Labor – Additional Comments

1.1        Labor notes the importance of the timely tabling of annual reports of departments to allow for proper scrutiny by the Senate and Parliamentary Budget Estimates.

1.2        It is disappointing that several Research and Development Corporations did not present annual reports to the responsible minister by 15 October as stipulated by section 45(2) of the PGPA Act.

1.3        These organisations must ensure that they do better in meeting their obligations under the PGPA Act. 

1.4        Labor is concerned that organisations, such as the Regional Investment Corporation and the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, did not table their annual reports in either the House of Representatives or the Senate prior to the commencement of Supplementary Budget Estimates. These organisations are of significant interest to Senators, farmers and to the Australian community, and it is unacceptable they did not provide their annual reports for proper scrutiny.

1.5        Other Research and Development Corporations which need to do better with the timely tabling of their annual reports include the:

1.6        With regards to Dairy Australia not reporting details of senior executive and board remuneration as required under section 33.5(j), is deeply concerning and will add further distress to Australia’s dairy farmers who are concerned with how their levy dollars are spent by Dairy Australia. 

1.7        Labor urges the Minister for Agriculture, David Littleproud, to ensure these agencies have a clear understanding of their obligations to provide transparent and concise information in their annual reports to the Parliament for proper scrutiny and accountability.

Senator Glenn Sterle                                                                      Senator Nita Green
Deputy Chair                                                                            Member

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