Chapter 4
Basin-wide issues
This chapter examines two broad basin-wide issues identified in hearings
and by submitters. Each section concludes with a number of relevant
recommendations. The chapter is divided by the following overarching subjects:
value of water and its ownership; and
use, quality and management of water.
The value of water and its ownership
The costs and benefits of taking
The committee is of the view that the Plan has imposed costs on
governments, primary producers and communities. It is a $13 billion investment
by taxpayers in water efficiency and environmental outcomes which will have
profound implications for decades to come. However, the committee considers
that it has been introduced without a thorough understanding of the economic
costs or value of environmental benefits. As such, the Commonwealth has failed
to undertake a cost-benefit analysis of the Plan’s implementation.
The committee heard from Professor Sinclair Davidson, Senior
Fellow, Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) that:
The MDBA talks about
a triple bottom line, which basically looks at people, planet and profit...but
they have not actually looked at the people and the profit. I think that is
where the problem is. There has not actually been explicit, consistent and
comprehensive analysis done of people and profit in this particular analysis.[1]
Mr Chris Berg, Senior Fellow, IPA stated:
A cost-benefit
analysis that assesses alternative policy settlements, such as estuary
restoration, would also clarify the opportunity costs of policy choices
forgone. [2]
Recommendation 19
The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government request
the Productivity Commission to undertake a full cost-benefit analysis of the
Murray Darling Basin Plan.
Water recovery
As highlighted throughout the report, water recovery under the Plan is
undertaken through purchases of water and investment in infrastructure. The
MDBA's submission stated that 70 per cent of the water recovery target has been
achieved and noted that since 2012–13, 'investment in infrastructure has
greatly exceeded that for water purchases.'[3]
The MDBA's submission also noted the 1500GL cap on Commonwealth
purchases on the water market and indicated that most of the remaining recovery
amounts are planned to come through infrastructure projects.[4]
The submission from the Department of the Environment stated these
parameters and stated that the Water Act and the Plan 'do not allow for any
compulsory acquisition.'[5]
The submission further stated that:
All water entitlements recovered for Commonwealth-run
programmes are acquired for value as the result of individual irrigators or
individual irrigation infrastructure operators choosing to participate in
Commonwealth programmes.[6]
Buyback scheme
The committee heard many times throughout the inquiry about the purchase
of water from 'unwilling sellers', with witnesses arguing that they felt
compelled to sell their water rights.
Mr Ian Thompson, First Assistant Secretary, Sustainable Agriculture and
Fisheries Division, Department of Agriculture, stated that water was only
purchased from willing sellers, however sellers' financial situations may have
influenced their decisions to sell their water:
What I am aware of is
that during the drought period some farmers possibly sold water because of
their financial circumstances. The water was quite valuable, so it was very
important for maintaining their bottom line, and they may well feel that
drought conditions required them to sell water—for a very good price, as the
price was quite high in many places at the time.[7]
The committee heard that a number of those who had agreed to sell
permanent water rights did so in the expectation that they would be able to
purchase water on the temporary market at reasonable prices. It heard many
complaints about the price of water and its impact on farm viability.
The committee also received submissions from Northern Victorian
submitters who felt that some farmers were ‘forced’ to sell entitlements due to
the reconfiguration of irrigation schemes that left them with very high
infrastructure costs due either to cost recovery or because there were few
other irrigators remaining on the system. Some also claimed they were unable to
receive their water entitlement even though it had not been sold.
Impact of buybacks
The committee heard evidence across the basin on the impact that sale of
water had on communities and secondary industries, such as agricultural
suppliers. In general, witnesses stated that buybacks reduced the size and
scale of irrigation and farming, which meant there was less money in
The committee heard about the enormous impact of the sale of water in
the Condamine-Balonne catchment had on communities and farm suppliers. This was
discussed in Chapter Three.
Mr Ian Thompson, First Assistant Secretary, Sustainable Agriculture and
Fisheries Division, Department of Agriculture, stated that negative impacts are
associated with the movement of water:
The negative impacts
are associated with where water moves from one region to another and you end up
with stranded assets or supply lines that have different costs. The trade will
go to those who can pay the most, and it generates adjustment in the region,
which always has local economic and social consequences.[8]
Witnesses also spoke of declining populations in areas where buybacks
occurred and particularly noted the 'Swiss cheese' effect of buybacks. The
Department of Agriculture stated that this meant that some irrigation systems
became unviable once a large proportion of the water in the system has been
sold. Mr Thompson acknowledged that this has sometimes included pressure to
sell water:
I am aware that
changes in delivery arrangements meant that some farmers may have come under
pressure to sell water or access to water as the price or the arrangements have
Former Victorian Water Minister, the Hon. Peter Walsh MLA stated
in evidence that:
A lot of farmers have
significant water bills because of that purchase of permanent water from the
Commonwealth. They now face those water bills but do not have water to make an
income and cannot afford to buy temporary water to do that. So that buying of
water by the Commonwealth has effectively undermined the viability of Goulburn
Murray Water
[the largest water distribution company in Australia] in the longer term.[10]
SDL adjustment mechanism
The Sustainable Diversion Limit (SDL) adjustment mechanism was included
in the Plan at the request of state governments. The Plan provides for an SDL
Adjustment Mechanism of 650GL (i.e. to reduce the amount recovered from
consumptive use to 2100GL). The MDBA's submission states that the adjustment
mechanism provides an opportunity to increase water extraction limits if
environmental outcomes could be achieved with less water:
...there would be an
opportunity to increase the water extraction limits in the Basin Plan if states
could develop projects that can achieve equivalent environmental outcomes to
the Basin Plan with less water ... This would mean less water would need to be
recovered and would benefit irrigation industries and basin communities.[11]
The Department of the Environment's submission stated that adjustments
to the SDLs can be achieved through two methods: supply measures and efficiency
measures. Supply measures may include environmental works, changes to river
operations and evaporative savings.[12]
Various witnesses and both the NSW and Victorian governments emphasised
that achievement of the full 650GL under the SDL Adjustment Mechanism is a
vital part of the implementation of the Plan.
Currently the amount by which the SDL can be reduced (SDL Adjustment
Mechanism) stands at 508GL, leaving a shortfall of 142GL if the 650GL target is
to be achieved.
Recommendation 20
The committee recommends that state governments make every effort
to promote SDL Adjustment Mechanism projects in their jurisdiction to achieve
the 650GL target.
Recovery of additional 450GL
The committee heard from the Department of Environment who stated that:
Efficiency measures enable the recovery of an additional 450
GL of water for the environment. Both supply and efficiency measurers are the
responsibility of the basin state governments. Efficiency measures may include
water recovery 'through works to infrastructure and better irrigation water use
efficiency on farms'.[13]
Given current community concerns about the existing water recovery
targets, some witnesses called for the recovery of the additional 450GL to be
delayed until economic and social impacts of current water recovery, and the
potential impacts of this additional recovery, have been assessed.
Mr Anderson, representing the Victorian Farmers Federation, stated that
delay in recovering the additional 450GL is required to ensure a triple bottom
line outcome is reached:
We have made it very
clear that that needs putting off for a bit of time, because we have not really
seen the full effect of the environmental outcomes from the water that we have
already got and that has already been recovered.[14]
However, Mr David Parker, Deputy Secretary, Department of Agriculture
and Water Resources, emphasised that the 450GL would primarily be aimed at
'infrastructure investment rather than buyback'.[15]
Committee view
The committee acknowledges that the aim of the Plan is to deliver
economic, social and environmental outcomes in the basin. The committee does
not dispute that the environment required more water in order to protect
environmental values. The committee supports the principles of the Plan.
However, the committee notes the Plan was prepared during a severe
drought and that many environmental indicators have improved since the drought
broke. The committee considers that the economic, social and environmental
impacts of the recovery volume already achieved should be assessed before any
further recovery amount is determined or recovered.
In the same vein, the committee is of the view that the impacts of the
SDL adjustment mechanism and the recovery of the additional 450GL should be
assessed prior to any decisions being taken on whether these should proceed.
The committee also considers that the apportionment of any further recovery,
should it occur, should be equitably distributed between the basin states,
taking into account contributions already made.
The committee also notes that some witnesses have stated that the
modelled delivery of 2750GL to the environment within existing constraints is
at odds with historical knowledge of river capacity. The committee urges MDBA
to consult with local landholders when assessing river capacity to ensure that
modelling matches historical knowledge.
The committee is encouraged by the focus on engineering solutions to
achieve better environmental outcomes with less water, and supports the
recovery of water through infrastructure investment.
Accordingly, the committee urges further water recovery to come from
infrastructure investment. Should recovery come from buybacks, the committee
expects an assessment of the possible economic, social and environmental
implications of such purchases should take place prior to the purchase
occurring. In the event that negative outcomes would occur from water
purchases, the committee expects that they would not proceed without further
investigation, mitigation or compensation.
With regard to buybacks, as noted in the previous chapter, the committee
unequivocally supports the rights of farmers to sell their water. However, the
committee acknowledges the difficulty of balancing this right and the examples
of the disproportionate social and economic impacts that uneven reductions in
water availability have had on some communities.
The committee also would like to see a full investigation into
involuntary loss of water to irrigators and supports measures that would return
this water to irrigators.
Recommendation 21
The committee recommends that no further buybacks of water occur
and that action to recover the additional 450GL of water through efficiency
measures is delayed until the SDL Adjustment Mechanism target is met and the
socio-economic impacts of water recovery to date are known.
Water trading market
At present, water trading in Australia occurs across several separate
water markets, which are differentiated by water systems or administrative boundaries.
Despite common perceptions of 'the water trading market' as a single entity, in
reality there a number of water trading platforms. Water can only be traded
between connected systems; trade cannot occur between non-connected areas.
The Bureau of Meteorology's (BoM) website states that water rights and
water trading fall into the jurisdiction of states, so each state has its own
legislative and administrative arrangements for water rights and water trading.[16]
The BoM states that an efficient water market depends on clear water
rights, the ability to undertake transactions, and access to relevant market
information. The website states that this is a responsibility of state and
territory governments:
Each State and
Territory government has a water register for recording water access
entitlements, including ownership details and transactions. Water trading
relies on an efficient water register system in the same way that the property
market relies on an efficient land titles register and the Australian Stock
Exchange relies on an accurate share register. Efficient, accurate and
comprehensive water registers are critical to a flourishing water market.[17]
The MDBA's submission to the inquiry noted that new water trading rules
commenced in 2014 and were designed 'to improve the operation and transparency
of the water market by removing barriers to trade and giving traders better
access to market information, regardless of which state they operate in.'[18]
The submission also stated that there is an ongoing upward trend of
participation in the water market, indicating that irrigators are adapting
their behaviour to suit the system:
There is a continuing
trend of an increasing number of people participating in the water market. This
suggests more irrigators are adapting to the changing volumes of water in the
market, rethinking planting decisions and being able to take a more informed
approach to managing their business risks.[19]
Mr David Parker, Deputy Secretary, Department of Agriculture and Water
Resources, stated that Australia's water market is 'very highly developed' by
international standards and is one of the largest water markets in the world:
That is providing
significant elements of investment strategy in the Australian water market and
related agricultural markets. It has seen the expansion of some elements of
agriculture in the basin because of that.[20]
Mr Ian Thompson, First Assistant Secretary, Sustainable Agriculture and
Fisheries Division, Department of Agriculture stated that Australia's water
trading market is world-leading:
water trading is perceived as something that is an opportunity and an advantage
and something that Australia has done very well. The security of rights that
underpins water trading is important for investment security. In water security
and water trading frameworks, Australia in many senses leads the world. We have
had Californian irrigators out here recently trying to learn from Australia
about how we allocate water.[21]
Mr Thompson stated that water trading gives irrigators flexibility
throughout the year:
Water trading is
something that irrigators do voluntarily, and they can take advantage of
temporary trades to access water when they need it without having to spend
capital money. They can also use it to trade water when they perhaps will not
have enough and the price is high and they can use it to do other things.[22]
Mr Peter Gooday, Assistant Secretary, Farm Analysis and Biosecurity
Branch, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Science, Department
of Agriculture, added that water trading had enabled irrigators and other
landholders to manage the basin's variable inflows:
The water trading
system that we have has allowed irrigators to maintain the value of production
surprisingly well during the ups and downs, through water being able to be
traded towards higher-value uses. In terms of being able to respond to climate
variability, the water trading system has been particularly important.[23]
Mr Gooday added that a freer trading system was better than one with
significant constraints:
Probably the main
advance that we have had has been to free up water markets and I am sure that
all irrigators would say that it is much better to have a system of
entitlements and allocations that are freely tradeable that maximises their
value than one that has all sorts of constraints.[24]
As mentioned in Chapter Two, the Water Act legislated for the ACCC to
develop and enforce water charge and water market rules.
