDBA, Hydrologic modelling to inform the proposed Basin Plan: methods and results, February 2012, p. 6.

[23]      MDBA, Hydrologic modelling to inform the proposed Basin Plan: methods and results, February 2012, p. v.

[24]      The Hon Craig Knowles, Chair, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Response to the Chair of Senate Regional and Rural Affairs and Transport References Committee, 19 April 2012, (accessed 23 August 2012).

[25]      MDBA, Hydrologic modelling to inform the proposed Basin Plan: methods and results, February 2012, p. v.

[26]      MDBA, Answer to Question taken on Notice, 24 April 2012 (received 7 June 2012).

[27]      Dr Rhondda Dickson, Chief Executive, MDBA, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 71.

[28]      MDBA, Hydrological modelling of the relation of operational constraints in the southern connected system: methods and results, October 2012, p. v.

[29]      MDBA, Hydrological modelling of the relation of operational constraints in the southern connected system: methods and results, October 2012, pp v–vi.

[30]      MDBA, Hydrological modelling of the relation of operational constraints in the southern connected system: methods and results, October 2012, p. vii.

[31]      MDBA, Hydrological modelling of the relation of operational constraints in the southern connected system: methods and results, October 2012, p. ix.

[32]      MDBA, Hydrological modelling of the relation of operational constraints in the southern connected system: methods and results, October 2012, p. ix.

[33]      Information reproduced from: MDBA, Hydrological modelling of the relation of operational constraints in the southern connected system: methods and results, October 2012, p. ix.

[34]      Ms Juliet Le Feuvre, Environment Victoria, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 25, see also Mr Tim Kelly, Chief Executive, Conservation Council of South Australia, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 30.

[35]      Mr Tim Stubbs, Environmental Engineer, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 17.

[36]      CSIRO, Science Review of the Estimation of an Environmentally Sustainable Level of Take for the Murray Darling Basin, November 2011, p. 29.

[37]      Dr Bill Young, Director, Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, CSIRO, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 65.

[38]      Dr John Williams, Founding Member, and Mr Tim Stubbs, Environmental Engineer, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 19.

[39]      Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Evaluation of Proposed Plan, August 2012, p. 3.

[40]      Ms Beverley Smiles, President, Inland Rivers Network, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 17.

[41]      Mr Tim Stubbs, Environmental Engineer, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 21.

[42]      MDBA, Hydrologic modelling to inform the proposed Basin Plan: methods and results, February 2012, p. v.

[43]      Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, Additional Estimates Committee Hansard, 14 February 2012, p. 41.

[44]      MDBA, Myth busting website,, 2012, (accessed 20 August 2012).

[45]      Dr Rhondda Dickson, Chief Executive, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 2.

[46]      Chiew FHS, Vaze J, Viney NR, Jordan PW, Perraud J-M, Zhang L, Teng J, Young WJ, Penaarancibia J, Morden RA, Freebairn A, Austin J, Hill PI, Wiesenfeld CR and Murphy R, Rainfall-runoff modelling across the Murray-Darling Basin. A report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Murray-Darling Basin Sustainable Yields Project. CSIRO, 2008, p. 13.

[47]      Professor Ross Garnaut, The Garnaut Climate Change Review: Final Report, Cambridge University Press, 2008, p. 109.

[48]      MDBA, Guide to the proposed Basin Plan, 2010, Canberra, p. 33.

[49]      MDBA, Guide to the proposed Basin Plan, 2010, Canberra, p. 34.

[50]      Dr Rhondda Dickson, Chief Executive Officer, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 10.

[51]      MDBA, Climate Change and the Basin Plan, 2011, p. 1,, (accessed 4 September 2012).

[52]      Basin Plan Explanatory Statement, pp 24–25.

[53]      Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Statement on the 2011 Draft Murray-Darling Basin Plan, January 2012, p. 1.

[54]      Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Statement on the 2011 draft Murray-Darling Basin Plan, November 2011, p. 19.

[55]      See for example, Ms Juliet Le Feuvre, Healthy Rivers Campaigner, Environment Victoria, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 25; and Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Statement on the 2011 draft Murray-Darling Basin Plan, November 2011, p. 19.

[56]      Ms Juliet Le Feuvre, Healthy Rivers Campaigner, Environment Victoria, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 25.

[57]      Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Evaluation of Proposed Basin Plan, August 2012, p. 4.

[58]      Mr Jonathan La Nauze, Healthy rivers Campaigner, Australian Conservation Foundation, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012 p. 22.

[59]      House of Representatives Standing Committee on Regional Australia, Of drought and flooding rains: Inquiry into the impact of the Guide to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan, May 2011, p. xvii.

[60]      Dr Rhondda Dickson, Chief Executive, MDBA, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 2.

[61]      Dr Rhondda Dickson, Chief Executive, MDBA, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 11. In this quote Dr Dickson is recorded in Hansard as saying ' If there is going to be a huge expansion of plantation forestry that is going to decrease interceptions...' (emphasis added), however the committee understands Dr Dickson to mean that increasing plantation forestry would increase interceptions.

