The numbers refer to the relevant report of the Privileges Committee. General reports nos 35, 62 and 76, which cover all persons, organisations and subjects canvassed in individual reports, are not included.

Abetz, Senator the Hon. Eric 74
Aboriginal Development Commission 16,18,21
Advertising Standards Council 38
Age, The 74
advertisements 44
airline pilots' dispute 23
Alston, Senator the Hon. Richard 65,74
Armstrong, Mr David 67
asbestos 26
Attorney-General 73,74,75
Auditor-General 52
Australia Post 41
Australian, The 38,43
Australian Customs Service 46,50
Australian Defence Force 26
Australian Drug Free Powerlifting Federation 30
Australian Federal Police 60,75
Australian Financial Review 51
Australian Government Solicitor 42
Australian Industrial Relations Commission 51
Australian Institute of Sport 17
Australian Law Reform Commission 73
Australian Private Hospitals Association 22
Australian Securities Commission 42,44
Ayton, Mr Les 54
Bacon, Ms Wendy 7,8
Baker, Mr Kevin 37
banking 28,61
Baume, Senator Michael 47,74
Bell, Senator Robert 41
Blood, Mr Greg 17
Boland, Mr Roger 51
Bolkus, Senator the Hon. Nick 74
Boswell, Senator Ron 68
Brereton, the Hon. Laurie 51
Brisbane Magistrates' Court 5
Brooks, Ms Yolanda 56
Brown, the Hon. Dean 54
Burke, the Hon. Brian 11
Byers, Mr M.H. 2
Cairns Professional Gaming Association 67
Calvert, Senator Paul 32,64
Cameron, Ms Jeannie 34
Campbell, Senator George 74
Canberra Times 48,74
Cannon, Mr C.H. 28
Carr, Senator Kim 64
casinos 54
Casselden Place 52
Chaney, Senator the Hon. Fred 11
Cherry, Dr Neil 65
Collins, Senator Jacinta 74
commercial confidentiality 52
- estimates 14,15,26,46,50
- joint 48,50,54,70,73,74
- select 58,61,63,71
- standing 17,20,30,37,44,48,55,64,74
Contractor, Ms Aban 74
contempt found 6,7,21,42,50,54,67,72,74
Connor, the Hon. R.F.X. 2
Conroy, Senator Stephen 70,74
Cornelius, Mr I.R. 13
corporate v. individual responsibility 42
Coulter, Senator John 14
Court, Sir Charles 19
Coyne, Mr Peter 63
Crew, Mr Ron 67
credit unions 57
Crichton-Browne, Mrs Esther 59
Crichton-Browne, Senator Noel 16
Criminal Justice Commission – see Queensland  
Criminal Justice Commission  
Cromack, Dr P. Ingram 24
Cusack, Mr Gregory, QC 36
customs agents 50
Davis, Professor Jim 74
defamation 11,67
De Maria, Dr William 72
Department of Aboriginal Affairs 14,16
Department of Administrative Services 52
Department of Community Services 9
Department of Community Services & Health 22
Department of Defence 15,26
derivative use immunity 42
diesel fuel rebate tax 46
dissenting reports 2,11,42
doctors 27,55
domestic violence restraining order 59
drugs in sport 17,30
Dunn, Senator Irina 20
Economics References Committee 74
electoral fraud 47
Electrona silicon smelter 32
Elliott, Mr John 70
Enderby, the Hon. Kep 2
Entsch, Mr Warren 74
Eros Foundation 43
Estimates Committee A 50
Estimates Committee B 26
Estimates Committee E 14,15,46
Evans, Mr Bert 51
evidence, in camera – see hearings  
executive privilege 2,49,52
expungement from Hansard 70
false/misleading evidence 14,15,26,36,44,46,50,61,63,64,71
Faris, Mr Peter, QC 36
Ferris, Senator Jeannie 70,74
Gaffey, Mr James 42
Georges, Senator George 4,5,10
Griffin, the Hon. K.T. 54
Haines, Senator Janine 9
Hamilton, Dr Clive 69
Hansard 4,70
Harders, Mr C. 2
Harmsen, Ms Patsy 32
Harradine, Senator Brian 6
Harris, Mr A.E. 23,25
Harris, Mr John 61
Hayden, the Hon. Bill 2
Heiner documents 63,71
Hennessy, Mr Dale 39
- in camera 1,2,3,7,8,17,20,50
- public 7,8,17,21,36,42,49,55,67
Herron, Senator John 27
Hewitt, Sir Lenox 2
hospital integration 27
hostages 29
Howland, Ms Suzanne 17
Hungarian refugees 45
industrial relations 51
interference – see threat/penalty  
Jenkins, Senator Jean 24
Jesser, Mr Peter 58
John Fairfax and Sons Ltd 7,8
Johnson, Mr Alwyn 51
Johnson, Mr Norman 14
Joint Committee of Public Accounts 50
Joint Committee on Corporations and Securities 42
Joint Committee on Migration 40,48
Joint Committee on the National Crime  
Authority 36,54,70,74
Joint Committee on Native Title and the Aboriginal  
and Torres Strait Islander Land Fund 73,74
Jones, Mr Glen 30
Jones, Senator Gerry 38
journalists 7,8,48,53,74
Keeley, Ms Deborah 66
Kelly, Mr Frank 50
Kernot, Senator Cheryl 49
Kerr, the Hon. Duncan, Minister for Justice 60
Keys, Sir William 27,31
Kingston, Ms Margo 48,74
Knowles, Senator Sue 59
Krasnostein, Mr David 64
Law Council of Australia 67,75
Le Grand, Mr Mark 36
Leckie, Mr Julian 36
legal counsel 7,8,17,18,21,36,42,55,67
