

Recommendation 1

3.129    The committee recommends that the Bill not proceed in its current form.

Recommendation 2

3.130    The committee recommends that the Federal Government's stolen generation working group (comprising of stolen generation representatives from the National Sorry Day Committee and the Stolen Generations Alliance) be charged with the responsibility of monitoring the implementation of the recommendations of the Bringing them home report, and providing advice to government on the implementation of outstanding recommendations of that report by the end of 2008.

Recommendation 3

3.131    The committee recommends that the Federal Government's 'closing the gap' initiative be extended to establish a National Indigenous Healing Fund to provide health, housing, ageing, funding for funerals, and other family support services for members of the stolen generation as a matter of priority. The committee recommends that the National Indigenous Healing Fund be incorporated within the 'closing the gap' initiative as an additional and discrete element of focus and funding.

Recommendation 4

3.132    The committee recommends that the terms and conditions of the National Indigenous Healing Fund be determined through the Council of Australian Governments (COAG), and that its processes and practical application be decided after consultation with the stolen generation working group (comprising of stolen generation representatives from the National Sorry Day Committee and the Stolen Generations Alliance).

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