Appendix 1

Appendix 1

Submissions received

Submission Number Submitter
1 Mr Vinesh Chand
2 Mr Malcolm Porter 
3 Ms Manu Saunders 
4 South Australian Apiarists' Association Inc
5 Central Tablelands Branch 
6 Superbee Honey Factory 
7 Mr Ken Gell 
8 Mr Don McArthur
9 Mr Dan Heard
10 Mr Thomas Sharman 
11 Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation 
12 Mr Rod Yates 
13 Lucerne Australia
14 Crop Pollination Association Inc (Vic)
15 Professor Madeleine Beekman
16 Mr Harold Saxvik
17 Mr Anthony James Eden 
18 Mr Peter Warhurst 
19 Mr Stephen Targett 
20 Mr Roland S. Inman 
21 Ms Nicci Neil 
22 Costa 
23 Ms Janet Sutherland 
24 Apple and Pear Australia Limited 
25 Mr Chris Berkeley 
26 Mr Leo Kuter
27 Ms Corinne Jordan 
28 Dr Doug Somerville 
29 Mr Daryl Brenton 
30 Mr David and Wendy Mumford 
31 Mr Leigh Duffield 
32 Queensland Beekeepers’ Association
33 Mr Jonathan Williams 
34 Mr Ken Grossman
35 Mr Michael and Kylie Pitt 
36 Mr Robert Johnstone 
37 Plant Health Australia 
38 Mr Graham Connell 
39 Capilano Honey Ltd 
40 Victorian Apiarists' Association Inc
42 Mr David & Mrs Leilani Leyland
43 Mr Gary Montgomery 
44 Mr John Edmonds
45 Mr Warren Jones 
46 Mr NJ & KD Fewster
47 Tasmanian Beekeepers' Association lnc 
48 Mr Trevor Monson 
49 Australian Queen Bee Exporters Pty. Ltd. 
50 Burnett Beekeeping Supplies 
51 Australian Food and Grocery Council 
52 Beechworth Honey Group 
53 Central Victorian Apiarists Association Inc
54 CropLife Australia
55 Growcom 
56 Ms Serena Dorf
57 Mr Terry Brown 
58 NSW Apiarists’ Association 
59 Mr David Severino 
60 Ipswich and West Moreton Beekeepers Association 
61 Victorian Apiarists' Association Inc Melbourne Section
62 Ms Fiona Marantelli 
63 Australian Honey Bee Industry Council Inc
64 Mr Bryn Jones 
65 Wheen Bee Foundation Ltd 
66 National Farmers' Federation 
67 Mr Moss MacGibbon and Mr Andrew McCallum
68 Mr Mike and Mr Ken Spurge 
69 Mr Kevin MacGibbon 
70 Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association
71 NSW Department of Primary Industries 
72 WAFarmers 
73 Mr Ron Clark
75 VFF State Beekeeping Branch
76 Mr Dave Elson 
77 NSW Apiarists Association Sydney Branch 
78 Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
79 Department of Agriculture
80 Fresh Start Visas
81 Biodynamics Sydney

Additional information received


15 April 2014, Murray Bridge, SA:

20 May 2014, Brisbane, QLD:

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