77th Report

Persons Referred to in the Senate Certain Faculty Members of Greenwich University


June 1999


Senator Robert Ray (Chair) (Victoria)
Senator Sue Knowles (Deputy Chairman) (Western Australia)
Senator Helen Coonan (New South Wales)
Senator Alan Eggleston (Western Australia)
Senator Chris Evans (Western Australia)
Senator Marise Payne (New South Wales)
Senator the Hon. Nick Sherry (Tasmania)

The Senate
Parliament House
Telephone: (02) 6277 3360
Facsimile: (02) 6277 3199
E-mail: Priv.sen@aph.gov.au



Appendix One - Submissions from Certain Faculty Members of Greenwich University


1.1 On 27 May 1999 the President of the Senate, Senator the Honourable Margaret Reid, received a letter from Ms S. Quantrill, Registrar, Greenwich University, forwarding letters from the following persons seeking redress under the resolution of the Senate of 25 February 1988 relating to the protection of persons referred to in the Senate (Privilege Resolution 5):

1.2 The letters referred to statements made by Senator Kim Carr during the adjournment debate in the Senate on 22 March 1999. The President, having accepted the letters as submissions for the purposes of the resolution, referred the letters to the Committee of Privileges on 27 May 1999. Subsequently, Ms Quantrill forwarded directly to the committee a further letter, from Dr John Walsh.

1.3 The persons making submissions to the committee were either directly identified in Senator Carr’s speech or regarded themselves as having been readily identified as allowed for under Privilege Resolution 5. As indicated by the submissions at Appendix One to this report, several have described the disciplines in which they are involved, in response to Senator Carr’s comments.

1.4 The committee met in private session on 24 June 1999, pursuant to paragraph (3) of Privilege Resolution 5, to consider the submissions. It has decided to recommend their incorporation in Hansard without change, and has therefore not consulted further with the persons concerned.

1.5 The committee recommends:

Robert Ray


Dr Claudine Jeanrenaud
Dr Carl E. Lindgren
Dr Lisa A. Mertz
Dr Daniel W. Miller
Dr Francesco Patricolo
Dr C. Norman Shealy
Dr Rick Walston
Dr John Walsh of Brannagh

The submissions read as follows (Hansard, 28 June 1999) -


Claudine Jeanrenaud 7190676-3844

THE ASCLEPIUM P.O. Box 19527 Colorado City 81019

To whom this may concern:

I read the minutes from Australia's senate meeting on March 22nd 1999, and I have a few reactions. First, I must thank Senator Carr for indulging so brilliantly in insults, for this frees me to be rather direct myself. Though I don t think I'll be needing words such as shysters' to be effective.

By snickering at the concepts of Alchemy or analysis of Fairytale, Senator Carr is advertising his ignorance of a whole field of psychology, namely depth Psychology. So though Carl Jung does not need defending, Senator Carr needs informing.

The work of Carl Jung (a Swiss Psychiatrist, 1875-1961) consists of a 20 volume collection of his research spreading well over 50 years (1902-1960), and continued since then by scholars all over the world. This research includes the translation of Old Greek, Arabic and later European texts of alchemy, fairytales and mythology dug up from the dung heap of the past. Jung carried out a comparison of the behavioural patterns revealed in these texts with those found in contemporary mythology and shamanic traditions (he travelled to India, Africa and visited native American nations to meet with medicine people in person), as well as contemporary themes in literature, art, and films, as well as in the dreams of his psychiatric patients.

Secondly, his findings made Carl Jung the father of concepts such as Extroversion/Introversion, the Collective Unconscious, and archetypal forces behind behaviour. The Collected Works have been translated in at least seven languages. He is being studied in Europe, England, the United States, Canada. South Africa, South America, and is certainly known by several Australian authors.

Originally, Jung Institutes across Europe and the USA were strictly postdoctoral programs. Since the 1980's, more universities became interested in making available a course of study that, up to this point, was very elitist and hardly accessible to anyone who was not considered "analytical material". There are now Jung Institutes in every major cities of the United States, including New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, and they also include programs for the layman. Some universities have devoted entire programs to the study and application as well as augmentation of Jung's thought. The best known such university if the Pacifica Institute in California, an accredited university which holds the library of Joseph Campbell's original works.

