List of recommendations

List of recommendations

Recommendation 1

The committee recommends that the findings of reviews conducted under clause 567 of the Biosecurity Bill 2014 be publicly released and reports tabled in Parliament.

Recommendation 2

2.55    The committee recommends that the government ensure that the Biosecurity Regulations state that the Director of Biosecurity must request expert scientific advice when conducting Biosecurity Import Risk Analyses.

Recommendation 3

2.56    The committee recommends that the government ensure the regulations state that the Director of Biosecurity must provide all stakeholders with a reasonable opportunity to comment on each Biosecurity Import Risk Analysis report.

Recommendation 4

2.57    The committee recommends that the Biosecurity Regulations require that the Director of Biosecurity provide reasons for the conclusions reached in each Biosecurity Import Risk Analysis report.

Recommendation 5

2.58    The committee recommends that the government ensure that the Biosecurity Regulations provide a process for internal review if an interested party disagrees with a final Biosecurity Import Risk Analysis report.

Recommendation 6

2.71    The committee recommends that the Department of Agriculture commit all resources necessary to ensure that Approved Arrangements, exemptions and standing permissions arising out of the proposed change in Australia's quarantine zone from 200 nautical miles to 12 nautical miles are in force before the bill, if passed, would commence.

Recommendation 7

2.72    The committee recommends that the Department of Agriculture provide updates to the committee on its progress with developing Approved Arrangements, exemptions and standing permissions arising out of the proposed change in Australia's quarantine zone from 200 nautical miles to 12 nautical miles.

Recommendation 8

2.74    The committee recommends that a note be added to clause 12 of the Biosecurity Bill 2014 to clearly advise the reader of the legislative basis for the boundaries of Australia's biosecurity zone.

Recommendation 9

2.75    The committee recommends that the explanatory memorandum to the Biosecurity Bill 2014 be amended to clearly outline the legislative basis for the 12 nautical mile quarantine boundary proposed under the Biosecurity Bill 2014.

Recommendation 10

2.85    The committee recommends the Biosecurity Bill 2014 be amended to require that the use of powers to enter and search premises without warrant or consent and to seize or destroy goods without warrant or consent to be reported to the Minister and to Parliament.

Recommendation 11

2.103    The committee recommends that the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health ensure that advice sheets about the proposed new biosecurity requirements, and related offences, are available and appropriate for people with disabilities and people from non-English speaking backgrounds.

Recommendation 12

2.104    The committee recommends that the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health develop guidance material to facilitate industry's transition to the proposed new compliance regime.

Recommendation 13

2.134    The committee recommends that the Department of Agriculture continue to consult closely with all relevant stakeholders and ensure that stakeholders are provided sufficient time to consider and respond to proposed regulations.

Recommendation 14

2.139    Subject to the foregoing recommendations, the committee recommends that the Senate pass the Biosecurity Bill 2014 and related bills.


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