Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Purpose of the Bill

1.1        On 18 June 2008, the Senate referred the Passenger Movement Charge Amendment Bill 2008 (Bill) to the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs for inquiry and report by 24 June 2008.

1.2        The Bill proposes to amend the Passenger Movement Charge Act 1978 (PMC Act) to increase the rate of the Passenger Movement Charge (PMC) by $9, to $47, with effect from 1 July 2008.

Conduct of the inquiry

1.3        Details of the inquiry, the Bill and associated documents were placed on the committee's website. The committee also contacted 12 organisations and individuals, inviting submissions by 20 June 2008.

1.4        The committee received seven submissions. These are listed at Appendix 1. Submissions were placed on the committee's website for ease of access by the public.

1.5        The committee held a public hearing in Canberra on 20 June 2008. A list of witnesses who appeared at the hearing is at Appendix 2 and copies of the Hansard transcript are available through the Internet at


1.6        The committee thanks those organisations and individuals who made submissions and gave evidence at the public hearing at very short notice. The committee also wishes to particularly thank witnesses who provided fast and timely responses to questions taken on notice; and Hansard and Rohl Bradley Reporting, who together produced a timely transcript of the public hearing for the committee's use in preparing this report.

Note on references

1.7        References in this report are to individual submissions as received by the committee, not to a bound volume. References to the committee Hansard are to the proof Hansard: page numbers may vary between the proof and the official Hansard.

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