[62]      MDBA, Answer to question taken on notice, 23 April 2012 (received 7 July 2012).

[63]      MDBA, Plain English summary of the proposed Basin Plan – including explanatory notes, November 2011, p. 49.

[64]      Professor Mike Young, "Droplet No. 20: Which is better – The Existing or Proposed Administrative Arrangements for the MDB Basin?", April 2012, p. 3. This quote above was also read into the Hansard by Senator Nick Xenophon on 24 April 2012. See Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 8.

[65]      Mr Russell James, Executive Director, Policy and Planning Division, MDBA, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 10. Note, the MDBA's response was based on a similar questions raised by the committee the day prior to the reading of Professor Young's quote into the Hansard.

[66]      Mr Russell James, Executive Director, Policy and Planning Division, MDBA, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 11.

[67]      Mr Russell James, Executive Director, Policy and Planning Division, MDBA, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 11.

[68]      Basin Plan, Part 5, section 10.23(1), p. 99.

[69]      Basin Plan, note to Part 5, section 10.23, p. 100.

[70]      Basin Plan, Part 5, section 10.23.

Chapter 3 - Groundwater

[1]        MDBA, Basin Plan attachment G– Synthesis of analysis associated with the determination of an environmentally sustainable level of take (ESLT) for surface water and groundwater in the Basin Plan, November 2012, p. 6,, (accessed 4 March 2013).

[2]        MDBA, Guide to the proposed Basin Plan, Volume 1, Overview, 8 October 2010, p. 55.

[3]        MDBA, The Proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, 2012, p. 21.

[4]        MDBA, The Proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, 2012, p. 21.

[5]        MDBA, Altered Proposed Basin Plan, Schedule 4, August 2012, pp 192–205.

[6]        MDBA, Basin Plan attachment G– Synthesis of analysis associated with the determination of an environmentally sustainable level of take (ESLT) for surface water and groundwater in the Basin Plan, November 2012, p. 6,, (accessed 4 March 2013).

[7]        Note this figure is quoted in the MDBA, Proposed Basin Plan consultation report, May 2012, p. 46 and includes a component for unassigned groundwater. The figure of 1601 GL/y for the Basin wide groundwater SDL which was listed in the Guide excludes unassigned groundwater; see MDBA, Guide to the proposed Basin Plan, Volume 1, Overview, 8 October 2010, p. 143.

[8]        MDBA, The Proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, 2012, p. 21.

[9]        MDBA, The Proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, 2012, p. 21.

[10]      MDBA, Proposed Basin Plan: Authority's views and consultation on the matters raised by the Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council – Volume 1, August 2012, p. 35.

[11]      MDBA, Basin Plan attachment G– Synthesis of analysis associated with the determination of an environmentally sustainable level of take (ESLT) for surface water and groundwater in the Basin Plan, November 2012, p. 6,, (accessed 4 March 2013).

[12]      Basin Plan, Schedule 4, August 2012, pp 201–213.

[13]      MDBA, The Proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, 2012, p. 4 and MDBA, Basin Plan: Authority's views on the Minister's suggestions on the altered proposed Basin Plan, November 2012, p. 9.

[14]      MDBA, Addendum to the proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, July 2012, p. 22.

[15]      MDBA, Addendum to the proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, July 2012, p. 23.

[16]      MDBA, Addendum to the proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, July 2012, p. 23.

[17]      MDBA, The Proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, 2012, p. 10.

[18]      MDBA, The Proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, 2012, p. 12. Note the number of resource units changed over the various iterations of the Basin Plan. The final Basin Plan has 66 groundwater resource units. However, in answer to question on notice 23 November 2012, the MDBA directed the committee to this report for information about how groundwater SDLs (especially in terms of connectivity) were determined. MDBA, answer to question on notice, 23 November 2012, (received 28 November 2012).

[19]      MDBA, The Proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, April 2012, p. 11.

[20]      MDBA, The Proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, April 2012, p. 12.

[21]      MDBA, The Proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, April 2012, p. 13.

[22]      This report was an addendum to the MDBA, The Proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, April 2012, 

[23]      MDBA, Addendum to the proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, July 2012, p. 2.

[24]      MDBA, Addendum to the proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, July 2012, p. 2.

[25]      MDBA, Addendum to the proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, July 2012, p. 3.

[26]      MDBA, Addendum to the proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, July 2012, p. 28.

[27]      Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Analysis of Groundwater in the 2011 Draft Murray Darling Basin Plan, April 2012, p. 7.

[28]      Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Analysis of Groundwater in the 2011 Draft Murray Darling Basin Plan, April 2012, p. 7.