On 24 November 2015, the ACCC released draft advice on amendments to the
Commonwealth water charge rules to increase transparency, promote efficiency
and reduce regulatory burden. These rules regulate the charges imposed on rural
water users in the basin and have been in place for five years. The government
asked the ACCC to conduct a review of these rules in December 2014, following a
recommendation of the 2014 Independent Review of the Water Act.[25]
Two primary concerns were raised by witnesses with regard to water
trading. The first was that water trading in the basin is not clear and
transparent. The second is that market volatility is detrimental to irrigators
and primary producers. The committee heard evidence on both these points,
particularly in Griffith and Echuca, near significant irrigation communities.
Transparency of water trading
With regard to a lack of clear and transparent information surrounding
the water market, the committee heard that it is difficult to find information
on who is trading what volume of water. In Griffith, Mrs Helen Dalton,
President, New South Wales Farmers Griffith District Council and Branch, stated
that a lack of a national water register meant that she was unsure who was
purchasing water:
We do not actually
know who is buying what, because there is no national water register, and that
needs to be addressed straight off.[26]
In Echuca, Cr Leigh Wilson, Mayor, Campaspe Shire Council, stated that
there was inadequate information for his organisation to make an informed
decision on current water trading practices and how it might be improved:
We would have liked
to have been able to discuss speculative trading in some depth, but
unfortunately there is no information available to be able to make an informed
Mr Stuart Brown, Milk Supply Manager, Tatura Milk Industries, also
stated that there are also some trade restrictions in the southern connected
basin which impede free trade of water, and called for fairer trading rules:
There are a number of
trade restrictions, including the Murrumbidgee restrictions and the Barmah
Choke restrictions, that have resulted in the majority of temporary trade
coming out of the Goulburn system. These trading rules must be unimpeded, fair
and equitable.[28]
Volatility of the market
The volatility of the market was a key point of concern for many
witnesses. Cr John Dal Broi, Mayor, Griffith City Council, stated that the
price of water has increased significantly from when trading was first
...when trading was
first introduced, you could purchase water for $10 a megalitre—insignificant.
We have seen it rise exponentially to this year anything from $200 to $350; it
depends which valley you are in.[29]
Cr Dal Broi noted that once water reaches such high levels, farmers must
make decisions about what crops to plant, or whether to plant a crop at all:
At $40 to $50 a
megalitre, irrigators can live with it. A lot of the issues are whether you can
afford to purchase water, trade water and grow a whole crop. ...With the way the
water is, you would be working for nothing; you would not start your tractor. I
have growers who are coming to me and saying: 'I have 300 megalitres left on my
account, what will I do? Turn around and buy another 300 megalitres to grow a
crop? Or do I sell 300 megalitres, get $200/$250 a megalitre for it, sit on my hands,
not grow a crop, not start a tractor, not burn diesel and not wear tyres out?'[30]
Similarly, Mr John Bradford, Delegate, Southern Riverina Irrigators,
argued that volatility on the water trading market was 'wrecking families', and
that external influence in the market would make this worse:
Well you have
families, you are wrecking families. The thing is we have come from community
farming, the issues that we see—
...We are individual
landholders. We are not corporate farmers, we never have been. We are getting
to the stage that we are getting bigger. The understanding that you are saying,
is that it is a true market—[31]
Mr David Parker, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, stated
that there was an element of risk in selling permanent water entitlements and
planning to purchase water from the temporary water market. Mr Parker noted
that in some instances this would be beneficial to the irrigators, however in
others it would be detrimental:
In terms of
irrigators who sold earlier entitlements, it could be observed that those
irrigators who did that would have done very well during the period when water
was abundant, in the last several years before the recent dry period, when
allocations were in the tens of dollars per megalitre.[32]
Mr Parker acknowledged that the main factor driving water prices in
recent times has been the availability (i.e. supply) of water. Mr Parker noted
that one would expect the CEWH to have some effect on the market in principle,
but other price fluctuations reflect seasonal patterns:
Notwithstanding that,
the moves in water market prices are not out of line with shifts in water
prices that we have seen. As you, I think, implicitly mentioned, water prices
have declined since November also. That is a fairly typical seasonal pattern.
You reach a peak earlier in the year, particularly around planting time, and we
have seen that. The prices are also not out of line with prices that we have
seen in earlier dry periods.[33]
Suggested changes to water trading
Witnesses offered various suggestions for improving water trading in the
basin, particularly with regard to simplifying the water market and improving
transparency and accountability.
In Echuca, Mr John Bradford, Delegate, Southern Riverina Irrigators,
outlined one option whereby water could only be traded a limited number of
times, to reduce speculation on price and limit purchases by non-water users:
One suggestion could
be that you tag that water and that it can only be traded two or three times.
Each time it gets traded it gets a dot. Some of that water comes out looking
like measles because it gets bought back and forth. You have people in
Melbourne who have the ability to get an account with Murray irrigation and
trade water and speculate. Anyone can have an account.[34]
In Shepparton, Mr Jeff Odgers, Director, Bega Cheese, suggested an even
playing field was required between different irrigation regions:
I think the first
thing that we would do would be to make it an even playing field between
irrigation regions and states. What is really hurting the Goulburn district in
particular is that the water can be traded freely downstream. So our
high-reliability water has been raided to a large extent by other interests.[35]
Witnesses also noted that there are different water registers in each
state. The committee notes that basin states do have separate water registers,
which provide public access to information about water licencing and trading.
Mr Richard Anderson, Chair, Water Council, Victorian Farmers Federation,
compared this to a land titles register:
The water register
holds the details of their entitlements and who they are held by. It is no
different to a land titles register in terms of who owns the entitlement. Any
temporary or permanent movements in trade go through that register. Unbundling,
which has been mentioned, has basically made water a property right in
perpetuity. You deal in water shares the same as you deal with land and other
Mr Anderson noted that all the states and territories' registers need to
be compatible.[37]
Given the complexity of the current system, witnesses consistently
advocated the consolidation of water trading platforms into a single national
platform. Mr Anderson suggested that a national platform for water trading
would ensure transparency and accountability:
Our position has
always been that there should be a national trading platform. All brokers are
brokers to the exchange.[38]
Mr John Brady, CEO, Kagome Australia, also called for the creation of a
single national market:
We are looking for
one market: transparent, ASX regulated, an ACCC set-up—whatever you guys come
up with, but we need something that people can rely on and can trust.[39]
Mr Brady stated that this would enable visibility of the amount of water
for sale, and what is being traded, and argued that this would have an impact
on price:
...a centralised system
that would at least make it more transparent to see what is available,
potentially, for trade and what is being traded, I believe, simply because of
the fact that it is centralised, would actually relieve the system—so much so
that prices would come down.[40]
Mr Brady noted that this would also provide more clarity on who was
trading significant volumes of water: see directors'
sales and purchases; you would see, also, who the megatraders are and who has
actually taken megatrades off the market and put them on the market. That would
help, I think. It would help give a lot more transparency around who the larger
players are and stop a lot of the peripheral noise around this issue.[41]
The National Farmers Federation advocated improving transparency in the
water market, improving people's understanding of the market and providing
up-to-date information about the market. Ms Jacqueline Knowles, Natural
Resources Management Manager, NFF, stated that developing the skills and
capabilities of farmers would enable them to better use the water market:
...there is an
opportunity to develop the skills and sophistication of many farmers in the
basin so that they can develop the capacity and the capability to best utilise
the water market for their own situation. That is a costly and expensive
process that, to date, has largely fallen on industry associations—like it has
on the members of NFF. There is a skills and capability gap that can mean that
people can better understand and appreciate the benefits that the market
emerging can bring.[42]
Further, Ms Knowles urged caution with 'over-engineering' the market
into a national trading platform:
What we have seen in
the market—this summer in particular—is that a fall of rain or a voice of
confidence or no confidence in the local press has seen, for example, the
market spike at an hourly or daily rate. What we need to be cautious of is
over-engineering an ASX-like stock exchange. The total value of the water market
and the total likely value of the water market is never going to be anything
like the ASX, so we need to be cautious about how we proceed with that.[43]
The committee heard comments at hearings across the basin about
speculative traders and water prices being influenced by entities that held and
traded water but did not use it.
At its final hearing, the committee heard from Waterfind, a water
trading company, which stated that there are no 'water barons' holding water or
influencing prices.
Mr Thomas Rooney, President of Waterfind Pty Ltd, agreed that there are
speculators in the market and stated that these speculators had a positive
influence on the market by stabilising pricing:
There are speculators
in the market. It is growing. The speculation in the market is growing. There
is an increased quantity of people who are buying water rights as a pure
investment instrument, and it is actually servicing the market. It is actually
stabilising the pricing in the market.[44]
With regard to evidence heard about speculators in the market, Mr
Alister Walsh, Chief Executive Officer, Waterfind stated that the largest
speculators are actually irrigators, who buy, hold and sell water for
productive use:
We would say that the
largest speculators in the market are irrigators themselves. By far the largest
volumes are still held by irrigators for productive outcomes. They are using
the market as and when it suits to engage and sell and buy water for their
engagement. The other factor is that the underlying capacity for an irrigator
to pay for water is based on the commodity and their output.[45]
Mr Walsh stated that the Commonwealth is the only entity that can really
impact the market overall as it uses, holds and trades a much more significant
volume of water compared to other traders:
Regardless of who
owns the water, there is not a capability, apart from the Commonwealth, for
somebody to have the sort of volume that impacts on the market, because it is
quite spread and diverse—[46]
Foreign ownership of water
With regard to foreign ownership of water and foreign influences in the
water trading market, the committee heard concerns from witnesses regarding the
potential for foreign ownership of water and the implications this may have for
the water market.
Although there was no definitive evidence on the level of foreign
ownership or trade in water, this concern was expressed throughout the basin.
