

1. On 27 May 1999 the following matter was referred to the Committee of Privileges:

Having regard to the documents provided by the Community Affairs References Committee in relation to the compilation and distribution of the Allars report:

2. The President gave the matter precedence in terms of the statement tabled with this report, following consideration of a letter from the Chair of the Community Affairs References Committee (CA Committee), Senator Crowley. [2] That committee's decision to seek precedence for the matter derived from its further consideration of a series of documents which the Chair had tabled in the Senate on 29 April 1999. [3]

3. In giving the matter precedence, the President pointed out that successive Committees of Privilege, and determinations by the Senate, have always indicated that:


Community Affairs References Committee report and Government response

4. In October 1997 the CA Committee, then chaired by Senator Bishop, tabled its report on the CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease) settlement offer. One of the committee's recommendations (recommendation 18) was as follows:

5. This scientific information included evidence provided to the CA Committee by Drs Frank Peters, Wes Whitten and David Howes. The government, in its response tabled in the Senate on 31 March 1998, accepted the recommendation in the following terms:

6. The Minister, the Honourable Dr Michael Wooldridge, in a letter to the Committee of Privileges, outlined the sequence of events relating to the compilation and dissemination of Associate Professor Allars' report, known as the Review Report, as follows:

According to the CA Committee, a prcis of the Review Report was published in the CJD Support Group Newsletter. [8]

7. Also on 12 August, the Minister advised Associate Professor Allars that he had made the Review Report available to the CA Committee, adding that “[his] Department will also make copies available on request”. [9] He did not similarly advise the CA Committee. [10] The report was distributed to all committee members on 1 September 1998, during the election period; the committee itself did not publish the report at that stage. [11]

8. Early in October 1998 Senator Bishop, as Chair of the CA Committee, received a letter from one of the scientists, Dr David Howes, who had given evidence to it. The letter alleged that the Allars Review Report contained remarks damaging to Dr Howes and his colleagues. Dr Howes indicated that he had written to the department concerning the review and demanding its immediate withdrawal. [12] The Rupert Public Interest Movement also wrote on his behalf. [13] On 22 October, Dr Howes, together with Dr Frank Peters and Dr Wes Whitten, sought to have their individual responses to the review considered by that committee at the same time as it was considering the Allars Review Report. [14]

9. In December 1998, the CA Committee received, through the Rupert Public Interest Movement, a copy of an extract from the department's reply of 25 October to two letters written by Dr Howes on 4 and 21 October 1998. [15] Included in the reply was the following:

The CA Committee noted that “this terminology was not used by the Minister when the review was forwarded to the Committee `for its information' nearly two months earlier”. [17]

Advice from Clerk of the Senate

10. Following receipt of the advice from the Rupert Public Interest Movement, and taking particular note of the department's response to Dr Howes' letter, the CA Committee asked the Clerk of the Senate to advise on four specific questions:

The Clerk reached the following conclusions:

In respect of questions 3 and 4:

11. The advice was included in the documents tabled in the Senate on 29 April 1999, [21] that is, before any question of privilege arose.

Community Affairs References Committee's letter to the President

12. The questions the Committee of Privileges has been required to consider are derived from the CA Committee's letter of 14 May 1999 [22] to the President of the Senate, following that committee's further consideration of the matters raised in the tabled documents. The CA Committee states that it is “of the view that from the adverse comments in the Allars' review which reflect upon Dr Howes' reputation, it could be concluded that Dr Howes may have been subjected to injury in respect of evidence which he gave before the committee”. [23]

13. The CA Committee then goes on to express its concern that “the Department may have abused Senate proceedings and in the process, may have inflicted damage on Dr Howes through its further publication of the review”; that “the Department may have belatedly used the Parliamentary Privilege argument after criticism of the review's contents were raised”; and that, if the review was prepared for submission to the CA Committee, “then the Department published the review to other parties without the authority of the Committee”. [24]

14. It was on the basis of these comments that the proposed matters of contempt were formulated.

Conduct of Inquiry

15. Following receipt of the reference, the Committee of Privileges wrote to the secretary of the CA Committee seeking information on matters including the sequence of events leading up to the reference to the Committee of Privileges. The information provided by the secretariat demonstrated the CA Committee's close involvement with the Minister and the department, especially in the period before the Government's response on 31 March 1998 to its recommendation 18. In particular, the information indicates that between 15 October 1997 and 18 December 1997 the committee responded to requests by the department and Associate Professor Allars by releasing all submissions, Hansards and documents, including in camera documents, to assist her in undertaking the review. [25]

