
Recommendation 1

2.29    The committee recommends that the Australian Government, through the responsible agency (currently the Department of Jobs and Small Business), conduct a whole-of-government stocktake of Commonwealth regulation every three years.

Recommendation 2

2.48    The committee recommends that the Australian Government amend the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 Cth) to require all Commonwealth bodies that administer, monitor or enforce regulation to publish the self-assessment reports provided to the Department of Jobs and Small Business as part of the Deregulation Agenda.

Recommendation 3

2.49    The committee recommends that the Australian Government revise policy measures implemented under the Deregulation Agenda to focus more on the reasons and purpose of Commonwealth regulation and to ensure that any such regulation is appropriate and proportionate.

Recommendation 4

2.61    The committee recommends that the Australian Government initiate a five-year review by the Productivity Commission of the productivity and economic impacts of the Deregulation Agenda.

Recommendation 5

2.63    The committee recommends that the Australian Government, in collaboration with the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia, develop a red tape survey to be conducted every two years, to ascertain stakeholders' views on the practical operation and outcomes of the Deregulation Agenda.

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