Chapter 9


Chapter 9


The Committee has considered the terms of the Bill, and concludes as follows

Committee Conclusions

Enactment of the Bill

9.1 Enactment of this Bill is an essential aspect of achievement of the NFPS program for the development and signing of RFAs. The Committee considers and has concluded that without enactment of the Bill, the resource security and environmental protection regimes central to the NFPS could not be achieved.

9.2 The Committee has canvassed the issues raised concerning the legislative structure proposed by the RFA Bill, and finds it appropriate.

9.3 In this context, the Committee has examined (in Chapter 8) the constitutional and legal questions raised regarding the Bill and the current structure of RFAs.

9.4 Taking into account these matters, the Committee considers the Bill should be enacted unamended.

9.5 The Committee concludes that the RFA Bill should be passed by the Senate unamended.

Future review and scrutiny of RFAs.

9.6 The Committee has also considered in detail the process developed under the National Forest Policy Statement for the negotiation and completion of RFAs.

9.7 In Chapter 3 of the Report, the Committee has discussed aspects of the negotiation, completion and compliance review process for RFAs. The Committee remains concerned that the process of compliance and progress review for the initial 5 years of each RFAs does not, at present, allow for the Parliament to be adequately informed on this process, and on the results of RFA operation.

9.8 The Committee accordingly concludes that the annual reviews of each RFA, as they are prepared in the future, should be tabled in Parliament.

9.9 The Committee concludes that annual reports on the operation of RFAs for the first 5 operational years of the period of each RFA be tabled in the Parliament.

Wood and Paper Industry Council

The Committee heard evidence on the desirability for the establishment of the proposed Wood and Paper Industry Council.

9.10 The Committee considers that the Council would be an advantage in promoting better forest management and developing value adding industry. The Committee deals with this matter in Chapter 6.

9.11 The Committee concludes that the Government should establish the proposed Wood and Paper Industry Council


9.12 To assist accessibility by interested parties or individuals, the Committee has concluded that RFA's should be tabled in Parliament after they have been signed by the Commonwealth and the States.

9.13 The Committee is recommending that, after each RFA is completed and signed by the Prime Minister and respective State Premier, or their nominee, that the RFA be tabled in the Commonwealth Parliament.


9.14 With Regard to employment in RFA areas or potential RFA areas, claims and counter-claims were made about the impact of RFA's on employment. The Committee is of the view that there are direct linkages between the various industries within an RFA, but believes it would be desirable for the Commonwealth to have access to much more reliable information.

9.15 Therefore the Committee is recommending that the Government request the Australian Bureau of Statistics in compiling its annual survey of employment to compile comprehensive employment information for each RFA region regarding the number of people employed directly and indirectly in the following categories:



The Committee recommends that the RFA Bill should be passed unamended by the Senate.

The Committee recommends that annual reports of the operation of RFAs for the first 5 years of the period of an RFA be tabled in the Parliament.

The Committee recommends the Government establish the Wood and Paper Industry Council.

The Committee recommends that, after each RFA is completed and signed by the Prime Minister and respective State Premier, or their nominee, that the RFA be tabled in the Commonwealth Parliament.

The Committee recommends that the Government request the Australian Bureau of Statistics in compiling its annual survey of employment to compile comprehensive employment information for each RFA region regarding the number of people employed directly and indirectly in the following categories:

Senator Winston Crane


25 February, 1999