Standing Order 18(3), previously Standing Order 33A, states that the Committee of Privileges shall consist of seven senators, four nominated by the Leader of the Government in the Senate and three by the Leader of the Opposition.

As of May 1999, there had been 61 members of the Committee of Privileges. Fifty-three of them were men and eight were women. Twenty-five represented the Australian Labor Party, twenty-five the Liberal Party, seven the Country Party, the National Country Party or the National Party, and four the Australian Democrats. Of the eight women members two (Senators Giles and Reynolds) represented the Australian Labor Party, three (Senators Coonan, Knowles and Payne) represented the Liberal Party, and three (Senators Bourne, Kernot and Powell) represented the Australian Democrats. Senator Kernot was appointed as a non-voting member for the purposes of the committee's examination of her private member's bill, the Parliamentary Privileges Amendment (Enforcement of Lawful Orders) Bill 1994.

The average duration of service of committee members, to the end of May 1999, was three years and five months. The member with the shortest term of service was Senator MacGibbon, who replaced Senator Lewis for five weeks in 1990. The longest-serving member was Senator Childs, who was with the committee for over 14 years. As Figure C.1 shows, several others have also shown remarkable staying power in the face of an increasing workload.

Figure C.1: Senators' Years of Service on Committee of Privileges

Figure C.1: Senators' Years of Service on Committee of Privileges

The 14 senators with five or more years of service on the committee are reasonably equally divided in party political and geographic terms, with each state except Queensland being represented by at least one long-serving member.

In terms of their geographic distribution, 17 members came from Western Australia, 12 from Tasmania, 10 from Queensland, 9 from Victoria, 9 from New South Wales, 3 from South Australia and one from the Northern Territory.

Privileges Committee members and their terms of service

Name State Party Term of Service

Note: Since 1966 the committee has been appointed at the beginning of each Parliament. Where a Parliament has been terminated, the committee is assumed to have remained in existence until the day before the opening of the following Parliament. In the case of the dissolution of the Senate, the committee terminates at the dissolution. However members who were appointed to successive committees are shown as having unbroken service and the period between the end of one committee and the appointment of the next is not shown.

Archer, Brian Roper TAS Lib 19/8/93-31/1/94
Aulich, Terrence Gordon TAS ALP 11/9/85-5/6/87
Black, John QLD ALP 24/9/87-8/5/90
Bolkus, Nick SA ALP 25/8/81-15/6/84; 29/5/85-5/6/87
Bourne, Vicki Worrall NSW AD 1/7/90-29/4/92
Branson, George Howard WA Lib 5/4/67-14/5/71
Button, John Norman VIC ALP 18/7/74-15/6/84
Cant, Hartley Gordon James WA ALP 5/4/67-3/3/70; 1/5/73-18/5/74
Childs, Bruce Kenneth NSW ALP 4/5/83-24/2/88; 18/3/88-4/9/97
Coates, John TAS ALP 15/6/84-29/5/85; 24/9/87-20/8/96
Collard, Stanley James QLD NCP 25/8/81-5/3/83
Collins, Robert NT ALP 4/9/97-3/3/98
Cook, Peter Francis Salmon WA ALP 15/6/84-11/9/85
Coonan, Helen NSW Lib 1/7/96-
Cooney, Bernard Cornelius VIC ALP 24/9/87-18/3/88;11/5/90-30/6/93; 1/9/96-24/11/98
Cormack, Magnus Cameron VIC Lib 5/4/67-21/8/68
Devitt, Donald Michael TAS ALP 1/5/73-11/11/75
Drake-Brockman, Thomas Charles WA CP 5/4/67-24/11/69;29/9/70-26/2/73; 18/7/74-22/7/75; 4/3/76-30/6/78
Durack, Peter Drew WA Lib 24/9/87-11/9/90
Eggleston, Alan WA Lib 13/2/97-
Ellison, Christopher Martin WA Lib 18/8/93-30/9/97
Evans, Christopher Vaughan WA ALP 24/11/98-
Everett, Mervyn George TAS ALP 18/7/74-11/11/75
Gibson, Brian Francis TAS Lib 15/3/94-4/5/94
Giles, Patricia Jessie WA ALP 24/2/88-30/6/93
Greenwood, Ivor John VIC Lib 21/8/68-11/11/75
Herron, John QLD Lib 19/8/92-18/8/93
Jessop, Donald Scott SA Lib 4/3/76-15/6/84
Kernot, Cheryl* QLD AD 12/5/94-1/3/95
Knowles, Susan Christine WA Lib 2/5/96-
Lewis, Austin William Russell VIC Lib 11/9/90-13/11/90; 18/12/90-19/8/92
MacGibbon, David John QLD Lib 13/11/90-18/12/90
Macklin, Michael John QLD AD 4/5/83-5/6/87
Maunsell, Charles Ronald QLD CP 1/4/81-30/6/81
McKellar, Gerald Colin NSW CP 25/11/69-13/4/70
McKiernan, James Philip WA ALP 1/7/93-29/4/96
Missen, Alan Joseph VIC Lib 1/4/81-15/6/84; 29/5/85-30/3/86
Morris, Kenneth James QLD Lib 5/4/67-30/6/68
Mulvihill, James Anthony NSW ALP 19/8/75-11/11/75
Murphy, Lionel Keith NSW ALP 25/11/69-9/2/75
O'Byrne, Justin TAS ALP 6/5/71-11/4/74; 4/3/76-30/6/81
Panizza, John WA Lib 1/7/96-31/1/97
Payne, Marise NSW Lib 30/9/97-
Poke, Albert George TAS ALP 5/4/67-24/11/69
Powell, Janet VIC AD 24/9/87-30/6/90; 29/4/92-30/6/93
Rae, Peter Elliot TAS Lib 21/8/68-26/2/73; 15/6/84-29/5/85
Ray, Robert VIC ALP 25/8/81-5/6/87; 2/5/96-
Reynolds, Margaret QLD ALP 1/7/93-29/4/96
Rocher, Alan Charles WA Lib 19/9/78-10/2/81
Scott, Douglas Barr NSW NCP 17/8/78-21/2/80
Sheil, Glenister QLD NCP 21/2/80-6/2/81
Sherry, Nick TAS ALP 3/3/98-
Teague, Baden Chapman SA Lib 24/9/87-30/6/96
Thomas, Andrew Murray WA Lib 4/3/76-4/2/83
Webster, James Joseph VIC CP 22/7/75-11/11/75
Wheeldon, John Murray WA ALP 5/4/67-6/5/71
Willesee, Donald Robert WA ALP 25/11/69-26/2/73
Withers, Reginald Greive WA Lib 14/5/71-19/8/75; 15/6/84-29/5/85
Woods, Robert Leslie NSW Lib 4/5/94-29/4/96
Wriedt, Kenneth Shaw TAS ALP 18/2/75-19/8/75
Wright, Reginald Charles TAS Lib 19/8/75-30/6/78

* Non-voting member for the purposes of the committee's examination of the Parliamentary Privileges (Enforcement of Lawful Orders) Amendment Bill 1994.