For example, Mr Paul Pierotti, President, Griffith Business Chamber, stated
that it is assumed that there are foreign interests involved in the water
We can assume that
that is the case because we have major investment portfolios that are playing
into the market. Those major investment portfolios are international portfolios
so we can assume that there is. I do not think that it is on a grand scale at
this point in time but the fear is that with the limited resource that we have,
and the value of that resource, someone could ultimately buy the entire amount.[47]
Mr Pierotti stated that although this is not a significant issue now, it
has the potential to become a major national issue:
There is no
restriction on that so there is a huge risk to the nation because for us that
is a lot of money but for a number of other countries it is not a drop in the
ocean. And if you could control a resource like that you could control that
A representative of the Department of Agriculture stated at the
committee's first public hearing in September 2015 that the government did not
have a register of foreign-owned water.[49]
On 22 February, the Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, the
Hon Barnaby Joyce, issued a media release announcing the release of a
consultation paper as a preliminary step to establishing a register of foreign
ownership of water access entitlements.[50]
The media release stated that the register would 'give greater oversight
of the ownership of Australian water assets' and legislation to enact the
register would be introduced by 1 December 2016.[51]
Committee view
The committee notes the complexity of the present multiple water markets
and the concerns that witnesses have about the transparency and accountability
of these markets. The committee also notes that states and territories provide
water registers and detail on water trading, although it appears that some in
the community are unaware of the information available in these formats.
The committee notes the historic and logical reasons for state and local
water markets. However the committee is of the view that a single consolidated
water market, with appropriate constraints on trade between non-connected
areas, would provide a simpler and fairer trading system as it would enable
buyers and sellers to view a transparent, live market and gain their
information from a central system. Given this, the committee is of the view
that consideration be given to a basin-wide or national water trading platform,
comparable to the ASX.
Recommendation 22
The committee recommends that the government investigate the
costs and benefits of a real-time national water trading register, and whether
private platforms provide or can complement such arrangements.
Regardless, although the committee understands the frustrations of
farmers with regard to non-water users trading water, the committee is of the view
that restrictions on who can purchase and sell water would undermine
Australia's fair trading policies. The committee unequivocally supports an
unrestricted market.
The committee is heartened by evidence that water speculation is not a
significant issue, but remains concerned about the potential for market
manipulation and speculative trading. The committee would support the promotion
of measures that increase market transparency.
The committee considers that further work should be done on possible
measures to increase market transparency. This work could include assessing the
following possibilities:
licencing traders/brokers;
preventing traders/brokers from receiving commissions from both
buyers and sellers in the same transaction; and
ensuring market speculators and water users pay the same charge
(for instance, storage, infrastructure, delivery and other costs are paid by
both irrigators and speculators regardless of whether or how the water is to be
The committee does not share witnesses' concerns about the foreign
ownership of water but does not necessarily reject the government's moves to
establish a register of foreign ownership of water access entitlements.
Carryover refers to a provision that enables water holders to carry over
their allocations from one year to the next. Water allocations are a state
responsibility; similarly, carryover provisions are also determined by states.
The MDBA's submission reiterated that water entitlements and allocations
are set by the states and that some types of entitlement permit the carryover
of water from one year to the next:
Each allocation
announcement tells water entitlement holders how much of their entitlement
they’re allowed to take from the system over the course of the year. Where such
a provision is available, irrigators can choose to carryover their allocations,
as can state and Commonwealth environmental water holders.[52]
Carryover rules change over time, and can and do differ between and
within states. In Victoria, for example, carryover rules vary according to the
water system, with the smaller water systems such as the Broken, Loddon,
Bullarook and Werribee systems being subject to different rules from the
larger, regulated systems such as the Murray, Goulburn and Campaspe systems.[53]
During the inquiry, carryover was particularly discussed in the Southern
Basin. In Echuca, witnesses compared the Victorian and NSW carryover systems.
Mr Guy Duncan, speaking in a private capacity, explained the Victorian
system for water allocations and carryover provisions:
You can carry over up
to 100 per cent of your allocation, and once you are allocated it, next year it
falls out the other side unless you have low-reliability water, which is
something that has been paid for in tariff for the last 15 years and has never
been allocated. That low reliability is effectively airspace in the dam for
that megalitre, so you are paying a storage tariff on that, and that is where
it goes into.[54]
However, Mr Duncan noted that as Victoria's allocations were historically
highly reliable, carryover was less of an issue in the past.
On the other hand, Mr Eagle told the committee that the carryover system
in NSW on the Murray system was initially trialled on a 10 per cent carryover
basis, with the condition that carryover water 'was the first water lost when
Hume pre-released or spilt.' Mr Eagle stated that this meant that carryover
water did not take up dam space:
After a year or two,
the irrigators realised that it did not take up dam space, provided it was the
first water lost. Then it really does not matter a stuff whether it is 100 per
cent carryover that is enabled or 10 per cent or 15 per cent or 30 per cent—
provided, if the dam pre-releases or spills, it is the first water lost.[55]
Mr Eagle noted that there are current discussions about a cap as some
water holders now do not want carryover to be the first water lost in the event
of spillage.[56]
Impact of carryover for
agriculture, irrigation and the environment
Witnesses had various views on carryover. Mr Duncan noted that carryover
enabled farmers to have more flexibility in the way they managed their water:
...a lot of it comes
back to the individual farmer's financial position, their level of equity, the
level of risk they are exposed to and how much they are prepared to gamble on
what they are going to hold in and hold out, or whether they buy to carry over
at the end of the season.[57]
However, Mr Duncan acknowledged that there was a wide variety of
opinions and was of the view that generally, Victorian irrigators do not like
carryover nor do they want the carryover system.[58]
Mr Rob Rendell, private capacity, stated that carryover has helped
people in some instances in Victoria:
is interesting to see that in Victoria the introduction of carryover has helped
individuals, but during the four years of the drought we actually saw about 800
gigalitres taken out by individuals to be collectively used.[59]
However, Mr Rendell noted that in wet periods, carryover from earlier
dry periods was spilled:
Unfortunately, for carryover
people, in 2011-12 and 2012-13 we got a wet period where the water that was
accumulated in the drought actually spilt and the environment got the benefit
of it. So carryover is helping individuals, but, as a result of carryover, we
actually have more spills. Carryover means we keep the dams fuller most of the
time, which increases the spills.[60]
In Victoria, Mr Rendell noted that in Victoria this has led to more
water for the environment from spills:
One of the things in
Victoria is that, as a result of carryover, which is great and it is an
important tool, the environment has had more water from spills, which has not
been recognised.[61]
The committee heard further evidence that carryover was a system that
meant more water was tied up in storage instead of being used for productive or
environmental purposes. Mr John Bradford, Delegate, Southern Riverina
Irrigators, stated that this meant that water could not be used for productive
use. Mr Bradford outlined a possible compromise whereby environmental water
could have been borrowed for productive use then returned later:
Earlier this year,
the Hume Dam was at 44 per cent and Dartmouth was at 68 per cent. A lot of that
was carryover environmental water. We had magnificent crops; we have had the
best year in 40 years. If we could have had some access negotiated and had a
bit of ability to trade with the environmental water holder, we could have
borrowed that water, watered the crop, made a lot of money for the community
with what would have flowed through, and then paid it back later. But our hands
are tied, and they do not understand that.[62]
Mr John Brady, CEO, Kagome Australia, stated that the carryover system
was unfair and required reform as the carryover proportion is not standard
across all entitlement holders:
...we need a review of
the whole carryover process. Some people have 100 per cent, some people have 10
per cent. It is not fair. It was not designed that way originally. The
carryover process was to stop people wasting water, but it is not working that
Furthermore, Mr Duncan and Mr Eagle were of the opinion that the first
water that spilled out of a dam should be environmental water and not water
that impacted on entitlements for irrigation or urban supply. Mr Duncan argued
that the current situation was inequitable: far as banking
against what the value is going to be in the use of the carryover for
speculation and the holding up of valuable airspace in the dam—if you are going
to do that, well, the first water that spills over the dam when the spill
happens should be environmental water, because it is only going one place, and
that is down the river. It should not be taken off irrigator or urban
entitlements. It is a ridiculous proposition. If the water spills into the
river, it is in the river. The river is the environment. That is its first
allocation—whatever spills over that dam wall.[64]
Mr Eagle agreed, stating that the CEWH holds a significant volume of
water that is protected against spillage:
...they are the biggest
water holder. If they are sitting on a large amount of water and the dam
pre-releases and spills, that water has not been lost. So it is taking up dam
space now. It has become a very real issue as far as restricting the
possibility of increases in allocation in any given year is concerned.[65]
However, the Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) provided responses to
questions on notice that stated that the Victorian system of carryover was
appropriate for the system:
The northern
Victorian carryover model is based on the capacity in northern Victorian
storages and the volume of entitlements issued. This methodology supports our
strong water security and reliability regime. In Victoria high security water
has enabled permanent plantings and high return dairying to be established.[66]
Given this, the VFF was of the view that the Victorian carryover system
did not require amendment:
The VFF does not
believe that the Victorian carryover system needs to be changed.[67]
The VFF noted that NSW carryover rules differed due to the different
circumstances in that state:
NSW carryover rules
are different because they have different storage capacity and have
over-allocated volume of entitlements. In NSW general security water supports
annual opportunistic crops like rice and cotton.[68]
Carryover by the CEWH
As evidenced above, carryover of environmental water was a matter of
some discontent among witnesses. At the committee's final hearing, Mr Papps
reported that the CEWH is subject to the same 'carryover rules and regulations
that apply to various entitlements across the basin', that is, Commonwealth
water entitlements are treated exactly the same as water entitlements held by
The CEWH's submission stated that the volume of Commonwealth
environmental water was a small percentage of the water stored in the basin:
The volume of
Commonwealth environmental water carried over into 2015–16 was the equivalent
of approximately 2 percent of public storage capacity in the Basin.[70]
Further, Mr Papps stated that changing the carryover entitlements for
the CEWH would be 'demonstrably a very bad idea'.[71] Mr Papps stated that even
though carryover provisions were originally developed for irrigators, he
considered they were of great benefit to the CEWH. Mr Papps explained that they
were a mechanism for enabling the best use of environmental water:
They are a very
important mechanism that enables us to manipulate the use of environmental
water to get the most effective and efficient use of that water. Irrigators say
to me very often, quite properly, that in the same way they are driven
constantly to look for more effective and efficient ways to produce their
crops, I should also be driven to find more effective and efficient ways to
utilise environmental water, and I am. We are constantly exploring those
Mr Papps explained that carryover enabled the CEWH to produce greater
environmental outcomes by providing flexibility in the timing and volume of
water delivered for environmental events:
Carryover is one of
those. It gives us an opportunity to do things that we would not otherwise be
able to do that produce significant ecological results. ...[in one example] we
were able to utilise carryover water to provide early season watering—that is,
to replicate winter flows—as an enormous ecological benefit. It is a great way
to make effective use of environmental water.[73]
Committee view
The committee acknowledges that carryover is a complex area and one that
falls within the jurisdiction of the basin state governments. Indeed, there was
some confusion among witnesses about the specific rules that governed
carryover, and the ability of the CEWH to carry over water. As such, the
committee is of the view that a discussion about carryover would clarify the
current situation in each state and pave the way for potential future streamlining
of carryover throughout the basin.
The committee considers that such discussions might include the
following items:
the impact that carryover has on allocation for the following
the implications of only allowing water users (environmental
water holders and irrigators) to have the ability to carry over water, and a
possible limit on their carryover amount as a percentage of their allocation;
the rules regarding spillage from dams and storages and the
classification of this water as environmental water.
Recommendation 23
The committee recommends that the government coordinate with the
basin state governments to undertake a comprehensive assessment of carryover
rules and regulations and investigate the potential for amendment of the rules.
