Chapter 1
Introduction and background
Referral of the inquiry
On 25 June 2015, the Senate referred the following matter to the Legal
and Constitutional Affairs References Committee for inquiry and report by
3 December 2015:
The use of smoke alarms to prevent smoke and fire related
deaths, with particular reference to:
the incidence of smoke and fire
related injuries and deaths and associated damage to property;
the immediate and long term
effects of such injuries and deaths;
how the use, type and installation
set-ups of smoke alarms could affect such injuries and deaths;
what smoke alarms are in use in
owner-occupied and rented dwellings and the installation set-ups;
how the provisions of the
Australian Building Code relating to smoke alarm type, installation and use can
be improved;
whether there are any other
legislative or regulatory measures which would minimise such injuries and
deaths; and
any related matter.
Extension of reporting date
On 12 November 2015 the Senate agreed to extend the reporting date for
the inquiry to 16 March 2016. On 16 March 2016, the inquiry was extended again
to 30 June 2016.
Conduct of the inquiry
Details of the inquiry were made available on the committee website. The
committee also wrote to relevant organisations inviting submissions due
31 August 2015. The committee received 29 submissions, one of which was
confidential. A list of submissions is at Appendix 1.
Three public hearings were held:
Brisbane on 26 October 2015;
Canberra on 4 December 2015; and
Canberra on 22 February 2016.
The list of witnesses who gave evidence is at Appendix 2.
References to the Hansard transcript
References to the committee Hansard are to the proof Hansard. Page
numbers may vary between the proof and the official transcript.
The committee thanks all those individuals and organisations who
provided submissions and gave evidence at the public hearings.
Report structure
There are three chapters in this report.
The remainder of this chapter describes some recent fire tragedies in
Australia and outlines the regulatory scheme as it applies to smoke alarms in residential
settings currently.
Chapter 2 analyses data on fire related incidents in Australia,
including smoke and fire-related deaths, injuries and property damage.
Chapter 3 considers the types and use of smoke alarms in residential
Recent fire tragedies in Australia
There have been a number of recent fire tragedies in Australia. Sadly,
some of these tragedies are particularly notable on account of the number of
lives lost.
Slacks Creek fire
On 24 August 2011, 11 members of the same family were killed in a house
fire in the Queensland suburb of Slacks Creek. Three women, four teenagers and
four children under the age of 10 died in the fire, which has been described as
Australia's worst house fire.[1]
One of the survivors, Mr Tau Taufa, told the coronial inquest that:
he remembered a smoke alarm sounding once in the 1990s and
someone turned it off to get rid of the noise, but he could not remember if it
was turned on again.
Mr Taufa told the inquest he tried to put out the fire and he
called out to those inside the house, but did not hear them.[2]
It was found that the house was fitted with two smoke alarms, neither of
which had worked for years.[3]
Golinski fire
In the early hours of 26 December 2011, a fire tore through the Sunshine
Coast home of chef Mr Matt Golinski, killing his wife and their three
The coroner identified a four outlet power board, the 240V Christmas lights and
other electrical equipment close to the Christmas tree as possible sources of
the fire.
The coroner's report stated that 'smoke alarms had failed to raise the
family and by the time Mr Golinksi's wife Rachael awoke, the Tewantin home on
the Sunshine Coast was engulfed in flames' and concluded 'if the smoke alarms
had been functioning effectively the deaths could have been prevented'.[5]
Dunkeld fire
In March 2012 two children died in a house fire at Dunkeld in Victoria.
The fire was believed to have started at approximately 3.00 am[6]
and, according to Victorian police, was the result of a slow-combustion burner
that ignited debris accumulated around the flue.[7]
The parents awoke but due to the intensity of the fire were unable to reach
their children.
Current regulatory scheme for residential smoke alarms
The residential smoke alarm regulatory scheme in Australia consists of:
the National Construction Code (NCC);
Australian Standards dealing with smoke alarms; and
state and territory legislation and subordinate legislation.
As the remainder of this chapter demonstrates, the current regulatory scheme
is complex. The smoke alarm regulations that apply to a dwelling vary depending
when the property was constructed;
in which state or territory it is located; and
how the building is classified under the NCC.
Development of the National
Construction Code
In 2008, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) published the National
Partnership Agreement to Deliver a Seamless National Economy, an agreement
between the Commonwealth, states and territories. This agreement stated that
the states and territories were responsible for working together to implement a
coordinated national approach to construction requirements,[8]
and that they would have shared responsibility with the Commonwealth for
regulatory reform.[9]
While building and plumbing codes already existed separately, this Agreement
was to consolidate them. Volumes One and Two of the NCC make up the Building
Code of Australia (BCA), which sets out the minimum standards for smoke alarms
in residential buildings.
The NCC was adopted by each state and territory from 1 May 2011,[10]
which gave the document legal effect. Any provision of the NCC may be
overridden by, or subject to, state or territory legislation.[11]
The NCC must therefore be read in conjunction with the relevant state or territory's
legislation in order to determine the relevant requirements.
