Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Annual reports of departments

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

2.1        The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) Annual Report 2007-08 was prepared in accordance with section 63 of the Public Service Act 1999. The committee notes the Senate's receipt of this report on 11 November 2008.

2.2        The report is presented in accordance with the checklist of requirements specified in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet's Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies, June 2008 (Requirements for Annual Reports).

2.3        DAFF's Annual Report 2007-08 contains the following information:

2.4        The committee considers that DAFF has provided a comprehensive review of its performance for 2007-08. Its report is clear, well presented and easy to navigate.

Departmental overview

2.5        The secretary reported that:

The 2007-08 financial year was one of transition and change for the department's staff. The new Australian Government took office, with new policies, programs and emphases. The nation's agriculture, fishing and forestry industries faced challenges ranging from continued drought and water shortages to emergency animal disease outbreaks.[1]

2.6        On 16 June 2008, the department's structure was changed to better reflect the government's priorities for the portfolio.[2]

2.7        The committee notes the following items of significance for DAFF during 2007-08:

2.8        DAFF's priorities for 2008-09 include: national review of drought policy; continuing liaison with industry stakeholders on the CPRS; administration of programs announced under the new Australia's Farming Future package; and managing the new Caring for our Country initiative.[4]

Report on performance

2.9        DAFF has measured its performance against performance indicators specified in the 2007-08 PBS. A helpful overview of DAFF's performance framework is provided at the beginning of the report on performance.[5]

2.10      This is a comprehensive section of the report containing detailed and useful information. The committee particularly noted the following items:

Management and accountability

2.11      DAFF reported that legislative amendments and changed accountability arrangements in response to the Uhrig Review have largely been completed. The portfolio agencies affected by the changes are as follows:

2.12      Three major ANAO performance audits relating to DAFF's activities were tabled during 2007-08. These reports are discussed below.

2.13      The ANAO Audit Report No. 6 of 2007-08, Australia's Preparedness for a Human Influenza Pandemic, focussed on DAFF and the Department of Health and Ageing, as it covered human and animal health components. The audit included an assessment of action taken by DAFF to implement the recommendations from Exercise Eleusis, which tested the response arrangements for avian influenza. While the ANAO found that DAFF had made considerable progress in implementing the recommendations from this exercise, it recommended that DAFF and Animal Health Australia (AHA) review a number of issues in relation to the Australian Veterinary Emergency Plan (AUSVETPLAN). Both DAFF and AHA have agreed to the recommendation and a review has been completed.[12]

2.14      The ANAO Audit Report No. 21 of 2007-08, Regional Delivery Model for the National Heritage Trust and the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality, focussed on DAFF and the Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, which jointly administer these programs. The ANAO found that progress in implementing improvements in administration since previous audits had been 'comprehensive and well focused on significant risks'. However, the ANAO identified several areas where administration still needs to be strengthened. The ANAO also noted that information in the DAFF and National Heritage Trust annual reports was insufficient to make an informed judgement on the progress of programs against outcomes. Both departments have agreed to all four recommendations.[13]

2.15      The ANAO Audit Report No. 26 of 2007-08, Tasmanian Forest Industry Development and Assistance Programs, found that DAFF had developed a sound framework for assessing and approving applications for these programs, however, in practice, not all processes and procedures were followed by the department when assessing and recommending applications to the Minister for funding. The ANAO also noted that DAFF did not fully report against all outcome indicators in its Annual Report 2006-07. The ANAO made three recommendations which DAFF has accepted.[14]

2.16      The committee notes that, after including increased expenses associated with a range of activities, including drought support, quarantine and equine influenza, and costs of the move to new accommodation, DAFF generated an operating surplus of $0.73 million in 2007-08. In 2006-07, DAFF reported an operating deficit of $14.24 million.[15]


2.17      The committee considers that DAFF's Annual Report 2007-08 complies with the reporting requirements of a Commonwealth department.

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