Canberra, 8 July 2011

ANDERSON, Mr Peter, Victorian Regional Coordinator and Project Manager, Dads in Distress Support Services

BRIGGS, Professor Freda, AO, Adviser, Justice for Children

CARTER, Mr James, Policy Adviser, Lone Fathers Association

CHISHOLM, Professor Richard, Private capacity

COTTERELL-JONES, Ms Robyn, Executive Director, Victims of Crime Assistance League New South Wales

CROUCHER, Professor Rosalind, President, Australian Law Reform Commission

DAVIES, Mrs Nicola, Member, Family Law Council

DAVIES, Ms Kerry, Project Worker, Council of Single Mothers and their Children

FAULKS, Justice John, Deputy Chief Justice, Family Court of Australia

HENDERSON-KELLY, Ms Sandra, Principal Legal Officer, Family Law Branch, Attorney-General's Department

KASPIEW, Dr Rae, Senior Research Fellow, Australian Institute of Family Studies

LORENZ, Ms Lydia, Member, Justice for Children

LYNCH, Ms Angela, Community Legal Education Lawyer, Women's Legal Services Australia

MASON, Mr Dean, National Chairman, Dads in Distress Support Services

McINNES, Dr Elspeth, Child Development and Abuse Expert, Justice for Children

NGOR, Ms Adut Zita, National Law Reform Coordinator, Women's Legal Services Australia

NORRIS, Ms Niki, Independent Advocate for Child Protection, Justice for Children

PAGE, Ms Samantha, Executive Director, Family Relationship Services Australia

PEEL, Ms Sara, Legal Officer, Australian Law Reform Commission

PIRANI, Mrs Toni, Assistant Secretary, Family Law Branch, Attorney-General's Department

PRICE, Mr Clive, Member, Family Law Council

PRICE, Ms Sue, Director, Men's Rights Agency

SINCLAIR, Mr Geoff, Chair, Family Law Section, Law Council of Australia

STANBROOK, Ms Jennifer, Member, Justice for Children

STRICKLAND, Justice Steven, Chair, Law Reform Committee, Family Court of Australia

WESTON, Ms Ruth, Assistant Director (Research), Australian Institute of Family Studies

WILLIAMS, Mr Barry, National President and Spokesperson, Lone Fathers Association Australia; and Spokesperson, Parents Without Partners Australia

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