Appendix 2

Appendix 2

Public hearings and witnesses

Thursday 21 August 2014—Melbourne

CROOME, Mr Rodney, National Director, Australian Marriage Equality

HORNER, Mr Jed, Policy and Projects Officer, New South Wales Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby

IRLAM, Mr Corey Brian, Co-convenor, Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby

KOONIN, Dr Justin, Co-convenor, New South Wales Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby

MULCAHY, Mr Sean, Associate Committee Member, Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby

BOERS, Mr Paul, Private capacity

BROWN, Ms Anna, Director, Advocacy and Strategic Direction, Human Rights Law Centre

KELLEHER, Mrs Terri, National President, Australian Family Association

MUEHLENBERG, Mr Bill, Spokesman, National Marriage Coalition

STOKES, Mrs Jenny, Representative, National Marriage Coalition

BROHIER, Mr Frederick Christopher, Lawyers for the Preservation of the Definition of Marriage

ROCHOW, Professor Neville Grant SC, Lawyers for the Preservation of the Definition of Marriage

BRIFFA, Mr Tony, Vice President, Organisation Intersex International Australia Limited; Vice President, Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group Australia Inc.

BRADIN, Ms Clare, Member, Young Lawyers Section, Law Reform Committee, Law Institute of Victoria

GARDINER, Mr Jamie, Member, Human Rights Committee and LIVout Working Group, Law Institute of Victoria

KENNEDY, Mr Nathan, President, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights Inc.

BENSON, Reverend Rod, Public Issues Consultant, Australian Baptist Ministries

COMBRIDGE, Reverend Daniel, Presbyterian Church of Australia

JOBBERNS, Reverend Keith, National Ministries Director, Australian Baptist Ministries

JOSEPH, Miss Mary, Research and Project Officer, Life, Marriage and Family Centre, Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney

MENEY, Mr Christopher, Director, Life, Marriage and Family Centre, Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney

MIDDLETON, Reverend Darren, Convener, Church and Nation Committee, Presbyterian Church of Australia

SHELTON, Mr Lyle, Managing Director, Australian Christian Lobby

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