

[1]        Journals of the Senate, 7 February 2007, p.3382.

[2]        See Appendix for copies of relevant documents.

[3]        Regional Partnerships and Sustainable Regions Programs, PP 226/2005, pp. 10-11.

[4]        See Finance and Public Administration Committee, Supplementary Budget Estimates Hansard, 31 October 2006, pp. F&PA 14, 16-17.

[5]        See Appendix  for copies of all correspondence and advice referred to in this section.

[6]        Finance and Public Administration Committee, Supplementary Budget Estimates Hansard, 31 October 2006, pp. F&PA 14, 16-17.

[7]        Finance and Public Administration References Committee Hansard, Regional Partnerships Program, 10 March 2005, p. F&PA 49.

[8]        See correspondence to Mr Maguire from committees, dated 14 March 2005, 5 April 2005, 12 August 2005, 21 September 2005 and 15 November 2006. (Appendix, pp.88, 96, 99,102 and 105). Only the first letter was replied to.

[9]        Correspondence from Senators Forshaw and Murray, 21 June 2007, Appendix, p. 119.

[10]      That letter continues: "I relied upon them to lodge any necessary paperwork concerning contributions by me or my companies towards Mr Windsor's campaign". See appendix, p.90

[11]      Odgers' Australian Senate Practice, 11th edition, p.66

[12]      Correspondence from The Law Company, 10 July 2007, Appendix, pp.114-115.

[13]      Correspondence from The Law Company, 4 June 2007, Appendix, p. 122.

[14]      Odgers' Australian Senate Practice, 11th edn, p. 425 and pp.423-27 generally.