Value of water
Water is valued in different ways by different people. In addition to
the value of water across the basin for agriculture, irrigation and food
processing, the committee also heard evidence about water's value for
recreation, tourism, ecology and the environment. Most of this evidence noted
the necessity of meeting multiple outcomes from water use, demonstrating that
water is valued for a variety of uses, often concurrently. This section shares
some of the different viewpoints heard throughout the inquiry on the value of
In Echuca, Mr Roger Knight, Farmer/Managing Farmer, Nyton Park
Agriculture spoke of the value of water to the environment:
On water relocation
impacts, the Basin Plan, as you are well aware, aims to increase additional
water flows for the connection of rivers and the flood plain, which will help
native vegetation, water bird breeding and native fish numbers.[74]
However, Mr Knight noted that positive activities may also have unintentional
'negative environmental impacts when water is removed from the agricultural
Mr Knight spoke of a balancing act required to enable complementary benefits
for industry and the environment:
However, these aims
need to be balanced against negative environmental impacts when water is
removed from the agricultural landscape. It is not going to be all positives;
they need to be balanced—no need robbing Peter to pay Paul, so to speak,
especially when there are opportunities for complementary benefits for
improving both productive and environmental outcomes, a win-win for nature and
In Broken Hill, witnesses spoke of the importance of the Darling River
and the Menindee Lakes for multiple needs. Mr Christopher Rawlins, private
capacity, emphasised the importance of the lakes as a water source and for
other uses:
The importance to the
region of the Darling River and the lakes system is of immense tourism value
and environmental importance and as a recreational venue. There are thousands
of years of history and connection between the Aboriginal community and the
rivers and lakes.[77]
In Griffith, Cr Mark Hall, Councillor, Lachlan Shire Council, stated
that Lake Cargelligo, which is a wetlands and lakes system near the Lachlan
River, is also valued for multiple reasons: was the most
significant water fowl and bird wildlife refuge habitat during the millennium
drought. ...It has been used for thousands of years by our local brothers and
sisters, the Wiradjuri tribe. We want to have that system there. We want to
have it as a healthy wetlands system for the environment. We need it for
tourism. We need the water assurance for our towns.[78]
Cr Hall was strongly critical of the absence from the Plan of a watering
plan for Lake Cargelligo and a commitment to maintain its various uses.
The rivers of the basin and the Murray River in particular, also have
significant tourism value. In South Australia, Mrs Sharon Starick, Presiding
Member, South Australian Murray-Darling Basin Natural Resources Management
Board, spoke of the $7.3m houseboat industry directly tied to the river, and
the $200m tourism industry, supported in part by the river.[79]
Ms Anne Hartnett, Chairman of both the River Lakes and Coorong Action
Group and the Point Sturt and Districts Landcare Group, outlined the importance
of a healthy river to ensure tourism:
Potentially, the
river has a huge opportunity for tourism but, in its degraded state, it is not
going to capitalise on that. If more could be put into making sure that the
river banks were more amenable to tourism, then a lot of these dying towns
along the river would be much better off...[80]
Councillor Kevin Myers, Spokesperson, Murray Mallee Local Government
Association, referred in particular to the town of Morgan, stating that a healthy
river improved people's spirits as well as increasing tourism:
Yes, and I think it
goes a little bit further than that, because 10 kilometres away from me is a
town called Morgan, which, in the summertime, relies heavily on tourism.
Without a clean river, there is no tourism.[81]
Furthermore, in Goolwa, Ms Margaret Gambling argued that water is worth
'everything'. Ms Gambling stated that the water that has returned to Lake
Albert has multiple environmental, ecological and human value, and that it is impossible
to give this a dollar value:
The water is back in
the lake. What is it worth? It is not worth so many billion dollars. It is
worth frogs, fish, birds, waves, a reflection of a sunset—it is worth
everything. You cannot put a price on water. You cannot put a price on this
environment. It is ever changing. We are the driest state and the driest
continent on Earth.[82]
Committee view
The committee is of the view that the value of water should be assessed
in a more scientific and economic manner, and that priority should be given to
the user who values it most or the sequence of uses which gains the most value
from the water overall. However, the committee is cognisant that it would be
difficult for all basin water users to agree on who values water most and what
the most efficient and effective water uses are.
Despite the difficulty in determining the most valuable uses for water,
the committee is of the view that it would be useful for water management
purposes to calculate the value of water in various situations, including water
in storage, evaporated, used for irrigation or agriculture, and used for the
environment. This information would enable more informed decision-making about
how water can be best used.
Recommendation 24
The committee recommends the government assess, objectively value
and publish data on the various uses of water in the Murray-Darling Basin.
Optimising economic, social and
environmental outcomes equally
One of the objects of the Water Act states that the use and management
of basin water resources should occur in a way that 'optimises economic, social
and environmental outcomes'.[83]
The Act underpinned the development of the Plan and the management of the
basin's water resources.
During the first public hearing, Dr Rhondda Dickson, then Chief
Executive of MDBA, clearly stated that the objectives of the Plan equally focus
on economic, social and environmental outcomes:
The objectives in the
Basin Plan, which should set out fairly clearly for you that it is a
triple-bottom line, are about productive and resilient communities, about
productive industries and about a restored and more functioning environment. So
it genuinely is a triple-bottom-line plan.[84]
Officials from the then Department of Agriculture stated at the committee's
first hearing that the Plan is a major part of the federal government's water
reform agenda. Mr Ian Thompson, First Assistant Secretary, Sustainable
Agriculture and Fisheries Division, Department of Agriculture, stated that the
Plan is focused on economic, social and environmental outcomes: is aimed at
economically efficient water use and sustainable resource management to
maximise the triple bottom line for economics, social outcomes and the
Mr Thompson agreed that the economic and social aspects of water
recovery and the Plan are important, and should be considered equally with the
environmental aspects:
The department
believes that the socioeconomic aspects of water recovery are important and
that it is essential that the implementation of the plan continues to adopt a
triple bottom line approach for irrigators, basin communities, other affected
stakeholders and the environment.[86]
However, Mr Thompson acknowledged that some stakeholders remain
concerned about the impacts of water recovery and the future of irrigation:
...farmer stakeholders
remain concerned about the economic and social impacts of water recovery to
date and in the future for irrigators and irrigation dependent communities
throughout the basin. In this context it is very important that future water
recovery continues to seek to optimise social and economic outcomes and
demonstrate the environmental improvements that they are aimed at.[87]
Economic and social impacts of the
Indeed, many submissions and witnesses argued that environmental
outcomes were being prioritised above social and economic impacts, and
particularly gave personal perspectives on negative economic and/or social
impacts as a result of the Plan.
Mr John Lolicato, Chairman, Murray Valley Private Diverters, stated that
the Plan has a triple bottom line aim though the primary focus is on the
While there has
always been ambiguity and debates surrounding a balanced triple bottom line,
the evidence is stark: the environment has primacy over social and economic
considerations. This is confirmed by the fact that with the huge amount of
taxpayers' dollars being spent on the majority of the valuation and monitoring
of the various projects under the Basin Plan, the reporting focuses on the
benefits to the environment and the negatives and the benefit-cost ratios are
virtually ignored.[88]
Cr Terry Hogan, Chairman, Riverina and Murray Regional Organisation of
Councils (RAMROC) stated that the MDBA had been slow to assess economic and social
impacts of the Plan, noting:
...the lack of
meaningful intent or progress that has been made by the Murray-Darling Basin
Authority in assessing the social and economic impacts of the Basin Plan on
communities, businesses and residents throughout the basin region...[89]
Mr Tom Chesson, Chief Executive Officer, National Irrigators Council,
stated that he did not believe the current implementation of the Plan would
achieve a balanced triple bottom line:
I do not think it
ever could. I think this is part of the myth, that somehow you can remove 30
per cent of a resource and not have an economic triple bottom line impact.[90]
Mr Chesson stated that the cumulative water reforms also impacted on
industry and communities and these were not being assessed by the MDBA:
One of the key
problems that we have is that the Basin Plan, particularly around the social
and economic issue, is looked at in isolation to the previous historic reforms
that we have such as the cap and the Living Murray, which took a lot of water
out of the basin as well. So we are not looking at the cumulative impact of
those prior reforms on communities.[91]
Mr Richard Anderson, Chair, Water Council, Victorian Farmers Federation,
acknowledged that it takes time to gather socioeconomic data, which inevitably
leads to long lag times before the economic and social impacts are assessed:
I would just add to
the studies that have been done on the triple bottom line and the socioeconomic
stuff that is being done by the MDBA. A lot of emphasis has been put on census
information. Unfortunately, we only get it every seven years. So you are not
going to see much of a result until you have a number of those census periods
being covered. That is a real flaw in some of the socioeconomic work that is
being done.[92]
Balancing economic, social and
environmental outcomes
Due to these concerns, some witnesses called for the Water Act to be
amended to better reflect a balance between economic, social and environmental
outcomes. Cr Hogan, representing RAMROC, argued for:
...the need for the
Commonwealth Act to be appropriately amended to fully enshrine the essential
triple-bottom-line balance between the environment, social and economic
criteria, and outcomes...[93]
Mr Mark McKenzie, Chief Executive, New South Wales Irrigators' Council,
stated in Griffith that the Act needed to be amended for clarity:
[the Act] needs to be
amended to make it absolutely and blatantly clear that this plan was based on
the triple bottom line approach—in other words, the environment was one factor
but it could not be enhanced to the detriment of either the social impact on
basin communities or the economic impact on irrigators, other users of water or
those communities as well.[94]
This view was supported by Mr Neil Eagle, private capacity, who stated
in Echuca that the Act in its existing form did not give equal weighting to
these three outcomes, and argued that it should be amended or redrafted: give a triple
bottom line of equal weighting to economic, social and environmental needs. The
current act contravenes this basic principle which was laid down by COAG under
the National Water Initiative.[95]
A number of submitters quoted the late Professor John Briscoe, who was
an invited member of the MDBA High-Level External Review Panel. Professor
Briscoe made a submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs
References Committee's 2011 inquiry into the provisions of the Water Act 2007.[96]
In that submission, Professor Briscoe stated that the Productivity
Commission's interpretation of the Water Act prioritised environmental needs
over economic and social needs:
The National
Productivity Commission’s interpretation of the Water Act (2007) is that “it
requires the Murray-Darling basin Authority to determine environmental water
needs based on scientific information, but precludes consideration of economic
and social costs in deciding the extent to which these needs should be met”.[97]
Professor Briscoe also noted that he was part of a review of the Plan
which found that the Plan prioritises environmental needs over economic and
social needs:
Similarly, the
High-Level Review Panel for the Murray Darling Basin Plan (of which I was a
member) stated that “The driving value of the Act is that a triple-bottom-line
approach (environment, economic, social) is replaced by one in which
environment becomes the overriding objective, with the social and economic
spheres required to “do the best they can” with whatever is left once
environmental needs are addressed."[98]
Adjustment of SDLs based on
economic or social factors
In addition to community concern about the Plan as a whole, the
committee heard concerns about whether the significant economic and social
impacts of the Plan would have any influence on SDLs.
In St George, Queensland, Mr Frank Deshon, Chair, Smartrivers, stated
that although the triple bottom line is frequently discussed, it was unclear
whether a significant negative economic or social impact would alter an SDL, or
if there were environmental requirements that must be satisfied first. Mr
Deshon stated:
...the key issue is—as
you quite rightly identified—that it is a triple bottom line but nobody has got
their heads around whether it in fact shows that there is significant
socioeconomic impact and what that is going to mean to an SDL. I do not know
the answer to that is and I have not heard anyone else articulate it.[99]
Given community concern during the inquiry about the prioritisation of
environmental outcomes, the committee sought clarification on whether economic
or social factors alone might allow a change in the SDLs.
