Dissenting Report from the Australian Greens
The Australian Greens support efforts to improve the Family Law Act
1975 particularly where it improves protections for victims of family
Many of the submissions to this inquiry supported the reforms contemplated
by this Bill. However, many submission-makers also raised concerns with parts
of this Bill, particularly in relation to Binding Financial Agreements (BFAs).
The substantive concerns with BFAs raised by the Women’s Legal Service
Queensland (WLSQ) include:
That the proposed changes:
have not appropriately taken into account the issues for
vulnerable people, particularly women or
appropriately protected their interests;
give precedence to commercial contractual principles over the
principles of justice and equity; and
have failed to take into account the dynamics of family violence
and how [BFAs] can be used as a tool of financial abuse against victims of
family violence.[1]
The Australian Women Against Violence Alliance (AWAVA) expressed
reservations '...about whether many of the proposed amendments will achieve the
purpose of offering better protection to victims of family violence'.[2]
Soroptimist International (SI) submitted that
...considerations be given to amendment of the Bill to better
reflect the prevalence of financial abuse in the family court processes and the
imbalance in bargaining position when victims of domestic and family violence
undertake negotiations concerning binding financial agreements.[3]
The Australian Greens share the concerns of WLSQ, AWAVA and SI, and in
particular the WLSQ’s view that:
....these proposed changes will make [BFAs] an even more
attractive option for use by perpetrators of violence and will be a
particularly useful tool to financially exploit vulnerable women.[4]
It would be counterproductive and regrettable if the Bill that purports
to contain measures to improve the Family Court’s response to family violence
was to result in an increase in the likelihood of vulnerable women being
financially exploited.
The Australian Greens believe that more weight should have been given to
the submissions of AWAVA, WLSQ and SI, particularly in relation to the section
90K amendment.
Recommendation 1
That the Bill be amended to create a framework for Binding Financial
Agreements which addresses the concerns raised by Women’s Legal Service
Queensland, Australian Women Against Violence Alliance and Soroptimist
Senator Nick McKim
Australian Greens
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