[29]      Mr Tim Stubbs, Environmental Engineer, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 17. The MDBA stated that the 'figure of 2,600 GL/year represents the difference between the total groundwater baseline diversion limits (BDLs) in the Guide to the total groundwater SDLs in the draft Basin Plan and is hence not an accurate representation of the change'. MDBA, answer to question on notice, Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, additional budget estimates, February 2012, question no 184.

[30]      Ms Juliet Le Feuvre, Healthy Rivers Campaigner, Environment Victoria, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 31.

[31]      Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Analysis of Groundwater in the 2011 Draft Murray‑Darling Basin Plan, April 2012, pp 5–6.

[32]      National Water Commission, Coal Seam Gas and Water Position Statement, December 2010, p. 1.

[33]      Ministerial Council, Murray-Darling Ministers' comments on the proposed basin plan,
9 July 2012, p. 9.

[34]      Dr Paul Sinclair, Australian Conservation Foundation, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p.35.

[35]      Mr Tim Stubbs, Environmental Engineer, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 10 September 2012, pp 14–15.

[36]      National Water Commission, Groundwater-Surface Water Connectivity, 13 December 2011,, (accessed 5 September 2012).

[37]      Mr Tim Kelly, Chief Executive, Conservation Council of South Australia, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 24.

[38]      Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Analysis of Groundwater in the 2011 Draft Murray-Darling Basin Plan, April 2012, p. 3.

[39]      Dr Bill Young, CSIRO, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 62.

[40]      Dr Young, Director, Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, CSIRO, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 61

[41]      Professor Michael Young, Professor of Environmental and Water Policy, University of Adelaide (Private Capacity), Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 79

[42]      Ms Beverly Smiles, President, Inland Rivers Network, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 20.

[43]      Ms Juliet Le Feuvre, Healthy Rivers Campaigner, Environment Victoria, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 25.

[44]      Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Analysis of Groundwater in the 2011 Draft Murray‑Darling Basin Plan, April 2012, p. 6.

[45]      Dr John Williams, Founding Member, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 16.

[46]      Mr Peter Cosier, Convenor and Member, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 27.

[47]      Mr Peter Cosier, Convenor and Member, and Mr Tim Stubbs, Environmental Engineer, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 29.

[48]      Mr Peter Cosier, Convenor and Member, and Mr Tim Stubbs, Environmental Engineer, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 30.

[49]      Mr Jonathan La Nauze, Healthy rivers Campaigner, Australian Conservation Foundation, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012 p. 22.

[50]      MDBA, answer to question on notice, 23 November 2012, (received 28 November 2012).

[51]      Dr Rhondda Dickson, Chief Executive, MDBA, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 45.

[52]      MDBA, answer to question on notice, 23 November 2012, (received 28 November 2012).

[53]      MDBA, answer to question on notice, 23 November 2012, (received 28 November 2012).

[54]      House of Representatives Standing Committee on Regional Australia, Of drought and flooding rain, 2 June 2011, p. 71,

[55]      MDBA, Addendum to the proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, July 2012, p. 11.

[56]      MDBA, Addendum to the proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, July 2012, pp 27–30. The workshop of groundwater experts was held on 17 May 2012 to provide advice to the MDBA on certain groundwater issues.

Chapter 4 - Infrastructure Investment, Environmental Works and Measures, and Constraints Management and Removal

[1]        Reproduced from SEWPaC, Environmental Water Recovery Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin: Draft for Consultation, November 2012, p. 23.

[2]        SEWPaC, Environmental Water Recovery Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin: Draft for Consultation, November 2012, p. 15. For a definition of supply measures see chapter two, paragraph 2.13 of this report.

[3]        SEWPaC, Environmental Water Recovery Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin: Draft for Consultation, November 2012, pp 15–17.

[4]        The MDBA agreed that 'the [final] Basin Plan should further clarify that the 5 per cent limit on operating the [adjustment] mechanism represents the ‘net’ SDL adjustment. That is, the mechanism can provide up to a 650 GL offset from supply measures provided there is a corresponding increase in the SDL reduction amount resulting from efficiency measures to maintain the 5 per cent net limit.' See: MDBA, Basin Plan: Authority's views on the Minister's suggestions on the altered proposed Basin Plan, November 2012, p. 2.

[5]        SEWPaC, Environmental Water Recovery Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin: Draft for Consultation, November 2012, p. 23.

[6]        Dr Rhondda Dickson, Chief Executive, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 37.

[7]        Mr Jonathan La Nauze, Healthy Rivers Campaigner, Australian Conservation Foundation, Committee Hansard, 10 September 2012, p. 20.

[8]        Mr Ted Hatty, Chairman, Southern Riverina Irrigators, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 9.

[9]        Mr Andrew Gregson, Chief Executive Officer, New South Wales Irrigators’ Council, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 17.

[10]      Mr David Parker, Deputy Secretary, Water Group, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 35.

[11]      Dr Rhondda Dickson, Chief Executive, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 38.

[12]      Mr David Parker, Deputy Secretary, Water Group, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, and Dr Rhondda Dickson, Chief Executive, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 39.