In responses to questions on notice following the committee's final
public hearing, MDBA stated that this was possible, providing the change was
consistent with the Act:
The SDLs in the Basin
Plan are based on a judgment by the Authority informed by a triple bottom line
analysis of information available to the MDBA in 2012. This includes, economic,
social and environmental factors. Any new information on any of these factors
could inform a proposed change to the SDLs, provided the proposed change was
still consistent with the relevant provisions of the Water Act 2007.[100]
Committee view
The committee agrees that the purpose of the Plan should be the
optimisation of economic, social and environmental outcomes. The committee
notes that these three outcomes are equally weighted in the objects of the Act.
However, the committee is of the view that overwhelming emphasis in
implementation of the Plan is placed on environmental outcomes, to the
detriment of social and economic needs and outcomes.
The committee heard significant evidence that in practice, environmental
outcomes have been prioritised over economic and social outcomes. The committee
shares these sentiments and is concerned that future implementation of the Plan
may also follow this pattern. The committee does not agree that environmental
needs and outcomes should be met at the expense of economic and social
The committee is of the opinion that in order to correctly balance
economic and social needs and outcomes with environmental needs and outcomes,
the Act should be amended to reflect the equal standing of these three needs
and reflect the triple bottom line approach.
Recommendation 25
The committee recommends that the government amend the Water
Act 2007 to make clear the equal standing of economic, social and
environmental needs and outcomes.
Further, the committee strongly emphasises the equal standing of
economic, social and environmental needs and outcomes and expects that any
assessments that indicate negative economic or social impacts should result in
an adjustment to SDLs for the affected area.
Use, quality and management of water
Water is managed by various actors for various uses, and both the
management and use of water can impact on the quality of water in the
Murray-Darling Basin. The aim of the Plan is to recover and manage water for
the purposes of restoring the basin environment to a more balanced state, thus
enabling the basin to continue to support productive industry and communities
into the future.
This section deals with the role of the Commonwealth Environmental Water
Holder (CEWH), environmental watering, fish populations, and salinity in the
Role of the Commonwealth
Environmental Water Holder (CEWH)
The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder (CEWH) is a statutory
position established under the Water Act responsible for managing the
Commonwealth’s environmental water holdings. The current CEWH is Mr David
Papps. The CEWH is supported by the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office,
which sits within the Department of the Environment.[101]
The CEWH's submission to the inquiry stated that Commonwealth
environmental water must be managed to protect and restore the rivers, wetlands
and floodplains (and the native animals and plants they support) of the
Murray-Darling Basin.[102]
Commonwealth environmental water holdings are water entitlements, acquired by
the Commonwealth from basin state governments, in two ways: through investments
in infrastructure, and through purchases on the water market.[103]
The CEWH holds a mix of entitlements across 19 of the basin's
catchments, and its entitlements are subject to 'the same fees, allocations,
allocations, carryover and other rules as equivalent entitlements held by other
water users.'[104]
Amendments to the Water Act in 2015 introduced a cap of 1500GL on water
that may be purchased by the CEWH under water purchase contracts, to partially
limit the volume of water held by the CEWH.[105]
As outlined in its submission, the CEWH has three options for managing
Commonwealth environmental water:
delivering water to a river or wetland to meet an identified
environmental demand;
leaving water in storage and carrying it over for use in the next
water year (referred to as ‘carryover’); and
trading water, that is, selling water and using the proceeds to
buy water in another catchment or in a future year.[106]
The CEWH monitors each environmental watering action and publishes information
on watering or trading decisions and outcomes, monitoring and outcome reports,
monthly volumes of water available and delivered by the CEWH, quarterly trading
intentions and annual reports on the management of environmental water.[107]
Calls for flexibility for the role
of the CEWH
The CEWH's role is limited to water purchase, storage and release.
Although this gives the CEWH a clearly defined role and confines its actions
purely to environmental water management, it does limit the CEWH's ability to contribute
to the construction, upkeep and management of water infrastructure where
Commonwealth environmental water may be stored. It also prohibits the CEWH from
undertaking works and measures to deliver environmental outcomes.
The committee heard evidence that the CEWH's current powers are limited,
as funds from the sale of water can only be used to buy more water. Mr Michael
Murray, General Manager, Cotton Australia, stated that this constrained the
CEWH's ability to deliver environmental outcomes:
At the moment,
effectively he has to say that he has absolutely used all the water he possibly
can on environmental outcomes at the present time, he has no foreseeable use
for it, and any proceeds of the trade can only be used to buy water again. In
my opinion, he is Australia's largest irrigator, if you like. He or she should
pretty well be given freedom to trade, with the only stipulation being that, at
the end of his day, he has to be able to justify that he is getting maximum
environmental outcome.[108]
Mr Murray suggested that the CEWH could use profits generated through
the sale of water to improve infrastructure and enact other water efficiency
measures to deliver environmental outcomes. For example, Mr Murray suggested
that feral animal control might deliver better outcomes than the release of
water that would have a neutral or negative environmental outcome: may be much more
sensible for the CEWH to trade 10,000 megs of water, get $20 million or
whatever, and spend it on pig control across the basin than to go down to
another catchment and buy $20 million worth of water to release cold out of a
dam and not breed any fish. It would just make it a lot more flexible.[109]
Mr Murray stated that this approach would allow the CEWH to approach
situations with more flexibility and to 'devote the proceeds to whatever he
believes is best for the environment.'[110]
On the other hand, other witnesses expressed concern that giving the
CEWH the ability to use water sale funds for works and measures may have
unintended consequences. Dr Arlene Harriss-Buchan, Healthy Rivers Campaigner,
Australian Conservation Foundation, stated that while the idea is sensible in
theory, it may lead to other entities withdrawing from their responsibilities
to implement works and measures:
We are worried in
terms of that thin edge of the wedge—a one-off example, 'Well, you know, the
local CMA does not have any cash, we'll just do it in this case and we'll put
in the fish ladder.' That would be fine, but it happens once and it ends up
setting a precedent and the next thing you know state governments and others
withdraw all their funding from existing programs that are intended to fund
those works and measures and it falls on the CEWH.[111]
Some witnesses expressed concern that the CEWH was not contributing
towards the cost of water storage and delivery. Mr Stuart Brown, Milk Supply
Manager, Tatura Milk Industries, stated that he was under the impression that
the CEWH was not contributing in a proportional manner to infrastructure used
to transport environmental water. Mr Brown argued that this cost should be
divided equitably among users:
As productive water
leaves the prescribed districts, the cost for our remaining irrigators
increases. We believe that the CEWH and disassociated users—that is, water
holders who do not have land—should contribute proportionately towards the
irrigation infrastructure, either in delivery shares or some other form. We
believe that is not currently being done.[112]
At the committee's final hearing, the CEWH affirmed that it does pay the
same costs as other entitlement holders:
...the Commonwealth
Environmental Water Holder has the same storage and infrastructure costs as
equivalent entitlement holders and always has. If an irrigator is paying a
certain fee to store his or her water, and then to distribute it through the
private infrastructure or public infrastructure, we pay the same fees.[113]
Mr Papps explained that even though delivery of water is done in
partnership with state agencies, the CEWH pays for the cost of water delivery:
...we do not hold
delivery rights in states. They are held by the relevant state agency. There
are charges associated with those. We provide funding to the state agencies in
proportion to the amount of water they are delivering on our behalf. That is a
long-winded way of saying that our activities are not subsidised.[114]
Water Amendment (Review
Implementation and Other Measures) Bill 2015
As mentioned in Chapter 2, a bill to amend the Water Act is currently
before the federal parliament. Among a suite of amendments arising from review
of the Water Act, the bill proposes to amend the abilities of the CEWH so it
can sell water allocations and 'use the revenue to invest in environmental
activities, and/or purchase water' where this is likely to achieve greater
environmental objectives than retaining the water.[115]
This would enable the CEWH to invest in works and measures to complement
environmental watering. The Explanatory Memorandum for the bill specifies
'environmental activities' as a range of investments that could include
infrastructure such as 'fish-ways or carp exclusion screens that support the
delivery of water to off-river wetlands.'[116]
The Explanatory Memorandum states that such investments could improve
environmental watering and outcomes over the long term:
By selling a small
volume of allocations in one year to fund the construction of such works, it
could improve the effectiveness of larger volumes of environmental water
delivered over several years, thereby improving environmental outcomes.[117]
Further, the bill does not define what would constitute environmental
activities, so as to enable the CEWH to have the flexibility to invest in
whichever environmental activities 'provide the best environmental outcomes
possible based on conditions at the time.'[118]
Committee view
The committee heard significant evidence regarding the role and
responsibility of the CEWH, including different perspectives on the impact of
the CEWH's role on the basin environment and communities.
The committee acknowledges the calls for greater flexibility for the
role of the CEWH, including the ability of the CEWH to undertake works and
measures to deliver environmental outcomes. Accordingly, the committee supports
this proposal in the Water Amendment (Review Implementation and Other Measures)
Bill 2015.
Environmental watering
Environmental watering aims to return water to rivers, wetlands and
floodplains in order to restore the environmental health of the basin.
Environmental watering activities are undertaken by the CEWH in accordance with
the environmental watering strategy and environmental watering priorities for
the basin.
The MDBA is responsible for preparing a basin-wide environmental
watering strategy in accordance with the environmental watering plan, which is
detailed in chapter 8 of the Basin Plan. The MDBA is also responsible for
publishing annual environmental watering priorities, facilitating coordination
of environmental watering activities and monitoring and evaluating
environmental outcomes at a basin scale.[119]
The MDBA produced the first basin-wide Environmental Watering Strategy
in November 2014. This strategy identifies four key components of the basin's
water-dependent ecosystems and approaches to managing them to achieve
environmental objectives. The four components are river flows and connectivity,
native vegetation, waterbirds and native fish.[120]
Mr Colin Mues, Executive Director, Environmental Management Division,
MDBA, outlined the development of the Plan and emphasised that the outcomes
were feasible within the constraints that existed at that time:
Once the Basin Plan
was finalised, we developed the Basin-wide environmental watering strategy,
which went to quantifying the environmental outcomes that would be achieved
under the plan, within the existing constraints as they stood at the time.[121]
The MDBA's submission stated that 'long-term commitment is required to
deliver improved environmental outcomes' through environmental watering.[122] The
submission also stated that although environmental watering so far has had a
positive environmental effect, it is likely that the full benefits will not be
revealed in the monitoring for some years.[123]
The MDBA is also responsible for developing annual watering priorities
which 'build on local, regional and state priorities'. Four of the 2015-16 priorities
support the four key components of the environmental watering strategy.[124]
The MDBA's submission stated that the best results from environmental
watering come from listening to local communities, mimicking natural patterns,
working to ensure watering events are coordinated to deliver maximum impact,
and taking a holistic approach to use water for multiple benefits (such as both
irrigation and environmental uses) wherever possible.[125]
The CEWH emphasised that the same volumes of environmental water can be
used to deliver multiple ecological outcomes. The CEWH gave a recent example of
a water release from the Hume Dam that had multiple benefits as it flowed
through the basin:
...the so-called winter
watering that we did out of Hume delivered outcomes in the Barmah-Millewa, it
delivered outcomes in the northern Victorian rivers, it delivered outcomes in
the main stem of the Murray River, and it delivered a range of environmental
outcomes in all of those areas before it got to the Lower Lakes. Then it did its
ecological job in the Lower Lakes, the Coorong and the Murray Mouth.[126]
The committee heard evidence of successful watering activities and
concerns regarding environmental watering and unsuccessful watering activities.