16. Before the Committee of Privileges had the opportunity to consider documents and information provided by the CA Committee, it received an unsolicited submission from Dr Frank Peters. Attached to his submission were several documents, most of which this committee did not require in order to make findings on the matters referred to it by the Senate. However, one document of relevance was a response to him from the CA Committee, indicating that the question of possible intimidation had previously been considered by that committee. [26]

17. Having considered these new documents the Committee of Privileges' next step was to write to the Minister seeking comments on the terms of reference generally, but directing his specific attention to the following questions:

18. In addition to extracts already quoted above, [28] the Minister, in his timely and what the Committee of Privileges regards as comprehensive response of 9 August 1999, [29] gave the following account of the government's involvement in accepting the CA Committee's recommendation 18:

19. In response to the committee's specific questions, the Minister advised as follows:

20. The Minister, having outlined his own actions and those of his department following the submission of Associate Professor Allars' Review Report, [32] then stated that officers of his department were not aware of the need to obtain the authority of the CA Committee to distribute the Review Report to people outside the membership of the committee. [33]

21. The Minister has given an assurance to the Committee of Privileges that his department is now aware that publication of a document which is intended for the purpose of submission to a parliamentary committee must not be published without authority of the committee. Furthermore, he has advised that officers of his department are currently attending seminars to comply with the Senate resolution of 1 December 1998, which reaffirmed a resolution five years earlier that:

22. The Minister, while acknowledging departmental officers' failure to take account of Senate requirements, makes what the Committee of Privileges regards as a reasonable point:


23. Because of the nature of all the information before it, particularly the Minister's response, the committee has concluded that it is not necessary to seek further information from any of the other parties potentially involved. It therefore turns to the terms of reference.

Term of Reference (a) — whether witnesses who gave evidence before the [Community Affairs References] committee were injured in consequence of their evidence

24. The Committee of Privileges considers it beyond its competence to judge whether witnesses were injured in consequence of their evidence. The committee has noted the robust nature of Professor Allars' Review Report and the equally robust nature of evidence and responses given by witnesses expert in their own field. The committee expects scientific positions to be argued and evaluated with commitment, and accepts peer review as the best judge of the efficacy of the respective views. As a result of the proceedings of the CA Committee, and of the documentation tabled in the Senate on 29 April 1999 and 27 May 1999, and again with this report, the Privileges Committee considers that persons with expertise in the area now have maximum opportunity to evaluate conflicting claims.

25. The committee also observes that, in the light of its conclusion reached in respect of term of reference (d) below, a court remedy may be available to witnesses who consider themselves adversely affected by comments in the Review Report. In the words of the Clerk of the Senate in his advice to the CA Committee:

Term of reference (b) — whether the proceedings of the committee were misused to inflict harm upon witnesses before the committee

26. The CA Committee in raising this term of reference was concerned that:

27. The Committee of Privileges' observations about robust scientific debate apply to this term of reference also. The nature of scientific inquiry involves vigorous disputation about conclusions that should be reached in respect of the same subject matter or evidence. The question whether the present dispute arose within the context of parliamentary committee proceedings is, under those circumstances, irrelevant.

Term of reference (c) — whether the proceedings of the committee were misrepresented

28. This third term of reference arose from the CA Committee's concern that its proceedings had been misrepresented, “in that the Department's assertion that the review was prepared for the committee and presented to the committee does not align with the Department's action or the outcome”. [38]

29. The CA Committee's perception undoubtedly arose from the department's failure, until the content of the Review Report was questioned, to indicate either to the CA Committee itself, or to others to whom it was published initially, that the department regarded the Review Report as being, in the terms of the Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987, prepared “for purposes of or incidental to, the transacting of the business of … a committee”. [39] The CA Committee observed that:

30. Having considered the Minister's response, however, and taking into account the close liaison between the department and the CA Committee in the preparation of the Review Report, the Committee of Privileges has no reason to doubt that the department regarded itself as performing a parliamentary function. As the Minister put it:

31. The committee therefore considers it unlikely that the parliamentary privilege element was called into play ex post facto. It prefers the Minister's explanation that officers of the department were not aware of the need to obtain the authority of the committee to distribute the Review Report. Whether the officers should have been aware of this basic parliamentary requirement is addressed below. [42]