[13]      Mr Tom Chesson, Chief Executive Officer, National Irrigators’ Council, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 18.

[14]      Mr Peter Cosier, Convenor and Member, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 28

[15]      Prime Minister, the Hon. Julia Gillard MP and Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, the Hon. Tony Burke MP, Press Release, 'Returning the Murray-Darling Basin To Health, 26 October 2012,

[16]      Prime Minister, the Hon. Julia Gillard MP and Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, the Hon. Tony Burke MP, Press Release, 'Returning the Murray-Darling Basin To Health, 26 October 2012.

[17]      Prime Minister, the Hon. Julia Gillard MP and Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, the Hon. Tony Burke MP, Press Release, 'Returning the Murray-Darling Basin To Health, 26 October 2012.

[18]      Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, Water Amendment (Long-term Average Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment) Bill 2012 [Provisions] and the Water Amendment (Water for the Environment Special Account) Bill 2012 [Provisions], November 2012, p. 7.

[19]      Revised Explanatory Memorandum, Water Amendment (Water for the Environment Special Account) Bill 2012, p. 3.

[20]      Revised Explanatory Memorandum, Water Amendment (Water for the Environment Special Account) Bill 2012, p. 4. Emphasis added.

[21]      Revised Explanatory Memorandum, Water Amendment (Water for the Environment Special Account) Bill 2012, p. 4.

[22]      Mr Bruce Simpson, Chairman, and Ms Perin Davey, Executive Officer, Murray Group of Concerned Communities, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 12.

[23]      Mr Tom Chesson, Chief Executive Officer, National Irrigators' Council, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, pp 13–14.

[24]      Mr Tom Chesson, Chief Executive Officer, National Irrigators' Council, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 16.

[25]      Mrs Jan Beer, Private Capacity, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, pp 1–2 and Mrs Jan Beer, Submission 381, pp 2–3.

[26]      Mrs Jan Beer, Submission 381, p. 4.

[27]      Mr Andrew Gregson, Chief Executive Officer, New South Wales Irrigators' Council, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 16.

[28]      Mr Andrew Gregson, Chief Executive Officer, New South Wales Irrigators' Council, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 16.

[29]      Dr Rhondda Dickson, Chief Executive, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 41.

[30]      Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, pp 4,41, and 42 and correspondence between the MDBA and the committee, 11 December 2012.

[31]      Mr Jonathan La Nauze, Healthy Rivers Campaigner, Australian Conservation Foundation, Committee Hansard, 10 September 2012, p.23.

[32]      Ms Juliet Le Feuvre, Healthy Rivers Campaigner, Environment Victoria, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 25.

Chapter 5 - Water buybacks and water trading

[1]        SEWPaC, Environmental Water Recovery Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin: Draft for Consultation, November 2012, p. 7.

[2]        SEWPaC, Environmental Water Recovery Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin: Draft for Consultation, November 2012, p. 7. See also SEWPaC, Restoring the Balance in the Murray-Darling Basin,, (accessed 4 March 2013).

[3]        SEWPaC, Environmental Water Recovery Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin: Draft for Consultation, November 2012, pp 8­‑9.

[4]        SEWPaC, Environmental Water Recovery Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin: Draft for Consultation, November 2012, p. 7.

[5]        SEWPaC, Progress of water recovery under the Restoring the Balance in the Murray-Darling Basin Program, (accessed 24 February 2013).

[6]        SEWPaC, Environmental Water Recovery Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin: Draft for Consultation, November 2012, p. 11.

[7]        SEWPaC, Environmental Water Recovery Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin: Draft for Consultation, November 2012, p. 11. Note: the Draft Water Recovery Strategy states that the 'role of water purchasing is to complement the projected water recovery from infrastructure, SDL offsets and any other sources, thus enabling the task of bridging the gap to be completed by 2019' and further adds 'the pace and location of water purchasing will be regularly adjusted to take into account the latest information on water recoveries from the various sources. This includes adjusting the pace and location of water purchasing if the volume of SDL offsets from supply measures is less than 650 GL.' SEWPaC, Environmental Water Recovery Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin: Draft for Consultation, November 2012, p. 17.

[8]        SEWPaC, Environmental Water Recovery Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin: Draft for Consultation, November 2012, pp 17–18.

[9]        House of Representatives Standing Committee on Regional Australia's report Of drought and flooding rains: Inquiry into the impact of the Guide to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan, May 2011, p. 104.

[10]      Mr Tim Stubbs, Environmental Engineer, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 10 September 2012, p. 12.

[11]      Mr Tom Chesson, Chief Executive Officer, National Irrigators' Council, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 53.

