Inquiry into the Native Title Amendment Bill 2006
Information about the inquiry
7 December 2006, the Senate referred the provisions of the above
to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee for inquiry and
report by 23 February 2007.
Bill focuses largely on the framework for determining native title
claims and seeks to improve:
- the effectiveness of representative Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander bodies;
- coordination and communication between the Federal Court and the
National Native Title Tribunal;
- the effectiveness of Native Title Tribunal mediation; and
- the
functioning of prescribed bodies corporate
(the bodies established to manage native title once it is recognised).
Lodging Submissions
Submissions are called for by 19
January 2007.
Submissions become Committee documents and are only made public after a
decision by the Committee. Unauthorised release of submissions is not
covered by parliamentary privilege. Further assistance can be obtained by
phoning the secretariat on (02) 6277 3560.
For further information, contact:
Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600