Anyone who has information about Carl Jung's work knows that, rather than "doctrinal", it is open and expansive, and subject to continuing deeper exploration. In fact its great beauty resides in the fact that it identified patterns of behaviour seated deep in the unconscious that are common to all people. This offers academics new tools with which to study human behaviour across time and cultures. Jung's findings reveal the existence of timeless interpretations of reality that are surprisingly close to contemporary quantum mechanics' or new physics' discoveries. In that sense Jung was at the vanguard of a movement towards greater unity in the world, a braking of ethnocentric barriers that are at the source of most wars, and a tool for communication among humans that bypasses local cultural boundaries. It is sad to see that, once again, an effort to apply these ideas by a brave new world (in this case, a Hawaiian university joining with an Australian university) is being attacked by outdated ethnocentric provincialism.

In any case, I hope that this information will be useful in warning Senator Carr that, next time he plans to endeavour in the smashing of an entire body of academic studies, he better do his homework first, for surely he didn't intend to demonstrate his ignorance to the whole world.



Claudine Jeanrenaud, Ph.D.

Educational Consultants of Mississippi

Est. 1981

Director: C. E. Lindgren, EdS

Dear Sirs:

Let me say that I am honoured that Senator Carr would have so little to do as to reflect on my name and my achievements. I fear, however, that the Senator was either ignorant or perhaps selective in his remarks toward me. I felt that rather than ignore his remarks as being those of at best a misinformed individual I should address his comments not in the ignoble manner in which they were stated but as an educator, scholar and gentlemen.

Senator Carr in referring to my masters felt obliged to ignore my BAE, Med, and EdS from the University of Mississippi "The University is a centre for Faulkner studies, offering one of the finest collections of the Nobel Prize winners work and maintaining his Rowan Oak home as a literary shrine. The Medical Centre surgeons performed the world's first lung (1963) and heart (1964) transplants in man, and its physiologists defined the role of the kidneys in controlling blood pressure. Medical Centre faculty also have constructed the world's most comprehensive computer model of the body, and the campus has been selected as one of five national sites to test GE's new twin magnet MRT (magnetic resonance therapy). Today, faculty, staff, and students are pushing forward the frontiers of knowledge, imagination, and expertise necessary for a productive life in an increasingly complex society and competitive world. They play a significant role in the country's research efforts through federally funded facilities on the Oxford campus such as the Jamie Whitten National Centre for Physical Acoustics, the National Centre for the Development of Natural Products, the National Food Service Management Institute, the Marine Minerals Technology Centre, the Centre for Water and Wetlands Resources, and the Centre for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering.

The University also plays a crucial role in Mississippi by preparing students for leadership in the state and nation. Distinguished law school alumni include nine governors, seven lieutenant governors, 29 Mississippi Supreme Court justices, 12 U.S. representatives, and four U.S. senators.

Senator Carr also felt it necessary to ignore my FCP (eg. MPhil) from the world famous College of Preceptors in Essex, England and my soon to be completed (June 1999) DEd from UNISA in Pretoria.

While denouncing some of the societies to which I am proudly associated, Mr. Carr once again showed his true intent by not mentioning the Royal Historical Society (London), American Academy of Religion, Medieval Academy of America, and Orders and Medals Society of America. He also selectively ignored my fellowship in the Royal Society of Arts, Royal Asiatic Society and College of Preceptors.

Senator Carr also felt obliged to make a derogative remark regarding an Orthodox Order to which I belong. This order in fact possesses members of the Romanoff family, Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia and is protected (patron) by His Holiness Alexy II, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia.

Regarding this I think it was best summed up by a member of the Romanov family, who recently, stated: " I have never been attacked by a member of my own Class". . . Enough said?

Mr. Carr, once again true to his intent ignored my association in the Brotherhood of the Blessed Gerard which is a service branch of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (Catholic) and my internationally recognised Knight Commander from the Order of Saint Ignatius of Antioch (under His Beatitude Patriarch Mar Ignace Anthony II Hayeck, Uniate-Syrian Catholic Patriarch of Antioch). The Vatican also recognises this order. Finally in passing, I feel it necessary to provide once again insight into Senator Carr's lack of knowledge concerning myself or my achievements. He felt it necessary to mention the Order of the King's Daughters and Sons that I believe he must have through ignorance felt was a fake chivalric order. If he had only taken 5 minutes to either look the order up on the Internet or in some reference he would have discovered that "The King's Daughters and Sons was founded on January 13, 1886 by Margaret Bottome of New York City, with a membership of ten women. It is a unit of interdenominational Christians dedicated to the development of spiritual life and the stimulation of Christian activities. Through a three-fold program of religion, education, and philanthropy, the organisation trains its members as well as others for Christian Service. Today, its thirty nine branches throughout the United States and Canada support ministries for the aging, handicapped and the underprivileged. The Order has an Indian department that encourages contributions to Native Americans, supports leprosy research, and contributes to American and Foreign Bible Societies. It owns and operates three houses at the Chautauqua Institution in New York and provides scholarships for over forty students for summer courses there." The society makes NO claims to being chivalric.

