Recommendation 1

2.53      The committee recommends that the Live Animal Export (Slaughter) Prohibition Bill 2011 [No. 2] and the Live Animal Export Restriction and Prohibition Bill 2011 [No. 2] not be passed.

Recommendation 2

4.70      The committee recommends that Meat and Livestock Australia and LiveCorp ensure that performance standards, in accordance with Article of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Code, are developed and implemented for the Mark IV restraint box as a matter of priority.

Recommendation 3

4.71      The committee recommends that the Chief Veterinary Officer oversees the regular assessment of the performance standards for the Mark IV restraint box, the effectiveness of their implementation and the associated impact on animal welfare outcomes.

Recommendation 4

4.76      The committee recommends that the Australian Government, in consultation with the Australian live export industry and key peak animal welfare groups, clarifies the range of information relating to compliance with the supply chain assurance system that will be made public, the form in which this information will be published and the frequency with which it will be published.

Recommendation 5

4.79      The committee recommends that the Australian Government continues to work with the Australian livestock industry toward the implementation of a mandatory national permanent lifetime livestock traceability system.

Recommendation 6

6.17      The committee recommends that the Australian live export industry undertake a review of the responsibilities of peak bodies that act and speak on behalf of the industry with a view to clarifying the lines of authority and communication within the industry.

Recommendation 7

6.31      The committee recommends that the Australian government establishes an ongoing dialogue with the governments of each of our live export trading partners and ensures that agreements reached as a result of this dialogue are clearly communicated to Australian Government officials and Australian industry representatives.

Recommendation 8

6.45      The committee recommends that the Australian Government, in consultation with the live export industry and other ancillary businesses develops a package of further assistance or reallocates existing packages of assistance to address those identifiable and otherwise irrecoverable financial costs incurred as a result of the temporary suspension of live cattle exports to Indonesia.

Recommendation 9

6.47      The committee recommends that the Australian Government establishes a dialogue with financial institutions with regard to the financial difficulties faced by producers and businesses involved in the live export industry as a result of the temporary suspension of live cattle exports to Indonesia. The committee recommends that the Australian Government seeks to encourage financial institutions to adopt a supportive approach to the repayment of loans and the imposition of interest penalties in the event of default on such payments.

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