These are explored in more detail in the following sections.
At the committee's first hearing, the CEWH stated that although
environmental watering has primarily environmental outcomes, environmental
water can deliver social and economic benefits. For example, Mr Papps stated:
...we all appreciate
that a healthy environment underpins a healthy economy. There are specific
social and economic benefits, for example. The water that we put into
environmental assets supports a burgeoning tourism and recreational use
industry in the basin. Those of you who have been in the basin a lot will
understand, for example, the widespread popularity of recreational fishing.
Environmental watering is a major supporter of recreational fishing, therefore
tourism, therefore the economy.[127]
Furthermore, Mr Papps noted that environmental water also reduces
salinity, which is a 'direct cost saving for state agencies, who do not
otherwise have to manage salinity.'[128]
Monitoring and evaluation of
environmental watering
The MDBA's submission states that the basin-wide environmental watering
strategy details the quantified environmental outcomes expected from the full
implementation of the Plan, and notes that monitoring and evaluation of
environmental watering activities is 'directly connected' to these outcomes.[129]
Environmental reporting, monitoring and evaluation activities are
carried out by the MDBA, CEWH and basin states. The MDBA focuses on the
basin-scale, the states focus on catchment and wetland sites, and the CEWH
focuses on the impacts of its watering activities.[130]
Additionally, the CEWH undertakes operational monitoring for each
watering action. This includes the collection and analysis of 'on-ground data
about the environmental water delivery action such as volumes, timing,
duration, location, flow rates and river heights.'[131]
The CEWH also undertakes intervention monitoring, which investigates the
environmental response to a watering action. The CEWH's submission stated that
it has invested $30 million in the Long Term Intervention Monitoring Project.
The submission explains the focus of the project:
Under this Project,
consortium teams, led by Australian research institutions and involving locally
based land and water managers, have been engaged to develop and implement
detailed 5-year monitoring and evaluation plans for seven selected areas within
the Basin. The seven areas are: Junction of the Warrego and Darling rivers;
Gwydir river system; Lower Lachlan river system; Murrumbidgee river system;
Edward-Wakool river system; Goulburn River; and Lower Murray River.[132]
At the committee's final hearing, Mr Papps stated that the first year's
results of the project were soon to be released. Mr Papps indicated that this
project included both a record of the environmental outcomes achieved from
environmental watering activities and an assessment of these outcomes against
the expected outcomes: is also an
evaluation—in other words, an assessment of what we said we expected to emerge
from that watering, what actually happened and then what we are going to do in
subsequent waterings on the basis of that knowledge. It is adaptive management.[133]
The results of the project are published on the CEWH's website.[134] Mr
Papps reported that the scientific reports for each of the seven areas
demonstrated that environmental watering is having a positive impact on the
...the results from the
latest monitoring demonstrated that the right volume of environmental water at
the right time, and in the right place, is having a positive effect on the
rivers, floodplains and wetlands of the Murray-Darling Basin.[135]
Further, Mr Papps stated that the reports state that environmental
watering during 2014-15 has contributed to positive outcomes for native fish,
birds and frogs.
Successful environmental watering
The committee heard evidence regarding the success of environmental
watering activities and ways to increase the benefit of these activities. Ms
Juliet Le Feuvre, Healthy Rivers Campaign Manager, Environment Victoria, stated
that environmental watering in the Goulburn River had improved fish stocks:
Recent watering here
in the Goulburn has been timed to encourage Murray cod and yellow-belly to
spawn and breed, and fishing is better than it has been in years.[136]
Ms Le Feuvre also elaborated on the broader environmental benefits of
the recent watering in the Goulburn River:
Environmental water
flowing out of the Goulburn travels downstream and can be used to water red
gums at Gunbower...fill the lakes at Hattah and keep salinity levels in check in
the Coorong.[137]
Other witnesses noted the possibility for investing in infrastructure to
improve environmental outcomes. At the committee's public hearing in Renmark,
Councillor Kevin Myers, Spokesperson, Murray Mallee Local Government
Association, stated that infrastructure can be beneficial to managing environmental
...we are virtually
imitating what would have been a natural cycle. So, with the use of these
environmental flows, they can open up a regulator, fill a wetland and then shut
it. Therefore, even if the natural event only lasted a couple of days, we can
actually make it last a lot longer.
...we can imitate a
natural cycle with these engineering things.[138]
Mr Richard Anderson, Chair, Water Council, Victorian Farmers Federation,
stated in Shepparton that works and measures such as pumps at the Hattah Lakes
can improve environmental outcomes. Mr Anderson stated that in recent dry
years, this infrastructure has been beneficial:
That has been a
platform; we have always had that platform in terms of works and measures. It
is in these dry years, and we have already seen examples of it this year, when
we have not had those high rainfall events and there is not a lot of water
available that we see the benefits of those works and measures. The Hattah
Lakes pumps are a really good example of what can be done.[139]
Further, Mr Gavin McMahon, Chief Executive Officer, Central Irrigation
Trust, stated at Renmark that there are various examples of infrastructure in
SA that improve environmental outcomes, including at Chowilla and Katarapko. Mr
McMahon stated that there are a variety of ways to deliver environmental
outcomes, and these should be investigated further:
If you look laterally
and work harder to find an outcome to the solution there are a number of
solutions around that can give you the outcomes that you want. To replace those
small floods, that is where you are looking for river red gum regeneration,
black box regeneration, lignin regeneration on the flats. If you cannot get
it—and that is still a question be answered—if you cannot do it with natural flows,
then let's work out a way we can get it.[140]
Criticisms of environmental
watering activities
The committee also heard evidence critical of environmental watering
activities, including the need to address the risk of blackwater events and the
potential that environmental watering is changing the ecological makeup of some
Mr Roger Knight, Farmer/Managing Farmer, Nyton Park Agriculture, raised
the risk of blackwater events, which deplete fish populations. Such events can
have significant impacts on native fish. Mr Knight noted that such events in
his local area mostly occurred during flooding, not during environmental
watering, in 2010-11. However, he stated that these risks need to be addressed
to ensure watering events do not 'wipe out' native fish populations.[141] Mr
Knight stated:
Blackwater risk,
which I have been raising, is identified as one of the key environmental risks
of environmental water delivery. There is no use breeding up fish and then
wiping them out. It is a waste of water. It puts great stress on our
communities. I have submitted information about that. It has been a frustrating
process to get risks acknowledged and have input into that process.[142]
Another Echuca witness, Mr John Lolicato, Chairman, Murray Valley
Private Diverters, stated that one risk of environmental watering activities is
that the ecological makeup of the site may be changed. Mr Lolicato stated that
the Hattah Lakes are an example of this:
The amount of water
that is being poured into that place—what it is doing is turning a black
box-lignum community into something that it is not: a red gum community.[143]
The CEWH stated that comments from individuals or landholders about
environmental watering activities are taken seriously and investigated:
We are learning from
that; we will continue to learn from that. I do hear comments publicly quite a
bit along the lines of, 'You've done it at the wrong time of year in the wrong
place,' and so on. We take those comments seriously. We are always keen to
investigate that, particularly if there is some strong local knowledge
involved, and, where there is good evidence from local knowledge, we will
deploy it.[144]
The CEWH noted that it was aware that some commenters state that
watering is occurring at the wrong time of year. Mr Papps stated that often in
this situation, people are observing consumptive water and not environmental
water flowing through the system:
In many cases the
observations are made not about environmental watering, but about movement of
consumptive water through the system which is assumed to be environmental
water. So of course it is at the wrong time.[145]
Mr Papps also stated that given the focus on fish breeding and spawning,
people sometimes observe environmental flows and express concern that the
environmental watering is occurring at the wrong time of year as the fish are
not breeding or spawning at that time. However, Mr Papps stated that fish
populations also require suitable conditions prior to breeding and that some
water releases are for this purpose:
...when we put water
into the system, for example, to support golden perch breeding, there is an
assumption that it is the wrong time because they are not breeding or spawning
now. No, they are not. As I said before, we will try to create the antecedent
conditions to promote breeding, so sometimes those flows are for that purpose.
So we can see and we concede a challenge to continue to inform the communities
on what we are doing.[146]
Mr Papps noted that community awareness and comprehension of the scope
and timing of environmental watering was an ongoing challenge.
Environmental watering at the
Barmah-Millewa Forest
One example of environmental watering is at the Barmah Millewa Forest.
In response to a question from the committee, the Department of the Environment
provided detail from the MDBA stating that the forest required medium to large
floods and the frequency, size and duration of these events have reduced as a
result of river regulation and water extraction from the Murray River.[147]
The response stated that environmental watering has occurred at this
site since 2009-10, with varying volumes of water each year depending on
natural flows. Ecological monitoring of the forest in 2013-14 stated that 94
per cent of the river red gum forests and woodlands were in 'Good or Moderate' condition,
increased from 89.5 per cent 'prior to significant natural flooding in 2010.'[148]
This flooding event caused a blackwater event; the response stated that
monitoring of native fish has shown increasing spawning, although pest species
still dominate the population.
Further, while Moira grass has been regrowing, it still represents less
than five per cent of the area mapped in the 1940s and growth 'has been from
existing plants, rather than new plants germinating from seed'. The response
stated that 'this vegetation community is still under considerable threat.'[149]
However, the response also noted that two significant waterbird breeding
events have occurred at the forest, with a variety of nesting birds present.[150]
Committee view
The committee heard mixed evidence on environmental watering, with some
witnesses stating that it was delivering significant ecological benefits, and
others concerned that it was negatively impacting on the environment and in
some cases the broader community or economy.
The committee is of the view that environmental watering activities must
be carefully measured and objectively monitored to ensure adequate
environmental water management occurs. This would also provide clear scientific
information on the short, medium and long-term benefits of environmental
watering activities.
The committee notes that the MDBA, CEWH and basin states all take a role
in monitoring and evaluation, and encourages closer collaboration to enable
clearer reporting of the aims, plans and outcomes of environmental watering.
The committee also encourages consistent measurements of the social, economic
and environmental impacts of environmental watering activities. Together, these
components should be clearly communicated to basin communities to provide greater
awareness and understanding of the objectives and outcomes of environmental
Recommendation 26
The committee recommends that the MDBA, Commonwealth Environment
Water Holder and basin states conduct greater monitoring, objective evaluation
and communication of environmental watering activities, and that the MDBA
collate and publicly report this information.
Further, the committee encourages greater long-term monitoring,
evaluation and communication to the public of ecological sites, for example
through the CEWH's Long Term Intervention Monitoring Project. The committee
urges an expansion of this project to provide greater certainty in
environmental watering aims, practices and outcomes.
Recommendation 27
The committee recommends that the government fund the expansion
of the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder's existing Long Term
Intervention Monitoring Project to include more sites around the basin and
provide greater monitoring and evaluation of basin environmental watering
With particular regard to the Barmah-Millewa Forest, the committee notes
the restoration of some aspects of the forest due to environmental watering and
natural flooding, as well as the negative impacts of the natural flooding and
the likely slower than anticipated regrowth of native grass.
The committee acknowledges that environmental watering outcomes are
complex and that environmental watering and natural weather events can have
varying impacts on ecological systems. However, the committee is of the view
that a minimum standard for improvement should be investigated and implemented,
and environmental watering activities that are therefore not producing results
should be reconsidered.
