

[1] Journals of the Senate, 14 September 2005.

[2] Journals of the Senate, 20 June 2006.

[3] Mr Warwick  McDONALD, (CSIRO), Committee Hansard, 7 March 2006, p.36-37

[4] Prof. Michael Young, (CSIRO), Committee Hansard, 7 March 2006, p.48

[5] Dr James Gill, Water Corporation of Western Australia, Committee Hansard,16 August 2006, p.19

[6] Submission No.52, SA Government, p.14

[7] Source: ActewAGL, Melbourne Water, Sydney Catchment Authority, SA Water, SEQ Water and WA Water Corporation, as at 30 August 2006

[8] Risks to the Shared Water Resources of the Murray-Darling Basin , CSIRO, 2006

[9] Councillor Di Thorley, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2006, p.9

[10] Mr Ken Matthews, Committee Hansard, 7 March 2006, p.3

[11] Note: The Committee is only too aware that this does not solve the water shortage problems of cities like Toowoomba and Goulburn.


[13] Submission No.52, SA Government, p.29

[14] Councillor Di Thorley, Committee Hansard, 2 August 2006, p.14

[15] Kim Beazley, Media statement, 5 April 06, John Howard, SMH, 17 July 06, Andrew Bartlett, The Bartlett Diaries, 28 July 06, Rachel Siewert, Aust Greens Online, 15 August 06, Andrew Stoner, Press Release, NSW Nationals, 26 August 06

[16] Submission  No.40, CSIRO, p.8             

[17] Prof. Michael Young, (CSIRO), Committee Hansard, 7 March 2006, p.44

[18] Submission  No.35, MDBC, p.2  

[19] Mr Ed Fessey, Committee Hansard, 16  August 2006, p.2

[20] Professor Richard Kingsford, (University of NSW), Submission No.9, p.5

[21] Submissions Nos. 16, 19, 20 26 & 29

[22] SA Government, Submission No.52, p. 10

[23] Mr Ken Matthews, Committee Hansard, 7 March 2006, p.3

[24] Mr Simon Smalley, (DAFF) Committee Hansard, 7 March 2006, p.91

[25] For example, Submission No. 46, p.3 (Murrumbidgee Irrigators)

[26] Dr Colin Chartres, National Water Commission, Committee Hansard, 7 March 2006, p. 8 and email to the Committee dated 30 August 2006.

[27] For example, Submissions Nos.21 & 33

[28] Van Dijk, A., Evans, R., Hairsine, P., Khan, S., Nathan, R. Paydar, Z., Viney, N. and  Zhang, L. (2006) Risks to the Shared Water Resources of the Murray-Darling Basin. Murray-  Darling Basin Commission Report, Canberra, p.6  

[29] Van Dijk, A. and others (2006),  Murray- Darling Basin Commission Report, Canberra, p.19

[30]   Dr James Gill, Water Corporation of Western Australia, Committee Hansard,16 August 2006, p.22