1. Chair to make opening statement, declaring purpose of hearing. Various submissions from Mr A, Mr B, Mr C to be incorporated in volume of documents.

2. (a) Mr A to be called and sworn.

(b) Mr A to be invited to make opening statement.

(c) Chair, and other members if they wish, to ask questions of Mr A.

(d) Chair to invite Mr B, or his representative, to examine Mr A if he wishes.

(e) Chair, and other members, to ask further questions, if required.

(f) Mr A to be invited to make statement.

3. (a) Mr B to be called and sworn.

(b) Mr B, or his representative, to be invited to make opening statement.

(c) Chair, and other members if desired, to ask questions of Mr B and, if required and after a brief deliberative meeting, to ask questions arising from the oral evidence given by Mr A.

(d) Committee to invite Mr A to examine Mr B if he wishes.

(e) Chair, and other members, to ask further questions, if required.

(f) Mr B to be invited to make statement.

4. (a) Mr C to be called and sworn.

(b) Mr C, or his representative, to be invited to make opening statement.

(c) Chair, and other members if desired, to ask questions of Mr C, and, if required and after a brief deliberative meeting, to ask questions arising from oral evidence given by Mr A and Mr B.

(d) Committee to invite Mr A and Mr B to examine Mr C if they wish.

(e) Chair, and other members, to ask further questions, if required.

(f) Mr C to be invited to make statement.

5. Committee to adjourn for a brief deliberative meeting to determine whether it wishes to receive any further evidence or to examine any other witnesses.

If other witnesses called:

(a) Witness to be called and sworn.

(b) Witness to be invited to make opening statement.

(c) Chair, and other members if they wish, to ask questions of witness.

(d) Chair to invite other witnesses or legal counsel to examine witness if they wish.

(e) Chair, and other members, to ask further questions, if required.

(f) Witness to be invited to make statement.

6. Chair to invite Mr A, Mr B, or his representative, and Mr C, or his representative, to make closing statements, if desired.

7. Hearing to conclude.