

Chapter 1 - Overview

[1]        Journals of the Senate, No. 2, 13 November 2013, pp 88-89.

[2]        It should be noted that the Requirements for Annual Reports were updated again on 29 May 2014.

[3]        It should be noted that the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 replaced the CAC Act and the FMA Act as of 1 July 2014.

[4]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies, 24 June 2013, p. 3.

[5]        Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997, s. 9.

[6]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies, 24 June 2013, p. 3.

[7]        However, it is noted that the date on the letter of transmittal for the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator's Annual Report is 30 September 2013, the final day within the timeframe set. See Heavy Vehicle National Law Act 2012 (Qld), s 693(1); Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) Act 2012, s 43(1).

[8]        See Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee, Annual reports (No. 1 of 2013), p. 34.

[9]        Torres Strait Fisheries Act 29, s 41(1).

[10]      The committee is aware that on 9 April 2014 the PZJA agreed to focus on 'finalising and publishing a series of annual reports' over the subsequent six to twelve months. See Australian Fisheries Management Authority, Protected Zone Joint Authority Stakeholder Meeting (2013), accessible at

Chapter 2 - Annual reports of agencies

[1]        Cotton Research and Development Corporation, Annual Report 2012–13, pp 120-132.

[2]        Cotton Research and Development Corporation, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 7.

[3]        Cotton Research and Development Corporation, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 7.

[4]        Cotton Research and Development Corporation, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 75.

[5]        Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Annual Report 2012-13, pp 178-179.

[6]        Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Annual Report 2012-13, pp 36, 49, 63, 70, 79.

[7]        Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 14.

[8]        Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 17.

[9]        See Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee, Annual reports (No. 2 of 2013), p. 7.

[10]      Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation, Annual Report 2012-13, pp 20-43.

[11]      Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation, Annual Report 2012-13, pp 100-101.

[12]      See Sugar Research and Development Services Act 2013; Sugar Research and Development Services (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2013; and Sugar Research and Development Services (Consequential Amendments—Excise) Act 2013.

[13]      Sugar Research and Development Corporation, Annual Report 2013-14 (Final Annual Report, 1 July 2012 – 30 September 2013), p. 5.

[14]      See Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee, Annual reports (No. 2 of 2013), p. 9.

[15]      Sugar Research and Development Corporation, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 171; Sugar Research and Development Corporation, Annual Report 2013-14 (Final Annual Report, 1 July 2012 – 30 September 2013), p. 144.

[16]      Wheat Exports Australia, Annual Report 2012-13 (1 July 2012 to 31 December 2012), pp 7-8.

[17]      See Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee, Annual reports (No. 2 of 2013), pp 11-12.

[18]      Wheat Exports Australia, Annual Report 2012-13 (1 July 2012 to 31 December 2012), p. 7.

[19]      Wheat Exports Australia, Annual Report 2012-13 (1 July 2012 to 31 December 2012), p. 7.

[20]      Wheat Exports Australia, Annual Report 2012-13 (1 July 2012 to 31 December 2012), p. 4.

[21]      Wheat Exports Australia, Annual Report 2012-13 (1 July 2012 to 31 December 2012), p. 8.

[22]      National Transport Commission Act 2003, s 38.

[23]      Commonwealth Authorities (Annual Reporting) Orders 2011, order 6.

[24]      The inaugural annual reports of the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator and National Rail Safety Regulator are discussed below.

[25]      National Transport Commission, Annual Report – 2012-13, p. 28.

[26]      National Capital Authority, Annual Report 2012-13, pp viii-x.

[27]      See Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee, Annual reports (No. 2 of 2012), pp 14-15; Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee, Annual Reports (No. 2 of 2011), pp 23-24.

[28]      Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 1.

[29]      Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator, Annual Report 2012-13, pp 1-3.

[30]      Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 55.

[31]      This document can be accessed at

[32]      Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 22.

[33]      Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 20.

[34]      National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 11.

[35]      National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 45.

[36]      National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 8.

[37]      Section 693(2)(a)(v), Heavy Vehicle National Law Act 2012 (Qld); See National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, Annual Report 2012-13, pp 35-39.

[38]      This document can be accessed at

[39]      National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 80.

[40]      National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, Annual Report 2012-13, p. 58.