Attachment 2

Attachment 2

Proposed amendment to Standing Order 57(1)(d)

Omit standing order 57(1)(d), substitute:

(d)       On Thursday:

(i)        Petitions

(ii)       Notices of motion

(iii)     Postponement and rearrangement of business

(iv)      Formal motions – discovery of formal business

(v)       Consideration of committee reports under standing order 62(4)

(vi)      Government business

(vii)     At 12.45 pm, non-controversial government business only

(viii)   At 2 pm, questions

(ix)      Motions to take note of answers

(x)       Any proposal to debate a matter of public importance or urgency

(xi)      Not later than 4.30 pm, general business

(xii)    Not later than 6 pm, consideration of government documents under general business

(xiii)   Not later than 7 pm, consideration of committee reports and government responses under standing order 62(1)

(xiv)   At 8 pm, adjournment proposed

(xv)     At 8.40 pm, adjournment.

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