Term of reference (d) — whether there was an unauthorised publication of a document compiled for submission to the committee and submitted to the committee

32. The Committee of Privileges, having accepted the Minister's declaration that the Allars Review Report was prepared for submission to the CA Committee, concludes that in publishing the document to other parties the department did so without the authority of the CA Committee. In raising this matter, the CA Committee points out that:

33. The Committee of Privileges appreciates the concerns of the CA Committee, particularly that committee's desire to ensure that persons affected by the Review Report should have had an opportunity to respond, under the authority of that committee, to Associate Professor Allars' adverse comments. Against that proper concern, however, the Committee of Privileges accepts that the department was eager to ensure that the early release of the Review Report would alleviate the concerns of interested parties about the department's secrecy in its handling of material associated with this distressing subject. It notes that, in addition to the unauthorised publication constituting a potential contempt of the Senate, the separate publication by the department under these circumstances does not attract the protection of parliamentary privilege.


34. The Committee of Privileges finds as follows:

In respect of terms of reference (a) and (b)

– that, because peer review is the most appropriate and effective mechanism for evaluating competing scientific claims, and given the alternative remedies which may be available to persons who consider themselves adversely affected by comments made in the Allars Review Report, no adjudication on these terms of reference is required. [44]

In respect of term of reference (c)

– that, in the light of the explanation provided by the Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Honourable Dr Michael Wooldridge, the Committee of Privileges has no reason to doubt that the department regarded itself as performing a parliamentary function. [45] The committee has therefore determined that no contempt of the Senate has been committed.

In respect of term of reference (d)

– that the Committee of Privileges could find that a contempt has been committed, in that the Department of Health and Aged Care published a document prepared for submission, and submitted, to the Community Affairs References Committee, without the authority of that committee. The Committee of Privileges does not so find, on the ground that departmental officers were not aware of the requirement that only a parliamentary committee can authorise publication of documents submitted to it. [46]


35. This whole matter is unlikely to have been referred to the Committee of Privileges if it were not for the failure of departmental officers, acknowledged in the Minister's letter, to follow basic procedures for the handling of documents relating to parliamentary proceedings. The committee has a depressingly consistent history of drawing the attention of departments and authorities to their shortcomings in dealing with both Houses of Parliament and their committees. Indeed, this very department, in a previous incarnation as the Department of Community Services and Health, released a copy of a submission made to the Community Affairs Committee without the authority of that committee. [47]

36. The Committee of Privileges notes that the department has initiated specialised seminars for its senior officers, to comply with the terms of the resolution referred to earlier in this report. It trusts either that the corporate memory of departmental officers will ensure that a similar incident does not occur again, or that there be a continuing program of education of all senior officers to ensure that the concerns of the Senate and its committees, as evidenced in this latest manifestation, are finally heeded.

Robert Ray



[1] Volume of Document, p. 1 (Note: This and all succeeding page references refer to the Volume of Documents tabled with this report).

[2] p. 3.

[3] Journals of the Senate, 29 April 1999, p. 814.

[4] p. 2.

[5] p. 6.

[6] p. 7.

[7] p. 197.

[8] pp. 3, 65.

[9] p. 9.

[10] p. 8.

[11] p. 130.

[12] p. 58.

[13] p. 59.

[14] p. 62.

[15] p. 93.

[16] ibid.

[17] p. 4.

[18] pp. 94, 96.

[19] p. 96.

[20] ibid.

[21] See para. 2 above.

[22] p. 3.

[23] p. 4.

[24] pp. 4-5.

[25] p. 130.

[26] p. 132.

[27] p. 193.

[28] See para. 6 above.

[29] pp. 194-197.

[30] pp. 194-195.

[31] p. 196.

[32] See para. 6 above.

[33] p. 197.

[34] Order of the Senate No. 32, Standing Orders and other Orders of the Senate, 5 February 1999, p. 121.

[35] p. 197.

[36] p. 96.

[37] p. 4.

[38] ibid.

[39] Subsection 16(2) of the Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987.

[40] p. 5.

[41] p. 196.

[42] See paras. 35 and 36.

[43] p. 5.

[44] See paras. 24-27.

[45] See paras. 30-31.

[46] See paras. 32-33.

[47] Senate Committee of Privileges, 22nd report, PP 45/1990.