Lester, Ms Eve 40
Lindeberg, Mr Kevin 57,63,71
Lippiatt, Mr Richard 41
Littler, Professor Craig 58
local government 47,56
Macdonald, Senator Ian 56
MacGibbon, Senator David 23,25
Marr, Mr Geoffrey 64
McCarthy, Mr Darby 14
McGauran, Senator Julian 74
McIntosh, Dr Malcolm 15
McKiernan, Senator Jim 40
McLaren, Senator Geoffrey 4
McLean, Senator Paul 28
McPherson, Mrs Shirley 18
- briefing 20,74
- transcripts 34
Medical Association for the Prevention of War 55
Melham, Mr Daryl 74
Messner, Senator Tony 9
Metal Trades Industry Association 51
Midford Paramount 50
Miles, Mr Paul 64
Minchin, Senator the Hon. Nick 74
ministerial advisers 38,74
misleading evidence – see false/misleading evidence  
Motion, Mr Tony 12
Mulherron, Mr Peter 68
Murphy, Mr John 37
Murphy, Senator Shayne 63
National Crime Authority 36,54,70
National Times 7,8
Newman, Senator Jocelyn 15,26,27,31,34
Nicholls, Mr Chris 54
Nitschke, Dr Philip 55
nuclear disaster preparedness 55
nuclear ships 20,55
O'Brien, Mr Michael 18
O'Chee, Senator Bill 66,67
Office of Government Information 66
O'Neill, Mr Des 57
overseas loans 2
Parer, Senator the Hon. Warwick 69
Patten, Ms Fiona 43
penalty for contempt 8
Perkins, Mr Charles 14,18
petitions 11
pharmaceutical restructuring 37
Piper, Ms Margaret 40
Platt, Mr Ray 68
Plunkett, Mr Mark 37
Pope, Mr Michael 21
Port Hinchinbrook 53
President of the Senate 67,71
Presiding Officers 75
Project Parakeet 15
Proudfoot, Dr Alex 33
public servants 9,15,22,42,46,50,55,64,73,74
Queensland Criminal Justice Committee 71
Queensland Criminal Justice Commission 63,71
Queensland Govt. Superannuation Office 39
Queensland Police 10
Queensland Professional Credit Union 57
Ray, Senator the Hon. Robert 29
Reed, the Hon. Mike 55
Refugee Council of Australia 40
Reynolds, Senator Margaret 33
Richardson, Mr John 50
Richardson, Mr Seth 40
Richardson, Senator Graham 34
rights and obligations of witnesses – Senate  
resolution 36,42,46,64,73,74
Robinson, Mr Ray 14
Rose, Mr Alan 73
Rothwell, Mr H.B. 1
Rowley, Mr Michael 67
Royal Darwin Hospital 55
Samaras, Councillor Michael 47
Schacht, Senator the Hon. Chris 46,74
search warrants 75
secrecy provisions 36
security 3
Select Committee on Community Standards 43
Select Committee on Drug Trafficking & Drug Abuse 1
Select Committee on Health Legislation &  
Health Insurance 22
Select Committee on Public Interest Whistleblowing 61
Select Committee on Superannuation 39,57
Select Committee on the Administration of  
Aboriginal Affairs 14,18,21
Select Committee on the Conduct of a Judge 7,8
Select Committee on the Dangers of Radioactive  
Waste 60
Select Committee on Unresolved Whistleblower  
Cases 58,63,71,72
- disqualifying themselves 1,43
- harassment of 6,10,
- imprisonment of 5,10
sex discrimination 33
Short, Senator Jim 45
Standing Committee on Community Affairs 37
Standing Committee on Environment, Recreation  
& the Arts 17,30
Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs & Trade 20
Standing Committee on Industry, Science,  
Technology, Transport, Communications &  
Infrastructure 55
Standing Committee on Legal & Constitutional  
Affairs 44,48,73
state parliaments 54,55,74
statutory authorities accountability 36,42,64,73,74
Stevens, Mr Neville 74
submissions 22,54
Sunday Australian 1
Sunday Review 1
superannuation funds 39, 57
Swan, Mr Robert 43
Swift, Ms Harriet 6
Sydney Morning Herald 45,73,74
Tate, Senator the Hon. Michael 7,38
Telstra 64
- to senator 6,53,67
- to witness/person providing information             17,18,21,30,36,42,50,55,57,58,67,72,73
Toohey, Mr Brian 7,8
Toose, the Hon. Paul 38
Turner, Mr Chris 30
unauthorised disclosure  
- amendment 9
- documents 60,74
- draft report 1,74
- general 74
- in camera evidence 7,53
- proceedings 74
- report 20,48,74
- submission 22,54
University of Queensland 72
University of Southern Queensland 58
unparliamentary language 4
Uren, the Hon. Tom 29
Vajda, Mr T.T. 45
Wade, Mr Andrew 44
Walmsley, Mr Andrew 37
Walsh, Mr J.R. 1
Walsh, Senator the Hon. Peter 12,13,19
war veterans 27,31
Watchdog Association Inc 44
Waterford, Mr Jack 74
Watson, Senator John 39
Weekend Australian 74
Wheeler, Sir Frederick 2
whistleblowers 50,55,58,63,71,72
Whitlam, the Hon. E.G. 2
Whitsunday Shire Council 56
Williams, the Hon. Daryl QC 73,74
Williams, Mr Keith 53
Withers, Senator Reg 2
Woodley, Senator John 53, 71, 72
witness travel funding 14
workers' compensation 24,41
Wriedt, Senator the Hon. Ken 2
Wyatt, Mr Cedric 16,21
X-rated videos 43