Shame, Mr. Carr, why don't you get on with running the government rather than talking about things you know nothing about. . . .

Carl E. Lindgren

Lisa A Mertz, PhD

PO Box 1259
38 Vincent Avenue
Chautauqua, NY 14722

April 27, 1999

To Whom It May Concern:

It has come to my attention that Senator Carr has voiced uncompromising criticism of Greenwich University's graduate programs on the floor of the Australian Senate. His critique included the program in Somatic Studies. As the lead faculty for this program, I am writing to clarify its importance.

Greenwich University's program in Somatic Studies is offered to bodywork and massage therapy professionals whose intention it is to enhance the professionalisation of touch therapies through conducting research. A distance learning program offers these students the flexibility to integrate a variety of resources from various universities and educational institutions.

Regarding massage therapy, the 1993 Harvard report, "Unconventional Medicine in the United States: Prevalence, Costs, and Patterns of Use," published in the New England Journal of Medicine, showed that possibly 12.6 million Americans used massage therapy in 1990 making 77 million visits to massage therapists. This survey has allowed the US medical establishment to become aware that massage therapy is a burgeoning health care field. As a licensed massage therapist myself, I am committed to supporting the maturation of the profession. I am a member of the Commission on Massage Training Accreditation and the editorial advisory board for the Massage Therapy Journal, published by the American Massage Therapy Association. I have been closely following developments in research, legislation, and health care policy concerning touch therapies.

Somatic Studies is a graduate degree title that has been established for programs that focus on embodiment, that is, the relationships between the body and cognition, emotion, and other dimensions of the self, exploring the body in relationship to an individual's undivided experience. It is entirely appropriate for practitioners of touch therapy modalities, whether therapeutic massage, Rolfing, or the Feldenkrais Technique, to earn degrees in Somatic Studies, to contribute to knowledge concerning the human experience of embodiment with implications for health care.



Lisa Mertz, PhD

Daniel Weiss Miller, PhD

106 St. Marks Avenue
Prospect Heights, Brooklyn
New York, NY 11217

April 6, 1999

To Whom It May Concern,

It has been brought to my attention that Senator Carr, speaking before the Australian Parliament on the morning of 22nd March 1999, has brought into question my qualifications to develop and guide a program in Consciousness Studies at Greenwich University. In reply, I wish to challenge this assertion. Certainly, my professional participation in the field of consciousness has been honored by my colleagues in academia, and as the following record of my achievements will demonstrate, I do have the curriculum vitae to support my appointment as Chair of the Consciousness Program at Greenwich University:

1952-Graduated from the New School for Social Research in New York City with a BA in Psychology.

1955-Graduated from City University of New York with an MA in Psychology.

1960-1965-Chief Psychologist, Kings Park State Hospital (position achieved by passing a special State examination regarding knowledge about mental illness)-a hospital run for mental patients by New York State.

1962-Licensed as a Clinical Psychologist by the New York State Department of Education.

1965 to Present-Private Practice in Clinical Psychology in New York.

1970 to 1978-Director of Mountaintop Farm in Livingston Manor, New York, privately owned and run successfully as a residential treatment center for mental patients, and continued maintaining a part-time private practice in New York City.

1972 to Present-Conducted workshops by invitation from privately owned psychotherapy centers in the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Greece, Canada, Egypt, Brazil; Lectured at conferences as an expert on a variety of aspects of consciousness in the United States (including the New York Academy of Sciences), Great Britain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Denmark, and Brazil; invited to India to lecture in 2000.

1962 to Present-Publication of over 60 articles in a variety of popular and professional magazines and peer-reviewed journals. Self-published "The Unseen Universe: Of Mind and Matter", a favorably received, profitable first-time venture.

1987-PhD degree in Psychology from The International Institute for Advanced Studies, currently Greenwich University.

