Appendix 2 - Witnesses who appeared before the committee

Appendix 2 - Witnesses who appeared before the committee

Sydney, Wednesday 23 February 2005

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
Ms Sally Moyle, Director, Sex Discrimination Unit
Mr Craig Lenehan, Deputy Director, Legal Services Unit

Scarlet Alliance
Ms Janelle Fawkes, President
Ms Elena Jeffreys, Volunteer Policy Analyst

World Vision Australia
Ms Kayte Fairfax, Policy Officer (Child Trafficking)
Mr James Cox, Christian Children's Fund, Advocacy Officer
Ms Lee-May Saw, Member, Australian Women Lawyers

Project Respect
Ms Kathleen Maltzahn, Director

Attorney-General's Department
Ms Catherine Hawkins, A/g Assistant Secretary, International Crime Branch
Ms Karen Bishop, Senior Legal Officer, Criminal Law Branch
Ms Kathryn Ovington, Senior Legal Officer, International Crime Branch

Department of Immigration, Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs
Mr Vince McMahon, Executive Coordinator, Border Control & Compliance Division
Ms Sharon Watts, A/g Director, Migration Fraud & Investigation Section

Australian Federal Police
Federal Agent Grant Edwards, Coordinator Transnational Targetting
Federal Agent Bruce Hill, Manager, Border