Conduct of committee inquiries

5.1 Most of the questions concerning the operations of the Committee of Privileges have arisen in connection with the committee's inquiries into possible interferences with witnesses and other persons providing information to the Senate and its committees. Consequently, the first part of this chapter describes the committee's proceedings with particular reference to these inquiries, although its general methods of operation apply to all questions of contempt referred to it.

5.2 The committee's first action has been to advise persons who the committee is immediately aware may be affected by a reference from the Senate that a certain matter has been referred to it, and, inter alia, to invite written submissions on the matter. As the committee has pointed out in all correspondence, the purpose of seeking a written submission is to enable the committee to gain basic information from the persons involved in the matters before it. In other words, it regards its first task as being to undertake an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the reference, and thus, in all cases so far, has performed the inquiry function of any normal Senate committee.

5.3 In performing this function, however, the committee must afford to all persons special protections provided under the privilege resolutions. The resolutions affecting the committee's proceedings are resolutions 1 and 2, which are included at Appendix B to this report. Where the second resolution is inconsistent with the first, the second resolution prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. In practice, the committee has undertaken all its inquiries on matters involving contempt, and on general matters, as nearly as possible consonant with the procedures outlined in resolution 1, because it, like most Senate committees, regards its primary function as being to investigate matters referred to it. However, it has always at the outset drawn the attention of persons possibly affected by allegations of contempt to the provisions of resolution 2.

Legal representation

(a) for persons affected by matters referred to committee

5.4 Features of the second resolution include the automatic right of a person to be accompanied by counsel if he or she so wishes, if a hearing is held. The committee must give the person all reasonable opportunity to consult counsel. The committee may authorise counsel to examine any witnesses, and must afford that right to a person or that person's counsel if any evidence is given containing any allegation against, or reflecting adversely on, the person. As a consequence persons affected by matters before the committee have used lawyers at any or all stages of the committee's inquiries, regardless of whether public hearings have been involved.

(b) for Committee of Privileges

5.5 The committee has found it necessary to appoint counsel to assist it in relation to only two matters, both of which it considered soon after the passage of the Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987 and the Senate Privilege Resolutions of February 1988. In each case the committee appointed, with the approval of the President, an experienced counsel, who is now a judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, to assist it. In respect of the first inquiry, he provided written advices. While the committee envisaged that he might also advise it during the course of public hearings, in the event it was able to make findings based on the papers before it, and no public hearings ensued. In relation to the second matter, he assisted the committee both in preparing briefings and advices, and through his presence at the two public hearings which the committee conducted.

Public hearings

5.6 Although public hearings may be conducted either on the initiative of the committee or in response to requests from persons who are subject to potential findings of contempt, such hearings have in practice been rare, and have been conducted on the initiative of the committee. Of the 39 matters of potential contempt referred to the committee since 1988, only six have involved public hearings, with a seventh hearing being conducted in respect of a bill referred to the committee. Not surprisingly, given the gravity with which the committee views possible improper interference with persons providing information to the Senate and its committees, all six of the contempt hearings have involved these matters. The hearings have been arranged as follows:

(a) all persons affected by the matter before the committee were permitted to be accompanied by counsel;

(b) each witness was heard by the committee on oath or affirmation;

(c) opening personal statements were permitted;

(d) each witness, or his or her counsel, was permitted to examine other witnesses in relation to written and oral evidence;

(e) each witness, or his or her counsel, was given the opportunity of adducing further evidence or suggesting other witnesses for examination by the committee; and

(f) closing personal statements, or statements by counsel on behalf of their clients, were permitted.

The full outline of the arrangements, as sent to the persons involved in the sixth case, is at Appendix F.

5.7 In each case, the committee has been concerned to ensure that the proceedings have been conducted with as little formality as possible, within the constraints imposed by resolution 2, and in the spirit of inquiry rather than as quasi-judicial proceedings. It may be that in future the committee will perceive the need for more formal proceedings; given, however, the serious nature of all the matters before it and the way in which it has been able to deal with them under existing procedures, the committee is optimistic that the procedures adopted so far will continue to provide a blueprint for future operations.