[12]      See for example Cr Margaret Thomson, Mayor, Shire of Wentworth, Committee Hansard, 3 April 2012, p. 32; Mr Ian Murdoch, Chairman, and Ms Cheryl Rix, General Manager, Western Murray Irrigation Ltd, Committee Hansard, 3 April 2012, p. 12; Mr Mark McKenzie, Chief Executive, Murray Valley Winegrowers Inc., and Mrs Tania Chapman, Chair, Citrus Australia Ltd, Committee Hansard, 3 April 2012, p. 28;  and for the Romani scheme see Councillor Roger (Bill) Sheaffe, Mayor, Hay Shire Council, Committee Hansard, 10 September 2012, p. 25; and Mr Duncan Fraser, Private Capacity, Committee Hansard, 2 April 2012, p. 66.

[13]      Mr Terence Hogan AM, Riverina and Murray Regional Organisation of Councils, Committee Hansard, 2 April 2012, p. 58.

[14]      Mr Duncan Fraser, Private Capacity, Committee Hansard, 2 April 2012, p.66.

[15]      In addition to that noted below, other witnesses also expressed concerns about this issue. See for example, Mr John Culleton, Chief Executive Officer, Coleambally Irrigation Cooperative Ltd, Committee Hansard, 2 April 2012, p. 29 and Mrs Betty Lloyd, Grower Representative Board Director, South Australian Citrus Industry Development Board, Committee Hansard, 3 April 2012, p. 38.

[16]      Mr Terence Hogan AM, Chairman, Riverina and Murray Regional Organisation of Councils, Committee Hansard, 2 April 2012, p. 58

[17]      Mr Darren Macartney, Rural Financial Counsellor, Rural Financial Counselling Service, New South Wales Southern Region, Committee Hansard, 2 April 2012, p. 13.

[18]      Mr James Hill, private capacity, and Mr Andrew Schipp, District Agronomist, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, Committee Hansard, 2 April 2012, pp 13–14.

[19]      Marsden Jacob Associates prepared for SEWPaC, Survey of water entitlement sellers under the Restoring the Balance in the Murray-Darling Basin Program, June 2012, (accessed 1 March 2012).

[20]      SEWPaC, Environmental Water Recovery Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin: Draft for Consultation, November 2012, p. 23.

[21]      Mr Tom Chesson, Chief Executive Officer, National Irrigators’ Council, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 14.

[22]      Mr Andrew Gregson, Chief Executive Officer, New South Wales Irrigators’ Council, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, pp 17-18.

[23]      The Hon. Tony Burke, MP, Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Media Release, ‘Gillard Government supports irrigators’, 13 February 2013.

[24]      SEWPaC, Restoring the Balance in the Murray-Darling Basin,  (accessed 24 February 2013).

[25]      NSW State Water, Glossary of water terms, (accessed 1 March 2013).

[26]      Hugh Turral, Daniel Connell and Jennifer McKay, "Much Ado About the Murray: the Drama of Restraining Water Use" in Francois Molle and Philippus Wester (eds.). River basin trajectories: societies, environments and development, Wallingford, UK, CABI, Colombo, Sri Lanka, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), 2009, p. 278.

[27]      NWC, The impacts of water trading in the southern Murray–Darling Basin: an economic, social and environmental assessment, 2010, p. 38.

[28]      NWC, The impacts of water trading in the southern Murray–Darling Basin: an economic, social and environmental assessment, 2010, p. 38.

[29]      Dr John Williams, Founding Member, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 23 April 240412, pp 15–16.

[30]      For example, Mr David Davies, Private Capacity, Committee Hansard, 2 April 2012, p. 1.

[31]      Ms Debbie Buller, President, Murrumbidgee Valley Food and Fibre Association, Committee Hansard , 2 April 2012, pp 20–21.

[32]      Ms Jody Swirepik, Executive Director, Environmental Management Division, Committee Hansard, 23 August 2012, p. 23.

[33]      Mr Tom Chesson, Chief Executive Officer, National Irrigators' Council, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 50.

[34]      Senate Environment and Communications References Committee, Sustainable management by the Commonwealth of water resources, October 2010, p. 18.

Chapter 6 - Types of Water Entitlements

[1]        National Water Commission, 2011, The National Water Initiative–securing Australia's water future: 2011 assessment, NWC, Canberra, p. 66 (figure 2.5).

[2]        Productivity Commission, 2010, Market Mechanisms for Recovering Water in the Murray‑Darling Basin, Final Report, March, p. 42.

[3]        Productivity Commission, 2010, Market Mechanisms for Recovering Water in the Murray-Darling Basin, Final Report, March, p. 42

[4]        Productivity Commission, 2010, Market Mechanisms for Recovering Water in the Murray-Darling Basin, Final Report, March, p. 45.

[5]        MDBA, 'How is water recovery measured? (What is a 'long-term Cap equivalent' volume?)', (accessed 31 January 2013).

[6]        MDBA, 'How is water recovery measured? (What is a 'long-term Cap equivalent' volume?)'.

[7]        Mr Tim Stubbs, Environmental Engineer, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 10 September 2012, p. 12.

[8]        Ms Jody Swirepik, Executive Director, Environmental Management Division, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Committee Hansard, 23 August 2012, p. 11.

