

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        Journals of the Senate, 18 March 2010, p.3399.

[2]        Article 9, Bill of Rights 1689, "...proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament".

[3]        Explanatory Memorandum, p.3.

[4]        Economics Legislation Committee, Report, Tax Laws Amendment (Confidentiality of Taxpayer Information) Bill 2009 [Provisions], March 2010.

[5]        Scrutiny of Bills Committee, Alert Digest No 15 of 2009, 25 November, p.23.

[6]        Scrutiny of Bills Committee, Report No.1, p 32.

[7]        Economics Legislation Committee, Report, Tax Laws Amendment (Confidentiality of Taxpayer Information) Bill 2009 [Provisions], March 2010.

Chapter 2 - Statutory Secrecy Provisions and Parliamentary Privilege

[1]        Dr R. Laing, Evidence, pp 1&2.

[2]        Privileges Committee, 36th Report, Possible Improper Interference with a Witness and Possible Misleading Evidence before the National Crime Authority, June 1992.

[3]        Dr R. Laing, Clerk of the Senate, Submission 1, pp 1-4.

[4]        Quoted in Evans, Harry (ed), Odgers' Australian Senate Practice, 12th Edition, 2008, p.51.

[5]       Australian Constitution, s.49.

[6]        Quick & Garran, The Annotated Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth, p.506.

[7]        Odgers' Australian Senate Practice, 12th Edition, p.51.

[8]        McGee, Parliamentary Practice in New Zealand, 3rdEdition, p.436.

[9]        Lovelock and Evans, New South Wales Legislative Council Practice, p.81.

[10]      Lovelock and Evans, New South Wales Legislative Council Practice, p.515.

[11]      Privileges Committee, 36th Report, Possible Improper Interference with a Witness and Possible Misleading Evidence before the National Crime Authority, June 1992.

[12]      Australian Law Reform Commission, Secrecy Laws and Open Government in Australia, Report no.112 (2009).

[13]      ALRC, Submission 7, p.2.

[14]      Auditor-General Act 1997, ss37 (3).

[15]      Clerk of the Senate, Submission 1, pp1-2.

Chapter 3 - The Provisions of Concern to the Committee

[1]        Tax Laws Amendment (Confidentiality of Taxpayers Information) Bill 2009, s.355-10.

[2]          Acting Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 8, p.1.

[3]          Clerk of the Senate, Submission 1, p.7.

[4]        Dr Anne Twomey, Submission 2, p.1.

[5]        Mr P. McCullough, Evidence, p.5.

[6]        See below, paragraph 3.37 et seq.

[7]        Evidence, p.2.

[8]        Standing Orders and other orders of the Senate, June 2009, Privileges Resolutions,  p.110.

[9]        Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987, s.12.

[10]      Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987, s.12.

[11]      The Treasury, Submission 6, p.3 & Dr R Laing, Clerk of the Senate, Submission 1, p.2.

[12]      Senator Brandis, Evidence, p.7.

[13]      Acting Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 9, p.1.

[14]      ALRC, Submission 7, p.2.

[15]      Clerk of the Senate,  Submission 1, p.13.

[16]      Evidence, p.2.

[17]      Evidence, p. 6.

[18]      Evidence, p.11.

[19]      Economics Legislation Committee, Inquiry into the Tax Laws Amendment (Confidentiality of Information) Bill 2009 – Provisions, Evidence, 25 February 2010, p.3.

[20]      Rule of Law Association of Australia, Submission 4, p.2.

[21]      Acting Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 9, p.1.

[22]      Evidence, p.5.

[23]      Evidence, p.13.

[24]      Privileges Committee, 36th, 42nd, 46th, 64th, 73rd, 89th, 119th Reports. Also see report of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee, Report on Parliamentary Privilege - Possible interference in the work of the committee: Inquiry into matters relating to events on HMAS Success, March 2010.

[25]      Evidence, p.2.

[26]      Clerk of the Senate,  Submission 1, p.12.

[27]      Dr Twomey, Submission 2, p.3.

[28]      Evidence, p 7.

[29]      Clerk of the Senate, Submission 1, p.11.

[30]      Clerk of the Senate, Submission 1, p.12. See also paragraph 2.16 above in relation to ss 37(3) of the Auditor-General Act 1997.

[31]      Evidence, p.3.

[32]      Evidence, p.2.

[33]      Dr Twomey, Submission  2, p.4.

[34]      Evidence, p.3.

[35]      Rule of Law Association, Submission 4, p.2.

[36]      Rule of Law Association, Submission 4, p.2.

[37]      Evidence, pp.5,6,7.

[38]      Dr Twomey, Evidence, p. 3

[39]      Evidence, p.2.

[40]      Privileges Committee, 49th Report, Parliamentary Privileges Amendment (Enforcement of Lawful Orders) Bill 1994, September 1994.

[41]      Privileges Committee, 49th Report, Parliamentary Privileges Amendment (Enforcement of Lawful Orders) Bill 1994, September 1994.

[42]      Privileges Committee, 49th Report, Parliamentary Privileges Amendment (Enforcement of Lawful Orders) Bill 1994, September 1994.

[43]      Senator Brandis, Evidence, p.14.

Chapter 4 - Conclusions and recommendations

[1]        Clerk of the Senate, Submission 1, p.13, see also paragraphs 3.33-3.35 & 3.61 above.

[2]        Senator Brandis, Evidence, p.11.