Appendix 2

Appendix 2

Additional information, answers to questions on notice and correspondence

Additional information received

1.                  CEPU photographs tabled at public hearing 28 November 2013, Canberra 

2.                  NBN Co Opening Statement at public hearing 11 December 2013, Canberra 

3.                  Letter - tabled at public hearing 29 November 2013, Canberra 

4.                  Letter from the Minister for Communications, the Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, regarding release of unredacted copy of the NBN Strategic Review at public hearing 17 December 2013, Sydney 

5.                  Power point presentation, CEPU and ETUWA at public hearing 29 January 2014, Perth 

6.                  CEPU document tabled at public hearing 4 February 2014, Hobart 

7.                  CEPU photographs tabled at public hearing 4 February 2014, Hobart 

8.                  CEPU document tabled at public hearing 4 February 2014, Hobart 

9.                  Letter from Chair of Senate Select Committee on the National Broadband Network to Executive Chairman NBN Co regarding outstanding answers to Questions on Notice, 10 February 2014 

10.             Letter from the Chair of the Senate Select Committee on the National Broadband Network to Minister for Communications regarding outstanding answers to Questions on Notice, 28 February 2014 

11.             Letter from Executive Chairman NBN Co to Chair of the Senate Select Committee on the National Broadband regarding outstanding answers to Questions on Notice, 28 February 2014 

12.             Letter from Chair of Senate Select Committee on the National Broadband Network to Executive Chairman NBN Co regarding outstanding answers to Questions on Notice, 7 March 2014 

13.             The NBN Update, tabled by Mr Kenneth Tsang at public hearing 5 May 2014, Sydney 

14.             PowerPoint presentation - NBN Co, tabled by Senator Conroy at public hearing 5 May 2014, Sydney 

15.             PowerPoint presentation - Cost-Benefit Analysis and Review of Regulation Panel of Experts, tabled by Senator Conroy at public hearing 5 May 2014, Sydney 

16.             Paper, “Getting Some Reality into Debates about NBN FTTP”, tabled by Mr Robin Eckermann at public hearing 19 May 2014, Canberra 

17.             PowerPoint presentation shown by Senator Conroy at public hearing 11 July 2014, Canberra 

18.             PowerPoint Presentation - tabled by Senator Conroy at public hearing 26 September 2014, Canberra 

19.             Letter tabled by Senator Lundy at public hearing 26 September 2014, Canberra 

20.             Letter tabled by Senator Conroy at public hearing 3 October 2014, Canberra 

21.             PowerPoint Presentation - NBN Co, tabled by Senator Conroy at public hearing 3 October 2014, Canberra 

22.             Letter from Department of Communications, clarifying evidence given at public hearing on 3 October 2014, Canberra 

23.             Information about Fibre-to-the-node trail at Umina received from Telstra, 27 May 2015. 

24.             NBN Opening Statement at public hearing 14 September 2015, Canberra 

25.             nbn - Opening Statement - Mr Bill Morrow, tabled at public hearing 15 March 2016, Canberra 

26.             Broadspectrum - Opening statement - Mr Stuart Nevison, tabled at public hearing 15 March 2016, Canberra 

Answers to Questions on Notice

1.                  Index & Answers to Questions on Notice - public hearing - 28 November 2013, Canberra 

2.                  Index & Answers to Questions on Notice - public hearing - 29 November 2013, Canberra 

3.                  Index & Answers to Questions on Notice - public hearing - 11 December 2013, Canberra 

4.                  Index & Answers to Questions on Notice - public hearing - 17 December 2013, Sydney 

5.                  Index & Answers to Questions on Notice - public hearing - 29 January 2014, Perth 

6.                  Index & Answers to Questions on Notice - public hearing - 4 February 2014, Hobart 

7.                  Index & Answers to Questions on Notice - public hearing - 11 March 2014, Terrigal 

8.                  Index & Answers to Questions on Notice - public hearing - 12 March 2014, Sydney 

9.                  Index & Answers to Questions on Notice - public hearing - 5 May 2014, Sydney 

10.             Index & Answers to Questions on Notice - public hearing - 19 May 2014, Canberra 

11.             Index of Questions on Notice - public hearing - 11 July 2014, Canberra 

12.             Answers to Questions on Notice - public hearing - 11 July 2014, Canberra 

13.             Index of Questions on Notice - public hearing - 26 September 2014, Canberra 

14.             Answers to Questions on Notice - public hearing - 26 September 2014, Canberra 

15.             Index of Questions on Notice - public hearing - 3 October 2014, Canberra 

16.             Answers to Questions on Notice - public hearing - 3 October 2014, Canberra 

17.             Index of Questions on Notice - public hearing - 2 and 4 December 2014, Canberra 

18.             Answers to Questions on Notice - public hearing - 2 and 4 December 2014, Canberra 

19.             Index of Questions on Notice - public hearing - 12 March 2015, Canberra 

20.             Answers to Questions on Notice - public hearing - 12 March 2015, Canberra 

21.             Answers to Questions on Notice - public hearing - 17 April 2015, Melbourne 

22.             Index & Answers to Questions on Notice - public hearing - 14 September 2015, Canberra 

23.             Foxtel - Answer to question on notice from public hearing held on 4 March 2016 (received 31 March 2016)

24.             Broadspectrum - Answer to question on notice from public hearing held on 15 March 2016 (received 7 April 2016)


1.             Letter from Mr David Sullivan, Committee Secretary to Visionstream - invitation to public hearing in Hobart on 4 February 2014, dated 20 January 2014

2.             Letter from Visionstream Australia to Mr David Sullivan - response to invitation to public hearing in Hobart on 4 February 2014, dated 24 January 2014

3.             Letter from Chair to Visionstream Australia - regarding invitation to public hearing in Hobart on 4 February 2014, dated 31 January 2014

4.             Letter from Visionstream Australia to Chair - regarding invitation to public hearing in Hobart on 4 February 2014, dated 3 February 2014

5.             Letter from Chair to Chairman of NBN Co regarding outstanding answers to questions on notice, 23 June 2014

6.             Letter from Chair to Secretary of Department of Communications regarding outstanding answers to questions on notice, 23 June 2014

7.             Letter from Chairman of NBN Co to Chair - response on outstanding questions on notice, 26 June 2014

8.             Letter from Drew Clarke, Secretary, Department of Communications, 8 July 2014

9.             Letter from Chair to Mr Bill Hilzinger, Chairman, Southern Phone Company Limited, 18 July 2014

10.         Letter from Chair to Mr David Buckingham, CEO, iiNet Ltd, 18 July 2014

11.         Letter from Chair to Mr David Thodey, CEO, Telstra Corporation Limited, 18 July 2014

12.         Letter from Chair to Mr Geoff Horth, CEO, M2 Telecommunications Group Limited, 18 July 2014

13.         Letter from Chair to Mr Greg Provenzano, President, ACN Pacific Pty Ltd, 18 July 2014

14.         Letter from Chair to Ms Kelly Mudford, Acting CEO, Telecommunications Universal Service Management Agency, 18 July 2014

15.         Letter from Telstra Corporation Limited to Chair - response to in letter 18 July 2014

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