Notification of committee's findings

5.8 Resolution 2 requires the committee, in the event that an adverse finding is to be made against a person, to acquaint the person of the finding to enable the person to make further submissions to the committee, which must take any such submissions into account before making its report to the Senate. The committee has interpreted this provision broadly, so that most persons who might not be subject to an adverse finding but are subject to adverse committee comment have been offered the opportunity to make comments before the committee reports to the Senate.

Senate proceedings

5.9 When the committee reaches its conclusions on a matter, it reports its findings, with or without recommendations, to the Senate, which in turn decides whether to endorse the findings and adopt the recommendations, if any.

Reimbursement of legal costs

5.10 Although the committee has itself used counsel sparingly and only in relation to its earlier proceedings, it accepts that persons who might be the subject of a contempt finding could feel the need to have early access to legal advice. It does, however, express its concern that persons affected by its inquiries have incurred unnecessary expenditure on legal representation. In four of the six cases which have resulted in public hearings, the cost of legal representation was met by the taxpayer, while in two cases persons with legal representation were responsible for their own costs. Several other cases which did not require public hearings have involved legal representation.

5.11 Under Privilege Resolution 2(11), the committee is empowered to recommend to the President reimbursement of costs of legal representation to witnesses before the committee, as follows:

5.12 The committee wishes to reaffirm the view taken in its 35th report that, as a general principle, it is disinclined to exercise its power to recommend reimbursement of costs of representation of witnesses before the committee. The resolution requires the President to be strict in administering the reimbursement provision, and the committee regards itself as obliged to assist the President in making the determination. The committee accepts the right of all witnesses to be assisted by counsel, and acknowledges that such a right is rendered nugatory if persons are unable to afford to exercise it. The committee emphasises, however, that only in the exceptional circumstances provided in resolution 2(11) can reimbursement of legal costs be agreed to and, in determining whether to make a recommendation to the President, will apply strictly the prescribed criteria.

5.13 It acknowledges the inevitability, recognised by privilege resolution 2(4) which gives all witnesses before the committee a right to be assisted by counsel, that those witnesses would choose to exercise that right if it were in practice available to them. When funding is open-ended in respect of one of the parties, this can lead to a perception of structural unfairness. The committee believes, however, that its procedures have ensured that persons without access to legal representation have not been disadvantaged. It makes the point that, in three of the six cases which have resulted in public hearings, one of the parties appearing before the committee did not have legal representation, and this did not seem to cause detriment to the person's case. The committee draws attention to its own obligation to protect the rights of all persons who appear before it.

Committee's sources of advice

5.14 This report has already mentioned that the committee has appointed counsel to assist it on two occasions. The primary source of advice, however, in keeping with the traditions of committees of this nature, has been the Clerk of the Senate. He has provided the committee with 20 written advices, most of which have been published as part of the records of individual inquiries. These advices have often involved more general comment. For example, the Clerk has addressed the scope of privilege, with particular reference to whether information given by a person to a senator, for purposes of or incidental to the transacting of business of a House or of a committee, should be covered by parliamentary privilege; he has provided useful commentary on court judgments in the United States of America, reinforcing the committee's views on the need to protect such information; and has also analysed of the scope of parliamentary privilege as interpreted by the New South Wales courts. In addition he has produced for the committee's information two memoranda dealing with judicial developments in a general context.

5.15 The committee has welcomed these documents as a useful addition to knowledge on the subject, and has consolidated both the published advices and the two memoranda in a separate volume tabled with this report, to make available in an easily accessible form the body of Senate literature on subjects which the committee regularly considers.

5.16 As well as papers by the Clerk, the committee has from time to time received unsolicited views from various bodies and individuals on aspects of individual inquiries. These have usually been published as part of the relevant proceedings. The most significant involved exchanges of correspondence between the Queensland Law Society, the Law Council of Australia, lawyers advising one of the participants in an inquiry, the President of the Senate and the committee on a question as to whether proceedings of the committee infringed the sub judice doctrine. The committee appeared to satisfy all interested parties that its proceedings did not impinge upon court proceedings. [2]

5.17 On one occasion, for the purposes of its only inquiry into a bill, the Parliamentary Privileges Amendment (Enforcement of Lawful Orders) Bill 1994, the committee advertised for submissions in accordance with normal Senate committee processes, and heard evidence from all who responded. [3]

5.18 Certain other matters arising from the committee's constant stream of references are of general application, and are thus briefly discussed in the hope that they will assist other committees in the conduct of their own inquiries.