Honors and Listings:

Who's Who in the East
Who's Who in Science and Technology
Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare
Honorary Doctorate in Sciences (Honoris Causis) from the Open University for International Complementary Medicine, Sri Lanka, for Contributions to Science and Humanity.

Further, I wish to state that I understand how difficult it must be for uninformed people to believe that the mind is relevant to and has control over physical, no less mental, illness. Education, at least in the United States, has moved people's awareness from the dark ages of slavery to an imposed medical science to an enlightened understanding that health requires the aware participation of the person being healed. This point of view is based on a growing literature of validated scientific research by experimentalists in neuropsychology, and theoreticians in physics and biology, as well as in non-scientific reports from millions of recovered ill persons.

The program in Consciousness Studies is an invitation to the interested student to explore contemporary philosophic, psychologic and scientific literature on the subject of consciousness. This degree program provides the inquiring student with competent academic guides who can, through their own knowledge and experience, show the way to a professional approach to their careers. My professional history demonstrates that I have acquired an adequate level of knowledge and experience in my field to carry out my responsibilities more than competently.

Yours truly,

Daniel W. Miller, PhD

Francesco Patricolo, Ph.D

P.O. BOX 82988
Portland, Oregon 97282

April 22, 1999

To Whom it May Concern

More than 30 years ago, Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase, "Global Village" in referring to the worldwide human community because of the growing interdependence, rapid interchange of ideas and information, and the common need for planetary sustainability. Now at the threshold of the 21st Century, as you know, because of travel, television, satellites, computers and multinational corporations, a collective human awareness is rapidly developing. Greenwich University is respected as a higher education institutions because it can effectively address the emerging educational needs of this global community. For that reason, I am proud to be a member of the Greenwich University faculty.

In response to Senator Carr who, as an opponent to our accreditation in Australia, cited me as an example of questionable faculty credentials, thereby casting a shadow of doubt on the whole of the University, I wish to elaborate on my background. As a college student, I had the good fortune to study under a number of enlightened professors who steered me to study with great people such as Jacob Moreno, the founding father of Psychodrama; Salvador Minuchin, founder of the family therapy model; Jerzey Gratowski, the Polish Director of the Open Theatre; George Morrison, the first person to codify improvisational skills as a body of knowledge he called Theatre Games; Theo Gimbel, himself a student of Freud and friend of Carl Jung and as a graduate of the first Waldorf School in Germany, a student of Rudolph Steiner and the founder of Hygia Institute for Color, Light and Sound Therapy in England. Following their mentorship, I helped organise and found the Oregon Biofeedback Society in 1977, as a means of building and monitoring uniform standards for the emerging technology to monitor physical and psychological responses.

I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Sociology from the State University of New York at New Paltz in 1971 and my Ph.D. in Family and Social Psychology from the Union Institute in 1993. From 1985 through 1996, I served as instructor and counsellor for the Mentat School. In private practice, I have served as a consultant to firms through the program, "Spirituality in the Workplace". I am currently Director of a theatre and music ensemble and author of a trilogy of plays entitled, "Theatre as Medicine". I have written and produced three compact discs of jazz stories and comedy and an interactive psycho-poetic workbook. I have also been facilitating a course called "Towards a Council Of All Beings-A Global Perspective" inspired by Australian Johanna Massey.

All of my career work has an intended therapeutic inclination and as you can determine from my more recent work and training, I am successfully contributing to the growth of the field of cultural psychology through development and leadership of projects and research in the field of Psychodrama. My work is effective as a healing art and well respected by my fellow academics and by community workers within the localities where my work has an impact.

Any person wishing to contact me for further information should communicate with the Office of the President at Greenwich University.



Francesco Patricolo, Ph.D.


8 East Evergreen Street

April 21, 1999


I have been made aware of the accusations made on the floor of the Australian Senate by Senator Carr with regard to the worthiness and appropriateness of a graduate program in the Science of Energy Medicine at Greenwich University. Perhaps the esteemed Senator from Australia does not know the scientific basis for all of Medical Science. Medicine in the last half of the twentieth century has emphasized the principles of biochemistry and the physical principles of surgery to assist in healing. Biochemistry is one aspect of life energy; electricity is the other. Every cellular function is both electrical and chemical at the same time. Neither can work alone. The field of Energy Medicine addresses this interface, exploring the dimensions of physiology, chemical and electrical activities, of life and the multiple influences of external and internal control of physiology, and therefore, of health and disease. Thus, all research done in support of graduate degrees in Energy Medicine must withstand rigorous scientific scrutiny and be of publishable quality, suitable for the scientific journals and of benefit to medical science.