[9]        Dr Tony McLeod, General Manager, Water Planning, and Mr Russell James, Executive Director, Policy and Planning, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Committee Hansard, 23 August 2012, p. 15.

[10]      Dr Tony McLeod, General Manager, Water Planning, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Committee Hansard, 23 August 2012, pp 15­–16.

[11]      Dr Tony McLeod, General Manager, Water Planning, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Committee Hansard, 23 August 2012, p. 22.

[12]      MDBA, answer to question on notice, 23 August 2012, (received 25 September 2012).

[13]      Mr Tim Stubbs, Environmental Engineer, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 10 September 2012, p. 16.

[14]      Mr Orion Sanders, Economist, ABARES, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 13.

[15]      Mr Orion Sanders, Economist, ABARES, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 14.

[16]      ABARES, answer to question on notice, 24 April 2012 (received 5 June 2012).

[17]      Mr Orion Sanders, Economist, Dr Nga Nguyen, Economist and Mr Paul Morris, Executive Director, ABARES, DAFF, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, pp 15-16.

[18]      ABARES, DAFF, answer to question on notice, 24 April 2012 (received 5 June 2012).

[19]      Dr John Williams, Member, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 10 September 2012, p. 12.

[20]      Mr Ian Robinson, Water Holder, Commonwealth Environmental Water Office, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, pp 57–58.

[21]      Ms Jody Swirepik, Executive Director, Environmental Management Division, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 73.

[22]      Ms Jody Swirepik, Executive Director, Environmental Management Division, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 73.

[23]      SEWPaC, answer to question on notice, 24 April 2012, (received 2 July 2012, QoN 22 and 23).

[24]      Ms Mary Harwood, First Assistant Secretary, Water Efficiency Division, SEWPaC, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 70.

[25]      SEWPaC, answer to question on notice, 24 April 2012, (received 2 July 2012, QoN 25).

[26]      ANAO, Restoring the Balance in the Murray-Darling Basin, Audit Report no. 27 2010-11, 2011, p. 93.

[27]      ANAO, Restoring the Balance in the Murray-Darling Basin, Audit Report no. 27 2010-11, 2011, p. 95. The report also notes in footnote 76, p. 95: 'The ANAO assessed allocations against the Twynam entitlements, which ranged from zero for Macquarie and Lachlan general security and 27 per cent for the Murrumbidgee general entitlements; whereas the supplementary entitlements received 100 per cent of the allocations, due to the floods in early 2009.'

[28]      ANAO, Restoring the Balance in the Murray-Darling Basin, Audit Report no. 27 2010-11, 2011, p. 95.

[29]      Mr David Harriss, Commissioner, New South Wales Office of Water, Committee Hansard, 10 September 2012, p. 42.

[30]      Mr David Harriss, Commissioner, New South Wales Office of Water, Committee Hansard, 10 September 2012, p. 35.

[31]      Dr John Williams, Member, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 10 September 2012, p. 11.

[32]      Cr Roger (Bill) Sheaffe, Mayor, Hay Shire Council, Committee Hansard, 10 September 2012, p. 26.

[33]      Mr David Harriss, Commissioner, New South Wales Office of Water, Committee Hansard, 10 September 2012, p. 36.

[34]      Mr John Culleton, Director, National Irrigators Council, and Mr Andrew Gregson, Chief Executive Officer, New South Wales Irrigators Council, Committee Hansard, 10 September 2012, pp 3–4.

[35]      See: NSW Legislative Council, Return to Order - Nimmie-Caira System Enhanced Environmental Water Delivery Project – Clerk tabled documents received on Thursday 20 September 2012 from the Director General of the Department of Premier and Cabinet, together with an indexed list of documents,$FILE/Index%20-%20Nimmie-Caira%20System%20Enhanced%20Environmental%20Water%20Delivery%20Project.pdf  (accessed 28 September 2012).

[36]      NSW Legislative Council, Disputed Claim of Privilege – Nimmie-Caira System Enhanced Environmental Water Delivery Project – Tabling of Privileged Documents – Clerk tabled documents identified as not privileged in the report of the Independent Legal Arbiter, dated 20 November 2012,,nimmie* (accessed 12 March 2013).

[37]      The covering letter for the business case from the NSW Office of Water to SEWPaC and a summary of the Nimmie-Caira project costs (which contain this information) is included as Appendix 5.

[38]      NSW Office of Water, Summary of amendments to the Murrumbidgee Regulated Water Sharing Plan, October 2012, p. 3.

[39]      See Appendix 5.

Chapter 7 - Impact of the Basin Plan on Rural Communities, Localism and Stakeholder Engagement

[1]        The socio-economic impacts of the additional 450 GL/y return of take to the environment announced by the government on 26 October 2012 are discussed in chapter 4.

[2]        Mr Allen Dwyer, General Manager, Hay Shire Council, Committee Hansard, 2 April 2012, p. 57.