Participation of members of committee in certain inquiries

5.19 A full account of the committee's first dealings with this matter is contained in the 35th report. [4] After considering the Clerk's advice on the question, the committee concluded that `it was a matter for the Senator concerned, and ultimately the Senate, whether he or she should sit on an inquiry.' In that report it commented that it `regard[ed] as wise [the Clerk's] caution against too ready an acceptance of the misleading analogy with the rules and practices of the courts when Senators are considering the question of their participation in Senate or committee proceedings'.

5.20 Since the committee's pronouncement, two senators have disqualified themselves from participation in committee deliberations, the first in respect of a reference relating to the National Crime Authority [5] and the second in relation to a reference regarding unauthorised disclosure of a draft report of a committee. [6] Another senator withdrew from deliberations on a complex matter because he was unable to attend the relevant committee hearing. [7]

Standard of proof

5.21 Also in the 35th report, the committee reported on its receipt of advice on the question of the standard of proof which might be appropriate for the committee to bear in mind when making findings concerning contempt. The committee, noting the Clerk's suggestion that it adopt a combination of the following two of five options:

observed that the conclusions contained in the Clerk's response accorded with its already existing practice. The practice has continued to the present time.

Relationship between public officials and Parliament

5.22 A further theme, that has dominated the committee's proceedings both before and after the passage of the Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987 and resolutions, has been the relationship of the Senate and its committees with the public officials. Successive Committees of Privileges have been astonished at what they have found to be, in rather too many cases, the ignorance of public servants and statutory office holders of their obligations to the parliament and its committees. The Committee of Privileges has encountered many such examples, particularly post-1988. The individual cases are described in the summary of the reports at chapter 4 and Appendix G.

5.23 The committee's concerns have led it in several cases to recommend to the Senate that it note, affirm or reaffirm two resolutions that relate directly to public servants and statutory office holders. In all cases the Senate has unanimously adopted the unanimous committee recommendations. The two resolutions are as follows:

5.24 The Senate originally adopted the first of the resolutions on 9 December 1971, as a result of consideration of a report of an estimates committee. It was reaffirmed in 1974, 1980, 1984 and 1997. The most recent reaffirmation was as a result of the 64th report of the Committee of Privileges.

5.25 The second resolution was included in the 42nd report of the committee, was adopted by the Senate on 21 October 1993, and was referred to again in its 46th and 64th reports. In response to the resolution, the Department of the Senate arranged courses specifically directed at departmental secretaries and other heads of agencies, and senior executive service (SES) officers, in addition to its already-existing courses for other public service officials. The organisation whose activities led to the committee's recommendation arranged for seminars to be conducted throughout Australia by members of the committee and Senate officers, and the Public Service and Merit Protection Commission began regularly to invite officers of the Senate to address entry level SES officers.

5.26 Despite these developments, the committee's concerns continued. As a result, it included in its 73rd report a recommendation that the resolution be reaffirmed. Furthermore, it recommended that the Senate seek a specific report, in a year's time, from each Commonwealth department, on how the terms of the resolution have been complied with. Following the tabling of the report in the Senate on 30 June 1998, the Public Service and Merit Protection Commission developed a specialised course to accommodate this requirement. The committee understands that the program of regular seminars, involving the participation of heads of departments and agencies, and other senior officers, has been accelerated since the passage on 1 December 1998 of what is now a Senate order. It looks forward with interest to notification of departments' compliance with the terms of the original resolution.

5.27 The purpose of quoting both resolutions, and outlining their history, is to demonstrate to all persons, notably public officials, the institutional consistency of the Senate in reminding persons who come before it of their responsibilities. It is a matter of some concern that the need to reaffirm such basic principles has been so constant over such a long period.

Guidelines relating to unauthorised disclosure of committee proceedings

5.28 A new development in the committee's procedures occurred in its consideration of six matters of unauthorised disclosure of committee proceedings, referred to it over an eight-month period. The matters involved four references from joint committees and two from Senate committees. As the committee has previously indicated, [10] it is constrained in its capacity to examine the actions of House of Representatives members. However, all cases either involved or were likely to involve Senate members of various committees, and in one case also involved ministerial staff and public servants. As a consequence, the committee was able to undertake productive inquiries in respect of all matters referred.