Science recognizes as energy only the principles embodied in light and sound. However, in every culture throughout history there has been a constant that Life Energy, indeed cosmic or Divine Energy, may transcend our fourth dimensional concepts of light and sound, electricity and electromagnetism. Certainly bioenergy is widely discussed from a philosophical point of view. Energy Medicine considers the very broad field from Divine Energy and Spiritual Energy, as well as the most subtle effects of the electromagnetic realm. Robert Becker has considered bioenergy to be bioelectromagnetic to include all known and theoretical aspects of Life Energy. This obviously includes the mind and all influences upon the body, mind and emotions.

In the last 20 years, the field of psychoneuroimmunology has demonstrated many of the subtle effects of mind upon a wide variety of neurological, endocrinological, physiological and immunological functions. During this same time, the concept of Holistic Medicine has evolved to include complementary, alternative, and Energy Medicine. It has now become quite clear that Energy Medicine will expand the science of psychoneuroimmunology, effectively contributing to one of the most important new fields in the past fifty years.

Students interested in Energy Medicine study the broad field of energy, learn practical and research applications of Energy Medicine, and focus intensely on one major subdivision of Energy Medicine. The broad fields include acupuncture, reflexology, kinesiology, homeopathy, color, sound and aroma therapy, psychospiritual aspects of healing, chakra energy centers, yoga, Tai Chi and physical exercise, biofeedback and autogenic training, self-regulation and relaxation, principles of nutrition and psychoneuroendorcine immunology, and intuition. The primary audience for the degrees in Energy Medicine will be the allied professionals, including all licensed and certified practitioners such as allopathic physicians, osteopathic physicians, chiropractors, nurses, physical therapists, psychologists and counselors, massage therapists, and spiritual healers.

During this last decade it has become increasingly obvious that scientific medicine with its emphasis upon drugs and surgery has failed to address spirituality, as well as the specific needs of individuals with chronic disease, which often do not respond adequately to drugs or surgery. Several surveys in the United States and one in Canada indicate that a significant percentage of patients in any given year seek therapy from alternative medical practitioners. Techniques that such individuals choose range from acupuncture to relaxation therapy, nutritional counseling and supplements, manipulative therapy, homeopathy and all of the other therapies that make up the complete field of Energy Medicine. There are no medical schools or other known clinical training programs that provide a foundation for those interested in practical applications of Energy Medicine. The post-graduate degrees in Energy Medicine are designed to fill that need.

The energy Medicine Program at Greenwich University provides the core competencies, skills and knowledge required of the mid-career professional. Functional skills developed enable students to understand and make use of techniques such as: acupuncture, kinesiology, homeopathy, and biofeedback, and spiritual healing, color, sound, aroma, psychospiritual and relaxation therapies, therapeutic physical exercise for general health, nutritional principles for diagnosis and therapy, postural effects upon health, application of modern electrotherapy, diagnostic and therapeutic application of medical intuition for the improvement of the quality of life, and clearing the blocks that interfere with vision, creativity and intuition. Greenwich graduates will have the broad knowledge necessary to understand when specific tools should be applied, when referrals should be made to conventional physicians and practitioners, and they will have mastered one of the major fields of energy medicine in a way that they can apply it within their own profession.

I trust this discussion has clarified for you the importance of energy medicine as an essential field of study at the university level.



C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D

Columbia Evangelical Seminary

March 31, 1999

To the August Body of the Australian Senate

Regarding comments made by Senator Carr with regard to Greenwich University in general and Dr. Rick Walston in particular.

It is with deep disappointment that I note that the good Senator does not investigate into matters worthy of being presented to the Australian Senate I note with sadness that when he speaks of me, his only evidence is what he "has been told by another," as he indicates. Did Senator Carr speak to me personally? Did he communicate with me by phone, mail, fax, or email? Did he investigate the level of academic quality that our school requires? No, no and no.

Without so much as checking to see if those things said were true, he stood before your great body and told you that I was the president of a degree mill. I would think that such a charge should be made only after careful investigation and the accumulation of corroborating evidence. Senator Carr did no such investigation nor gained any such "evidence": a charge that I shall prove later in this letter.

