

[1] Department of the Parliamentary Library, Bills Digest No. 13, 2005-06, p. 1

[2] Department of the Parliamentary Library, Bills Digest No. 13, 2005-06, p. 2

[3] Department of the Parliamentary Library, Bills Digest No. 13, 2005-06, p. 3

[4] Explanatory Memorandum, Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Mutual Recognition with New Zealand) Bill 2005, p. 4

[5] Second Reading Speech, Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Mutual Recognition with New Zealand) Bill 2005, p. 2

[6] Second Reading Speech, Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Mutual Recognition with New Zealand) Bill 2005, p. 2

[7] Explanatory Memorandum, Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Mutual Recognition with New Zealand) Bill 2005, p. 1

[8] Explanatory Memorandum, Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Mutual Recognition with New Zealand) Bill 2005, p. 14

[9] Department of the Parliamentary Library, Bills Digest No. 13, 2005-06, p. 9

[10] Department of the Parliamentary Library, Bills Digest No. 13, 2005-06, p. 9

[11] Explanatory Memorandum, Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Mutual Recognition with New Zealand) Bill 2005, p. 16

[12] Explanatory Memorandum, Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Mutual Recognition with New Zealand) Bill 2005, p. 14; Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills, Alert Digest 8/05, p. 8

[13] Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills, Alert Digest 8/05, p. 8

[14] Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills, Alert Digest 8/05, p. 9

[15] Department of Transport and Regional Services submission indicates that it is intended that consultation with CAANZ will occur throughout the process, including the appointment of an independent assessor.

[16] Department of the Parliamentary Library, Bills Digest No. 61 2003-04, p. 2

[17] Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee: Provisions of the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Mutual Recognition with New Zealand and Other Matters) Bill 2003, pp. 1-2 and 5

[18] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 26

[19] Qantas, Submission 2, 2005, p. 2

[20] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 7

[21] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, pp. 23 and 26

[22] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, pp. 30 and 35

[23] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 35

[24] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 31

[25] RRAT Committee, Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 7

[26] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 2

[27] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 4

[28] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 15

[29] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 23

[30] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 23

[31] Department of Transport and Regional Services, Submission 1, 2005, p. 2

[32] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 3

[33] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 3

[34] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 27

[35] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 24

[36] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, pp. 15-16

[37] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 16

[38] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 16

[39] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 16

[40] Department of Transport and Regional Services, Submission 1, 2004, p. 4

[41] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 31

[42] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 33

[43] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 34

[44] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 27

[45] Department of Transport and Regional Services, Submission 1, 2005, p. 2

[46] Department of Transport and Regional Services, answer to question taken on notice, provided 31 August 2005

[47] Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee: Provisions of the Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Mutual Recognition with New Zealand and Other Matters) Bill 2003, p. 17.

[48] RRAT Committee Hansard Transcript, 29 August 2005, p. 16