5.29 Given the similarity of issues raised by the references, and also their wide range, the committee decided not merely to report individually on the matters referred, but also to give what might be regarded as a general report, in keeping with other general reports such as this present one, setting out its approach to matters of unauthorised disclosure and the future approach it intends to take. In order to make its views on this constantly recurring question available within this consolidated volume, it quotes in full the general guidance set out in that report.

5.30 Following the publication of the 74th report, the chair of the committee wrote to all members of both Houses of the Parliament pointing out the committee's views on the subject of improper disclosure; including guidelines developed for committees to minimise inadvertent release; and asking senators and members to draw the committee's comments to the attention of all personal staff. In addition, the committee sent the report to the Chiefs of Staff of the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition and to the President and Secretary of the Parliamentary Press Gallery. Heads of all Commonwealth departments were also advised of its tabling.

References to other bodies

5.31 The committee draws attention to another continuing feature of its reports. It has recommended in various reports, and the recommendations have always been adopted, that parliamentary committees and government organisations examine particular matters in their area of expertise. For example, it has recommended that the Procedure Committee examine proposed procedural changes as a result of Privileges Committee recommendations in respect of disclosure of committee documents [12] and procedures relating to the early tabling of committee reports, [13] that committees and government should examine sections of acts with a view to their clarification, [14] and that other committees keep watching briefs on matters of concern. [15]

5.32 The committee has also made suggestions to enhance the administration of committees in areas such as warning about conditions of disclosure of submissions, preparation of guidelines to senators and others handling committee documents, and notification of release of submissions to persons making submissions. [16]

Relationship with courts

5.33 The committee has been careful to ensure that its work does not impinge inappropriately on the work of the courts. Probably the most significant development in the committee's proceedings since it made its last general report to the Senate involved the protection of persons giving information to senators for use in the Senate, and the general protection of senators' files. As each of its reports on these matters has made clear [17] the committee has acknowledged the primary role of the courts in interpreting the law of parliamentary privilege and has withheld any definitive judgment of its own as to how far the law should extend until the courts have made their determination as to where the law stands.

5.34 In each of these reports, the committee has given an undertaking that it will seek a reference from the Senate as to any possible change to the law of parliamentary privilege only after the courts have brought down judgments in individual cases currently before them, and only after the committee has evaluated the judgments to see whether any such inquiry is warranted.

5.35 The committee believes that it has struck an appropriate balance between the need to protect the integrity of parliamentary proceedings, the necessity to ensure comity between the executive, legislative and judicial arms of governance, and the role of the courts in the interpretation of legislation relating to parliamentary privilege.


[1] Appendix B, p. 74.

[2] Senate Committee of Privileges, 67th report, PP 141/1997. And see paragraphs 5.33-35.

[3] Senate Committee of Privileges, 49th report, PP 171/1994.

[4] Parliamentary Paper 467/1991.

[5] Senate Committee of Privileges, 36th report, PP 194/1992, paragraph 1.23.

[6] Senate Committee of Privileges, 74th report, PP 180/1998. p. iii.

[7] Senate Committee of Privileges, 67th report, PP 141/1997, p. iii.

[8] Standing Orders and Other Orders of the Senate, February 1999, p. 119.

[9] Senate Committee of Privileges, 42nd report, PP 85/1993, p. 45, and ibid, p. 121.

[10] See paragraph 4.28.

[11] Senate Committee of Privileges, 74th report, PP 180/1998, pp. 10-11.

[12] ibid., p. 11.

[13] Senate Committee of Privileges, 20th report, PP 461/1989.

[14] Senate Committee of Privileges, 36th report, PP 194/1992; 68th report, PP 158/1997 and 73rd report, PP 118/1998.

[15] Senate Committee of Privileges, 36th report, PP 194/1992, 48th report, PP 113/1994 and 50th report, PP 322/1994.

[16] Senate Committee of Privileges, 22nd report, PP 45/1990 and 74th report, PP 180/1998.

[17] Senate Committee of Privileges, 67th report, PP 141/1997, 72nd report, PP 117/1998 and 75th report, PP 52/1999.