Native fish strategy
One of the aims of environmental watering is the rehabilitation of
native fish populations in the basin. One witness, Dr Arlene Harriss-Buchan,
Healthy Rivers Campaigner, Australian Conservation Foundation, stated that
native fish and their habitats were in rapid decline by 2007. Dr Harriss-Buchan
stated that this situation required a different approach:
By that time, very
large swathes of the basin were hurtling towards ecological collapse. Ninety
per cent of the wetlands were gone. Ninety per cent of the native fish were
gone, with fish biologists concerned that, if things did not change, that would
be 95 per cent gone.[151]
The Murray-Darling Basin Commission (MDBA's predecessor) developed the
Native Fish Strategy for the Murray-Darling Basin 2003-2013, which was endorsed
by the Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council in 2003. The goal of this
strategy was to bring native fish numbers 'back to 60 per cent of their
estimated pre-European settlement levels after 50 years of implementation.'[152]
In response to questions on notice, the Department of Agriculture and
Water Resources advised that $92 million had been spent on development and
implementation of the Native Fish Strategy.
The strategy stated that key threats to native fish populations included
flow regulation, habitat degradation, lowered water quality, man-made barriers,
non-native species, fisheries exploitation, the spread of diseases and the
translocation and stocking of fish. The strategy also noted that fish
populations had declined since European settlement and, at the time the
strategy was prepared, populations were at about 10 per cent of their
pre-European settlement levels.[153]
The strategy had 13 key objectives, which included repairing and
rehabilitating habitats, improving water quality, modifying flow regulation
practices, enabling passage of native fish between waterways, protecting and
managing native fish populations and controlling alien fish populations. These
objectives were to be met by rehabilitating and protecting fish habitat,
managing riverine structures, controlling alien fish species, protecting
threatened native fish species and managing fish translocation and stocking.[154]
The strategy was to be reviewed after five and ten years, and a
2013-2023 strategy was to be developed.[155]
However, funding for the strategy ceased in 2013 and native fish management is
now one of the four key components of the MDBA's basin-wide environmental
watering strategy.[156]
Native fish population recovery
Some witnesses noted that environmental flows have increased native fish
and other aquatic populations. Cr Leigh Wilson, Mayor, Campaspe Shire Council,
stated that this had been the case in the Campaspe River:
I have noticed an
increase in turtle and platypus activity and, in conjunction with our very
active angling clubs in the area, some restocking. There is certainly an
increase in native fishes along the Campaspe River.[157]
The CEWH reiterated that native fish breeding is one of the four key
elements of the environmental watering strategy, and that creating conditions
conducive to spawning was an important part of restoring native fish
Fish are a target of
that monitoring because they are one of the four areas of focus in the
environmental watering strategy, which sets quite specific targets for me. We
are very interested in the spawning of fish since we want to grow the
populations, particularly of endangered fish, so we pay particular attention to
However, the CEWH outlined that fish spawning is only one aspect of
restoring native fish populations. Mr Papps stated that environmental watering
activities also focused on creating conditions required prior to spawning, and
creating an environment for fish to grow to adulthood:
Spawning is only the
start of the journey for the recovery of fish populations. Our environmental
watering also takes into account the conditions that you need before spawning.
Fat, happy fish breed better, and so we try to create the conditions before
breeding time to ensure that breeding is maximised, and then after breeding you
of course have to create the conditions in the wetlands, rivers and flood
plains to give those fish the best chance to grow into adults to breed, and so
you grow the population.[159]
Impact of cold water releases on
native fish
The committee heard evidence that releases of cold water for
environmental flows could have severe impacts on native fish, including
preventing them from breeding. The MDBA stated that cold water pollution can be
an issue where water is discharged from the bottom of dams or water storages.
The MDBA advised the committee that the operation of dams is the responsibility
of basin states and as such cold water pollution is a responsibility of basin
state governments.[160]
Mr Michael Murray, General Manager, Cotton Australia, stated that this
had occurred in the Gwydir Valley, with cold water being released from Copeton
In the Gwydir Valley,
where there is an interest in trying to enhance fish breeding, they go to
release water out of Copeton Dam for fish breeding, but there is no multi-level
off-take on Copeton Dam, so they are releasing cold water into the Gwydir River
and it is too cold to breed anyhow.[161]
Mr Murray argued that this was a waste of environmental flows, as the
water was not delivering the expected outcome of fish breeding:
So they are using
water and getting nothing. In that valley, the Commonwealth have spent
something in the order of a quarter of a billion dollars on buying water but
nothing on environmental works.[162]
This view was also put forward by Dr Jennifer Marohasy, Spokesperson,
Myth and the Murray group, who stated that cold water pollution was a major
problem in the Murrumbidgee and Murray rivers, and impacted on the recovery of
native species such as the Murray cod.[163]
The CEWH responded to the committee's concerns about cold water
pollution, agreeing that 'it is a legitimate issue under certain circumstances,
and there are engineering responses available'.[164] Mr Papps assured the
committee that there are ways to deliver environmental water without causing
cold water pollution:
...there are some
mechanisms or strategies available to us in the application of environmental
water to avoid the impacts of cold water pollution, which we exercise. In the
assessment of all our environmental watering activities we look at the risk of
cold water pollution and then ensure that we mitigate it to the extent
possible. Some of those strategies are pretty self-evident and common sense—for
example, using environmental water where we are going to get a good
environmental outcome but at the time of the year when there is less
stratification in the dam and therefore less impact from cold water.[165]
The CEWH gave further detail on its watering activities in responses to
questions on notice, outlining the best times of year to deliver environmental
The main step the
Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder can take to manage cold water pollution
is through the timing of a watering action. The risk of cold water pollution is
much lower at cooler times of year (winter and early spring) when dam water
temperatures are not stratified. Environmental watering typically targets this
time of year (particularly in the southern Basin), to align with natural cues
including those for native fish spawning. Other options include timing releases
with downstream tributary flows, which will dilute the cold water, and
releasing water at a rate and/or volume unlikely to cause a significant risk in
receiving water temperatures.[166]
The CEWH says it supports and participates in action to address cold
water pollution in collaboration with state governments and water authorities.[167]
The MDB Ministerial Council Native Fish Strategy lists cold water
pollution as a threatening process. Yet despite funding of $92 million
committed to the Strategy, only one water storage facility, Burrendong dam, has
been modified to mitigate cold water pollution.
Cold water releases from the Hume
Dr Marohasy also raised the issue of cold water releases from the Hume
Dam, stating that this led to cold water pollution in the Murray River. Dr
Marohasy argued that the Native Fish Strategy for the basin from 2003 to 2013
gave a solution to cold water pollution in the Murray:
...the most
cost-effective, tangible, achievable, easiest thing to do right away...was
retrofitting of the Hume Dam with multilevel outlets and also including
artificial de-stratification of the water in the dam.[168]
The CEWH provided information from the MDBA stating that adapting the
Hume Dam would be difficult due to local weather conditions:
Hume Dam is extremely
exposed to prevailing south easterly winds and as such wave action immediately
upstream of the dam can be significant. This means that suspended curtains to
limit outflow to surface layer or floating turbines to mix water would be
extremely difficult to moor.[169]
Furthermore, this information stated that the 'only likely viable
option' would cost approximately $40 million:
The only likely
viable option to eliminate any temperature differential at Hume Dam would be a
substantial concrete structure upstream of the power station inlets and
probably also covering the irrigation intakes.[170]
Furthermore, Dr Marohasy stated that the construction of the barrages
had led to a decline in saltwater fish, such as mulloway, in the South
Australian Lower Lakes. Dr Marohasy said that the mulloway fishery declined
after the barrages were sealed:
Of course the
mulloway fishery was decimated, totally decimated when the barrages were sealed
in 1940.[171]
Dr Marohasy stated that following the implementation of the barrages,
the saltwater fish have been replaced by freshwater fish, predominately
European carp:
In fact, there is a
Charlie Carp industry that has built up around the harvesting of this pest
species in the Lower Lakes.[172]
Further, Dr Marohasy argued that if the barrages were removed and the
Lower Lakes became an estuarine environment, saltwater fish such as the
mulloway would return. Dr Marohasy stated that this would improve the fishing
industry in the region:
If the lakes became
estuarine, unfortunately [the carp] industry would go out of business but, hey,
we would have a return of higher value fish and better fishing fish and native
fish including the mulloway, for example. We would be rid, simply by letting
the sea water in, of the carp in the Lower Lakes and we would have a return of
the mulloway.[173]
This view was also held by Mr Neil Eagle, a witness at Echuca, who
stated that an estuarine environment would lead to a productive fishing
The productivity and
health of the Lower Lakes could be restored with re-establishment of the
Mulloway fishing industry, which was a big industry before the barrages were
constructed. The productivity of the Basin in South Australia and the upper
states could be secured in the national interest.[174]
Impact of European carp
Native fish have to compete with introduced or alien species in the
basin's rivers. The most populous introduced fish in the basin is European
carp. The committee heard that European carp were a big problem in rivers in
the basin. Witnesses spoke of the damage that carp are causing to rivers and
riverbanks and how carp cause turbidity in rivers, which affects water quality.
Cr Peter Laird, Mayor, Carrathool Shire Council, stated that carp are doing
incredible amounts of damage to the Lachlan River:
The damage that carp
are doing to the Lachlan is unbelievable. They are burrowing under the banks
and I am told by people who swim in it that they can hang onto the edge and
swing their legs right back up in under. That is how the fish burrow on the
banks. The red gums are falling in and it has become an absolute disaster—the
amount of timber.[175]
Cr Laird also argued that the effect that carp have on waterways stymies
the positive impact of environmental flows, and stated that the removal of carp
can lead to positive environmental outcomes. Cr Laird recounted a story of
Willandra Creek, which was filled with carp from 1975 to 2011. However, once
the carp disappeared, plants originally displaced by the carp reappeared:
The minute the carp
moved in in 1975, it absolutely ruined the creek. In 2011 we had a downpour of
rain and the opportunity of fresh water. Within one month the ribbon weed was
back. Nature, amazingly, takes care. It had not been there for 37 years and all
of a sudden the ribbon weed was back. This is the effect that carp has on the
waterways. It does not matter how much water you pour down that Lachlan River
for the environment; the carp are just ruining it.[176]
Mr Anthony Wass, Committee Person, Macquarie Marshes Environmental
Trust, also indicated that carp were damaging rivers in his region, although
not to the extent that Cr Laird had experienced:
The carp damage in
the river is very, very significant. That riverine weed comment is
illustrative. There is a lot of damage caused by carp.[177]
Given the destructive effects of carp, witnesses such as Mr Mike Dalmau,
in a private capacity at Shepparton, called for the eradication of carp, and
argued that this was imperative to the success of the Plan:
The other thing that
needs to be put on the agenda is that you can talk all you want about the
environmental water coming down the river, but the greatest percentage of it
will be wasted unless you eradicate carp. The carp attack the basic
microsystems of whole environment of the system. Until you get rid of carp all
the other benefits can never be achieved.[178]
European carp control measures
Witnesses supported measures to reduce, control and potentially
eradicate the European carp population. In particular, witnesses noted that
CSIRO is currently developing a carp herpes virus to manage carp numbers.
