Membership of the Committee

Membership of the Committee


Senator the Hon. Bill Heffernan  LP, New South Wales  Chair 
Senator Geoffrey Buckland*  ALP, South Australia  Deputy Chair 
Senator John Cherry  AD, Queensland   
Senator Richard Colbeck**  LP, Tasmania   
Senator Jeannie Ferris  LP, South Australia   
Senator Kerry O'Brien  ALP, Tasmania   

Participating Members

Senator Abetz
Senator Bishop
Senator Boswell
Senator Brown
Senator Carr
Senator Chapman
Senator Coonan
Senator Eggleston
Senator Evans
Senator Faulkner 
Senator Ferguson
Senator Harradine
Senator Harris
Senator Hutchins
Senator Knowles
Senator Lightfoot
Senator Mason
Senator S MacDonald
Senator Mackay
Senator McLucas 
Senator Murphy
Senator Payne
Senator Ray
Senator Santoro
Senator Stephens
Senator Tchen
Senator Tierney
Senator Watson 

*Senator McLucas substituted for Senator Buckland from 3.3.04
**Senator McGauran replaced Senator Colbeck 18.11.04

Committee Secretariat

Ms Maureen Weeks, Secretary
Mr Geoff Dawson, Principal Research Officer
Ms Rosalind McMahon, Executive Assistant

Parliament House, Canberra

Telephone: (02) 6277 3511
Facsimile: (02) 6277 5811