Smoke alarm regulation under the
The smoke alarm installation requirements in the BCA differ depending on
the relevant building's classification. Residential buildings may be classified
Class 1a - a single dwelling (for example a detached house);[12]
Class 1b - a boarding house, guest house or hostel in which more
than 12 people would ordinarily be resident, or 4 or more single dwellings on
one allotment for short-term accommodation;[13]
Class 2 - building containing two or more sole occupancy units
each being a separate dwellings (for example an apartment);[14]
Class 3 - a residential building other than classes 1 or 2, which
are a common place of long-term or transient living for a number of unrelated
persons, including a boarding house, hostel, backpackers accommodation, hotel
or motel, residential part of a school, or accommodation for the aged, children
or people with disabilities;[15]
Class 4 - a dwelling found in a class 5 (office), 6 (shop,
showroom or café), 7 (carpark, storage or production of wholesale goods), 8
(laboratory or goods facility) or 9 (healthcare or assembly building such as a
school) building as long as it is the only dwelling in that building.[16]
In all dwellings constructed after 1 May 2011, or dwellings where
substantial building work is taking place, the smoke alarms must:
comply with Australian Standard (AS) 3786;
be connected to consumer mains power (where supplied to
be interconnected where there is more than one alarm; and
be located on or near the ceiling on each storey.
A detailed description of further regulations that apply to particular
classes of building is at Appendix 3.
The smoke alarms installed in a newly constructed dwelling must comply
with the performance requirement that occupants are 'provided with automatic
warning on the detection of smoke so that they may evacuate in the event of a
fire to a place of safety'.[17]
Smoke alarms will comply with this if:
they are 'deemed-to-satisfy' the requirement; or
employ an alternative solution that is at least equivalent to the
'deemed-to-satisfy' provision, or complies with the relevant
performance requirements.[18]
Two jurisdictions have supplemented the requirements of the NCC. In the
Northern Territory smoke alarms must be photoelectric only, and must be hard
wired or powered by a sealed 10 year lithium battery unit.[19]
In Tasmania, as of 1 May 2016, all tenanted premises must have smoke alarms
powered by mains power or a 10 year non-removable battery.[20]
Australian Standard 3786
AS 3786 sets out the technical requirements for smoke alarms using
scattered light, transmitted light or ionisation, and intended for residential
AS 3786 sets out the technical requirements for smoke alarms, including:
a primary and secondary power source;[22]
battery connections and the replacement of user-replaceable
optional requirement where alarms are inter-connectable;[24]
the presence of radioactive material;[25]
markings to be present on the alarm including point of sale
data to be supplied with the alarm including instructions on installation and maintenance.[27]
It also specifies that photoelectric and ionisation smoke alarms must
activate within a particular 'range' when exposed to the following types of
smouldering pyrolysis wood fire;[28]
glowing smouldering cotton fire;[29]
flaming plastics (polyurethane) fire;[30]
flaming liquid (n-heptane) fire.[31]
AS 3786 sets out a detailed testing regime for smoke alarm
accreditation. The test must:
- Measure the response threshold value of the specimen to
be tested eight times...with the specimen being rotated 45° about its vertical
axis between each measurement, so that the measurements are taken for eight
different orientations relative to the direction of airflow.
- Designate the maximum response threshold value as ymax or mmax and
the minimum value as ymin or mmin.
- Record the least sensitive orientation and the most
sensitive orientation.[32]
The response value threshold is:
... the aerosol density (m or y) at the moment
that the specimen gives an alarm condition. This shall be recorded as m,
expressed as decibels per metre, for smoke alarms using scattered or
transmitted light, or as y
for smoke alarms using ionization and measured with the smoke-measuring
instruments specified...[33]
The ratio of the response threshold values ymax: ymin or mmax: mmin shall be
not greater than 1.6.
The lower response threshold value ymin shall be
not less than 0.2 or mmin shall be
not less than 0.05 dB/m.[34]
Structures constructed prior to the commencement of the NCC
The BCA sets out the minimum standards for smoke alarm installation in
new residential buildings, and existing buildings subject to major new building
work. The requirements for smoke alarms in buildings constructed before the NCC
commenced are set out in state and territory legislation. When determining the
legislative requirement with regards to existing structures, there are three
how would the building in question be classified under the BCA?
does the relevant state or territory require a smoke alarm for
the particular building class? And,
if so, what are the particular requirements for a building of
that class in the relevant jurisdiction?
The requirement to have smoke alarms in existing structures are set out
in Figure 1.1.
In addition to the requirement to have smoke alarms in buildings
constructed prior to the NCC, there are other various requirements in different
states and territories. For example, in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT),
the unaltered part of a substantially altered Class 1 building does not have to
comply with the BCA as a whole if the unaltered part complies
with BCA Volume II part 3.7.2.[35]
In buildings featuring sole occupancy units within a larger structure (for
example apartment buildings), fire detection systems in the common areas are
regulated separately. The smoke alarm requirements discussed here only relate
to the sole occupancy unit areas of the building.
In some jurisdictions, the requirement to install a smoke alarm is
triggered by an event. In Tasmania, smoke alarm regulations apply only to
existing properties which are tenanted.[36]
In WA, only existing premises being tenanted, sold, or hired require smoke
Figure 1.1: Requirement for smoke alarms in buildings constructed prior to
the NCC[38]
Stand alone
The specific requirements for smoke alarms in existing buildings vary
across the states and territories. A detailed outline of these requirements is
set out at Appendix 4. To summarise these requirements:
smoke alarms must comply with AS 3786;[39]
interconnection of alarms is required in some cases;[40]
all jurisdictions allow the use of both photoelectric and
ionisation smoke alarms, except the NT which requires that only photoelectric
alarms be used;[41]
in most jurisdictions the alarm can be powered by either a 10
year non-removable battery or be hard wired;[42]
requirements with regards to the location of smoke alarms either
directly reference the BCA, or are similar to the BCA;[43]
the owner is responsible for installing the smoke alarms;[44]
in most jurisdictions there are penalties for the removal of or
interference with smoke alarms.[45]
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