Statement by Senator John Hogg

Statement by Senator John Hogg

1.1        The issue of euthanasia is clearly a moral issue.

1.2        The Australian Labor Party has long given a conscience vote to the members of its Party on the issue of euthanasia. 

1.3        I have always chosen to exercise the freedom given to me on that conscience vote.

1.4        I have always adopted a consistent pro-life approach whether it be in respect of abortion, the death penalty or euthanasia.

1.5        I have always stood for the protection and sanctity of life.

1.6        I participated in the debate that passed the Euthanasia Laws Act 1997 (Cth) and voted in support of the passage of the Bill at that time. 

1.7        I have not been persuaded that the status-quo should be changed in any way.

1.8        There was no evidence to the Committee that would warrant my making a decision different from that which I previously made.

1.9        I therefore do not believe that the Euthanasia Laws Act 1997 (Cth) should be repealed.


Senator John Hogg

Australian Labor Party, QLD

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