[3]        Mr James Hill, Private Capacity, and Mr Andrew Schipp, District Agronomist, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, Committee Hansard, 2 April 2012, p. 14.

[4]        Mr Malcolm Bennett, Vice Chairman, Sunraysia Irrigators Council, Committee Hansard, 3 April 2012, p. 4.

[5]        MDBA, The Socio-economic implications of the proposed Basin Plan, May 2012, p. v.

[6]        MDBA, The Socio-economic implications of the proposed Basin Plan, May 2012, p. 12.

[7]        MDBA, The Socio-economic implications of the proposed Basin Plan, May 2012, p. ii.

[8]        MDBA, Plain English summary of the proposed Basin Plan – including explanatory notes, Appendix B, November 2011, p. 119.

[9]        MDBA, The Socio-economic implications of the proposed Basin Plan, May 2012, p. 2.

[10]      MDBA, Socioeconomic analysis and the draft Basin Plan: Part A – Overview and analysis, November 2011, p. 55.

[11]      Mr Tim Stubbs, Environment Engineer, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, pp 16–18.

[12]      MDBA, Plain English summary of the proposed Basin Plan – including explanatory notes, Appendix B, November 2011, p. 120.

[13]      Dr Rhondda Dickson, Chief Executive, MDBA, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 7. See also Mr Paul Morris, Executive Director, ABARES, DAFF, Committee Hansard,
24 April 2012, p. 11.

[14]      MDBA, Plain English summary of the proposed Basin Plan – including explanatory notes, Appendix B, November 2011, p. 119.

[15]      For example, ABARES, Modelling the economic effects of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. Report prepared for the Murray-Darling Basin Authority, November 2011.

[16]      Mr Jock Laurie, President, National Farmers' Federation, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 33.

[17]      Murrumbidgee Irrigators Ltd, Murray-Darling Basin Plan,, (accessed
6 September 2012). The full report was prepared for The Murrumbidgee Valley Funding Partners: Independent Economic, Modelling the Economic Impact of the Draft Basin Plan, April 2012, (accessed 4 March 2013).

[18]      Mr Paul Morris, Executive Director, ABARES, DAFF, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 24.

[19]      Mr Paul Morris, Executive Director, ABARES, DAFF, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 11.

[20]      MDBA, The Socio-economic implications of the proposed Basin Plan, May 2012, pp 3–4.

[21]      Mr Paul Morris, Executive Director, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences, DAFF, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, pp 4–5.

[22]      Mr Orion Sanders, Economist, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 5.

[23]      Mr Jasen Crighton, Director, Crightons Rural Engineering, Committee Hansard, 2 April 2012, p. 5.

[24]      Councillor Margaret Thomson, Mayor, Shire of Wentworth, Committee Hansard, 3 April 2012, p. 30.

[25]      Councillor John Arnold, Mayor, Mildura Rural City Council, Committee Hansard, 3 April 2012, p. 31.

[26]      Mrs Tania Chapman, Chair, Citrus Australia, Committee Hansard, 3 April 2012, p. 18.

[27]      See, for example, MDBA, Socioeconomic analysis and the draft Basin Plan: Part A – Overview and analysis, November 2011, pp 85–111.

[28]      Basin Plan explanatory statement p. 10.

[29]      Basin Plan explanatory statement p. 11.

[30]      Water Act 2007, section 43(10)(a).

[31]      Councillor John Arnold, Mayor, Mildura Rural City Council and representative of the Murray River Group of Councils, Committee Hansard, 3 April 2012, p. 31.

[32]      Mr Christopher Byrne, Executive Officer, Riverland Winegrape Growers Association, Committee Hansard, 3 April 2012, p. 41.

[33]      Mr Tom Chesson, Chief Executive Officer, National Irrigators' Council, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, pp 16–17.

[34]      Mr Tim Stubbs, Environmental Engineer, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 24.

[35]      Mr Tim Kelly, Chief Executive, Conservation Council of South Australia, Ms Beverley Smiles, Executive Member, Nature Conservation Council of New South Wales, and Ms Juliet Le Feuvre, Healthy Rivers Campaigner, Environment Victoria, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 31.

[36]      Mr Grant Rigney, Chairperson, Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous Nations, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, pp 40–41.

[37]      Mr Tim Stubbs, Environmental Engineer, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 21. Dr Young from the CSIRO as noted a similar experience with the groundwater information, see Dr Bill Young, Director, Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 61

[38]      House of Representatives Standing Committee on Regional Australia, Of drought and flooding rains: Inquiry into the impact of the Guide to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan, Canberra, May 2011, p. 73.

[39]      Dr Rhondda Dickson, Chief Executive, MDBA, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 75.

[40]      Ms Jody Swirepik, Executive Director, Environment Management Division, MDBA, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 75.

[41]      Dr Rhondda Dickson, Chief Executive, MDBA, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 76.