Presently, I shall point out one of our more recent doctoral graduates for evidence to the contrary: James R. White earned his Master of Theology and Doctor of Theology degrees from our school. Dr. White is the author of The King James Only Controversy (which was his Master's thesis for his master's degree with our school) and The Forgotten Trinity (which was his doctoral dissertation with our school). Dr. White's academic works with our school have been published by Bethany Publishing House, a national publisher, and his books (including at least four more than the two mentioned) are being used in other, accredited, schools as text books. Now I ask you, is it common for diploma mills to require such academic work that rises to the top of the publishing world and becomes text books for other, fully accredited schools? Obviously not.

And, then our most recent graduate is a woman named Elyn Schwartz. After transferring her credits to our school from other accredited universities, she had 32 credits remaining to earn her Bachelor of Religion with our school. She enrolled on May 25, 1995. She completed her 32 semester hours with our school on March 30, 1999. So, let me ask you another question, is it common for diploma mills to require such hard work as to lead a person through nearly four years of arduous study to complete 32 semester credits? Obviously not.

Let me now shift to our faculty and mention that the idea that our school is a diploma mill would come as quite a shock to our faculty member R. Brinley Jones, the President of the National Library of Wales, and Chairman of the Cathedrals and Churches Commission of Wales, and who holds his D.Phil. from Oxford University, U.K. His honorary degrees include the D.Litt. from Potchefstroom University, South Africa. And, it would also come as a shock to these other distinguished faculty members:

Samuel G. Andreasen, Ed.D. from Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Rodney J. Crowell, D.Min. from Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, TX.
Larry V. Crutchfield, Ph.D. from Drew University, Madison, NJ.
Carl Judson Davis, Ph.D. from the University of Sheffield U.K.
Richard Brian Davis, Ph.D. from the University of Toronto.
Oliver Rice, Ph.D. from Trinity Theological College, Bristol, England.
Joel Berry Robertson, Ph.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles, CA.

I could go on but, let me ask, is it normal for degree mills to employ such fine academicians as faculty? Again, obviously not.

Let me point out the quality of recommendations that our school has gotten. Obviously Mr. Carr has his source, and I happen to know who is source is, and I also happen to know that his source is in the minority when it comes to issues academic. However, Dr. John Bear is the undisputed expert in non-traditional education. Dr. Bear's guide on distance learning education (Bears' Guide to Earning College Degrees Non-traditionally) has sold more than 300,000 copies. He also served as the diploma mill consultant to the FBI from 1979 to 1992. When the FBI brought diploma mill operators to justice in Federal Court, Dr. Bear appeared as the expert witness for the FBl. He has also worked with or been on the news shows 60 Minutes, 20/20, American Journal, and Inside Edition helping them in their efforts to expose diploma mills.

With that background, please read the letter of recommendation that Dr. Bear wrote for placement on our web page:

Oh, by the way, it might also be of special interest to you that Dr. Bear is a contributor to the guide Country Education Profiles of the Australian National Office on Overseas Skills (NOOSR). Dr. John Bear wrote 15 of those 87 profiles, including the United States profile.

Yes, it is beginning to appear that the one who has "sneaked up on unsuspecting people" is Senator Carr. All of the information that I have given you above is public record.

Now concerning me in particular, Senator Carr notes that my Ph.D. comes from Greenwich University. This is true. I earned my Ph.D. with Greenwich University under the mentorship of Stanley M. Horton, Th.D., renowned Assemblies of God theologian and author of about thirteen books. However, what Mr. Carr failed to mention is that I also hold a Bachelor of Arts degree, a Master of Religion degree, and a Doctor of Ministry degree all from accredited institutions here in America. Also, I am presently a Ph.D. student with Potchefstroom University of South Africa (a significant school founded in 1896).

My last point is to prove my charge above that " Senator Carr did no such investigation nor gained any such `evidence.'"

How can I possibly prove that Mr. Carr simply repeated information "told" to him and that he did not investigate the charges himself? Simple: the name of our school has not been Faraston Theological Seminary for well over a year. For more than one full year, on all of our literature, on our web site, and in our advertisements, the name of our school has been Columbia Evangelical Seminary (Faraston being our former name). A very simple phone call to this office would have turned up such "deeply hidden" information. A quick stop at our world wide web page would have yielded this obvious information. If Mr. Carr had taken the time within the last 15 months to contact me, or even one of our faculty members, or just one of our students, he would have known better than to refer to our old, out-of-date name.