Mr Anthony Wass, Committee Person, Macquarie Marshes Environmental
Trust, stated that the prospect of a disease to prevent carp breeding was
I have heard of a
program called the daughterless carp program, which was designed to put some
sort of disease within the carp population which was benign to other fish
species so that you would have a breeding program so that they bred themselves
out of existence.[179]
Mr Michael Murray, General Manager, Cotton Australia, concurred that a
release of the carp herpes virus would reduce the number of carp in the river
and improve the health of the river system.[180]
Mr Colin Mues, Acting Executive Director, Environmental Management
Division, MDBA noted the complexity of eradicating carp, and stated that
present management of environmental water took into account the risks
associated with carp and tried to undertake measures that were advantageous to
native fish where possible:
...carp is one of those
feral pests that are in our system and are going to be extremely hard to
eradicate, if at all. Environmental water managers are acutely aware of the
risks that carp pose to our environment, and they manage that water as
diligently as they can while managing the risk. There are some mechanisms they
have got to advantage native fish over carp but they are somewhat limited...
However, Mr Mues noted that the carp herpes virus would make a
considerable difference in controlling the carp population but that a possible
release of the virus is still two to three years away:
...that is why there is
such considerable attention being focused on the carp herpes virus and the
potential it presents for a large-scale control mechanism. As I understand it,
the herpes virus is going through the last stages of testing—I think the New
South Wales Department of Primary Industries is leading the work necessary to
get those last trials done—but that is I think two to three years off maybe
from release.[181]
Scientists from CSIRO are testing a virus called cyprinid
herpesvirus-3 (CyHV-3) or koi herpesvirus (KHV) to determine the
'safety and suitability of the virus for controlling carp'.[182] The CSIRO reported that
research has shown that the virus does kill carp and does not develop in any
other native or introduced fish. However, CSIRO will continue testing before a
release of the virus is considered:
Over the next few
years we’ll continue to test the susceptibility of other fish and amphibian
species to CyHV-3 and address questions regarding the safety of possible
widespread distribution of the virus, both for people and other animal
species. This work is supported by the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research
Centre and the release program is led by the New South Wales Department of
Primary Industries.[183]
The SA government, in response to questions from the committee, stated
that in considering whether or not the carp herpes virus should be released,
significant analysis of the costs, risks and benefits would be required:
A full analysis of
all risks and benefits would be required before any decision is made to release
the virus into waterways to ensure there would be no unintended adverse
consequences. For example, it will be very important to ensure there is no risk
of infecting other fish and animal species. It will
also be necessary to understand the effects on the aquatic food web of quickly
removing large numbers of carp which provide an important food source for other
Furthermore, Mr Russell James, Executive Director, Policy and Planning
Division, MDBA, stated that the release of the virus would need to be
accompanied by a strategy to ensure ongoing removal of dead carp from
I might just say it
is one thing to get the virus to the right safety level, if you like, that it
is not going to impact on other species, but the strategy you need to have in
place to release it is quite massive because you think of dead carp up and down
the river system, you need to have systems in place to deal with that and that
is going to be a massive effort.[185]
Committee view
The committee heard evidence pointing out the importance of native fish
to the basin's ecosystems. Witnesses stated that native fish populations were
in decline, and noted the work done under the native fish strategy to
rehabilitate these populations. Again, the committee heard mixed evidence on
the regeneration of native fish populations and the impact of environmental
watering activities.
The committee notes the positive impact of environmental watering
activities, including the promotion of spawning, breeding, and growth of native
fish. The committee also notes the instances and negative impacts of cold water
releases on native fish. The committee encourages MDBA to review these
incidents and implement risk assessments and mitigation strategies to ensure
they are not repeated.
Recommendation 28
The committee recommends the Victorian and NSW governments, as
operators of the relevant storages, implement measures to mitigate cold water
pollution that is undermining recovery efforts of native fish.
Recommendation 29
The committee recommends the MDBA conduct a review of the impact
of cold water releases on native fish and develop risk assessments and
mitigation strategies to ensure that cold water releases do not impact on
native fish.
The committee also noted the decline of saltwater fish in the Lower
Lakes and the associated decline of the fishing industry and considers that
this matter would be resolved if the management of the Lower Lakes is altered.
Further, the committee notes the damaging impact of European carp on
rivers and the development of a control measure in the form of carp herpes
virus. The committee supports the ongoing testing of this virus. Should this
testing determine that the virus has no unintended adverse consequences, the
committee would support its release.
Overall, the committee is cognisant of the fact that native fish health
is one of the four key indicators of basin health, and expects native fish
monitoring and evaluation to continue throughout the implementation of the Plan.
Salinity levels
Salinity is the concentration of dissolved salts in water or soil. Salt
is a natural feature of the basin, however human alteration of the basin
landscape for irrigation and land clearing can increase the mobilisation of
salt, which can lead to salt concentration in some areas of the basin
landscape. Salinity is an issue throughout the basin, not just in the Lower
Lakes and Coorong.
The origin of the salt in the basin is multifaceted. There is the
underlying salt that resides in the basin sediments as a result of sea
incursions thousands of years ago and there is considerable evidence of aeolian
(wind-blown) salt deposits together with salts from the gradual erosion and
dispersion of bedrock minerals.
In the south-eastern
uplands of the Murray-Darling Basin, a common conception has been that salt is
sourced from the whole landscape, being present in the overall geology or
groundwater systems. This includes connate salts coincident with deposition (as
in marine sediments) or salts derived from subsequent weathering processes.
More recently, it has become accepted that salts have been introduced to the
landscape rather than being derived in situ from bedrock. This can be by
rainfall accessions with evapotranspiration causing accumulation of oceanic
cyclic salts in the soil profile. Salts can also be associated with silty clay
deposits derived from wind-blown sources...[these are] significant for the
south-eastern margins of the Murray-Darling basin. Such surficial deposits can
be the dominant source of salt in these catchments and when saturated or
mobilised become a driver for dryland salinity [186]
Coupled with these sources is the constant deposition of salt laden
ground water that resides in aquifers alongside the river systems. In some
regions of the Pliocene Sands aquifer north of Renmark SA the groundwater is
Towards the end of
the south-west directed groundwater flow path, [south across the basin toward
Renmark] the watertable is relatively shallow (< 30 m) and the Pliocene
Sands represent the shallow watertable aquifer. Groundwater salinities commonly
exceed sea water concentrations (35,000 mg/L) and may become hypersaline
(>100,000 mg/L) under salt lakes. The groundwater in the aquifer can also be
highly stratified.[187]
This salt is slowly released into the river system due to a variety of
reasons –soil degradation, removal of vegetation, raising water tables,
seeps along the edges of aquifers etc. This salt must eventually be flushed out
of the basin down the Murray River and out through the Murray Mouth to the sea.
The MDBA's website states that if salinity is not managed appropriately,
it 'has serious implications for water quality, plant growth, biodiversity,
land productivity and the supply of water for critical human needs.'[188]
Mr David Dreverman, Executive Director, River Management Division, MDBA
stated that a large proportion of the salt in the system comes from the
landscape in South Australia:
Typically the
salinity will double—the salt load will double—between the South Australian
border and Morgan, which is the reference point we use in South Australia, so
probably about half.[189]
However, a fair proportion of the salt coming over the border originated
in the Mallee region of Victoria due to its levels of salt:
But, of the salt that
enters the Murray in South Australia, a fair part comes from groundwater
systems that are primed from country in the Mallee in Victoria. That is really
ancient salt that has been moving through that landscape for thousands of
years, because the travel in a year is maybe less than 10 metres.[190]
Salinity levels have been one of the key factors in securing additional
water for the rivers in the basin, and strategies to manage salinity and water
quality have been in effect from the 1980s.[191]
The MDBA's submission stated that coordinated, cross-jurisdictional
salinity management has improved salinity in the southern river reaches of the
The important
improvements in salinity and water quality already observed in the southern
river reaches are a further demonstration of the success that comes from years
of coordinated management by multiple governments. Salinity has been gradually
reduced through cooperation between governments, land management and smart
engineering, such as salt interception schemes.[192]
Further, the MDBA explained that various measures including salt
interception schemes and improving farming practices had dramatically improved
salinity in the lower reaches of the basin:
Yes, it is one of the
really good news stories of joint action by governments over the last 30 years,
not only salt interception schemes but also all the things that people have
done in improving irrigation and irrigation districts and improving drainage.
There is also the combination with the drought. The salinities for the last
year and a half have been about 300 EC at Morgan [SA]. Back in the 1980s there
were times when it was consistently over 1,200 EC.[193]
However, salinity requires ongoing management. In response to questions
from the committee, the SA government stated that the basin salinity management
...continues to
successfully manage the salinity threat across the Murray-Darling Basin to
protect the environment, irrigated agriculture, industry and critical human
water supplies from adverse effects of high salinities.[194]
The SA government noted the General Review of Salinity Management in the
Murray-Darling Basin undertaken in 2014, which 'showed that salinity remains an
ongoing risk requiring a continued joint government management response.'[195]
This review recommended the development of the now active Basin Salinity
Management 2030 (BSM2030) strategy, which was released in November 2015.[196] This
strategy builds on previous salinity management practices to manage salinity as
the Plan is implemented and includes the continuation of salt interception
The strategy also builds on the findings of the Report of the
Independent Audit Group for Salinity 2013-14, also released in 2015.[197] This
report concluded that salinity management was a key issue that required
continuing management through various water management mechanisms including
environmental watering and salt interception schemes.[198]
Salt interception schemes
In addition to ensuring water flows through the system, the MDBA
coordinates salt interception schemes to keep salinity at agreed levels.[199] Mr
Dreverman stated that it was imperative to continue running salt interception
schemes and ensure the management of the basin kept salinity levels in check:
All of our recent
studies indicate that it is only that good because of not only all the things
that we have done in those 30 years and the investments made but also the fact
that we continue to operate all those salt schemes.[200]
Furthermore, the Independent Audit Group for Salinity report recommended
that when developing the BSM2030 strategy, consideration be given to a
risk-based, responsive approach to the management of such schemes, while still
aiming to meet salt reduction targets.[201]
This included:
the efficiency of schemes and the
consequences of closing systems down for periods of time
the costs of running the scheme
versus its effectiveness in reducing salinity impacts
the costs and timeliness of
restarting systems versus the potential impacts over time of not operating the
the practicality of running [the
schemes] in a responsive way.[202]
The BSM2030 strategy also noted that even with current successes and the
additional benefit of environmental water as a result of the Plan, salt
interception schemes will still be required. However, the strategy states that
the management of salt interception schemes can be modified to respond to
forecast river salinity:
Nonetheless, the
modelling suggests that it may be possible to vary the operation of salt
interception schemes in response to forecast river salinity. This would involve
running the salt interception schemes at full capacity only in periods of high
salinity risk or when salinity is forecast to be a problem.[203]
Committee view
The committee recognises that salinity levels are an issue throughout
the basin, not just in the Lower Lakes and Coorong. The committee is aware that
salinity levels were one of the key drivers in securing additional water for
rivers in the basin.
The committee notes the improved salinity levels and supports ongoing
management of salinity in the basin.
The committee is not persuaded that the best means of dealing with
salinity in the south-east of South Australia is to drain saline water into the
river system and then dilute it through increased flow of fresh water. In
addition, it considers there are options to increase surface flows from the
south-east of South Australia directly into the lower Coorong (a ‘Coorong
Surface Inflows Restoration Project’) which could avoid at least some of these
Recommendation 30
The committee recommends that the MDBA work with basin state
governments to investigate the efficiency and effectiveness of salt
interception schemes and combine their use and other complementary measures to
manage salinity in the basin.
Recommendation 31
The committee recommends the Commonwealth fund and facilitate
accelerated work on the restoration of surface flows from the south-east of
South Australia into the lower Coorong, and undertake a feasibility study into
the potential for redirecting all existing drainage discharges from the South
East into the Coorong.
Senator David Leyonhjelm
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