[42]      Mr Stewart Ellis, Chair, National Irrigators' Council, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 49.

[43]      Mr Tom Chesson, Chief Executive Officer, National Irrigators' Council, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 56.

[44]      Mr Tom Chesson, Chief Executive Officer, National Irrigators' Council, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 56.

[45]      Dr Paul Sinclair, Healthy Ecosystems Program Manager, Australian Conservation Foundation, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 41.

[46]      Dr Paul Sinclair, Healthy Ecosystems Program Manager, Australian Conservation Foundation, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 41.

[47]      Dr Paul Sinclair, Healthy Ecosystems Program Manager, Australian Conservation Foundation, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 41.

[48]      Mr Jasen Crighton, Director, Crightons Rural Engineering, Committee Hansard, 2 April 2012, p. 6.

Chapter 8 - Future Research and Solutions

[1]        'Increased groundwater extractions' refers to increases in the Basin Plan from those identified in the Guide to the proposed Basin Plan (the Guide). See chapter 3 table 3.1.

[2]        Dr Peter Snell, Rice Breeder (Professional Officer), New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 49.

[3]        Dr Peter Snell, Rice Breeder (Professional Officer), New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 52.

[4]        Dr Peter Snell, Rice Breeder (Professional Officer), New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 51.

[5]        Dr Peter Snell, Rice Breeder (Professional Officer), New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 51.

[6]        Mr Tim Stubbs, Environmental Engineer, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 10 September 2012, p. 19.

[7]        According to the EEWR report extension 'refers to the practice of researchers presenting their findings to businesses and operators currently working in the field.' See Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations References Committee, Higher education and skills training to support agriculture and agribusiness in Australia, June 2012, p. 43.

[8]        Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations References Committee, Higher education and skills training to support agriculture and agribusiness in Australia, June 2012, p. 44.

[9]        MDBA, answer to question on notice 23April 2012, (received 7 June 2012). The MDBA also noted here that 'runoff dams include farms dam used for irrigation purposes and farms dams under basic rights (e.g. farm dams used for stock and domestic purposes).'

[10]      Dr Bill Young, Director, Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 59

[11]      Dr Rhondda Dickson, Chief Executive, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 2.

[12]      The two reports are: Murray-Darling Basin Authority, The Proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, 2012 and Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Addendum to the proposed Groundwater Baseline and Sustainable Diversion Limits: Methods Report, July 2012

[13]      MDBA, answer to question on notice, 23 November 2012, (received 28 November 2012).

[14]      Dr Bill Young, Director, Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 62.

[15]      Dr Bill Young, Director, Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, pp 60–61.

[16]      Mr Tim Stubbs, Environmental Engineer, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 19.

[17]      Mr Tim Stubbs, Environment Engineer, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Committee Hansard, 23 November 2012, p. 29.

[18]      Mr Grant Rigney, Chairperson, Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous Nations, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 44.

[19]      Ms Beverley Smiles, President, Inland Rivers Network, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 20.

[20]      Ms Juliet Le Feuvre, Healthy Rivers Campaigner, Environment Victoria, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 25.

[21]      Ms Juliet Le Feuvre, Healthy Rivers Campaigner, Environment Victoria, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 31.

[22]      Mr Richard Hazelton, Private Capacity, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 46.

[23]      Mr Richard Hazelton, Private Capacity, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 46.

[24]      Mr Richard Hazelton, Private Capacity, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 46.

[25]      Mr Richard Hazelton, Private Capacity, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 46.

[26]      Mr Jock Laurie, President, National Farmers' Federation, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 27.

[27]      Mr Jock Laurie, President, National Farmers' Federation, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 36.

[28]      Mr Jock Laurie, President, National Farmers' Federation, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 29.

[29]      Mr Jock Laurie, President, and Ms Deborah Kerr, Manager, Natural Resource Management, National Farmers' Federation, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p. 29.

[30]      Mr George Warne, Chief Executive Officer, Northern Victoria Irrigation Renewal Project, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 34.

[31]      Mr George Warne, Chief Executive Officer, Northern Victoria Irrigation Renewal Project, Committee Hansard, 24 April 2012, p. 34.

Additional Comments by Senator Nick Xenophon

[1]        Prime Minister, the Hon. Julia Gillard MP and Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, the Hon. Tony Burke MP, Press Release, ‘Returning the Murray-Darling Basin To Health’, 26 October 2012,

[2]        Professor John Williams, “River Murray agreement to waterproof SA may turn out to be a castle built on sand”, Adelaide Advertiser, 12 November 2012.

[3]        Mr Tim Kelly, CEO of the Conservation Council of South Australia, Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, Committee Hansard, 12 November 2012, p. 9.

[4]        Dr Rhondda Dickson, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Committee Hansard, Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, 23 May 2012, p. 102.

[5]        The Hon Craig Knowles, Chair, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, p.12.

[6]        The Hon Craig Knowles, Chair, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Committee Hansard, 23 April 2012, pp. 12–13.