Recommendation 1

3.128       The committee recommends that the definition of 'child' within the Bill be amended to align it with the amended definition of 'child of a de facto relationship' proposed for the Family Law Act 1975 in the amendments circulated by the Government to the Family Law Amendment (De Facto Financial Matters and Other Measures) Bill 2008 in response to a bipartisan recommendation of this committee on that bill.

Recommendation 2

3.129       The committee recommends that all government departments and agencies responsible for providing Commonwealth benefits be required to:

Recommendation 3

3.130       The committee recommends that the Government give further consideration to what administrative or regulatory mechanisms may be available to appropriately manage the impact of the reforms on same-sex couples who may have benefits reduced under the changes.

Recommendation 4

3.131       Subject to the above recommendations, the committee recommends that the Senate pass the Bill.

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