In conclusion, I cannot vouch for any other person that Mr. Carr so demonises in his speech; however, if he did comparable "research" on the others he mentioned, then I would certainly caution anyone from simply accepting his charges at face value.

Thank you for this opportunity to respond.



Rick Walston, B.A., M.Rel., Ph.D., D.Min
President of Columbia Evangelical Seminary


Greenwich University adopted the name Greenwich in 1989 as it desired a shorter name which was unique and had not been used before. Nearly 4 years later (when Greenwich University and its School of Theology had achieved a high level of recognition in the United Kingdom) the Thames Polytechnic in Woolwich petitioned the Privy Council to allow itself to be known as Greenwich University. It was refused as there was already a respected Greenwich University (albeit American). It was allowed to rename itself as the University of Greenwich to avoid confusion with the established Greenwich University.

Greenwich was established in 1972 and was originally known as the International Institute for Advanced Studies. Since its founding the name International Institute has been adopted in various guises by a number of schools around the world.

The International Institute for Advanced Studies still exists as a division of Greenwich and is still in good standing in the State of Missouri. Its headquarters are now on Norfolk Island.

The State of Missouri does not accredit schools or universities (including its own state university).

The State of Hawaii does not accredit schools or universities (including its own state university).

Accreditation in the U.S.A. is quite different from that in Australia. In the U.S. accreditation is a voluntary process undertaken after a university has been operating and awarding degrees for a number of years. It enables universities to receive federal funding. Greenwich does not receive government funding: it never has; it never will: it would return it if it was ever sent. Greenwich has been properly established in the U.S.A. since 1972. It has an excellent reputation.

There has never been any irregularity in any state or country.

It is no more a mail order school than the Australian National University in Canberra (which sent a Postgraduate Diploma in Law in the mail to the Chancellor of Greenwich University last year) or the University of Melbourne which also mails out degrees. (Both of these, like Greenwich, require that the students complete the course requirements beforehand.)

Greenwich has not been refused, nor did it apply, in Victoria. It has had a representative office in Victoria since 1990. Its registration was renewed for a further three years by the Victorian Government earlier this year.

Prior to the Greenwich University Act being passed the university requested both the Higher Education Division of DEETYA and the AQF (MCEETYA) if its courses and curriculum could be submitted for evaluation and accreditation so it could have an external and independent assessment of its programmes. It was told quite clearly and firmly that the AQF and MCEETYA did not accredit courses or universities, and that the other universities resisted any form of external accreditation.

(These facts are known by Senator Carr, who has been supplied with documentation to that effect and whose own electorate office is nearby to the AQF and MCEETYA).Greenwich was told by DEETYA and the AQF that it would be self-accrediting and that there was no procedure for it to have its courses evaluated by the AQF or anyone else.

The Chancellor received all his degrees at accredited or state approved universities. He has never met a Shoshone Indian. The American schools from which he graduated were in California and Pennsylvania-not Nevada.

Its legislative establishment by way of a company and subsequent legislation is the same process as that used by Bond University. The Greenwich University Act is similar to that establishing Bond and Notre Dame.

There is no Brimeyer organization.

Prince Alexis (who died in January 1995) was the hereditary Head of the House of Anjou. He was a client of the Chancellor (a barrister at law) who acted for Prince Alexis and his family for a number of years.

The Chancellor is not an academic (although he has done some teaching many years ago, and has teaching qualifications including being a registered teacher in the State of Victoria). He does not teach nor instruct nor write curriculum at Greenwich University. He does not run Greenwich University. Greenwich is a community of scholars run by the President, the Vice-President, the deans, the faculty and the graduates. The Chancellors position is an honorary one, and always has been. (Though one must say that if the Labour Opposition continues to use parliamentary privilege to defame in a cowardly and deceitful fashion university chancellors there will be very few people willing to accept such roles.)

If Senator Carr really believes what he said under parliamentary privilege then he should repeat his statements outside the Senate and in a public forum. This would then allow the university, its staff, its faculty, its students and its graduates take both individual and collective legal action in the courts of Australia, the United States of America and in the other countries of the world where the university community is situated.

Dr John Walsh of Brannagh
Greenwich University
Taylors Road
Norfolk Island
South Pacific 2899
Fax Number (6723) 23547
Telephone (6723) 22834